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V. Conscript's Labcoat

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V. Conscript's Labcoat Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 6:34 am

Name: Conscript's Labcoat

Slot: Cape

Type: Labcoat

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: None

Description: During the bitter conflict between the third factions, the Talaz Lagaarian Loyalists, Robot Separatists and the Third Movement, the loyalists were least prepared for conflict. To offset this sudden need for soldiers, the loyalists hired mercenaries and manufactured the conscript's labcoat, substantially improving the wearer's moveability and availability to the Talaz Lagaar cause regardless of their location.



  • If the user was a member of the Loyalists they will receive a 50% discount.

Note: While listed as a limited item, this can be bought an unlimited amount of times as a Talaz Lagaar Loyalist and only reflects the total cost of the item.


  • Defending the Homeland: The user may roleplay in Talaz Lagaar regardless of their location as the Conscript's Labcoat acts as a means to immediately relocate them to the island. This does not allow for them to bypass invasion rules which require them to roleplay within a region before the start of the topic with the person they intend to invade, however, they can use it to defend locations within the island.
  • In a Hurry: Relying on their rapid response, the Conscript's Labcoat radically enhances the user's speed causing them to be considered one tier higher than normal while increasing their running speed by a further +5m/s after they reach the highest tier.


  • Name: Pushing Forward
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Conscript's Labcoat
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10-50M
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: After going motionless and entering a sprinting position, the user may dash up to 50 meters in the direction they are pointing towards and travel there at running speed ignoring any physical or magical barriers such as defensive spells or shields. This spell can not be nullified however can be slowed by influencing the user's speed by debuffing their speed stat or by attempting to bind them halving the relatively speed of Pushing Forward

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