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The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green)

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The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:59 am


Kaito had invited some one here to fight and see how well he can match up as it had been awhile since he and Yuurei had clashed though he was not sure how well he will be able to stand up to Yuurei who was clearly the stronger of the two. Kaito needed to make sure that he was able to take on anything that might cross paths with him and hiding behind Yuurei and his power will never be an end all beat all and Kaito needed to make sure that he took the man with all he has but Kaito wasn't sure if he would even be able to get on the same level as Yuurei but he was going to have to try and get to that leave in this fight. Kaito walked up to his entrance and waited for his name to be called out to face a man that Kaito sees as a close friend and probably the closest thing he has to a rival in the world.

The announcer walked out and looked around the arena which had no idea what was about to happen and be happening in the arena. "Today we will be having two titans of power fighting so for those that are faint of heart we ask you to people leave as we will not be responsible for you if this goes bad! First up we have Kaito Todaro of Fairy Tail!" The woman stepped aside as Kaito's door opened as she pointed her hand toward the door and Kaito walked out into the arena and waved his hand and his gear appeared on himself and the crowd looked worried remembering that last time he fought here he broke the wall open and looked like he had killed someone by putting a hole through their body. Kaito looked to the other door and wondered if Yuurei had accepted the fight or if Yuurei would be a no show to this fight.


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:40 am


Yuurei was enjoying his time in Seven, and now that he had won the tournament, he was building his own Polis State in a land that was not touched within this country. The man was now the Champion of Champions within the Arena, so he understood that there were quite a few people who would have wanted to fight him.

He did get an invitation to fight someone and when he found out who he was to fight, he had a smile on his face. He didn’t think he would be fighting Kaito here. He actually didn’t think Kaito would be fighting here unless he was asked to. This was different, but he also welcomed it as it seemed like his friend was trying to become better.

He wouldn’t come out first, he was the Champion, and he would just be behind the Gate with Renji by his side. The Seraphim heard the announcer speak, introducing Kaito first as he entered the arena. This was good and honest; the people here were excited about the fight that was about to happen. The people who were going to fight were two powerhouses that rarely clashed with each other.

“Now at this corner we have someone who recently won our huge tournament that happened within Seven! He fought many people to become the people’s champion in the arena! He is also finally moving into this country it seems! Bring out the Champion of Champions, Yuurei!” She shouted as the gates opened and Yuurei alongside Renji made it to the arena.

Renji would stick to the side of the arena, he wasn’t going to be fighting Kaito, but he was here to give Yuurei an ability they never really used in fights with people in the Arena. Yuurei would enter the arena and the crowd would roar, excited to see their champion fight today. The Champion would wave his hand at everyone as he was happy to be there. He looked over to Kaito and smiled when he saw his friend there.

“I didn’t think you would seek to fight me, Kaito. I’m honored you reached out to me. How are you?” He asked him this while stretching.

The Champ would do this, and he waved his hand to bring forth the gear he would use against his friend. His Symbiote suit was already attached to him, so he didn’t have to bring it out, the helmet of choice was his Monarch’s Golden Guise to be able to see what he could do with this against Kaito. His way of choice, well that was tricky, but for now, he would bring out his Yin and Yang, Gae Bolg, and his Zabimaru. His Ribbon was left in his dimensional pocket as he didn’t have Renji fighting with him, so there was no point in using it.

He was ready to fight his friend, and he got into a stance as his Symbiote suit had started covering his body. He was waiting for it to begin and saw how his friend had progressed with becoming stronger. All of his weapons and his armor would be using the property of light for this fight and for Yuurei's synergies.


Spell and Passives Used:


Attributes in Detail:



Migi's Arm:


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:19 pm


Kaito was not sure what he was thinking challenging Yuurei but hearing that Yuurei was this places champion of champions it made Kaito think twice more about if he really wanted to do this as that means that Kaito was fighting on the wrong side of this arena as the champion was standing in front of him but Kaito knows it was already to late to back out of this and he was going to need to just shut up and nut up as he will have to be a man about this and just face down this man as his swordsmanship and magic wasn't going to get better if he didn't fight people that were more on his level as Yuurei was literally the top of the food chain around here and where ever he goes. Kaito was always a second fiddle to this man no matter how hard he worked he doubted that Yuurei would ever really be beaten by someone like him but this was just something that he was going to have to face.

He saw the man get ready and he sees Yuurei's extra arms and Kaito know knows this is gonna be an even bigger issue than it was already. As he figures if he moves to clash weapons with Yuurei his sword would just be snapped on the first strike against them so he was going to have to act on his normal tactics and fight with all that he has to not just get dissected straight from the start as there was going to be a lot going on and he only really knows what a few of these weapons do and they are not something he wanted to get touched by. Kaito Readied himself as he was going to have to be reactive versus this other man as there was no real way to go at him as those arms have him pretty well covered and if he recalls Yuurei really has little to no blind spots akin to his sensing power to sense danger so Kaito was going to have to play this smart and try not to waste too much of his mana too quickly.  

Kaito just realized that the other man had said something to him and he needed to say something back to him but what would he say to that as it felt like a some what back handed comment to start with like how dare he challenge him, but that was Kaito's own issues showing their face there and it clearly wasn't what Yuurei was meaning and Kaito finally spoke. "Well it had been a bit since we clashed, so I figured if I am trying to get better I should face someone that is better or closer to my level. I am okay just nervous and you?" Kaito was not sure why he admitted to being nervous but he had already said it and he couldn't take it back now.

Kaito figured he had to make the first move and he moved his sword and the tip pointed toward Yuurei and attempted to use a binding spell on Yuurei to make him feel like he was being crushed between dimensions even though Kaito knows that the other man will probably not even be phased by it. Rather this hit Yuurei or not Kaito started to run as he knows that this was the start and from here Kaito was going to have to keep his head in the game and hope that he doesn't slip and yuurei remove his head from his shoulders when his guard was down.
(606) (939)

Kaito's spread:


Spells on Cooldown:

"Action Log:


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:55 am


Yuurei had a smile on his face when he heard Kaito’s words. He was seeking to become stronger, which was a good thing. it was always a good thing to see someone he knew become stronger or seek to become stronger. He knew Kaito was powerful, and he was happy to see that he wanted to thrive for more. He was ready the announcer had left the arena, and she had told them to begin. When that happened, the Champion had brought out his wings from behind him. He was able to reveal his true form to Kaito as there was no point in holding back. His wings came out, and his real face made its appearance, which the people he knew about already.

“I see, I’m glad you thought of me when you decided to fight someone. I can’t wait to fight you Kaito. As for me, I’m still getting used to not being the Guild Master of Paradise Dawn. I plan to live in Seven, so there is that.” He said to Kaito as he was ready.

He sensed the danger of something coming toward him. It was the moment when Kaito had pointed his sword at him. That was interesting, but he saw what was being formed. He would break through the prison that had appeared around him with his strength. When he did that, he noticed that Kaito was on the move, that was to be expected. His eyes watched him as he moved around, he was moving first to be able to run as fast as he could.

Kaito knew about him, that was for sure. It made sense, and he was happy to be able to fight him. Yuurei pushed forward as he was making his way toward Kaito. His eyes stared at him, examining his movements as he was closing in on his friend. Still, before that, he would launch his Gae Bolg straight toward Kaito’s chest. The speed of that weapon had gone from regular speed to now moving double the speed it had normally. Still, while he avoided that, it meant that he would be able to get closer to him faster than he would normally.

Yuurei was faster than Kaito, but it was only slightly. It wasn’t just that, while he was running, his Zabimaru had changed its form. It had gotten longer and it now consisted of twenty segments. Each of them is one meter in width. This brought his weapon to becoming twenty-five meters long and he would swing Zabimaru around stretching it to go from twenty-five meters to fifty meters. It was aiming for Kaito’s legs while Yuurei was approaching him.

It would take Yuurei around five to seven seconds to close the gap between the two of them, so while he was doing that he had don’t this attack and at the same launched his spear at him. He wasn’t sure what Kaito would do right now, but he was ready for it or at least it was what he thought.


Combat Log:
Spell and Passives Used:


Attributes in Detail:



Migi's Arm:


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 10:11 am


Kaito felt that Yuurei had broken loose with the monstrous amount of strength that he has and that means that Yuurei will be on him soon as the man is faster then him and Kaito knows that but Kaito knows if he stops moving he is as good as beaten as well. Yuurei is a hard nut to crack and he frankly thinks he has nothing that could even do it if he had wanted to so it was just Kaito attempting to gauge how close he was even to the man. Kaito wasn't going to give up though even he has his doubts if Yuurei will not accidently kill him. Kaito hearing that the man wasn't the guild master of Paradise Dawn and that he was moving from the north Kaito said a smart ass comment. "Guess I should withdraw any attempts to join Paradise Dawn then as that guild will be pretty doomed without you. I guess if Fairy Tail doesn't work out I will have to make a new guild."

Kaito knows that will bug Yuurei as he had been trying to get Kaito to join the guild for a very long time but he was too loyal to his current guild master to do that. That is when Kaito's danger sense went off like crazy and Kaito pointed his sword around himself swiftly banishing the other man's Gae Bolg to a different Dimension, but Kaito still sensed more danger as he saw a monster of an attack coming his way and Kaito knew that dodging the spell was going to be nearly impossible in this moment and moved his sword slightly and the other man's attack phased through him leaving Kaito safe for the moment and Kaito wondered how much damager that had just phased through his body right there as it seemed that Yuurei had been attempting to cut him off at the legs literally. Kaito swiped his blade as he kept running as fast as he could muster while picking up speed and he turned invisible and then he swiped his sword again teleporting him self the way that the other man was remaining invisible as he teleported to the max range near a wall of the area and he kept running as he can't recall if Yuurei can see invisible people or not but he knows better than to remain still.

Kaito needed to make a plan as he was really vs someone that was out of his league but he needed to make the most of what he has as he needed to make some kind of dent in the man as he knows he isn't beating him the other man just has too much raw fire power for Kaito to over come and he would just be making himself look dumb, Kaito knows the man will be wise to his hit and run tactics and he could sense the attacks so it was going to be rough for Kaito to hit him if he wasn't looking to be hit or if he wasn't taking a hit to match with his own hit on Kaito. The crowd seemed to be hiding a little as they are looking around the arena for where the other mage had went as they know he also has destructive power that pireced the barrier in the last fight he had in this arena and they didn't want to get hit by it.
(577) (1,516)

Kaito's spread:


Spells on Cooldown:

"Action Log:


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:13 am


Yuurei laughed when he heard Kaito say this. He hoped that it was not true. If it was then it meant him choosing Lumikki as his successor was the wrong thing to do. Of course, he was hoping that wouldn’t be the case, but who knows what the future lies in.

“I’m still a member of Paradise Dawn, just not the guild master anymore. If things get tough for her, then she could always hand it back to me. I’m not dead you know.” He said to Kaito as he laughed.

Still, they were fighting, and when he saw his Gae Bolg Disappear, he chuckled a bit. He figured that would happen, it usually did whenever he tossed it at Kaito. That man seemed to hit that spear and with good reasoning too. As for his Zabimaru, it seemed like he had missed him with that attack as well. The Champion had a smirk on his face as that was to be expected from Kaito. He knew better than to think his attacks would hit his friend.

However, Yuurei knew he couldn’t hold his punches against someone like Kaito no matter what. It was the same for people like Lumikki and Brone, holding back would only be his downfall in a fight. When he got close to Kaito he saw that his friend had become invisible, an interesting choice, but he could feel him through his necklace, but then poof he was gone. One thing Yuurei could do that he always forgot though was that with his Monarch’s Golden Guise, he was able to see the aura of people to determine if they were aligned with good, evil, or neither.

The Warden while running looked around to eventually see the aura of his friend, but that was all he could see at the moment. Then there was the fact that Renji could use his spell to allow him to see through invisibility spells, but he didn’t want to use it right now. He had made his turn in the direction of where Kaito was moving around as his Zabimaru had finally snapped back into place.

As expected from him. I think he’s the most difficult person to hit in all of Earthland. He thought to himself. He was getting close to Kaito’s aura, and he would wave his hand to summon a new weapon since he had lost his Gae Bolg to Kaito. The crowd was surprised with how things had gone, but noticed there was only one person in the arena, and wondered what had happened to Kaito.

“Nice moves Kaito, as sharp as ever I see.” He said to him that when he got twenty meters away from Kaito, he would swing his Zabimaru once again as he tried to get him on his torso this time.

The weapon he brought out was his Chaos Claw as it was the next he would use in his arsenal in this fight.


Combat Log:
Spell and Passives Used:

Attributes in Detail:



Migi's Arm:


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:20 pm


Kaito heard the man talk about how they were still part of the guild and it was free to be handed back to him at anytime. Kaito thought for a second that he was in the clear as he ran but that is when Kaito saw that Yuurei had turned and looked right at him and was following him, Kaito knows that can't be a good thing, so Kaito lets the invisibility spell end as there was no point in keeping up the act of being invisible. "Seems i can't pull one over on you can I?" Kaito made the motion of pushing off of the ground and took flight even though he knows Yuurei can fly there is more space up here to move and dodge in than their is on the ground when it comes to Yuurei. Kaito was going to have to hope that his danger sense was going to make this easier to dodge as well since he can sense the danger and where it was coming from almost like his senses kicked into high gear so he could think and dodge attacks that would leave no room to dodge by normal means and Kaito doesn't fight enough to really know how to use it to it's fullest yet so he was going to had to do what he can.

Kaito Looked at the other man that had complimented him as he went into the air trying to keep his speed as he knows he is only buying time till Yuurei catches him and makes him regret his life. Kaito seeing the attack coming at him, has no choice and he transforms, his body taking on a more dragon human form with his skin being covered in grey dimensional and light element colored scales as his body had also grown a little and he pointed his sword at the man that was coming at him with the attack. Kaito would release a destructive beam of energy that would tear through anything that was in it's way that wouldn't stop or lose power till it hit it's max range. Kaito hadn't thought before using it he had just let it rip as he knows that this was the time to go all out and that is when he felt the weapon slip from the dimension he had trapped it in. If Yuurei still did the weapon change Kaito would notice that Yuurei had changed his weapon.

Kaito would stay transformed as he was going to have to have to just keep going all out and if he let his transformation down he knows that he will not be able to keep up or to keep fighting Yuurei like he was going to need to be at his strongest and this was the strongest that he could make himself and his magic for the time being. Kaito was staying on alert for where and when Yuurei might strike him at as and he waited for his senses or his eyes to see something as he knows Yuurei has a lot of tricks in his book and a lot of weapons that he has seen used against others and Kaito will need to make sure that he doesn't let his guard down and get dismantled by the other man.
(552) (2,068)

Kaito's spread:


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Yesterday at 7:29 am


Yuurei laughed when he heard his friend's comment. It wasn’t that, but these two had been through so many adventurers together, that the Requip mage made sure to cover his weakness. If he was a bit younger, he wouldn’t have any of this right now. He would have been powerful, but he wouldn’t have been able to see Kaito through his invisibility.

“You know that is only because I have the experience and nothing more. It’s just like you got stuff to protect you because you know better than to let something right out hit you unless you didn’t know or was caught off guard.” The Warden had told Kaito this while they were fighting.

When he swung his Zabimaru it seemed like Kaito had other plans. It made sense, and as he said prior, his friend wasn’t going to allow himself to just get hit. He saw Kaito had attacked as well and it seemed like he was going to damage his Zabimaru and harm him. The danger he felt from that attack was insane, and his Monarch’s Golden Guise kicked in. It gave Yuurei a future where he, Anti, and Zabimaru would have been damaged by that attack.

That is when he used his Precognition to anticipate the attack, therefore dodging it with little to no effort. He moved his arm contorting it thanks to Migi to dodge the distorted beam while still making it toward Kaito. He attacked prior, so his arm was in motion the entire time before he could use this, so this was the best he could do.

Yuurei also noticed that his Gae Bolg had returned to his dimension. It seemed like when he switched weapons it would also mean that he didn’t have to worry about Kaito’s dimension thing, but the spell he used would take a while to be back up.

The beam flew by Yuurei and everyone could see the destruction that it would cause behind him. He had a smirk on his face.

“Nice move there, Kaito. You always did scare me with that move. I’m really glad I’m not your enemy.” He said as he had meant it.

Their history was complicated, but their presence was simple. They were friends, close friends, and their partners in love with each other. That was probably through the years they had known each other prior to them becoming their partners. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as these two men were just throwing attacks like it was simple and took no effort., yet destructive at the same time.


Combat Log:
Spell and Passives Used:

Attributes in Detail:



Migi's Arm:


The Dimensional Slayer Vs The Requip God (Green) Empty Today at 11:24 am


Kaito had hoped that, that attack would have done something but from the fact his danger sense was still going off he kept his transformation and his flight spell. Kaito then slashed his blade again and a new spell ripped free from that spot it was a spell that Yuurei hadn't seen before that he had only used a few times but he guessed it was time to use it on Yuurei since he had avoided getting hit by the beam that he had let fly that had just dug down and through the ground of the arena the crowd cheering at the sight of the destruction that Kaito had let loose. Dimensional Dragon: Rift Breaker was a spell that hit at a rate that stopped most people from reacting to it and cancels out the targets sustain spells it would cause Yuurei's Zabimaru Awakening spell to end as well as the area around Yuurei will start breaking into multiple areas at once his all of his equipment taking damage. It looks like the rifts are tearing into the fabric of space and attaching themselves to all of Yuurei's equipment. If Zabimaru still kept coming toward Kaito, Kaito would meet the attack with one of his own with his sword with Kaito's swapping elements to one that was strong against the light element Zabimaru.

Kaito then would keep up the mindset of needing to keep attacking on Yuurei as Kaito kept moving through the air, Kaito knows that Yuurei is a hard nut to crack and he swings his sword again to let loose another spell his Dimensional slash spell toward Yuurei. Kaito knows that Yuurei will probably not be beaten by the ultimate spell that he had used as Yuurei had more items than Kaito could even dare to guess but he hoped that he was able to do enough damage to make Yuurei think about just throwing another attack at him with out thinking about it. Kaito feels he is getting to over excited but Kaito also knows there is no way he wins this and really the biggest winners of this all was the crowd here in the arena as they get to see two giants go up against each other and are mostly not holding back though he was not looking forward for when Judith finds out that he put a deep hole in the arena floor and still lost the fight he was in at the same time but Kaito knows he couldn't hold back here as Yuurei is on a whole different level and he needed to use his top game and power to take him on.
(443) (2,511)

Kaito's spread:

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