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Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki]

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Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Thu May 02, 2024 4:11 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

Heavens... She and Elise really overdid it back there. Just how much did they chug down? Night impossible to keep track after enough, especially when they got so utterly absorbed in the coversation. In the end, her "opponent" of the evening conceded before either of them could drink the other under the table, and she got left with the brand new acquaintance of some who she had a lot more common with than that striking physical resemblance. Alisa didn't even realize exactly how much she'd drunk until she tried standing up... Mentally she hardly noticed anything unusual, save perhaps for a slight lack of inibition. But her sense of balance had defenitely seen better days. Wobbling few steps as she got back to her feet, finished paying for their drinks, and stepped outside, minding each step so as not to trip down the staircase:

"Mmmn, I'd best walk it off...", even Sofia might find it strange to catch her wife drunk, but more importantly, she'd rather avoid the awkward explanation to her daughters as tho why their mother fell asleep with her clothes on... Or on the couch really. Alisa was a pretty heavy drinker with the tolerance to match but... Very rarely did she get to put that to the test the way she just did with her fellow Huntress, "...Before I get back..."

Her Demigod body defenitely made it easier to break down intoxicants, but even that divine power needed time to work its magic after the absurd amount the two Hunters had guzzled down. At times like these, nothing better than to get the body moving, blood pumping, rather than let the sluggishness settle in. And thus as she took a long deep breath of the cool, refreshing night air, the lithomancer instinctively turned away from the center and towards the outskirts of Hosenka. She couldn't really gauge just how far she'd walked and was simply enjoying the night air.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Thu May 02, 2024 6:36 pm


It had been days since Lumikki first arrived to Hosenka and she had grown accustomed to it. At least enough to know where she was going and where to seek her pleasures. Though there were still many things here she didn’t grow used to, bath houses being one.

Lumikki, a creature from Iceberg, was forged within the frost and cold of her homeland. It would even blossom in her magic and only flourish further with her rebirth to becoming a Demon. In terms of tundras, she could bite off more than most could ever chew. Inversely, the heat did not favor her in the slightest. Spiting the Demoness every chance it could get; and in Hosenka it would be no different.

This area was very reminiscent to a land she once wandered off to for war, a place some of her brothers would come from. It was like a little piece of Joya in a place and land she would not expect, and it brought out her curiosity and favor. There were many aspects to Joyan customs and culture she would read upon, hungrily trying to learn the richness her brothers knew. It was a pass time of the raven to read stories and lore of all lands, slowly immersing herself and becoming privy to their cultures. And the closer the ties wrapped around her, the more ravenous she grew. To the point she will study the language and want to partake in the ways.

So the glorious opportunity of Hosenka was a boon for the mage. It was an easy way to dip her toes without traveling all that far. And among one of her curiosities, a bath house would be one. Despite how irritatingly hot it would be, it was a favored practice she wanted to partake on.

With grit and determination, Lumi would repeatedly dip into the water. Throughout the days here, this would be her fourth attempt; and though it was getting easier to find enjoyment it would take its toll over time. Opening the Demoness to vulnerability she would rarely accept, but the moment of weakness was not a bad one. Actually, it would help her soak in more things than water, as the potency of drinks would rise ten-fold. Where it would take the Demoness many cups of liquor concoctions or jugs of wine, the drink would go down more and almost instantly disperse in her blood. As if the heat opened a path for the spirits to do so.

It would be to this mixture she owed her current state on this crisp and chilly night, but the cold could not sober her fast enough as her body would only soak it in hungrily to replenish its strength instead. Lumikki’s usual frigid aura would be dormant for the moment as she burned through the booze and cooled down. And what more, her usual human form which proved hard to maintain, waned to reveal her more demonic visage instead. So as Lumikki stumbled into the night leisurely trying to regain her chill, her skin of night laid bare. Poking through a dark blue floral yukata she purchased prior as the top slid down her shoulders. Her white hair was messily flying about in the breeze as she left it down and her wings tucked into her sides. Her blue tattoos glowing brighter than the half moon. And her dark violet and fuchsia eyes looked ablaze in the night. Her posture was a bit slouched and sluggish, though she held herself high and while each step looked like a chance to stumble. Still, if she were to fall, there was ample darkness to fall into and cushion her on her tumble.

As she journeyed to a favored pound at the edge of town to enjoy the koi and scenery, Lumi lightly sang a folk song from her home, letting the wind carry her notes to the fringes of the night. She had no interest in sleeping just yet, nocturnal as she was, there was still time to play. But until she could pull her mischief, she would tuck herself away.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 12:27 pm


WORDS: 600 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

Alisa was enjoying her walk, delighting in the cool night air as the wind blew every so softly against her face, soft like a lover's caress, the way ahead lit only by the moon's silvery gleam adorning the starlit night sky. Now that she thought about it, she wasn't really the type to go on nighttime walks such as this...? Something to think about, after all~... The nights in Hargeon were no less beautiful than Hosenka's, and it felt utterly wasteful to wait until you're absolutely hammered to go out and enjoy them.

So far away into the outskirts of the city, Alisa all but had the whole road to herself, alone with her thoughts... After a while of walking alone, she caught sight dim lights along the way, only a few meters away, and they piqued her interest immediately.

"Oh...? What's that over there?", her brow arched immediately but soon her lips widened into a smile as she thought back to her meeting with Averie and Helena a few days ago, even nibbling her bottom lip as she thought of them... After all, nothing quite like soaking away at the springs to relax with a drink, enough to bring a soft smile to her face as she thought aloud, "...Why, what a wonderful idea~"

She may have done the drinking beforehand, and she was certainly not planning on staying the night... But she could defenitely enjoy a good soak. However, as she meandered close to the hot springs inn, lost in her thoughts, she caught sight of something else entirely. Before reaching the inn, she found a large, beautiful pond, gleaming under the moonlight... And found herself utterly transfixed. Practically bewitched by the sight before her, Alisa wandered closer, her lips parting ever so slightly as she gawked at the sight, hypnotized, one hand brushing against the tree as though tempted to lean against it and simply enjoy the view... Until she was lured closer by an unfamiliar figure. Yet even more so than the mysterious woman, clad in a Yukata, as though she'd only recently left the inn to go out for a walk of her own... But it was the song she hummed that ultimately drew her in.

She was familiar with that tune, for it immediately filled her with a keen sense of nostalgia... One Alisa couldn't quite place at first. Where had she heard it? A knot formed in her brow as her mind rummaged through those years of bygone memories, but by the time she got close enough to her, she'd still not arrived at a satisfying answer:

"Good evening~", she greeted walking up to her, eyes washing over her frame, flashing her a cool, captivating smile, crouching sluggishly beside her, dipping her hand into the pond as she mused with a playful tone, "How's the water?"

Lumikki was a famous face, but Alisa for one had never met her personally, let alone be familiar with her demonic form. She couldn't help but feel intrigued by that dusky beauty of her frame, putting even Demon Lords and Princes to shame. Indeed, she recognized her as a Demon, but ever since the Demonic Invasions where the gates had been closed, nearly all Demons currently on Earthland had actually come from this very plane. Though she may have never met her before, she knew that without slightest sliver of doubt that the two were from the same dimension. No being from the Abyss could utter a song that evoked memories from Alisa's childhood:

"Say, that song you were humming...", she mused, arching her brow as she shifted her legs and sat down beside the pond, adjusting the neckline of her sweater, her hand sliding down to her lap as she finally surrendered to her curiosity, "I feel like I've heard it before?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 7:07 pm


Lumikki, often aware of the surroundings, didn’t take note of her guest until the woman made herself known. Even then, it would take the raven a moment to collect her wits as the company came by such surprise. All she could do was gracelessly react for the moment until she settled her hazy focus entirely on her company. ” Aye, good evening,” her voice as airy as the howling tundra winds. Just like she could hardly maintain a human form in her current stupor, she failed to manage a human voice as well. ” HOT,” remarked Lumikki with great emphasis for her answer. To her, the waters were indeed hot, and only the hot springs would cross her mind.

The feverish mage would have continued her stumbling if the woman had not planted herself down beside the water so nonchalantly. The lady’s carefree gesture sparked one of her own, and Lumi would simply drop herself beside her. Figuring this would make a decent spot to sit, as good as any really.

” Uuuuh,” Lumi fumbled, looking at the woman at last directly in the face.” Hmmmm ånd galdr, but ye would hardly hear it outside of the towns and cities of Iceberg.” She leaned forward inquisitively to inspect the woman’s face, and it would be then that she finally realized.” Oy—what are the odds, the odds of running to ye here. Me ap-apologies Lady Alisa. Ya probably wouldn’t know me, but ye for sure know of me, uncle. He’s Brone Heavyaxe of da, Da-dawn.” She was too drunk to feel embarrassed from the slurring of her words but it did not temper her displeasure from fumbling all the same. And with her annoyance, she’d lunge toward the water’s surface. Her pale, disheveled hair draped down until it dipped into the pound; coiling along the edge like white and blue serpents as the Demoness inspected herself through the make-shift mirror.

She’d hang there silent for a moment, before eventually giving in and dunking her head inside. The surge of cold was beyond refreshing, almost sobering; but it would still fail to alleviate her intoxication. With the defeat, Lumi would rise; running her fingers through her hair to pull the strands back. ” This lass would admit she drunk her weight in wine….”, she broke into a laugh.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 10:13 am


WORDS: 600 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

The moment she answered her question, Alisa's face lit up, practically beaming as those recollections from her childhood flooded in as though a damn had been broken. They rarely allowed her in the room when they did this, but it didn't stop Alisa from peeking and catching her father and uncle drinking merrily and singing that same tune:

"Ohhh!! That's where I heard it! My father and uncle used to sing that. Gods, it's been years since I've last heard it.", she replied with a glimmer in her eyes, just glancing up at the sky, leaning and as she shifted both legs to one side, hand on the grass behind her shifted her hands behind her head. Alisa hadn't been born in Iceberg, and only on rare occasions had she set foot there entirely. Her father and uncle had moved down to Fiore when they themselves were young men, and left their lives behind. They'd passed on the language to her, but not so much the culture of Iceberg, "Ånd galdr... So that's the name of the song hm? Took me over twenty years to learn that~"

Still, to think she'd not only run into a Demoness here, but one native to her ancestral homeland. What a small world we live in... That coincidence amazed her enough on its own, and that was before Lumikki too recognized her. Only then did Alisa start connecting the dots, and her eyes flared immediately. Indeed, she didn't know this form of hers... But the Raven Queen was quite famous in her own right, the niece Brone Heavyaxe, the legendary Dwarven Warrior.

"O-Oh... Oh dear...", a sluggish stammer left her lips as the revelation exposed the depths of her inebriation, Alisa rose a hand over her mouth in shock, "Y-You're Brone's niece, Lumikki? My, you're even more beautiful than the rumours said~", realizing they shared a another connection beyond that shared ancestry, Alisa indulged in a bit of curiosity. Since he'd travelled North to join Paradise Dawn, Alisa had only heard from Brone through the tales of his exploits, "Tell me, how's the North been treating Brone? Been a few years since I've last seen him."

She sat there and watched as the girl looked over her own reflection, and while Alisa ultimately leaned over for a look, she had to hold on to a rock as she lot balance and damn near fell in. In hindsight, sitting down might not have been the best idea, but meeting Lumikki here helped keep her awake a bit:

"Unnf... Well, you and me both I suppose. Guess whose side of the family I take after~", when it came to her drinking, Alisa was very much a clear example of that stereotype, "Judging by your attire... Did you just come from the hot springs?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 4:49 pm


" Could say the same for ye, yer far more fair than the stories care to say. Though Brone isn't one to know how to describe beauty well beyond weaponry and armor. Still, he only told me the more glorious tales of his adventures with ya and his disdain for suits and the like." Lumikki giggled as she spoke of it, giddy to have someone to talk the history over. It never occurred to her prior that there was the possibility of hearing the other side.

She sat back and adjusted herself for a moment before answering further. As Lumi continued speaking, her hands would wring out her hair and fix it in some sloppy and loose braids. " He loves the North, loves the purpose. But really, I worry that he stays holed up in there. I keep insisting he goes out more; and only now do I think he cares to listen to me. Ain't no glory hidden in the North, I think that's found elsewhere." She was twisting her braids together at this point into a messy bun. When she felt it bunched enough, Lumi leaned toward the pond; pulling out an icicle from rapidly freezing some of the water. After sliding it in her hair until it was secure, she returned to face Alisa once more.

" Sure did and it's hot...." Lumi began her whine again," I don't know how people stand it. Even as a human it would of felt like being boiled alive. But...still....there is some charm in it somehow, like it's kinda relaxing. If anything at aaaall.....it makes the drink sit heavy." Without thinking about it, Lumi pulled a piece of the shadow cast upon her chest. It looked like a black ribbon within her fingers; and just as quickly as she took the strand, the Demoness slurped it down. Like a very convenient snack. " Did the hot springs being ye over? Michael always told me of yer pools and beaches, so I suppose those in the South enjoy their water."

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 11:41 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"My, how flattering hearing that from you~", Alisa winked and flashed her that captivating smile, thought she couldn't help but raising her hand over her mouth with an elegant chuckle as she very much remembered Brone's disdain for wearing suits, "Fufu~... Sounds like something he'd say. Indeed, he preferred to express beauty in other ways, martial prowess chief among which."

Though she could only imagine how a down to earth warrior like Brone himself would think about, and a martial artist like Alisa had nothing but appreciation for someone who poured his heart and soul into his weapon of choice and reached the pinnacle of mastery. Reaching that level in martial arts was a thing of beauty. Alisa hifted her rear on the soft grass, crossing her legs sluggishly as her hand rested on her knee:

"Mmmm, I can understand that... My wife... Says the same about myself.", Alisa mused, leaning into her own experience from staying in one guild too long, glancing off as she rubbed the side of her temple, a hint of redness in her cheeks as a smidge of embarassment mixed with her inebriated state, "Perhaps he feels he needs to look after the Guild and their new members?"

Everyone was different, after all, and no matter how similar their circumstances, motivations could still differ greatly. Maybe she should head North for a visit one of these days? Been a long time since she visited her hometown too:

"Mmm, that's for sure~... And I thought the Summers in the South were hot. It takes some getting used to? Still... When you soak in that much heat, it just feels like your troubles just melt away.", Alisa chuckled, a heavy sigh leaving her lips as her chest rose and fell, and the mere memory of it had her fanning herself with the neckline of her sweater, nodding when Lumikki wondered if the springs brought here here, "Oh, absolutely~ Judith and I wanted to bring everyone together, and the Hot springs of Hosenka are something everyone should experience at least once in their lives~"

Seeing her munch on shadows like that... It almost made hope she remembered to bring something to snack on. After drinking that much on a nearly empty stomach... She picked a small stone off the ground and started idly rolling it in her palm, slowly turning into a shiny lump of crystal as she arched her brow:

"So you've met Michael hm~? When was that?", she mused, curious about Michael's adventures, after all... He was one of the most far travelled members of Blue Pegasus, and even she rarely heard all of his adventures.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 2:04 pm


" Yea that's what the old bear says but I think it insulting. Ye don't trust the rest of the guild to protect and provide for yer own? He's a warrior! He won't find the glory he seeks in our halls. So I just worry. And well...bully everyone else to get stronger of course. Got to lighten the load on that Dwarf's back somehow...."

Upon Alisa's remark to the heat from the south, Lumi's face would quickly sour; shaking her head without being aware." I could barely stomach the heat of the Luluhawa islands lass, yer hometown would just cook me alive. Ye sure yer from Iceberg? Or maybe there's part Dwarf in ya, them blokes could take a dip in magma and still call it cold. But I agree these baths got a charm in 'em. A bit of a kick too."
she spoke with much enthusiasm, almost too animated but that was the fault of her intoxication. Bringing out every passing passion the Demoness could have; and as she spotted, she'd stop in fascination to the trick in Alisa's hand. The shiny stone now claimed a bulk of her attention.

" How ye did that~" she asked with a giddy tone, " Maybe there's part Dwarf in ye after all." She was far too lightheaded to remember the woman's magic. It was a wonder she recognized her at all but the beauty of Alisa wasn't all that common even if raven hair was. Lumi leaned over, almost toppling into Alisa's lap as she reached for the stone for further inspection. When she realized her actions, she promptly sat back. There was no shame on her part, just the understanding that the stone needed a gift in return. Lumi thought hard about what it could be, eventually settling on a pegasus.

It took her a bit to get the base going, her fingers were sluggish and far from the normal dexterous. But besides the lack of her usual details and flourishes, minus the wings which were done with the most love, the piece was done. " I'd trade ya for that stone pleeeeese," she handed over the figure, hoping that Alisa would be kind enough to comply.

It was then that she remembered the question from prior. " Oh--Micheal, aye-aye yes. We met during his time in Orchidia, and something bout Christina being kind enough to drop him off. Funny lad but he looks out of place in a suit. We got along like wolves and ravens though."

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 5:17 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Fufu~... My father is from Iceberg, I was born in Fiore? I guess that helps a litttle bit~", Alisa heaved once more, a heavy breath leaving her lips as her eyes widened, only to let out an amused chuckle when Lumikki wondered if she was part dwarf. Granted, she might actually be, considering her paternal family's long history... But as for actually thriving in the heat? She was quick to refute that, "Oh, if only... I meeeean, It's always a challenge when Summer comes around...? I need three layers of Sunscreen or else I turn into a lobster, every single time. That said... The pleasure of taking a dip in the pool on a hot summer day~... Few things compare to that."

Granted, as someone actually native to Iceberg, and an Ice mage of all people. She could imagine Lumikki probably suffered those sweltering Summers a lot more than most people did. She was so engrossed in the conversation, she barely even noticed what she was doing with her hands, until Lumi pointed out, and almost fell into her lap:

"W-Whoa...!", she reached out to help support her, hand on her shoulder as if Lumi might really topple over, "You know you might be onto something? Nobody in my family knows where it comes from but Crystal Magic runs in the family? Maybe I should ask Uncle Gottfrid about it sometime."

Even her ancestor Olivia was never said to be the first. Alisa rose her hand to her chin, idly musing on Lumikki's words, until the dusky beauty completely expressed her interest:

"R-Really, just like this...? Are you sure you don't even want me to sculpt something for you?", Alisa arched her brow, a little shocked, and no doubt a bit flattered too judging by that redness on her cheeks. She was used to people enjoying her sculptures, but what she had in her hand was literally just a rock she turned into a crystal. And here was Lumikki, utterly fascinated by it, and soon, so would Alisa, mouth gaping, gawking with awe at the woman's sculpting skills, soon followed by a glimmer in her eyes, "My~... That looks beautiful~...! It hardly feels like a fair trade, but with an offer like that. I can't possibly refuse~"

In the end she stretched her hand out, offering the shiny stone she'd just crafted with that captivating smile on her lips, accepting the gorgeous Pegasus statuette she'd just sculpted and placing it on her lap, enthralled by how finely crafted it was, especially the wings. Making a mental note to give her a sculpted item too before this night was over:

"Ohhh, he does huh? I told him he doesn't need to, but he insists on wearing the suit. Stillll~... I suppose there's strenght to be found in leaving your comfort zone.", even with her slurred tone, there was a hint of romanticism in her words, admiration even, for a man whom she felt increasingly close to, "You should come visit him in the South sometime? During the Winter of course~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 8:49 pm


It was with a great sigh of relief that Lumikki accepted Alisa’s help with steadying. For a bird like her, balance was one of the first things over drinking destroyed. Leaving Lumi hardly able to walk a proper line let alone take off into the air.” Thanks love…I’m heavier than I remember.” She’d mumble as she gave the woman’s words some thought.

” The chances of it are in yer faaavor. I belong to a clan of seven Dwarven familiess, one being the Lerformare clan. Those fools practiced magic, which was already a tough buy back home; but managed to get themselvess exiled when their magic began corrupting the earth of the mountains. The lads practiced magic of the stone, but crystals should be a whim for ‘em. Where they’ve gone…hard to say but if they found homes elsewhere then I’m happy for them…Now if yer tied to that bloodline of course is another story, but I always love seeing the family growing bigger.” Lumikki spoke the tale of her family as she prepared the Pegasus figure. She was quite preoccupied with telling her tale and managing the ice of her magic.

It was like she zoned out in that moment, only to be tugged back a forced to crash to the ground by Alisa’s bashful reaction. For all the shades of red the lady turned, Lumi would flush with blues. She was both cued and nervous by Alisa’s reaction. Feeling even more sentimental by her work. ” Oh…ummm….hmmmmm….” She’d held her hand out for the crystal while looking away.

With it in hand, Lumikki brought it to the sky. Letting the light of the moon dance on her new treasure.” Can….can ye really sculpt this? I’ve never seen someone…..” she tucked the cold stone in between her cleavage for safe keeping, as the Demoness didn’t want to part with her pretty stone; and she’d lean over purposefully by the water and get to work.

” Agreed, I could respect a man who could move pass is comfort. His rough nature made him entertaining company.” As she mumbled the words, she’d look over to Alisa and then back to her work. This piece more meticulous than the one before, it burned all Lumi’s focus and capacities as she labored to get it done nicely. The wings that adorned her head would twitch in excitement.” Aaaaah, visit….the……south?” Lumikki bite into her finger and tugged at the wound with her teeth, letting her dark blue blood pour on top of her project. Then licking the wound clean when she was done.

” Ye know, Brone always told me of his roots in the south…….How ye were kind enough to take him and the Angel under yer wing. He even keeps the mark……But I always worried I’d stand out like a fool there….” Lumikki pulled back from her slumped posture to properly face Alisa once more, this time with another figure in hand.

Lumikki had to work with what was around, but with her impulsive desire she sculpted Alisa. The pale skin was made from normal water turned almost while from the intense cold, while the raven dark hair hanging loose like ribbons in the air were craft from Lumi’s own frost. For the dress, Lumi settled on a kimono and simple pose; using her blood as another contrast to the colors available. It added a rich blue that was almost mat compared to the ice’s shine and a black obi to finish the look. ” There, that should pay for a sculpture proper,” she’d reach down for her stone to play with it in her fingers.” If ye’d have me, I’d love to come. I even think I have a dress for the occasion.” A smile pulled at her lips revealing her fangs framed by a cheeky smirk. But it was playful as the Demoness simply enjoyed her jesting.

” Do the southerner’s even get snow down there? Can’t bring a white wonderland, but I can deliver a small storm.” She chuckled from her audacity, content to enjoy the passing breeze; and so she bobbed in then excitement her drink and company granted her.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Tue May 07, 2024 5:18 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Oh dear... For all we know we might be distant cousins...? I don't know where the Vollan line got their Crystal Magic, but if your clansmen were exiled to the surface... We might have shared roots.", Alisa had to admit, she felt a tingle of excitement, after all, it was a lead on a power she had, but never knew where it came from. Her face light up, however, as Lumikki inquired on her sculpting abilities, lips curling wider as she leaned onto her side, now practically lying on the grass as she propped herself on one arm, "Oh, I most defenitely can... Would you like to see~?"

Brushing her long hair in a bundle and draping it it over the opposite shoulder, before letting that hand sift through the grass until she could find another stone that suited her tastes... She'd gotten so used to her sculpting that she could do it without looking, well, at least right at the start... As soon as those sensitive digits found a small stone that suited her tastes, she slowly crystallized it... Taking the minerals from the rock itself to produce the black crystal her own magic was otherwise incapable of:

"M-My~... He... Still keeps the mark? Fufu~... We enjoyed joining the two of them on those missions. They put such fear in the hearts of those Pirates it took months before we ever saw them again~", she felt a little humbled, surprised to hear it even. Her hand raising over her bust... It was almost a tradition for mages to replace their old marks with the new one, "Oh you'd be surprised... Southerners try their damndest to stand out. A beauty like yourself would earn only admiration~"

Alisa's own sculpting was slowly coming along now, now boasting a distinctly avian shape, that of a raven fitting for the Northern woman standing before her now. Alisa finally needed both hands for it too, and leaned back up just enough that she didn't need to prop herself up, a glimmering trail of black crystal dust trickling down from her joined hands:

"M-My~... You're spoiling me~", she was only distracted from her work, her hands slowing down as she admired that perfect depiction of herself, evidencing someone who'd poured so much of herself into her art... Alisa couldn't help but run her fingers down the chilly sides of it, taking in the detailled shapes she crafted... But her admiration only fueled her desire to give her something of equal value to take home, "Black crystals are a little harder buuuut~... You've paid the price twice over now."

Drunk, and sluggish, Alisa moved slower... Tilting her head, left and right, looking from each angle... Were she sober, she could have worked much faster. But recognizing her own inebriation, she needed a bit longer to make it perfect... And soon, there it was, a Raven, black as midnight, posing with spread wings as though preparing to take flight:

"Well, what do you think~?", she replied, presenting her work before her expecting fellow artist, "Mmm, and when you put it like that... I'll have a proper party waiting for you. I have quite a few wines that have been waiting for a special occasion."

With her hands now free, Alisa placed both of Lummiki's sculptures in front of her, carefully so she wouldn't knock them over with an accidental swipe of her hand, and shifted her legs towards the side again, hand resting on the edge of the pond, taking a moment to watch their reflection cast upon the surface:

"I once saw a very thin film of snow, barely a fingernail thick... And only in the coldest day of an especially chilly winter~", Alisa couldn't help but snicker at her question that evoked a particularly vivid memory only out of the sheer outlandishness of it. A warm southern city rarely ever touched negative temperatures long enough to form snow... Almost daring the demoness to give it a try, "If you can make it snow in Hargeon, now that's a sight nobody will ever forget~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 7:47 pm


" Very well could. Would be funny to know ye were cousins to Brone all this time." Lumi remarked on her proclamation; she was too engrossed in her desires to express it at the time, but the thought of finding a distant relative left her quite elated.

The pair would discuss more while pouring into their work. Both are handicapped by their intoxication but too skilled and stubborn to be halted." Funny black crystal allude ye lass, I could say white snow is no longer a given for me either. Finding the inverse in another is an....interesting thing..." When Lumikki finally revealed hers to Alisa, she was overjoyed by the reception. It almost rivaled the harsh desires for the new treasure gifted to her. A raven on the cusp of taking flight, made her brain tingle knowing it would be hers.

She took it in hand very graciously, her eyes never quite tearing away. " Dazzling," was all Lumi could muster, her demonic voice more airy than usual making it a tad hard to comprehend. With her free hand, Lumi rapidly tapped the floor beneath her. Each strike adding to the pile of growing black snow she'd use to lay back on. It was like a refreshing cushion, a nice aversion to resting on the plain grass.

Eventually, Lumikki would rip her eyes away from her gem and turn over to gaze at Alisa." Do ye mean it? Would ya throw me a party?" The most pleased expression would grace her features. For the Demon she was, it almost portrayed as angelic in her wholesome gratitude. Though she was as tricky and destructive as any of kind were known to be, the humanity at her core had not yet left her. And the deep inebriation over tempered her sentimentalities." Decided from what time that I could visit, and I'll send word by me ravens to confirm. I shall mark me arrival toward yer south with a soft snow storm and merge the joys of north and south if not for a little while. What pleasure it would be to take a break from the ever-present heat for just a moment. May yer people enjoy the spectacle as well." She grinned sincerely, and to hint at her invitation Lumi threw a hand into the air. With the slight instance of her magic, a small flurry of black snow trickled from the sky raining down onto the pair.

Lumi, lying down flat on her back while looking up at her snow crossing with the light of the moon, thought somberly of her gift. " I don't think I could ever part from me frost.....at this point, it's me blood."

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sun May 12, 2024 10:38 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

Alisa couldn't help but giggle at the idea, raising a hand over her mouth... If it turns out she was right... It would make it a shame for them not to have found that out when Brone was still in the South, they'd have much to talk about. Alas... It's never too late to make up for lost time:

"Fufu~... Only adds to the mystic, does it not?", she chuckled, still a little stunned by the coincidence of meeting her like this, even in the context of the Hot Springs Festival bringing everybody to the city, Hosenka was quite large. Alisa winked with a melodious little giggle, as praise felt all that much sweeter coming from someone as equally talented as herself, "I'm glad you like it... Suits you~"

Alisa had practically sprawled out atop the grass now, reclining on her side, propping herslef up on one elbow... Her fingertips idly brushing the outlines of the statuettes Lumikki had just crafted for her, utterly enthralled by how smooth they felt to the touch:

"Whyyy, of course~ Brone might have told you how much Blue Pegasus loves having parties. If it helps, you can think of it as simply giving us a perfect reason to party with you~?", she winked, a sense of complicity in her words, just in case Lumikki might have felt apprehensive about the idea... She didn't seem like the type who would, but Alisa said it anyway. Between Lumikki's Demonic nature and Alisa's Divinity, both women were already quite far from the Human nature they had started with... However, their bonds with their peers kept them grounded, "Mmmm, and with an entrance like that... You can expect a fitting party in return~ Mmm, I'll have a word with Judith, see if she can't sell us some more wine. And I'll promise you, no matter how much you drink. It will neverrrr run out~"

Admittedly, Lumikki probably had it worse, as she posessed a pure, unadultered Obscura which would instinctively try to align her with the Abyss. But the attachment she felt to her homeland and family... Those concepts alone were alien to the Demons from the Abyss:

"And it's been so long since I left the North... I hardly ever see snow nowadays?", Alisa rolled onto her back, propping herself up on both elbows now as her gaze drifted from Lumikki and up into that bright, starlit sky, the lunar gleam illuminating the pond at their side... To think she'd see proper snow in Hargeon. The thought brought a smile to her face, and with a tingle of nostalgia. She'd gotten used to that hot Southern air, perhaps a little too used to it, "Would be a welcome change... Mmm, maybe I should visit the North, too? Feels like it's long overdue... And haven't seen my Uncle in a while either."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sun May 12, 2024 11:21 pm


Wine that could never run out? Lumikki was already pleased with the idea to head south but that comment would leave her committed. It was not that wine alone was so enticing, but the prospect of such a celebration was hard not to love. Such merriment to be held at the place her Uncle started and grew, with his mentor at her domain? The honor was so delicious that it made her ravenous.

" It goes without saying that yer always welcome in the North. I believe it was the case before and it sure extends to now. I would just need time to prepare something as grand as yer offer....Curious...what would ye favor in a party? Hmmm much to think over indeed. Suppose the North don't through nearly as many parties but I could aim to change that." It never occurred to Lumikki what the North held. It simply became her new home when she left Iceberg and she never gave it much thought beyond it, especially not what it had to offer. This thought now bothered her deeply as it agitated her pride. She wanted the identity of the North to be clear for all who entered, so maybe this would be the motivation she needed to explore the land and help it flourish.

" What....what makes the South so enticing to stay? What makes it....known..?...or hmmm distant to the other places? I guess I have to travel Fiore meself as I'm not sure how anything is. Hosenka is nice because it's like Joya and I've been there but I don't know how anything is. I don't know what makes the North shine but I'd hate to bore ya if ye came. Hmm."

The restless Demoness would shuffle around a lot as she mulled over the many thoughts. Yet this was not a matter that would be solved in one sitting. " Ye have an Uncle in the North?" after all her thoughts she'd finally settled on that one to end with. Liking the prospect of learning more about her company than bogging herself with too many pointless inquires.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Mon May 13, 2024 3:28 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

Alisa chuckled, as though she knew exactly how to win over Lumikki. She knew how her family was, she knew how she herself was, so after meeting Lumikki in this state of mutual inebriation... She knew just how to tempt her. Blue Pegasus' wine cellar survived several heavy drinkers, in no small part thanks to Judith's help:

"I appreciate that~... I suppose it never really came up did it?", after all, her work kept her in the South most of the time, and much to Sofia's chagrin, the couple seldom had as much free time to travel as they once did. So when Lumikki wondered on what she preferred in a party, Alisa brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled, her answer flowing naturally without, "Wellll, I'm a woman of simple tastes~... Good food, good wine and good company... That's all you really need to have a good party? Anything beyond, music, games, swimming pool... Any of those are just pleasant surprises~... Though now I have to return the question. What would you like to see in your party?"

Expensive tastes considering what she usually went for, but simple in the end. She grew up in a small town, after all, where the luxuries she now took for granted were harder to come by, and certainly not a part of everyday life. Alisa lifted back upright, crossing her legs, still idly twirling a lock of black hair around her finger:

"The weather is lovely you know? Sure, the heat can be too much sometimes, and takes a while to get used to for people like us... But in the morning, you wake up and look out the window... And you see that vast ocean, spreading out as far as the eye can see... The salty sea breeze blowing all the way to your window. If you haven't been there before... It's... Quite an experience~?", her smile brightened at the mere thought, motioning with her hands as if to emphasized that all encompassing vastness, "I do, he lives in a small town in the mountains near Orchidia, same place I grew up in. So small you've probably never even heard of it~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Mon May 13, 2024 6:29 pm


A flash of panic washed over the Demoness' face, flushing out her already flushed cheeks further. She never expected that Alisa would turn the question around on her. Assuming that it would be a passing inquiry in the conversation onto something else. This put Lumikki in a tizzy as she worked hard to select the right words. As though this was a simple question, the drink had decimated her inclinations of the answer. Fidgeting profusely, Lumikki propped herself to face Alisa, but would constantly dart her eyes every which way as she fumbled a decent answer." Aye, yes. A party of course. Ummmm ye know....just as, just like....Dwarf! Yea, Dwarf!....I think I like parties just as the Dwarven throw 'em. Merry cheer, much food and drink, and all those involved are relishing in it. Is that how the South can be? I'm not used to pool, actually, I never swam in one. But if ye visit the North, amidst the waterfalls there are plunge pools. Similar enough aye? And if ye visit and want some change, I could freeze 'em for the visitors and create ice rinks for us to enjoy. " Lumikki left satisfied as her answer was far more masterful than she ever thought she'd conceive. Almost puffing at the chest with how well she avoided that embarrassing moment.

Alisa, to Lumikki's request, would recant the things of her home that built its splendor. Almost painting a picture that made Lumikki feel like she was there. The Demoness plopped back down, giving her descriptions and joys some thought; but it would be the information of her Uncle that made her rise up again. " Small world isn't it. What a dream to know family of another is close. I frequent Orchidia but I indeed don't stray far past the city. I hope when ye come to visit, he agrees it's been nice and peaceful up there. Well...as peaceful as it could be." Lumikki grinned with intensity. It was like she was a bubble of joy. It was in her nature to veer intensely in her emotions, but the drink would plunge her further into their depth; but at least these were of pleasure and elation. To which she savored as much as anyone could savor hatred. Finding the taste of extremes to be delicious.

" From a small town huh?" Lumi dropped down on her back again, her eyes now fixed on the stars." Did ye ever think ye'd end up as ya did now? I sure didn't...."

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 4:16 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Oh dear~... Good choice, the Dwarves are famous for their banquets. I'm not surprised their festive nature rubbed off on the humans of Iceberg?", Alisa scratched her cheek, a hint of shame drawing on her cheeks at never having experienced one herself.

Her love of festivals was a relatively recent change, only after she'd joined Blue Pegasus, and even more so after she became Guildmaster and wanted to give her Guildmates something to enjoy after those long weeks away on missions... But she'd never participated in a Dwarven feast. The heavy Dwarven influence on Iceberg was clear as day even to those not entirely familiar with the history of the country, from their unmatched stonemasonry and smithing techniques, down to a shared distrust of elves and magic, inversely proportional to their high tolerance for alcohol. Nowhere else but in Iceberg did the two races have a bond that close:

"Oh very much so~... Why, you should have seeeeeen the party we threw a few years back for Mardi Gras? Even for us we rarely manage to involve the entire city of Hargeon in the celebrations. Though... Surprising to hear you never swam in a pool? You'll have a chance to change that once you're in Hargeon~", as she spoke, she found herself fiddling with her hair more and more, until she finally, pulled it back into a long ponytail, fashioning herself a glimmering, makeshift hairclip using her magic, "Mmmm~... That does sound wonderful... Fufu~... When i go there, how about we find the tallest waterfall to jump off of? That kind of rush always gets you~"

Still, it shouldn't be too hard to find a pool, or even craft one using magic if one really wanted to go for a dip, but at the same time... She knew now that Lumikki defenitely preferred winter sports to summer ones. A change of pace is always welcome, and even if you end up not wanting to repeat the experience, it will simply leave you with a newfound appreciation for your favorites... Or who knows... One might just end up finding a new favorite:

"Fufu~... Very much so. Though when I think about it, I'm sure he'd like you. He'd certainly appreciate what you've been doing for the North.", She smiled, thinking only of fond memories of the man who took her in when her father left, how he tried to keep her from the path she now walked, but ultimately decided to train her once he saw she couldn't be swayed from it. Alisa too was naturally moody, and her current intoxication only magnified that side of herself as she felt warm and cozy in her nostalgic mood, "Mmmm, at the time I wasn't really thinking what might happen once I left... I had only a single goal in mind? Buuuut life tends to kinda... Take you in directions you never expect... You know what I mean right?"

Her arms slid back along the grass as Alisa leaned back, her ponytail brushing the surface of the pond as those hands came to rest along the edges... Breathing in that refreshing night air.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 5:37 pm


Lumikki observed Alisa as she expressed her thoughts and memories. Somewhat mesmerized by a women whose seen and done as much as she had. What more, the mentor to her Uncle. She could only ponder the experiences she’s had even in a realm as simple as parties.

But it would be the small line that struck her all the way to her heart. That the man Alisa cared for within the North, her home, would be pleased. Lumikki was not always so sentimental but the drink had a heavy handed way of swaying one to places not usually her norm. So she’d blush the compliment away and heed the next words.

” Oy, I could attest to that. I had no plans, least when I left home that is, to become what I am now. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to be anything great, just entertain childish fancies. And after all of that….I don’t even know how I’ve gotten here.” Lumikki rose from her spot of the grass and adjusted herself so that she would be near the water once again. Peering down onto her reflection and mulling herself over. But it would be this gesture that flustered her like no other. As she slapped the water of her reflection and pulled away. Hands held to her face and hiding her vestige, Lumikki couldn’t help but grumble and curse her carelessness. She never entered human form and hoped that in Alisa’s shared intoxication that maybe she also didn’t notice.

” Hahahaaa……yea, life has its ways aye?” Her hands couldn’t pull away but she wasn’t sure she’d get her human form just right either. She’d settle for waving her arm and urging the night to fall atop her like a black veil, with the mantra “out of sight, out of mind,” playing on repetition on her mind.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 12:14 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

Alisa had no doubt Lumikki would like him too, after all, her Uncle was a down to earth Northern man, happy to share some stories over a homecooked meal and some special bottle of liquor he had saved just for the occasion. Hell, he won Sofia over even faster than she herself did... Still, the crystal woman could only giggle at that hint of redness on Lumi's cheeks, imagining the two of them sharing a drink:

"That is... Exactly how it went for me too~... I did have a plan, but it was just... Too narrow minded I suppose?", Alisa followed her with her eyes, her own cheeks reddening a bit at the admission, lifting herself a bit higher once she felt her ponytail dipping into the pond, "I will say you've done quite impressively for yourself?"

The news of Lumikki's new mantle of Guild Master, however, were still too new and had yet to reach Alisa's ears. But even without knowing that, she could see how strong she'd grown and the effort her Guild put in caring for the North. She followeed Lumikki as the raven gazed into her own reflection, only for her brow to arch as she reeled as though remembering which form she was using, and quickly changing into her human shape:

"My~... You know, you're beautiful in either form~?", Alisa's lips curled as she pointed it out with an arched brow, she could have pretended not to notice but then again, she also knew Lumikki had probably not been born a demon. She watched as the icy beauty covered herself in a coak of midnight and couldn't help but let out a little giggle at the sight~... It almost made her wonder how she'd be like absent the intoxication they were now under. With the tales of her power, she almost expected an aloof, distant woman, and though Alisa couldn't know what she was like sober, she felt fortunate to have had the luxury of meeting Lumikki would her hair down, "By the way... How did you come upon that power? If you don't mind my asking..."

Alisa must have been one of the last people from Earthland to ever end up in the Abyss, and one of the few to come back after staying there this long... She returned only shortly before the gates were closed, any longer and she'd have inevitably remained there until the present day... But with the gates closed, it was now much harder to acquire a pure Obscura like the one she now wielded.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 2:12 am


" Heh, thanks. I can't say I didn't try hard for it, or that it didn't hurt, but I am content with what I became. If anything....I could say that I finally feel like I matter. There's value to me beyond the sincerity of family bonds. No, I am me own pillar to hold up the Dawn....see.... it was a worry of mind I'd remain useless forever...." All beings had their own inflictions, even as a Daemon insecurity would be the one Lumikki suffered for most. It was like her Obscura sensed it and exploited it. As though Demons were beings of chaos and destruction, they were also afflictions in the most visceral sense. Feeling all there was in its extremes. So for all Lumikki's highs and joys, there were depths of shame, insecurities, and uncertainty within her. And with all her failures and losses to people like Yuurei, it would accumulate to a burden she could hardly bear. When one walks with the greats, it does not mean they'd become one. Sometimes it would instead inflict pain and worry, or a sense of self-doubt as their shadows smothered you. With her Obscura, this worry would only elevate to a point of over-fixation, almost unraveling her mind and sense of self until she was a husk ready to be exploited.

It was the love of her family that saved her from the dread. It would be them who kept her human enough now to entertain compassion still.

Flussted and under her dark blanket, Lumikki would poke out her head enough for her eyes to be seen, one of sapphire, the other citrine. Her tattoos were gone and the hair to poke out was periwinkle shade. It would be the comment that drew her out, but not enough to ease her embarrassment entirely. " Power?..." She had no way to understand just what power Alisa referred to, first thinking that it was aimed toward her transformation. " Huh..... it's just a thing I happen to do."

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 5:01 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Fufu~... You did your best, and got where you are now, whether you planned for it or not. That's laudable in its own right.", Alisa nodded, perhaps finding it all the more impressive for someone to succeed at a path that not what they outlined for themselves. With sufficient willpower and maybe a little help, anybody can achieve what they put their minds to. But winning with the hand you're dealt, one you've never wanted for yourself, takes a whole other kind of talent, and perseverance even more so, "You know, you sound like a Guildmaster when you speak like that~?", Alisa didn't yet know about Lumikki taking up the mantle, but her brow arched as she noted that sense of responsibility as one awfully similar to not just her own, but Judith's and Tamas' too, "I know the feeling all too well~ The Pegasus may fly wherever it wants, and I'll be the rock it can always come home to. But not even diamond lasts forever..."

A diamond monolith, unbreakable... Alisa sighed and shook her head. She had her insecurities too of course... She hid it well enough on her daily life, but in this inebriated state, the cracks in the crystal started showing. Alisa may not have an Obscura to fan them, but she had her own self doubts she kept to herself. It was no secret that she'd been looking for a successor, somebody who could reliably do what she did. As a Demigoddess, she would never look any older than she was now, but she wasn't truly immortal... In case something happened to her, she had no idea who would possibly keep the Guild safe. Her Guildmates each had their own ambitions, their own paths o walk. Perhaps just like she had, one of them would step away from that path and take up the mantle she now held:

"Mmm, see, nobody is ever useless... That's just something we tell ourselves when life doesn't quite go the way we planned...", Alisa uncrossed her legs and took a look at the starlit sky, perhaps finding no better metaphor for her words than in the very stars lighting up the night, "Some are early bloomers... They shine bright, brighter than anything around them, but nothing can shine that brightly forever...? Late bloomers just need to hold out a little longer~?"

Everyone gets their turn in the spotlight, so long as they persevere and don't give up until they do. Alisa may not have known about Lumikki's new position, but the way she looked at her. She saw someone who shone on her own, outside of anyone's shadow, and whose achievements spoke for themselves:

"O-Oh... I mean... Your Obscura?", Alisa couldn't help but blush a little as the raven asked about it, and couldn't help but wonder if this was a topic she'd rather keep to herself. But at the same time... Couldn't help but notice how cute she looked peeking out of her onyx cloak, "Though you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Thu May 23, 2024 6:57 pm


” They don’t? I figured diamonds very well lasted quite a while at least. More so than ice ever could when out of the frigid cold, but in their element, I’m sure ice could last forever…” Her voice would peak and trough as it went through the motions. Her emotions spilling out freely as she gave it some thought. Not once had she ever thought of the temporary nature of diamonds or stone, like her people she simply thought of them as forever.

” I guess I would sound like that now huh…suppose that’s good on me. I came here part for a vacation from the work. Been sorting the guild for a last few weeks and Brone insisted I’d get away. Couldn’t argue with him on that, I’ve been trying quite hard to sort matters as the Guild Master now and I won’t feel at peace ‘til I get everything just right….but maybe I’m only doing too much.” Lumikki would indeed constitute a burning star, blazing too brightly as most ambitious people do. Hardly noticing the pain of the flames that consume her as the pleasure to keep going overrides all the hurt, until it doesn’t and she temporarily plummets once more and repeats the cycle again. A cycle that could exceed decades and even centuries, until her true burn out occurs and it will look like isolation within the cold of her homeland.. a Demon that no longer wants to participate with the world.

” Aaah that, guess there’s no reason to hide it for the moment, not anymore at least….” She relaxed her features to return to the prior form, making peace with how she presented. The dark of her blanket now merged into her skin.” Ye could consider the Obscura a parting gift from me father. He was a detesible one, marring me siblings one by one with his inclinations for future power, but in the end he was bested. I took all he had to give…and I plan to take more from the lot if I encounter more of ‘em, but those are just gripes I happen to have. This realm is mine and me loyalty is to it or any who expand what I’d call kin…” While she could maintain it, the thought echoed in her mind as a Demon she wasn’t so sure of the extent of her existence. Nor how the loss of her family would treat her over time. Loyalty in itself was also deemed a noble and naive dream, as one could never know where it’ll take you. Maybe one day she’d have to claim someone no matter what they did to prove her bond, or maybe she’d have to cut ties. In a few decades time, would that even be a bother to her?

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 11:11 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Fufu~... They do last a long time, but defenitely not forever. They are stones at the end of the day, and like any stone, they can weather away once you take them out of the bedrock.", she explained, flashing the girl a smile. There was of course a parallel to be drawn here as to the two of them. A Demon and a Demigod, the two were essentially immortal so long as no harm befell them. But nobody ever achieved anything from the safety of their comfort zone... But as she heard what Lumikki said next, her jaw dropped, "Oh my... You're a Guildmaster now? Why, congratulations~! You deserve it!"

But that look of shock soon faded as her face lit up, happy for her as she reached out and rested her hand on the woman's arm over that deep black blanket. She had to wonder what happened to Yuurei considering he had a pretty firm hold on the Guild last she heard, but from the few interactions she had with the two of them... She could tell Lumikki would make a great Guildmaster, and Paradise Dawn was lucky to have her as one. She couldn't wait to see what she'd make of her new position in the coming months:

"Mmmm, that comes with the territory I'm afraid...", Alisa sighed, and shook her head, idly fiddling with the blades of grass in front of her, "The work is never ending, but Brone is right... Even the best Guildmasters will burn out if they don't pace themselves. My advice, delegate as much as you can. Rest assured, you'll still end up with the Lion's share of the work. And of course... Don't forget to take some vacations every now and then~"

Everyone is different, with their own ways of doing things... Alisa doubted that everything that worked for her would work for Lumikki, and vice versa. Still, she had that warm smile on her face the whole time. She loved her Guild, and would do anything for them... She could tell Lumikki felt the same way. However, that warmth faded as the Raven mentioned her father... She could tell just from the start of that conversation that she hardly had the best experiences with him:

"He sounds like an awful father. Apologies, I know I shouldn't speak ill of other people's families... But using one's children as tools for their own ambitions is simply vile.", she couldn't help but ball her fists into the grass as she remembered the talk she had with Elise just before she met her Guildmaster out here, her brow twitching as her vivid description of her father reminded her of Alisa's own encounters with Abyssals... A reminder of how fortunate she was to have had a loving family at least during the first few years of her life, "Agreed. The Abyss is no friend of anyone's... I saw it with my own eyes during the Demonic Invasions. Loyalty is alien to them, even to their own brethren. But as it stands, with the gates between dimensions sealed as they are... It would take a cataclysm for them to find their way here en masse?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 8:38 pm


" Heh, still feels weird saying it. It's something I don't mind not admitting to yet, but yer a Guild Master of yer own, so ye'll know soon enough. It's been lovely meeting ye on pleasant times. I could only hope ye help me learn how to rally a chaotic bunch. Granted I'm a Demon but I like chaos I create for me own purpose. Not to be tied to that of another's." Lumikki sighs deeply and grabs at her knees to pull them toward her chin." It is one thing to seek power and attain it. Simple task really. But becoming the one who sits in a place of responsibility is when things become such a pain. I wonder how the world will see me now knowing the role I play. I can't be the mischief I'm used to cause I'll have to settle matters on the home front. I used to want this, envy this really....but now I wonder if it was what I wished for or did another Demon answered me wish..."

Alisa's hand provided her some comfort, without Yuurei in the North at the moment, the Demoness felt lost. And though she appreciated the advice the fellow Guild Master provided her, it would still make Lumikki chuckle." If I could find a fellow fool capable of helping me. Half of 'em want to fight more than write a report. Ya know how hard it is to sort the piles left on me desk? Brutes the lot of 'em." She sighed deeply but there was a smile on her face. They were her mess to look after now, for better and worse. She just hoped she wouldn't get burned for the challenge she overtook, be in the era of the Demon, and perhaps new things could come.

" Speak ill of him all ye'd like love. He was a needless brute, no honor to the name. Just a desire to maintain things his way." Her eyes glow in a way that betrayed her distaste but she softened up swiftly enough. The grass around her would stiffen in her chill, sharpening from the frost. When Lumikki noticed, she'd pat it down and cause it to go brittle and fall away.

" If the show up again, I'd consume 'em meself!" In the spike of her anger, her form too would loosen to amass plumage in various areas. The wings that adorned her head were fractured into three and her face and arms would fleck with feathers. She'd have to take a few breaths before calming down enough to soothe her temper." But yer right, everything is tools with them. Even if I were to let meself return, there's no place for me in the Abyss. They'd never accept me, nor I them. Why when I can be stronger than 'em all? If this is the realm they wish to inhabit, it is mine to stay for free. I could grow in peace and sever all their remaining threads to grow me own....till I'm strong to devour them meself...sorry...The are...pointless beings...from what I could tell."

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 3:39 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Mmmm, you might have your work cut out for you a lot more than I did... I'll be honest, members of Blue Pegasus are easily bribed with food and drinks~", she teased, raising a hand over her mouth as a mischievous little snicker left her lips, "Agreed... I havent grown much stronger since I became a Guildmaster? I've acquired a few artifacts i didn't have before but... As a Guildmaster, there's a lot more to it than your own power, or even your Guildmates'. It's the bonds between each and every one of them that makes a Guild strong. Let them train, grow strong at their own pace. You just make sure that when they come home, they remember they're still a team."

Alisa had walked that path before. Pursuit of nothing but her own power... But that made her neglect most people around her. What would Sofia have thought of her if she'd met her back then? Would she even have stopped to look at her?

"Ooof~... I never thought about that. Should I be thankful my guildmates aren't nearly that scrappy~?", Alisa let out an awkward chuckle, after all she couldn't envy Lumikki at all even though her Guild had some of the most powerful people in the country, but... Guess nobody can have it all, "Mmm, for how he treated you and your siblings, I should hope he got a whole lifetime's worth of karmic retribution."

She couldn't think of anything more despicable than using one's own children like tools as such. And it was perhaps a hint at Alisa's own morality that she didn't even flinch at Lumikki's declaration, and simply nodded. She understood a hunger for revenge, after all, it had dominated much of her young adulthood:

"Indeed, he deserves no mercy from you, or me, or any one of us really. None of them do."

Alisa nodded in agreement, and simply smiled at how much the two of them seemed to think alike... She'd been in the Abyss herself, after all... Sure, some demons were powerful, but they were no Gods. Merely Demon Lords, squabbling over pieces of wasteland:

"They don't really wish to inhabit it at all. Once they're done destroying this realm they'll move on to another one, like a disease jumping from one dying body to another.", Alisa sneered at these words, her disdain for the Abyssals clear as day as she recalled the memories of the war, a visible vein practically bulging in her forehead at the sheer fury those memories brought her, "Still, I don't recommend eating so much trash... Some people say you are what you eat? I doubt few of them are even worth the foul taste."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

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