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Chapter 1: Where do heroes go when their story ends?

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#1Fei Yu 

Chapter 1: Where do heroes go when their story ends? Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 5:45 pm

Fei Yu
It all begun during a quiet afternoon. Although the Clock Tower's organization had been making progress in identifying the various rifts that had started to connect the Void to Earthland, the disturbing rumors of increasing activity within these rifts had caused the organization to be spread thin, and as expected from the young director she was lingering at the tower directing the compilation of the records from the various teams that had brought back information about the expeditions that were led by various people across Earthland. Of course, not all expeditions were willing to divulge their information, she understood all too well many people were skeptical about the fact the Void might had not been as helpful as they initially expected it to be.

However, it was shortly after she had finished compiling another record of the recent expedition into the Caelish void rift that Yu had decided to take a short break and indulge in one of her hobbies: reading.

She frequently enjoyed looking into folklore and mythology, and Caelum was a land full of legends and myths. However, the topic she had decided to read about was a bit different from what one might expect. It was not a grandiose story about a great hero fighting evil, or some war between gods. No, it was what came afterwards. She did wonder about the notion at times. What happened when the story of a legend ended? Did they simply die on and pass into the afterlife? Did they become one with the lifestream?

Many fairies believed that when something died it became part of the energy that flowed through Earthland, but an idealistic and perhaps slightly childish side to her wanted to believe there might had been another outcome.

The book she was reading suggested there was an island in Caelum where the greatest heroes journeyed to during their final days, and although the story didn't specify the nature of the end they met, it all came down to the name of the island: Avalon.

Although Avalon was often known as the name of the Capital city of the Kingdom of Albion, There was another place, one that was intimately familiar to her. One of the hidden settlements of the Fae-folk was situated on an island near the isle of Erin, and that island was known as Avalon. Could it be that this island was the same one the myths spoke about?

If so then surely Titania and Oberon would know more about it! Perhaps she could consult with them about this island where heroes went to experience the end of their journey? If so... If there was truly some sort of ending, then perhaps the notion of there being a fate different for heroes could be found?

Noticing the glimmer of hope in her eyes as she closed the book Albion's gaze turned toward her, a sorrowful look in her eyes.

"Are you sure about this path you're about to traverse Yu? The outcome of your search might not be what you expect, or hope for." But Albion's words didn't deter her. "If there is a chance for me to see him, I have to take it Albion. If Nyancelot is still there somewhere then I will find him."

WC: 540

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