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III. Mimi

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III. Mimi Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 4:57 pm



Name: Mimi

Slot: Companion

Race: Shadow?

Class: Unique – 24 Points

Quantity: Custom

Element: Dark

Mana: 1000

  • Strength: 61
  • Speed: 31
  • Constitution: 31


Height: 20cm
Weight: 2Kg

Appearance: An unusual creature which in some ways defies description, Mimi’s true appearance is something that few have really had a chance to see, including her current master. Shy in her way and masking her appearance as something else, she has moulded a kind of disguise based upon the mascot of a children’s entertainment series, which makes her look somewhat like a cartoonish rabbit or rodent.

In truth peeking out from the stomach of her visage while the scribbled on face is merely a decoy to make her seem more animal-like, she carries a jagged stick as a kind of ‘tail’ for her visage, which can double up as an implement if she needs it to. Glimpses of her true appearance shown when she reaches out from under her disguise, Mimi’s limbs are long and almost snakelike with a reach that matches that of the average human’s arm as she seems able to stretch or propagate her mass.

A little cool to the touch as she tends to have little body temperature of her own, Mimi can often make one uncomfortable if she touches them, sending a chill through them similar to the icy grip of someone who has been in a cold environment. That something one can grow accustomed to however, much like a serpent she seems to seek the warmth of others and enjoy it, though does not seem to have a body which requires exothermic stimulation to move around, rather she just likes it like most enjoy a warm bath or something.

Description: No one really knowing where Mimi came from, here are some who believe that she hails from some bizarre universe and became lost during the incursions of recent years, while others think of her as some kind of odd experiment or lab creation which has been let loose. Ultimately unable to convey her story thanks to the fact that she cannot speak, she remains an oddity and friend to those who accept her, seeming to prefer matters of kinship over quibbling over birth or creation.

Personality: Possessing a timid disposition which some might consider odd for a creature steeped in darkness, Mimi is both shy and social, seeming to crave acceptance and connection with others and experiencing emotion in the same way as a person would. Rejected often for her strangeness and becoming wary of many for that fact, she will tend to run and hide from strangers and especially so if they show some manner of aggression or potential for rejection.

Fond especially of children and the curious ones especially, the reason she chose a mascot for her image was because she wanted to befriend them and hoped that mimicking something adored by the young would help with that, though often she finds that parents will tug their young away from her when they realise what she is. Ultimately proving a loyal friend who blossoms with patience and understanding, she can actually prove surprisingly cuddly when give the chance, and seems to enjoy clinging to her partner or slipping into loose clothing in a manner similar to a snake.


Requirements: None.


Partner Perks:
  • Jewels Boost: The user receives an additional 20% jewels when completing quests and social interactions.
  • Life-Steal: The companion automatically heals three ranks lower of the Physical Damage that they inflict to the target. This only heals Constitution and doesn't affect Endurance.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Unique
  • Starter “Equipment”
  • Tier 4 Jewels % Bonus (12 Points)
  • Tier 4 Life-Steal (12 Points)

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


III. Mimi Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 4:58 pm



III. Mimi Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 5:12 pm

@Ursula  has claimed her starting companion Mimi.

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