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New Lunar Cycle

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New Lunar Cycle Empty Today at 12:58 pm


New Lunar Cycle 31981624307_60ebad286a_h

Name: Shield Maiden
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Primordial God Slayer: Niflheim God Slayer
Type: Defense
Element: Dark/Frost
Range: 00 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Lumikki tucks in her arms and chin toward her chest. If she didn’t have her wings out prior, they would form upon the spell’s activation in an instant.
Lumikki, as a Demon, is very malleable by nature. Often shifting through many of her forms. For this spell, she will harden a minimum of 2 of her 4 wings after folding them before herself like a shield. They would be able to withstand 1S rank worth of damage before being forced to peel back and reveal her again.

Name: Text
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements:Primordial God Slayer: Niflheim God Slayer
Type: Offense
Element: Dark/Frost
Range: 5-20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Lumikki tucks the last two of her digits(the ring and pinky finger, while extending the remaining three. If she didn’t have her wings out prior, they would form upon the spell’s activation in an instant.
Lumikki, as a Demon, is very malleable by nature. Often shifting through many of her forms. Over time she has learned to extend this practice to her 4 wings. Changing their shape into deadly weapons.
Lumikki’s 4 are all capable of shifting shapes to varying degrees. However she chooses to form them, this attack would do at most 1A rank worth of damage. Should Lumikki break her wings into a series of attacks or sections, or attack with multiple wings(usually utilizing the lower most set), their damage will add up into the 1A rank collectively. This spell could also change in length and range, but the source will always be from Lumikki herself and attached to her. Blade protrusions, whips, spikes, and even large claws are but some options for her attacks, but the further out the attack, the more diminished the spell would become, limiting the shape options and effectiveness the further out she extends them and travels at spell speed. The width cannot exceed a meter by dimensions but that diminishes after 5 meters and drops to 5 inches at fullest length.

Name: Text
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 00
Requirements:Primordial God Slayer: Niflheim God Slayer
Type: Offense
Element: Dark/Frost
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Lumikki pulls her arm back. From which, a valley of feathers surround her, all in an upward position and arranged in an arc. When Lumikki is ready to send the valley to her target, she simply faces them and tilts her head forward. The feathers match in that gesture, tilting forward along with her before shooting at the designated area like a series of projectiles. This spell strikes for 1A rank damage as an AoE with a diameter of 8 meters. The feathers land and explode into dark-frost shards within a meter of their individual impact area. Should Lumikki choose not to send them in a direction like a normal projectile, they will instead follow her direction of movement and aim toward her target like so. The feathers do not linger for long and must be detonated soon after they’re conjured.

Name: Text
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements:Primordial God Slayer: Niflheim God Slayer
Type: Offense
Element: Dark/Frost
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Ishtar bow spell

Name: Text
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements:Primordial God Slayer: Niflheim God Slayer
Type: Heal
Element: Dark/Frost
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Lumikki twirls her fingers, a gesture that conjures a black feather. She can send the feather flying like a dagger or fluttering softly should she like. Once the feather makes contact with the intended target, it will heal them for 1A rank health as the darkness from the feather unravels to envelop the target. Peeling away once the energy has faded like fallen snow in the wind.

Name: Text
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 00
Requirements:Primordial God Slayer: Niflheim God Slayer
Type: Text
Element: Text
Range: 00 Meters
Cooldown: X Posts
Effect: bind

Name: Text
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 00
Requirements:Primordial God Slayer: Niflheim God Slayer
Type: Text
Element: Text
Range: 00 Meters
Cooldown: X Posts
Duration: Instant or Sustain
Effect: dash

New Lunar Cycle Img_0811

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