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A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits]

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A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 2:04 pm

The neon-drenched streets of Izakaya pulsed with nocturnal energy, a stark contrast to Tōga's sullen demeanor. The dragon slayer meandered through the bustling thoroughfares; his usual vibrant presence dimmed by an unexpected turn of events. Clad in his trademark ensemble - dark navy pants and an overshirt concealing a thick, crimson hoodie - Tōga cut a familiar figure against the unfamiliar backdrop of his homeland's nightlife. "How are you busy on vacation!?" he muttered, his voice a mixture of bewilderment and frustration. The question hung in the air, unanswered, as he navigated the throngs of revelers and night owls. His head hung low, pink locks obscuring eyes that usually sparkled with mischief and adventure.

The evening had taken a surprising turn when Ursula, his beloved companion, had suggested they part ways for the night. Her desire to test her own mettle in solo exploration had caught Tōga off guard. While he respected her independent spirit, a part of him couldn't help but feel a twinge of abandonment. After all, wasn't he supposed to be her guide in this land he called home? "How does she even know about the Entertainment district? We've been here two days." Tōga mused aloud, his feet carrying him deeper into the heart of Izakaya's most radiant quarter. The irony wasn't lost on him - here he was, a native son, being directed through his own city by a visitor. The streets around him blazed with life, a cacophony of sights, sounds, and smells that would normally have set his senses alight with thrill. Instead, he found himself drifting through the sea of people, an island of contemplation amidst a storm of gaiety.

As he walked, the dragon slayer's mind whirled with questions. How had Ursula discovered this pulsating vein of nightlife so quickly? What hidden talents for urban exploration did his Lycan love possess that he had yet to uncover? And perhaps most pressingly, "Does she even know what happens here?" The Entertainment district was a world unto itself, a maze of pleasure and possibility that could entice the unwary or overwhelm the unprepared. Tōga found himself caught between concern for Ursula's solo adventure and a grudging appreciation for her boldness. It was, after all, this very spirit of sovereignty that had first drawn him to her.

As he delved deeper into the neon-lit warren of streets, Tōga's sullen mood began to lift, almost imperceptibly at first. The energy of the district was irresistible, seeping into his consciousness despite his initial resistance. The laughter of passersby, the tantalizing aromas wafting from hidden eateries, the pulsing beats spilling from clubs and bars - all conspired to awaken the adventurer within him.

Tōga's steps, once sluggish and reluctant, began to find their rhythm. His head lifted, eyes now drinking in the kaleidoscope of possibilities that surrounded him. He found himself nodding to the beat of a street musician's melody, exchanging smiles with strangers who seemed equally caught up in the night's magic.

wc: 527


A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:34 am


WORDS: 370 | Akatsuki

A lilac lass left looking around the crowds in Izakaya with a glimmer of worry showing in her eye as she did so, Takeyama Tomi searched for something or perhaps more accurately someone which she couldn’t quite describe in the moment, and yet all the same seemed to see it when she spotted a lad with unusual hair stumbling through the section with his own look of worry on his face.
“Good evening, sir~” For one reason or another noting that she wouldn’t get a better chance than this one before her given the time she had already spent upon the task, the silky siren followed him with that deep and dark doe-like gaze as she worked up her nerve to put her little plot into motion, and then latched onto him with a firm grip but a gentle tone to invite his interest.

“Uffuffuffu, forgive the interruption~” The latter seeming as light and breezy as she was capable of as the wayward oiran aimedg to seize his arm and ensure that he can’t too quickly escape from her, perhaps a part of the girl felt guilty for inflicting herself upon someone who likely had better things to be doing, but really she had no choice.
“But good gracious, you are a handsome one, aren’t you~?” Luckily for her the Joyan more rehearsed in this little routine than the modest number of years she carries might have implied, the words she spoke came from her lips in though a practised purr as she complimented him, though unusually upon this occasion the mulberry minx felt as if she is not lacking for honesty in this particular regard. He was cute, right~?

“Perhaps you’d like to spend a little time with me~?” Perhaps sensing that her plan might be all the better for that fact as she batted her lashes accordingly and inviting the young man to join her, Tomi couldn’t help but eye that pink hair and smile as she did so as she hoped that all those sometimes painful lessons she had been given by the madam would prove fruitful now, and shrewdly glanced over his shoulder for sign of interference before gently coaxing him toward one of the tavern’s nearby…

Joy Can Be Fleeting

Make The Most Of What You Have~
- Takeyama Tomi

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits] Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:52 am

In the pulsating heart of Izakaya's bustling streets, Tōga's gaze drifted from the celestial to the terrestrial as the riot of lights and the heady mix of aromas ensnared his senses. Amid the swirling crowd, his eyes landed on a figure cloaked in a kimono that boasted vibrant hues and intricate designs, suggestive of considerable value and exquisite taste.

"Thank you!" Tōga responded, his voice imbued with genuine gratitude for the compliment paid to his unconventional appearance. His pink locks fluttered as he offered a broad, engaging smile. "I'm flattered, really, but I'm here with someone special, and I don't think she'd take kindly to me disappearing with a stranger," he explained with a light-hearted chuckle, his refusal wrapped in the warmth of his continued smile, signaling no offense to the offer made.

"Enjoy the evening, though! It's truly beautiful out," he added, gesturing to the vibrant nightlife around them with a friendly wave, his demeanor embodying the festive spirit of the district.

As he began to turn away, drawn back into the sensory overload that was Izakaya's pleasure district, a thought halted him. He pivoted back toward the elegantly dressed woman, his expression softened by a touch of concern. "Are you here alone?" he asked, the question hanging in the air between them. "I mean, if you're looking for company, I could join you for a drink—as friends, of course!" His offer was casual yet sincere, reflecting his open, affable nature.

"I'm Tōga, by the way!" he introduced himself with an outstretched hand, ready to make a new acquaintance, perhaps to share a laugh or two under the bright lights of Izakaya.

wc: 311 [838]


A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits] Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 12:37 pm


WORDS: 360 | Akatsuki

“She sounds… A very lucky woman.” Unable to put her finger on why exactly she felt like she had made the right choice with this pink haired lad but if she had to give an answer there just seeming to be something safe and secure about him, the warmth and simple sense of honesty which he showed when mentioning his paramour was something which only seemed to affirm such a notion in the mind of Miss Takeyama, and as such she couldn’t fully supress the sense of disappointment which she felt in being passed over. Not because of her wish to supplant whomever it was he cherished, but rather because someone respectable enough to admit this to a pretty woman throwing themselves at them seemed like the kind of person she always wished she had in her life, and so there was no small degree of jolting jump in her heart when he turned back to her.

“Oh my, such chivalry~” In fact such a sense of simple human decency something which almost made her feel guilty for relying more upon her feminine wiles if there was such a thing over more honest means, Tomi tried not to grin too much when he looked back to her and for one reason or another decided he would prefer not to leave her here alone, and found whatever fondness she had for this stranger only jumping because of it in line with the way in which her enthusiasm did as well.
“Yes, I would be happy of your company then, as a chaperone~? Do you have a name, Mr…?” For that reason shining with a smile which was likely far more genuine than any she might show to a customer and skipping over beside him, the dark dish aimed to hook his arm with her own in much the same manner as many others in the area seemed to have done with their own ‘claims’, and then tilted her head as she not only affirmed not only her enthusiasm for spending time together but also asked after an introduction as well. After all, she would need something to call her knight in shining armour, no~?

Joy Can Be Fleeting

Make The Most Of What You Have~
- Takeyama Tomi

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:34 am

The confusion flashed briefly across Tōga's features, a slight wrinkle of his brow betraying his momentary lapse. "My name?" he echoed, somewhat perplexed. Had he not just introduced himself? Nevertheless, the dragonslayer's equanimity swiftly returned, as fluid and untroubled as the serene waters of his homeland's famous lakes.

"I'm Tōga! Pleasure to meet you," he said with a broad smile, bowing gracefully. As he straightened, his vibrant pink hair cascaded back into place, framing his face with its lively hues. He regarded the elegantly dressed woman before him with genuine curiosity, the warmth of his greeting as inviting as the Joyan sun. "And may I have the honor of knowing your name?" he asked, his voice carrying the soft cadence of polite expectation that was customary in Joya. The woman’s inquiry about a chaperone carried the lightness of casual conversation, yet it was underscored by a genuine interest in exploring the locale. "I’m originally from Joya, but it’s been ages since I've visited this part! Perhaps you know of a good bar or sake house around?" His eyes sparkled with anticipation, hopeful she might share her local knowledge.

"But if not, no worries at all! We can always discover one together." His tone was upbeat, the suggestion imbued with a readiness for adventure, typical of his spirited nature.

wc: 252 [1,090]


A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:53 pm


WORDS: 390 | Akatsuki

“…Tomi. My name is Tomi~?” Perhaps tempted to give this pink haired stranger a pseudonym or even the lofty moniker which she had ‘earned’ as an Oiran but ultimately deciding to mirror the sincerity which she was shown, the lavender lass paused for a moment after the introduction from the boy and let those almost wing-like lashes beat a couple of times before revealing her own name, and then repeating it with a little more warmth and enthusiasm afterward.
“Ohhhhh? If it wouldn’t be an imposition, perhaps you could tell me what part of Joya you’re from originally, Toga-san~?” The ebony clad enchantress hardly seeming to be surprised when her ‘date’ seemed to reveal the fact that he was from Joya himself but certainly not letting that dampen her intrigue too much, though it was a habit to return the stiffness and sense of good manners which she was shown by the lad our would be heroine did feel rather interested in what he revealed, and hoped that he might see fit to share a little more of his history with her. All she’d known for too many years was this town, and she craved something or anything from outside it.

“I think a lot of the bars on the main street have raised their prices and watered down their drinks, given the festivity and all…” The lavender lass left to squeeze the arm onto which she clung when next it seemed that Toga wanted her guidance on a place to drink, though the smile she showed him in return was a sweet one Miss Takeyama certainly showed a note of cynicism in the answer which she gave, though ultimately only wished to be honest with someone who was treating her decently.
“If you would not be opposed, we could try somewhere off the beaten track? Somewhere quieter and perhaps more amiable~?” Slowing her pace a little as she made to take a more active role in leading them to somewhere which they might more appropriately quench their thirst however, as the resident local the doe eyed doll could guess where they might manage to get a reasonably priced drink and perhaps amicable atmosphere to go with it, and so led their pairing toward a small and perhaps a little run down venue that most visitors might overlook which lay deeper into the backstreets…

Joy Can Be Fleeting

Make The Most Of What You Have~
- Takeyama Tomi

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Bold Gambit [CE – High Spirits] Empty Today at 1:53 pm

Tomi-chan! Nice to meet you.” Tōga's greeting was infused with a warmth that matched the vibrant pink of his hair, which tumbled forward as he bowed respectfully to Tomi. As he straightened up, his smile broadened, conveying both ease and genuine interest. His manner was attentive, perhaps more so than what Tomi, given her line of work as an Oiran, might usually encounter. It was a respectful acknowledgment of her presence, a nod to the dignity of her profession.

"Oh, I’m from the western side of Joya," Tōga shared enthusiastically, his voice carrying a note of pride. "It's a modest farming village, not near any big cities or notable landmarks. But there’s a charm to it that’s irreplaceable!" His eyes sparkled with fond memories as he spoke of his homeland—a place defined more by the rhythms of nature than by the constructs of man. In Joya, the expanse of uncharted land and sea made each locale unique, with much left to the imagination and exploration. Tōga's village, while not flanked by grandiose landmarks, boasted fertile lands and a dojo that nurtured budding talent, framing his early years with simplicity and discipline.

"Hmm, a sharp observation indeed!" Tōga remarked, genuinely impressed by Tomi's astute commentary on the local business tactics. The festival season often saw merchants twisting the usual flow of commerce to squeeze out maximum profit—a stark contrast to the generous, communal spirit of his village festivals where the joy of the occasion often outweighed commercial gain. "It seems times have indeed shifted," he mused, reflecting on the changing tides of tradition versus modern necessity.

Lead the way, Tomi-chan!” Tōga said with a renewed cheer, ready to follow her lead into the vibrant heart of the festival. His invitation was light, yet earnest, filled with the anticipation of discovering the best local spots through the eyes of someone who navigated these streets with the familiarity of a seasoned local. As they moved through the throngs of people, Tōga remained close, his senses attuned to the medley of sounds, smells, and sights that Izakaya offered, all the while enjoying the rare pleasure of being guided through the energetic night by someone who truly knew its pulse.

wc: 401 [1,491]

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