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The Collapse of Eternity

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The Collapse of Eternity Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:25 pm

Name: The Collapse of Eternity

Difficulty: Medium

Participants: Zerutod Saito

Story: Zerutod discovers the existence of Dimensional Magic and the threats posed by anomalies that invade and corrupt parallel realities. His initial curiosity leads him to explore these other dimensions, uncovering disturbing truths about their instability and the dangers they face.

Rewards: Unique Custom, S Rank Rewards

Objective: Understand the Scope of the Threat: Through his journey across various dimensions, Zerutod learns about the pervasive and destructive nature of Non-Canon anomalies that threaten the stability of multiple realities.

Confront Moral and Practical Limits: Zerutod grapples with the realization that not all dimensions can be saved and that extreme measures may be necessary. This leads him to confront the moral complexities of his mission and the limitations of his current role.

Reevaluate His Approach: He recognizes that the Rune Knights' methods are insufficient for dealing with the scale and nature of the anomalies. This realization pushes him to reassess his approach to combating these threats.

Commit to a New Mission: Zerutod decides that to effectively protect his world from these threats, he needs to establish a specialized organization. This new guild will focus on addressing Non-Canon anomalies and safeguarding Earthland, reflecting his commitment to a more focused and proactive role.

Initiate the Formation of a New Guild: The arc concludes with Zerutod starting preparations to create his own guild, dedicated to combating the anomalies and protecting his reality. This marks a significant shift from his previous role and sets the stage for his future efforts.

Lore Impact:Zerutod quitting the Rune Knights and making preparations to make his own guild

Last edited by Zerutod on Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Collapse of Eternity Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:27 pm

Name: A Crack in the World
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Zerutod Saito

Summary: Zerutod begins noticing subtle disturbances in his world—strange shifts in time and space, unexplained disappearances, and sightings of creatures that don’t belong in Earthland. His research leads him to an ancient artifact that opens a gateway to a parallel dimension. Venturing through it, he finds a version of Earthland eerily similar to his own, but it's collapsing into chaos. An anomaly—a being that feeds on time itself—has corrupted the world, creating a nightmarish reality where nothing remains stable.

Zerutod barely survives his encounter with the anomaly, escaping back to his world with the knowledge that these anomalies are more dangerous than he ever imagined. He resolves to investigate these disturbances further, but the gravity of what he's discovered weighs heavily on him.

Objectives: Introduce Zerutod to Dimensional Magic and the existence of anomalies. The goal is for him to discover and experience the corruption caused by these anomalies in a parallel dimension. He must return to Earthland with a clear understanding of the threat they pose, setting the stage for his deeper exploration.

Last edited by Zerutod on Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Collapse of Eternity Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:32 pm

Name: Worlds Without End
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Zerutod Saito

Summary: With a deepened understanding of Dimensional Magic, Zerutod embarks on a quest to explore more dimensions, each more horrifying than the last. He travels through worlds that resemble fragments of familiar places but are twisted by anomalies—realms where the sky is shattered like glass, oceans burn, and the inhabitants have lost their sanity. In these fractured realities, Zerutod meets parallel versions of his allies, some corrupted by the anomalies, others locked in futile resistance.

During one of his travels, he discovers that these anomalies are not random accidents—they are orchestrated by unknown forces that exploit the vulnerabilities in the multiverse. Despite the horrors he witnesses, Zerutod clings to the belief that every world can be saved, though doubt begins to creep in.

Objectives: Zerutod’s exploration to multiple dimensions, showcasing the widespread impact of anomalies. He needs to encounter various corrupted worlds and alternate versions of himself, which challenges his belief in saving every world. This part should deepen his understanding of the anomalies and begin to shake his idealism.

Last edited by Zerutod on Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Collapse of Eternity Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:33 pm

Name: Mirror of Fate
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Zerutod Saito

Summary:  In one of his dimensional travels, Zerutod encounters a world in which an alternate version of himself leads a rebellion against the anomaly-corrupted forces. This version of Zerutod has embraced extreme, morally gray tactics to ensure survival—sacrificing civilians, engaging in alliances with dark forces, and committing acts that Zerutod finds appalling. Their encounter leads to a philosophical battle, with the alternate Zerutod arguing that the greater good sometimes requires making impossible choices.

Zerutod rejects these methods, but the alternate him warns that the only way to truly defeat the anomalies is by letting go of idealism. The story ends with Zerutod leaving the dimension, shaken and beginning to question whether his belief that everyone can be saved is sustainable.

Objectives: Zerutod must confront a morally ambiguous version of himself in a dimension where extreme measures are employed to fight the anomalies. The objective is for him to grapple with the ethical implications of survival and realize that achieving his goals might require compromising his ideals.

Last edited by Zerutod on Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:03 pm; edited 3 times in total


The Collapse of Eternity Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:34 pm

Name: A World Lost
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Zerutod Saito

Summary: Zerutod is called to a world on the brink of destruction, where he believes he can stop the anomaly. He tries everything in his power to save the dimension, but despite his best efforts, the world collapses under the weight of the corruption. For the first time, Zerutod is forced to abandon a dimension, knowing its destruction is inevitable.

The loss weighs on him, leading him to seek counsel from ancient beings that understand the nature of the anomalies. These beings explain that the anomalies are a part of the multiverse’s chaos and some dimensions are simply expendable. They warn him that his duty is not to protect every dimension but to ensure the survival of his own.

This revelation forces Zerutod to confront the painful truth—there are limits to what he can do, and he must prioritize his world above others.

Objectives: Faced with the collapse of a dimension he cannot save, Zerutod must come to terms with his limitations and the reality that not all worlds can be preserved. The objective here is for him to seek guidance from ancient beings, accept the necessity of prioritizing his own reality, and adjust his mission accordingly.

Last edited by Zerutod on Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Collapse of Eternity Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:36 pm

Name:A New Order
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Zerutod Saito

Summary: With the weight of his experiences shaping his resolve, Zerutod returns to Earthland. He no longer views the anomalies as isolated incidents but as an existential threat that could one day invade his own reality. Zerutod confronts the harsh reality that he cannot single-handedly stop the non-Canon anomalies. After witnessing the collapse of a dimension he couldn't save, he faces the limits of his current role as a Rune Knight. The objective is for him to acknowledge that his position within the Rune Knights is insufficient for dealing with these threats on a larger scale.
Zerutod’s outlook has hardened. He now accepts that not everyone can be saved, and sometimes, difficult and morally gray decisions are necessary for the greater good.  Zerutod's new purpose: to protect his reality from external threats, even if it means making sacrifices along the way.

Objectives: Zerutod must confront the harsh reality that he cannot single-handedly stop the non-Canon anomalies. After witnessing the collapse of a dimension he couldn't save, he faces the limits of his current role as a Rune Knight. The objective is for him to acknowledge that his position within the Rune Knights is insufficient for dealing with these threats on a larger scale.

Zerutod's journey leads him to understand that the anomalies are a profound threat requiring a more dedicated and specialized approach. He realizes that to effectively combat these threats and protect Earthland, he needs to establish a new organization focused specifically on this mission.


The Collapse of Eternity Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:10 pm

Typically one needs some form of dimensional magic to do this with, does zerutod possess means to interact with other dimensions in this fashion? If so this story looks good, if not he's going to need some way of interacting with other dimensions with someone that does, or have a magic or item that lets him do that.

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