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IV Demonic Unkindness

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IV Demonic Unkindness  Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:43 pm


IV Demonic Unkindness  Img_8113


Name: Demonic Unkindess

Slot: Relic

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Dark

Durability: -


Description: What does the item look like, where does it come from, how did it come into your possession, just a few of the descriptives that you can add about this item.

Her little servants and precious flock of ravens that always seemed to follow Lumikki were slowly corrupted by her presence. Drinking in not only her attention and protection, but her very Obscura. The changes were subtle at first, easy to miss. Until they began to radiant hues of blues and purples that made them far more distinct, some even developing markings. Wisps of darkness now drenched their feathers and wafted from their wings. Fully changed, they were like Daemons; long lived and capable of channeling their Patron. The Demoness was surprised by the transformation, honoring each who transformed with trinkets to be adorned. It was a symbol of her love and appreciation. Soon enough such a ritual became a right of passage, a reward to those that spend time with her most and serve her often. They were regarded amongst the others as the closest of the flock and believed to hold the vast of the responsibility.

Others consider it an ominous sign to encounter such ravens, however, if they know better they would be fine. Unless of course they’ve incurred the Raven Queen’s wrath, in which it was only a matter of time.


  • Abyssal Huntress : Seen as omens and fiends for so long in many cultures, like their Demoness, they have grown bitter in their suffering. It would be their collective malicious intent that empowers their master. Igniting not only her deeper demonic nature but invoking her magic’s namesake as well. Now it would be time for the hunted to become the hunters. You deal one rank higher magical damage versus Humans/Demi-Gods.


  • Name: Neveragain
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost:1000
    Requirements: Demonic Unkindness
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Dark
    Range: 25 meters
    Cooldown: 10
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user disperses into a flock of ravens. As the user moves away like a flock of ravens, they can regroup elsewhere and become themselves again. The user can reappear as themselves anywhere within a 25-meter range of where they used the spell. The user is temporarily invulnerable while flying away like a flock of ravens. The spell may be used at the last moment when dealing with a physical attack e.g. being punched or stabbed. This spell cannot be nullified.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary (35pts)
  • Relic
  • Effects: Race Damage-20pts (Abyssal Huntress)
  • Spells Neveragain(S++ 15pts)

Total points Acquired:35
Total Points Spent: 35

IV Demonic Unkindness  Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

IV Demonic Unkindness  Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:44 pm


IV Demonic Unkindness  Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

IV Demonic Unkindness  Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:02 pm


Lumikki has claimed her custom~

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