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Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna]

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#1Kanna Kusanagi 

Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 4:32 pm

Kanna Kusanagi


"Baaaaabe, don't keep me waitin long ya hear...? Water's lovely today~", Kanna could only call out to her lover as the ebb and flow of the waves carried her along the warm, clear waters of the island's shoreline.

This island was their own little slice of paradise. A vast shoreline of soft, golden sand stretching as far as the eyes could see, spanning the entire uninterrupted length of the island. A smaller island off the coast of Luluhawa, unknown to the vast majority of tourists... Luluhawa was a perfect tourist destination in its own right but, not enough... Kanna wanted to feel like she had her woman all to herself. And now, that meant just the two of them in that vast stretch of beach, yards away from the nearest people, with only a beach bar close by if they got hungry... The waves were a bit rowdier than she'd expect... Maybe she should take up surfing while she was here? Or maybe diving? With her armor, diving should be easy enough... For now though... She settled on looking towards the shoreline where her luscious lover yet lingered, folding her arms behind her back as she glanced off towards her beloved, adjusting her sunglasses as the next big wave nearly toppled them over:

"Ooof... Keep me waitin too long and I might just take a dip without ya, regardless of whether I want it or not~", she snickered, holding on to the floating matress as a larger wave lifted it higher, her full bust rippling as it came back down and left the blonde adjusting her tight black swimsuit with a smirk on her face, the sizzling sunbeams kissing her skin as she shifted her wet body atop the welcoming mattress with a squeak


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:45 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: #### | Red Hot

“Whoa, getting all uppity huh~?” The scarlet eyed siren found smirking as the blonde who she had made her bride seemed to demand her entry so very urgently, Nikki Marcello poked her head from the cabin which they had made their new home and peeked out with a mild wince at the brightness around her, though one born more from habit than anything else. Getting so used to being a creature of the night that she still found the afternoon sun a little dazzling, she lifted her hand above her brow for a moment as she let those ruby reds search for a sign of the stunner who called for her, and then licked her lips when she saw what was waiting. Damn, did the beach look good on these girls, eh?

“Well then, if you’d rather get wet on your own…” Certainly by no means letting the side down herself and perhaps embracing a long overdue chance to show off in the sun by selecting something in rouge which might have set tongues a wagging if they hadn’t got a beach all to themselves, the formerly vampiric vixen jumped clear of the decking and touched down on the sand near Kanna with her teeth kneading her bottom lip a little, and lifted a hand to her hip as she left her wife decide whether or not her wait had been worth it.
“I can always take all this back to the room~?” Standing there on the shore with so very much of herself on display and perhaps carrying a sentiment of smugness because of that, the free hand of the fox swept down herself as she asked if the lusciousness whom she loved would prefer some time to herself, though could guess the answer even before she did so. I mean, she looked amazing, and damn did she know it, huh~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

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