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Whispers of the Faithful 3

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Whispers of the Faithful 3 Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 11:32 pm


It had been three days since the eventful night with Amara. Lumikki had not yet extended her investigation to ground work, instead choosing to read through the journal first and try to decipher the maddening notes.

At first the entries were quite mundane, almost too tedious to read but Lumikki pressed on, nibbling on shadows as she did. There may well still be gems within those early notes, and it was only after crossing into the scribbles that Lumikki was beginning to understand and identify those very gems. As if they foreshadowed the coming craze that soon took hold of the pen and smeared illegible nonsense amid the once pristine pages. The penmanship that was neat and rounded, was only jagged, sharp, messy, and smudged now. Like Milo no long cared to be clear and concise in case he wanted to read back on his notes for later, but simply to pour the visceral mess that was bubbling within him. Throwing it onto the pages with reckless abandon and no plans for later.

Lumikki’s face found itself scrunching many times over, like the look of it all brought a discomfort she could not describe. If she didn’t know better, she would have assumed it was Demons who tormented this man with the amount of passion and symbols he tossed on a page. And so the Demoness did her best to write notes of what she’s read, trying to make any sense of it. At least just enough to show it to one of the Rune Knights later that day.


Whispers of the Faithful 3 Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 3 Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 12:19 am


ˇ”I’ve seen human scribbles before, but that is by far the worst.” Lonu chimed in as he happened to be in the room just beside her. Trygve had occupied a space by her lap. Soundly enjoy the comfort of his master more than anything else.

”Aye, this is hardly something most people do. The lad must of lost his mind and I’ve very well close to doing the same if I keep reading nonsense like this. I’ll need to encounter leads and she just what those sigils mean. As they are, they hardly make much sense.” Lumikki spoke with the book at arms length to her face, like reading it was becoming repulsive. She finally dropped the book to the side and glanced one more time at her growing notes.

”Is there anything me or the others can do? It doesn’t appear to me that you know where to start just yet.” Lonu dipped forward lightly, bowing toward his master in an endearing manner as he watched her at work. His indentation gave her some relief, enough to offer him a slight smile. ”I’ll take ye on yer offer. The lass that put me on the case mentioned something along the lines of people disappearing. She thinks what ever has her bother caught up just might be what’s also culling the numbers of folks nowadays. I doubt whoever is behind it is broadcasting their actions, but they have to speak and move about somehow. So I’ll need ya’ll to be quite aware of any particular moves being made and get back to me with any information. I’d say a fine place to start is with the ones usually running and occupying the church. Follow the clergy and learn off the folk that aid them in their endeavors.”

”Very well my lady, we shall do our upmost then.” He’d promptly turn to the window and fly off afterwards. First things first was alerting the flock of the task at hand.


Whispers of the Faithful 3 Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 3 Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:04 pm


Lumikki, tired of the decoding, decided to move on to another task herself. She looked herself over in the mirror, her hair both neatly tied in braids and loose, she’d pulled it back in a bun and grab for her black cloak. The Journal and notes made, were now tucked safely in her void as she finished getting ready to leave. When finally done, she’d do as she normally would. Climb out the window and allow herself to fall out. Breaking into a flight before dropping too low that the glide would be disturbed.

The fly over was a short one, and she’d cut it even shorter as she lowered the hight to land just before entering the city. Lumikki was already fairly known within these parts, whether loved or hated, but for the moment she didn’t want to be recognized or at least seen by too many people at once. It would be for reason that she would take to walking at the moment, making her way to the Rune Knight headquarters to put one of their Knights onto the odd case of missing individuals. That and gather whatever information they had happened to learn as well.

The smell of water still clung to the air, as the moist and over abundance of rain had drench the land for quite some time. It was only now that most of it began to dry but that didn’t change the scent to made to items that held moisture so tightly. Lumikki who found fondness in the rain, enjoyed the smell. And as she walked along the streets, she’d playfully step in all the remaining puddles that were still around.


Whispers of the Faithful 3 Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 3 Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:34 pm


Small in frame and stature, Lumikki slid within the doorway of the Rune Knights entry. Slipping past two men on their way out, leaving them somewhat confused but too busy to bother. They kept on, as did she until she made it to the front desk where a young man sat. His job was to greet the visitors and direct them on what happens next, but when his eyes fell onto Lumikki, he didn’t know what to make of it. She was mostly hidden in her hood, a gesture that seemed its share of suspicious. But Lumikki would soon meet him with a smile as the light finally bathed her features and gave him a chance to recognize her.

“Oh your the one that’s been working with our Sargent Ittindi!” He’d gasp, he knew her best for her relation to the Knights as opposed to her pure reputation. Perhaps a result of his youth more focused on what was in front of him rather than the chirping of the city, and this fit Lumikki just fine and it brought her comfort to pursue her request.

”Aye, I have and he’s becomes a good friend of mine. That aside, he told me prior I could come if I need help. Could ye point me to a competent detective of yers?”

219_1085+50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

Whispers of the Faithful 3 Img_0811

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