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Snow and Sand w/ Emil [PPCS - Snow Angels]

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#1Salem E. 

Snow and Sand w/ Emil [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:07 pm

Salem E.

The chill in the air and the frost covering the ground was more annoying than anything. Salem was not happy about it because it made the beach not the greatest place to be. He would have probably started to sulk if it was in his nature. The fact that he did not was a testament to how despite his thoughts on the matter. There were some people that actively enjoyed the snowy change of pace down here in Southern Fiore.

“Can you join Frosch and build a sand castle?” Salem looked down at his little buddy that was talking to him. Frosch seemed excited about the prospect of building a large sand castle structure. Salem was amused but would not deny his amigo. He did think about how the cat kept the sand out of his outfit. The thing must have been vacuum sealed tight to be able to not be affected by it. The heat made sense because of the heat resistance. He just never considered sand to be something that needed to be resisted.

Salem found a lovely spot on the beach to make the sandcastle. It was near a group of others that were forming various sculptures in all shapes. “Excuse me. If you are going to enter the contest you will need a minimum of four people to enter.” Salem was confused as to who was talking to him. He turned to see a dwarven woman in a two piece bikini. It was like a solid mountain of tiny flesh that kept everything tucked away. Salem had to assume it was a magical piece of clothes because some of the stuff looked like it was defying gravity. She explains the rules that this was the area for a contest. The entire ordeal looked like it would be very fun. The worst part was the fact that they were short. If some other people did not join they would have to leave.



Snow and Sand w/ Emil [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:50 pm

Emil was walking along the beach as he was walking in the snow and sand with Indiana and the children as they wanted to see the people build the sand and ice stuff as Luna has a bit of a thing for art and Fang just wants to see ideas for him to try to copy and try to build later so he can impress other children and show he is better then them and they should give him their lunch money. Emil has no idea that is why Fang wanted to come and thought he was just getting dragged along cause his sister wanted to go as he knows that Fang does not of the patience or the attention span to really sit in one place for too long to watch art be made of sand and Ice like they would need to be to watch it, but he knows that Luna does, so if he had to he would be keeping Fang out of trouble and not causing issues.

Indiana sees Frosch and the odd ball mage that was helping run the cook out scary story night, and he tapped Emil's leg and pointed toward the odd ball that was talking to the smaller woman in a bikini and he wondered if that was the man's type. Emil looked the way that Indiana had seemed to point in and he saw the other man and he guessed the other man wanted to be here to see the art and people hard at work as well. Luna sees the man as well, and shows her father that she sees the man as well and she walked up with him as Fang was distracted and was watching people hard at work on their stuff him being slightly impressed but feeling that he could do better and Indiana had stopped to stand by Fang so he wasn't lost as Emil and Luna headed toward Salem.

Emil spoke. "Come to see the art as well?" Luna then spoke after him. "I bet they will all look good as well." Luna was smiling big and seemed happy to be here just in general.

#3Salem E. 

Snow and Sand w/ Emil [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 11:32 pm

Salem E.

Salem was starting to feel annoyed. He was not sure as to what to do. The Fairy Godfather could feel the sadness that was coming off Frosch to an extent. This was supposed to be a day of fun to be had. Now he could not build a castle in the best spot he could. Salem was not even sure how much of the beach was being taken for the competition. If it took up too much space it would not do the duo any good. They could get somewhere else and just had to move again. It was a terrible feeling, as the Fairy of Fun and Games, it was actually making him feel physically unwell.

Taking a last look around was when Salem managed to spot something that could help, well not something but some people. Seeing the familiar face made him smile wildly. The competition was set up for four people but extras were allowed. Seeing Emil, Indiana, and the kids. Salem thought they could get a stellar structure up. Salem waved at the group; they had already noticed the two and were approaching. .

It was Emil that spoke out to them first, then it was Luna. Salem listened and replied. “We’ve come to see the art and make some as well. But Emil, Fang, Luna, and Indiana! I am glad to see all of you. Would you all mind helping me out?” Salem asked the four of them after he replied to them. He really wanted to build something. Salem was a lot of fun but he could be competitive at times. He wanted to win the competition as soon as he had the thought of entering it. The only thing that felt better than winning was the pure joy from playing in such a game. The entire time Frosch was nodding along as if this was one of the best ideas he had heard in a long time, he was very enthusiastic about it. Salem understood it was because the cat really wanted a sand castle. Frosch was more excited about building the castle than actual competition.

The dwarven bikini lass would register the party then she would leave. The newly made group of six would get to stay in their current section to build a sand castle to the best of their abilities. Salem could only hope one of them had an ability to build a castle. Salem could make some great bricks out of sand, but he was used to seeing people turn them into pyramids. Using tons of volunteered lesser humans.



Snow and Sand w/ Emil [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Yesterday at 10:39 am

Emil wasn't sure about his children being used for such a thing but Luna looked up at him and gave him the puppy dog eyes and he sighed and he agreed and Luna jumped a little with excitement and Emil knows that he needs to grow a resistance to that look as she can't keep getting away with it. He would look back at where Indiana and Fang had stopped and he whistled to get their attention and called them over and they hurried over and Emil started to explain what they were going to need to get done. "Okay so which team is working on the sand art and which is working on the ice art?" Emil knows this is a sand and ice sculpting competition as they needed to make both of these things and he wondered which side of the thing he was going to have to be helping with as he was not really an arty guy just a I break and destroy things guy, or a I pick up heavy things and set them down kind of guy.

Fang wasn't even really listening any more at that point and he grabbed both exceeds hands and dragged them along with himself to start filling buckets of sand to get things started and Luna was looking at the block of Ice that the dwarf woman was returning with to set down in their working area and she wondered how the small woman was so strong and moved it so easily. She was very impressed by the woman and by the big ice block. Luna walked over to the ice and started walking around it as if she was examining it for something but really she was just looking at the ice and smiling. "I wanna help making the ice thing, please. Daddy help me cause you are strong and I can't hit it hard enough to do like those other people are doing." Her cheerful little voice rang out and she pointed at the other people that were using tools and shaping their things that she clearly couldn't really do that as she was too small and not strong enough.

Emil looked to the other man that was with them. "Is that okay with you Salem?" He wasn't sure if the other man had an idea for what he wanted this block of ice to be turned into in the end or not and he wasn't going to take away the man's vision as they joined to help the man and their exceed to be able to take this competition on.
(440) (804)

#5Salem E. 

Snow and Sand w/ Emil [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Yesterday at 7:09 pm

Salem E.

Salem was a ball of confusion for a moment. Truth be told he did not look at the fine print or completely listen earlier. He thought the competition to be a pure sand castle building one. He had not thought about the fact that they would need to build an ice sculptor as well. By the time he was able to put things together. Three of them were already gone, then Salem looked like he was roped into building an ice sculpture with Emil and his baby girl. It was not a big deal to him, just not what he wanted to do.

A smile was graced on his face. He would not disappoint a child when it came to a fun time. Building an ice sculpture could be just as cool. “Nope. I do not have an opinion on it. We can build this sculpture however you guys wish. I have honestly never made an ice sculpture before. Snow was rare in Desierto.” Salem dropped a bit of Salem lore as if the two could already tell where he was from. Not that it was hidden. It was pretty obvious with the chocolate skin that could make a queen envious. That and the designs of his clothes. He normally had his vest but it carried a foreign air to it.

“So I guess we can start by carving out the ice blocks and placing them. Do you guys have any idea about how you want it to look?” Since he was not going to take the lead he was going to make sure to follow any directions they give him. He would move blocks, cut the ice with a water cutter, or sabotage any of the other people's things. Not that he believed strategic enemy confusion was legal. People had a tendency to call it cheating. To Salem it was simply playing the game. People had to win most of the time when it came to games and contests. The fae just wanted to make sure the winners in this case were them.



Snow and Sand w/ Emil [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Today at 1:14 am

The small girl looked up at the man when he asked what they wanted to make and she then started thinking and then put her hands together and closed her eyes and her hands glowed and when she opened her hands there was a small ice sculpture in her hands that looked kind of like a cartoonish looking creature that she thought up and used her limited frost magic to make what she saw come to be a small model in her hands. "Would this be okay to make?" She sounded joyful and excited to see what the man would say to her on her idea of the idea. Emil looked at what she had made and he was kind of impressed that she was able to do that and he is starting to wonder if he should be having her trained already but she was still far too young to be using magic and learning to fight with it like that yet or was she?

Fang came back and looked at Salem. "Your cat is whining about something I don't think it likes me so maybe you should be working with it instead." Fang totally not admitting that he was bullying the exceed a bit to get them to hurry up and not be a baby. Indiana is comforting the other exceed that seemed very child like and he was not sure why they were like that. Fang looked at his sister and he narrowed his eyes at the thing in her hands. "When will I be able to do things like that?" Emil shrugged as he wasn't sure how Luna was even able to do that already unless someone had been teaching her without telling him they were teaching her to do it but he wasn't going to worry about it as there was work to be done and he couldn't just be dragging ass. He started sorting the tools as his daughter looked at the ice some more and Emil wondered if she was gonna grow up to be more of an artist.
(352) (1,156)

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