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The Sword and Shield [FCM – Flames of Night]

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The Sword and Shield  [FCM – Flames of Night]  Empty Yesterday at 8:59 am


Yuurei had been away from the North for quite some time. He was preparing things within Seven. He wanted to have everything completed before giving his news to the people here. The Warden didn’t know if they would be happy to join him in migrating to Seven, to a place where he would call his own. He had traveled to this place hoping to gather everyone from Orchidia, Rush Valley, and the smaller villages together to give this announcement, but it seemed like things were bad right now.

The Seraphim was in the air with Renji, the two of them soaring through it as they looked down to see a bunch of stuff was happening. They were confused about how things got like this. The North was one place that had peace in Fiore. Paradise Dawn had accomplished that with their sheer strength. There was nobody in Fiore that would dare make an enemy out of this guild or cause conflict within the North that would part a target on their back. Still, it seemed like that wasn’t the case as there seemed to be a riot happening throughout the city.

“What do you want to do Yuu?” Renji had asked him.

Yuurei looked at him with a serious look on his face.

“We have to stop this before people get hurt. If I show up what will happen? I think it would descalate quickly, but we also got to make sure the Rune Knights don’t do anything rash to the civilians.” He explained to Renji.

He nodded understanding the situation they were in.

“I see, so I shouldn’t use lethal force. Well, that sucks.” Migi said to Yuurei as he would only be able to help with extending his arm.

“I will protect you, my lord. We will go down there whenever you’re ready.” He said to Yuurei as they waited for him to make his move.


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