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In the Zen Garden

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

In the Zen Garden Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:27 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
It was a quiet night. With Lumikki out, tending to something, or having fun doing something else, but Brone felt he needed a moment to ground himself. He had been hinted by Lumikki and Benimaru that with the many events in his life, Brone needed a moment to gather his thoughts. While in his yellow kimono, he walked around the hotel, taking in the scenery. The aesthetic and architecture was different than the Fiorean humans, it was poetic in a way he couldn't explain, there was beauty everywhere.

Brone had walked down a hallway and stopped to look out a window to see the beauty of the night. Down below, he spotted a zen garden for the first time. How the white sand reflected the light of the moon had caught his attention. His curiosity compelled him to head downstairs to view it closer. When he stepped upon the white sand, he felt it move between his toes, cool and smooth.

#2Brone Heavyaxe 

In the Zen Garden Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:35 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
This zen garden was so peaceful, the lines in the sand which were made by probably the staff of the hotel extended from one end to the other, there were even lines that ended in spirals. Brone walked about, looking for the right spot to sit. When he found the right spot, he plopped down and began to listen to the trickling of water nearby, possibly from a nearby stream. He closed his eyes, unsure how to start this... meditation he heard about. This was indeed important for people who are connected to the earth, as he heard from Benimaru, but to stand still was a bit difficult for the dwarf, his heart thrummed like a hearth, but he wanted to grow, not just in strength, but in wisdom. With a sigh, he relaxed his muscles and allowed the calm air blow right by him. He took in the soft sound and feel of the air and soon enough he began to calm his heart.

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