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V. Crimson Wing

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V. Crimson Wing Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:49 am



Name: Crimson Wing

Slot: Off-hand

Type: Fist

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Damage: 100

Durability: 3x S-rank


Description: A unique off-handed item that is only suited for the Spellswords and not a shield. The glove can act as a normal fist weapon giving your blows some natural oomph to their physical strikes. There is a secret ability though, the glove can eject a bright red blade that runs the length of your arm to appear.

Measurements: The glove takes up your whole off-hand up to the elbow. When the blade is present, it sits about 10cm from your arm and runs the entire length of the glove plus an additional 40 cm beyond the fingertips.


Requirements: The user must be a Spellsword.

  • When using the blade component, treat the damage from this item as 150.
  • Spellswords can use this item even if they would normally not be able to equip such an item to their off-hand slot.

  • The blade portion of the glove only has 2x S-rank of durability, once broken it cannot be used any longer.


  • Crazy Blade: When attacking with this item and the blade is present your strikes hinder the struck limb for 3 posts. This effect refreshes if striking the same limb, if it were to strike another limb you must choose between which would be hindered.

  • Vital Slash: When trying to Hinder a limb, treat blows from this blade as one rank higher than they are. This does not increase the damage output further, just makes it easier to apply Hinder.


V. Crimson Wing Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:47 pm


Buy this for 50% off as 20% from my race and 30% from guild level 5 of fairytail. so it should cost me 2.5 million


V. Crimson Wing Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:30 pm


@Kaito has purchased the Crimson Wing for 2,500,000 Jewels

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