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A Fight Needed (Emil)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:16 am

Go D. Drakkon
There was one person that Drakkon had wanted to fight. It was the insult that the man had thrown at him that day. Still, he didn’t fight him then because they had to work together to get things done. If it hadn’t been for that and the fact that Elise was there, things might have gone differently then.

The arena was a good place to fight, a place where they would be publicized by the people. He was also hoping to beat him in this fight, so he could lose in front of the crowd by this so-called idiot that he said Drakkon was. The Dragon Slayer wasn’t going to bring Hai into this. His Dragon would watch from the crowd, a spectator wishing to have been in this fight with his father.

The Dragon Slayer was at the gates of the arena. He had his Yamato on his side as he was waiting for the announcer to bring him out into the arena.

“Today we have a match against a man who has been fighting against all odds! He will be going against someone from Paradise Dawn a prominent guild within Fiore! Let's bring out Drakkon!” She shouted as the gates were opening.

It was then he would walk into the arena as the crowd was cheering. He would take the bandana that was on his arm and he would wrap it around his head. He was serious about this fight, and he was looking forward to it for some time. Drakkon would stretch a bit when he got to the middle of the arena. The Dragon Slayer would grab the hilt of his blade and he would take it out from his scabbard. He would point it in the direction of where his opponent would be coming out from.

I don’t think he’s weak, but he’s just too damn arrogant. He thought to himself as he waited for him to come out.

His gear was meant for fighting and it did well to protect him. He was indeed waiting to see how tough this guy was and if he was just all talk.



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A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:08 am

Emil was not thrilled to be here but he had been challenge and he didn't turn them down very often even if right now he doesn't feel like fighting he was still here even though he probably shouldn't be here as his heart was not going to be in the fight as he had still not recovered from what he had said to him by someone he trusted and respected. He guessed that he would need to probably just have to get through this as he wasn't focused or even have his head in the game as the gods speak in his head and tell him that he needed to get his act together he was not in it at all and it was going to be clear through out this fight that he was not in the zone or really in any condition to be out here fighting as he was not going to be able to really fight.

He heard the other man be announced and he was just called "Someone from the Paradise Guild" It was just an insult and it wasn't his name which just farther ruined his mood and didn't really help him to psych himself up for this fight but he walked out and he didn't look right he looked like he was here but his head was somewhere else like he was distracted and that he was not really here but his body was here he had his gear on but that was just for appearances as he wasn't feeling it. He didn't care if he won or lost just that he wanted to get this over with as he really didn't want to be here nor did he feel like fighting but he had to do this fight vs the dragon slayer as it was a fight that the other wanted bad apparently. Emil really couldn't get himself to care one way or the other as he didn't care as there was nothing in this fight for him besides just to get it over with before this man loses his head again and gets Elise to hit him with more verbal abuse that cut him deeper than any weapon could. He found his place in the ring and he empty eyed looked at the man across from him.

Emil's spread:

#3Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:42 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“As for his opponent as we mentioned before, he is from Paradise Dawn a prominent guild within Fiore! We have never seen him fight here before, but let’s bring out Emil!” She shouted as his gates had opened and he had come out.

Drakkon watched as Emil entered the arena and it seemed like the man was mopping around. He shook his head a bit as this guy was really killing the vibes here. He was still crying about what that woman from his guild had said to him. It annoyed him a bit, he was all talk and the moment something personal was said to him, he became a toddler.

When he got to the arena the announcer would leave the arena and she would look at them and tell them to fight. Drakkon had observed Emil, and he sucked his teeth as he looked at him.

“So, you talked that way in the cavern, but the moment that woman hit you with something personal you became like this? I hope this isn’t how a warrior acts when a woman he likes tells him off.” He said to him.

Yes, he didn’t want to have a fight with someone crying and sobbing inside. Still, he wasn’t going to hold back. He kicked off the ground, running to Emil. He wasn’t in the mood for his acting, so he would wake him up. When he got close to Emil, he could feel his mana being sapped away. His eyes piercing through Emil, this man had the ability to take away mana, now that was interesting. The Dragon Slayer had made it to him, and he would swing his Yamato at him.

It was a horizontal slash heading to the man’s left arm. He did use his full strength behind this attack. He was a person who wouldn’t hold his strength back against someone like Emil. The way he apologized didn’t sit with him and the way he spoke to him didn’t sit with him either.

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A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:03 pm

Emil was just there and stand till he heard what the other man had said and he sighed when he heard what the man said, as it was clear the man didn't understand about why he was like this or why this truly got deeper under his skin than a back and forth with a random stranger that could say something. "It isn't cause I like her. It is because I respect and look up to her and I thought we had an understanding that there are lines you don't cross. I guess you lack those kind of people in your life." He sighed again as this other man seemed to be a deeper level of stupid than he had thought that he was and thought this was something as small as an attraction thing where someone you love looked down on you. Emil wasn't sure the depths of this other man's understanding of having connections or people that are important to them.

When Drakkon made his move to come in on Emil to attack him, Emil's body reacted on muscle memory and he swung his right fist with his Tesla gauntlet on it to meet with the man's blade. Emil guessed that he needed to wake up and stop just moping with the bad feelings that he had about his boundary being crossed and he was going to have to deal with this man or at least give the man the fight that he wanted instead of him just standing here and letting the other man attempt to beat him up. The crowd was surprised that Emil had moved in an attempt to punch the blade of the man's sword before it could hit him, with Emil's left hand with the Thunder God's Gauntlet on it pointed to the ground a surge of lightning element flies loose from around Emil making a cage of lightning that would move with Emil and not harm him or his own equipment but would hurt any one that was too close to Emil with it's stinging lightning.
(346) (732)

Emil's spread:

#5Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:55 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him and he had a smile on his face. He did have someone like that, but it wasn’t enough to make him hate them or be angry at them for this long. Still, he was glad that he understood where he was coming from. The man didn’t like her he was in love with her, and it brought a smile to his face. When he swung his blade fully it would be met with the guy’s fist. He looked at the gauntlet, and he could tell that it was dangerous from where he was.

The damage behind that attack was strong and it seemed like Emil wasn’t weak. Well, he knew that from the moment they met, but he also didn’t like how he talked to him, so there was that. Then he noticed something else, the man was up to something, which he was fine, he had pushed back from the clashing and while that happened he would swing his blade once again. This time it would activate a spell of his own. He was going to activate his judgment cut-end spell. He would attempt to cut Emil at this point the dimensional power kicked in and Drakkon covered a sixteen-meter area.

This would clash with Emil’s Thunder God’s Rumble Cage as well as attempt to hit Emil's abdomen with it. When his spell was done, he could sense that he was still in danger from being in a certain proximity to Emil. That wasn’t good, so he had to back off for a second. The Dragon Slayer would make his way away from Emil as he looked at him with a smile on his face. This was good, this is what he wanted. They were going to be fighting each other, so he might as well make it worth it.

He would make his way until he was twenty-six meters away from Emil. Yes, he could tell when he lost his mana. When he first entered Emil’s proximity he took a mental note on when it occurred. He had to be aware of his own body and when things affected him. His eyes glared at Emil as he was ready to do something else. He couldn’t use his Enma still, which he found annoying, and was hoping that one day it would recognize him as its owner.

“I mean you guys do, she wouldn’t have said what she said if she didn’t feel like it was the only way to stop you.” He said this to him.

He couldn’t do anything when it came to getting close to him. If he tried it he would only get hurt, well actually now that he thought about it he could just dodge the man’s lightning when it came down from above. He would plan to do that, but not this instant. Instead, he would do something else and it was to continue with another spell. Drakkon slashed his blade again, and this time he sent the spell directly to Emil's abdomen. There a fury of slashes would spread around eight meters around him and damaging anything in came into contact.


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A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:21 pm

Emil had felt something when he had connected with the other man's blade was it hatred, anger or something else Emil hopped that his rumble cage would catch the man but it seemed that the man knew to cancel it out with his own spell as the man fled from the range of his cape. Emil when he saw the man take the swing at him jumped fifteen meters away from the spot he had been standing moments ago which erupted in slashes and Emil wondered who the hell this man was and why he was so pissy about being called an idiot. That sword was different Emil knew that now as that sword had just let loose a storm of slashes, Emil could only guess what would have happened to him if he had been in the middle of that mess. Emil started moving as he tried to get the other man back in the range so his cape could keep sapping the other man of their mana to make it less likely that he will have to deal with that sword throwing another spell at him if the man had no mana left to throw it at him again.

Emil focused his mana into the Tesla Gauntlet and used his Tesla gauntlet's Speed Surge spell to buff his speed up to make him be able to cover more ground on the other man who probably didn't expect him to buff his speed and be faster than he was before in the cavern when they had last seen each other. Emil was going to try and get close to the man as he was going to attempt to use something else but he needed to make sure to make up the ground first but he figured running straight in on the man would only leave him open for another spell from the mans sword to fly his way so he needed to just get in range and then use his trump card but will he even be able to get close enough to the man without getting himself on the end of the other man's sword that was yet to be seen but he needed to make sure he was able to do some damage to this man before he was able to end him at this point it was a piece of pride. "I don't think a woman like Elise could ever be really interested in a man like me. My true love came and went taken from me far to early!" Emil was feeling a bit of his berserker blood boiling but he needed to keep his head in this fight against this other man as there was something off about him that Emil couldn't put his finger on but there was something that he needed to show that he isn't some loser even if it gets him killed.
(484) (1,216)

Emil's spread:

#7Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:29 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would suck his teeth when he saw that he had missed. It seemed like the guy was good on his feet and saw his attack coming. He didn’t think he would have been able to see it coming, but that wasn’t the case. Still, it seemed like where one person didn’t want to get close to the other, the other did. He did feel his mana being sapped, but at this point, he figured he would give the man what he wanted. The Dragon Slayer noticed that he used something, what it was, he wasn’t sure, but he was going in now.

He looked at Emil as the two of them were about to fight again. Still, he didn’t see the man getting close to him though. He was preparing for things, but Drakkon wouldn’t just wait there. He had moved no longer able to be used, and he would be the one to make his move.

He could tell Emil was trying to get close to him, so he would push forward, closing the gap between the two of them. He was on Emil’s right, and he had looked at the man with a serious look on his face. He would swing his blade, but he was a bit too far from Emil. It was then his right arm would go from trying to aim at Emil’s arm, to going below and aiming for his waist. His right arm had contorted, stretched a bit, and closed the small gap that was between the two of them.

He was aiming to break off the man’s chest piece before putting the work in. He had to avoid continued contact with their weapons. If he lost his sword, then there was no point in this fight continuing any longer.

“You think so? I saw the care in her eye for you. She didn’t want anything bad to happen, or even a chance that something might happen to you. I can understand why she said those things to you. I don’t think it was kind words, but it did get you to stop. Sorry to hear that loving someone I think is a weakness, and if you lose someone then you face my greatest fear.” He said to him as he was hoping he would be able to hit him this time with a surprise attack of his Hassan’s Cursed Arm.

Drakkon was ready for him if anything he was making Emil slower now that he was in his range. He would take the loss of his mana, but he was hoping to input damage to Emil.


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A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:38 am

Emil had kept his speed buff sustained and was not going to back down as he needed to make sure he made everything he did count as there were a lot of things that could happen here and if the other man wasn't backing down it meant he also had a plan for this fight. Emil had to hope that he can meet the man's sword again as he was sure that if he can get ahold of it then he can break it but that was probably still a pipe dream but he had no other hope in this besides to have to fight this man and make what he does count and make sure that he can take it from them or at least take a hit so that he can be in close to the man and land a hit on the other man but he was not sure that he could do it or not but all he could do was try and see what turns out. Emil had went in on the man and he wanted to make sure that he was ready as the man was coming for him as well then he felt a chill but he tried to time his swing to when he should have been in range of the man but he had been slowed with out fully realizing it and he needed to make the most of it while he could and that was something that he had failed to do here as the other man had fired his arm out at him and hit his armor.

Emil felt the strike against his armor but he hadn't registered it right off the bat there but when he did he attempted to hit the sword before the man could pull it back with his Tesla Gauntlet, Emil needed to make this hit count, if he missed his poor armor just took a hit for no reason at all here. He would speak back to the other man. "I am pretty sure that she just wanted to hedge her bets on survival with us not killing the other." Emil was sure of that as she had been avoiding him more than normal since that day and that bugged him but there was really nothing that he could do about that now he needed to get himself ready to keep going toward the man and breaking that sword before it can hit him again and break his armor, Emil needed to beat this man and prove himself.
(427) (1,643)

Emil's spread:

#9Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:43 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had hit Emil on his armor, he had done a great amount of damage on that. Still, there was something he noticed, and it was the danger that was coming from this guy. Drakkon noticed that he was aiming for his weapon. It was crazy, but it made sense. They were fighting with their weapons, and his Enam wasn’t working properly, so if he had destroyed Yamato, then he would have nothing to fight with. It was a smart thing to do, and he would have done the same thing, if he was him. Still, as he had hit, the Devourer would simply snap back his arm at speed equal to his spell speed.

It was a close call, but he had to be more aware of this. He wasn’t sure if he could stand another hit on his weapon. He was close to Emil though, and he heard him speak. It was an interesting take on how Elise felt, but if that were true, then how wrong was this guild? He figured they all had each other’s back, but it seemed like that wasn’t the case. He was ready to go another round with this guy as he could feel that his mana was being sapped because of this guy.

“I mean if you say so, I mean in the end, you should ask her yourself.” He said to him as he would continue this fight.

He knew now that Emil was aiming for his katana, which meant that he was going to have to feint attacks and do things differently. He would push closer now as he was right in front of Emil. The Dragon Slayer was hoping that he would be able to fight him in a ground of durability. It was the only way he would be able to win, he was hoping on that bet. He was now three feet away from Emil, and he would swing his katana in the same direction as last time. He aimed for Emil’s left side of his armor and around the waist. This was always going to be a feint though.

Still, before he could hit, he was counting that Emil would aim to punch his katana, and he would stretch his arm to go around and aim for his back the moment he saw anything suspicious coming from Emil. Yes, Drakkon was at the point where he needed to make sure that all his hit counts or he was out of this fight. It was why there were certain things he didn’t do against Emil; this man was ruining his normal strategy.


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A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:38 pm

Emil started seeing red as he missed the strike on the other man's weapon that he needed to break and Emil kept his speed boost sustained as he wasn't looking to be slowed down more even with the other man's cold aura hampering him slightly and he went right at the man as he was speaking he was enraged now. His gauntlets got covered in arcane energy as the man was also coming for him. "FINE I WILL DO THAT ONCE I FINISH YOU OFF!" Emil completely ignored that the man was taking a slash at him and started throwing his fists forward into the man in front of him in the form of punches his left hand would be the first thrown at the man closely followed by the right. Rather they hit or not the man put his left gauntlet now crackling with lightning toward the ground and his right toward the sky. The right gauntlet's spell cast unleashing a Radiowave which released an invisible surge that if it hit would cause the other man's head to be hindered, his left gauntlet didn't cast anything as it was his own feint at the man that was in front of him.

If Drakkon kept his attack going on Emil's back, Emil's armor would break. Emil was not going to let up on the man in front of him, Emil was not going to let the other man have room to breath Emil was pissed off and tired of listening to this man keep carrying on and talking like he knows something that Emil doesn't know Emil wasn't here to make friends he was here to fight a challenge that he was issued and that was if if the other man wanted to flap his gums let him but Emil was going to stay on this man and keep attacking him as he was not looking to let Drakkon win he needed to defeat this mouthy man that thinks he is better than Emil. Emil's blood was boiling and the gods in his head were watching the chaos that was unfolding as they had only seen him this worked up a few times and they are not even the ones stirring the pot. The cape was keeping it's aura of mana sapping on the man that was still here fighting him as Emil was staying very close to the other man and was ready to lunge, jump or chase this other man to the ends of the earth in this moment to keep close to him and draining him even if Emil isn't going to win this fight he wasn't going to just lay down and die he was going down fighting and getting a piece of this idiot he was fighting.
(464) (2,107)

Emil's spread:

#11Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:22 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon could say those words really made Emil angry. It was nothing something he enjoyed doing, but this was chaos, and that much he enjoyed. When he heard him yell at him, Drakkon accepted this challenge and had a smile on his face.

“Alright, let’s see you do that then!” He was smiling at him while he knew Emil was angry and raging out.

This was interesting, this was going to hurt, but he had to enjoy this while it lasted. The hit on his breastplate should have broken the thing right now. It was then he would feel him the left fist landing its hit on his chest. He grunted from the pain feeling the blow that was thrown at him. That was strong, his kimono taking a large chunk of the damage as it would seem like Emil wasn’t done just there. Drakkon had contorted his arm around while Emil had thrown the right fist. This was fine and he would swing his Yamato again on the man’s back this time attempting to deal some damage to the man’s back.

It wasn’t just that, but he would see that this man had used a spell. The danger that came from it was something he expected. He would ignore defending at this point as he figured that he would continue with his onslaught against his opponent. He was thinking about using his spells, but he chose not to. Instead, he wanted to keep slashing at Emil as he was trying to take him out with his blade alone.

The Son of Chaos had at this point swung his blade when the second punch had made its way toward him, but he would go for a third attack. This one attack was made when Emil had used that spell from above, his arm would contort again allowing him to swing his blade on the man’s back as the spell would rush straight down from above. This would hit the Devourer on his head, tearing a bit of his Bandana from its original state. His head would twitch from the shock, his head would tilt a bit before it went back to where it originally was.

If they were going for a battle of who would be the first to survive then he was hoping and counting his bets that he would be the one to stand tall through this. He knew his opponent was angry, but one thing he understood from Emil was that he was hard to reason with.


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A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:31 pm

Emil felt his armor break but Emil didn't stop as he was not going to give into this asshole and this know it all attitude that he was giving her as he was tired of this man and he was tired not being good enough for people no matter who he cared about, loved or wanted to have look at him he was never good enough he never felt good enough he was a loser, a monster, or some kind of sub human to them and he needed this he needed to be able to make this count and make sure that they regretted treating him like this like he is some animal that is just to laugh at and make them feel better about them self this idiot was one of those people that was doing this and making it a point to act like he is better than Emil and he hated it but he had to do this. Emil felt the first hit after his armor broke on his back then Emil was back to throwing his punches again back to back without a delay he had to make it count and make this man respect him as he was here and there was no denying that he was going to keep fighting the man.
(218) (2,325)

Emil's spread:

#13Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:25 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was excited about this fight. It was getting a bit too chaotic right now, but he was fine with that. It seemed like Emil was going to continue attacking him. That was fine, and then he figured that he would do the same thing as well. The Son of Chaos would feel a punch hit him right on his chest, and he would feel the tear and wear of his kimono. It was soon after that he would be hit again by Emil, this time it felt worse. The hit was stronger than before, and his eyes widened, as he gasped for air and coughed up blood. Still, this fight wasn’t something he would just call for as an end.

He knew that he couldn’t just run away from this guy. If this was a fight where they were using magic, then he would have done so, but this was a fight with weapons. He needed to be close to Emil. Still, he could tell that Emil wasn’t going to run, and he was probably going to bombard him with more attacks. It was why he decided to go on the attack once again. His arm would contort a bit more and then he swung his Yamato on Emil’s back twice as if he was whipping him. One thing Drakkon knew was that Emil was indeed strong.

He had proven that to him, but he was still a dick. If he had not acted the way he did when they met things would have gone differently between the two of them. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but for now, he would continue to do two things. One he was going to heal the damage that he had taken from Emil, and two he kept attacking. One of them was going to stay standing and it all depended on who had more durability.


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A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:52 am

Emil felt his strikes hit but he still didn't see the man in front of him even seeming phased by the striking at the man's chest he had been doing but he couldn't stop now he had to keep pushing himself and his body even as it was feeling the effects of his body shutting down from all the damage he had taken with the last of his strength as he was losing his hold on the waking world. Emil would made a last strike toward the other mans sword rather that hit landed or not Emil wouldn't know as the darkness over took his sight and he would start dropping to the arena floor as his body had given out on him and he couldn't take anymore hits from the man that had gotten him to come here and fight him weapon to weapon no tricks, no magic just items, the crowd was cheering from the grand fight they had seen in front of them. The announcer takes Drakkon's arm and raised it to the sky as he was their winner of this fight and the crowd went insane for him and the medical team took the beaten Emil away.
(201) (2,526) (Exit)

#15Go D. Drakkon 

A Fight Needed (Emil) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:47 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had cut Emil on his back once again, and it seemed like this had done enough to make the man wavier. It seemed like he was going for one last attempt to break Drakkon’s katana, but that would fail as he fell to the ground. He looked at him as if he had blacked out. Still, he was able to fight Emil, and the man accepted the request even if it was questionable.

He was able to master his katana usage and he knew that this would be perfect for him in the future. The Devourer knew he would be a menace in the future and he had Emil to thank for this. It wouldn’t take long, but his arm would snap back to its original form. His free hand would have been risen up by the announcer as she was glad to announce him as the winner. He had a smile on his face as he looked at Emil being taken away.

He would swing his blade to the side, getting the blood off it and then putting it in its sheathe. When he was done with that, he wondered what else he would need to do to strengthen himself. The man was trying to make sure that not even someone like Yuurei or Kaito could stand in his way. It was indeed going to be a long journey, one that he would happily take on.

The Dragon Slayer would make his way out of the arena and decide to look for katanas to shop for. He knew that if this didn’t have Enma recognize him as his true master, then he didn’t know what would.



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