The sun was descending from its highest point but still a long way from touching the horizon. It gave her the time she needed to gather the information and eventually start the hunt.
”Sōdesune, izen wa fusoku shite imashitaga, ima dewa mondai ni naritsutsu arimasu. Riyū ni tsuite wa iemasenga, sore wa tsudzuke rarenai to iu koto dakedesu. Watashi wa kuesuto no tame ni tarisuman o yōi shimashita. Sore o tsukatte gensō o tsukiyaburi, soreijō no inochi ga ushinawa reru mae ni kitsune o tsukamaemasu.”(Yeah, it was scarce before but now it's becoming a problem. We can't say as to why, just that it can't go on. I prepared a talisman for the quest, use it to pierce through the illusions, for that will be many, and seize the fox before more lose their lives.) A man dressed monk robes sat across from the Demoness. If he had any qualms with her nature, she wouldn’t know, as his face hardly did much to betray his true thoughts. It was only an expression quite serene.