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Drunk,Dazed and Confused [social -Lumi/Fen]

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Drunk,Dazed and Confused [social -Lumi/Fen] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:32 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki walked out of the Orchidia station with Yumi sitting in her usual spot on his left shoulder, the tiny little pixie was practically vibrating with excitement, as this was both hers and Yuuki's first time in Orchidia Yuuki cocked his head to look at Yumi "So what do you wanna do first?" he asked the excited pixie in a curious manner, it only took Yumi about three seconds to exclaim "FOOD!, feed me ." she said excitedly as Yuuki smirked ever so slightly "Alright what kind of food?" he asked her as he departed the station and made his way into the hustle and bustle of the lively city.

Yumi sat on his should quietly pondering what kind of food she wanted but she couldn't quite narrow it down "I don't know." she whined "But just feed me." she whined further "Alright, alright ill pick then." He said as he playfully reached up and poked her left cheek with a finger on his right hand playfully. Yuuki leisurely made his way down the bustling city streets, as Yuuki was not even sure what he wanted to eat and with so many potentially new options he was sorta stumped, but he did know one thing; where ever it was there would be alcohol involved and lots of it.

Yuuki found a empty bench along the street and planted his behind on it while he decided what deliciousness he wanted to grace his belly with and potentially throw back up later depending on how drunk he got. Yuuki's stomach growled informing him he better make up his mind quickly, Yuuki sat there a few minutes longer weighting his options until he finally decided he wanted steak and sake "Steak sound good to you Yumi?" he asked softly as he looked up at her to catch her honey colored orbs come alight at the mere mention of steak as she emphatically nodded her approval of the choice.

Yuuki stood and walked over to a vendors stall asking if there were any nearby pubs that served steak, the vendor nodded and gave him directions in turn Yuuki handed the vendor a single jewel for the information and at a leisurely pace he began walking taking in the sights and sounds of the night life of Orchidia. As Yuuki walked he reflected on the very strange meeting with that odd woman who seemed to have a hatred for anything living, it was so strange to him that someone so young would have that much hatred for the inhabitants of the world, though to be fair Yuuki did not know her story for she never told him she just stood there quietly so he left "Thinking about that just makes me depressed, and now I definitely need a drink." he exclaimed slightly startling Yumi.

Yuuki could smell the pub before he even seen it as the fine aroma of seasoned meat cooking wafted in the air around the place, enough so that he started to salivate to the point that a leisurely pace was no longer acceptable as he briskly walked the hundred or so yards of street remaining before arriving at the door to the pub. Yuuki reached down and opened the door and entered, closing it behind him as he guided his massive frame over to a empty seat at the bar though there were many empty seats as it was not so late that most people would be out drinking, in fact there were two empty seats on either side of him.

The bartender made his way over with a menu and asked Yuuki if he could get him a drink to get him started, to which Yuuki asked if they had Sake, to which the bartender nodded asking if he wanted Sakura blossom sake or plum, Yuuki chose the former, also asking for two glasses of water one for him and one for Yumi while he perused the menu. Yuuki likely looked so out of place being as huge as he was and in his usually teal garb with the koi patterns faintly visible and the giant golden crest on the back of his haori and raven black hair reaching down to just below his shoulders.

The barkeep returned shortly with their drinks and to take his and Yumis order, Yuuki ordered the biggest steak they had with rice, Yumi ordered the smallest steak they had and a piece of cake, the barkeep wrote this all down and went to go submit the order with the cooks, Yuuki poured himself a saucer of sake and he sipped it quietly while Yumi sipped her small glass of water.

Post word count:775


Drunk,Dazed and Confused [social -Lumi/Fen] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:34 pm

Drunk,Dazed and Confused [social -Lumi/Fen] ZY31ma3

She felt the ache of bloodlust be washed away from the filth that she had spent her time hunting; she felt the tired nature that came from satisfaction roll through her body and out of her mouth. She felt that sigh tumble along her tongue and the hunger that came with it push it’s way into her thoughts. She had done well these last few weeks, slain a few people responsible for dragging her family through the mud. Acquired something new, a blade that spoke to her mind. But that sort of thing often pushed her to want to grab a drink from how it pushed against it.

Fen felt the mud beneath her feet; trying to suck her limbs into place each time she took a step. The outer ring of Orchidia was well taken care of but she preferred to take much less traveled roads; grabbing attention wasn’t always the best thing and with her new form she had a lot to get used to. She knew that she looked strange when she transformed but thanks to lumikki she looked even weirder now to her. Rather than the pale white hair that had covered her body head to toe and a rather athletic form she was well… still athletic but certainly more like a woman than some distant strange creature with a lack of a face. A large multicolored mane trailed down even past where her long fluffy tail started. Much to her annoyance she had a hard time of telling where one started and the other began.

Violet eyes swept along the town and she looked puzzled; there wasn’t panic when she set foot in here. You’d think the appearance of a werewolf even in her stature would drive people to at least run away now that there was a second of ehr kind [even if she was the first] to run. But that wasn’t the case. THings were still peaceful and she had to remind herself.

She was part of paradise dawn now, she was under lumikki’s watchful gaze… and she was no longer looking like an icy apparition. Blowing out a breath of air through her fangs she’d continue her merry way towards a pub. The annoyance of hers skyrocketed as she realized she’d have to duck down; who doesn’t make their doors large enough… Well. That was the answer to her question as she snatched a glance this way or that. Nobody apparently. Snorting to herself she’d push her way in; the chatter didn’t stop but she felt a good chunk of eyes swap to her from the teal clad garb. Her eyes slowly locked to him as she realized some of the attention was still on him.

...Don’t recognize him.

It was a good sign; if a hunter type person recognized you there was a pretty bad reason for it. Shooting some glares at the people looking her way they’d quickly get to minding their own damn business. Floorboards creaked as she walked and her footfalls were as heavy as them came. With one of the seats next to this stranger open she’d take it, though with the size of her frame she’d scoot slightly so that both of the empty seats were helping her sit while she faced away from the bar. Throwing some jewels on the counter in a small bag before ordering.

Give me your largest. Local special.

She’d stare back out towards the floor, glaring down the people that were staring at either her or the stranger next to her and the little pixie looking thing with him. Her ears would flick and her annoyance sort of leapt up in bounds. She wanted to ask a dozen different things but she wasn’t much of a conversationalist. So she’d just spit it out.

You new in town?

She hoped the answer was yes, if it was no then she’d have to go and find someone just as clueless as her that she could maybe hear about somewhere else than the north. Somewhere that she could maybe… Well maybe she could find out more about whatever was going on in the world. Realizing her sword was still on her back she’d huff and set the monstrous blade to the side, it’s sickening red edge catching the light in all the wrong hungry ways. She paused after a moment and turned her head to talk to the barkeep.

Some meat too, sear it, cook it, or don’t. Doesn’t matter to me.

She was hungry and no matter what she’d find herself well fed. She was just annoyed; her eyes flicking down to the steak on rice. Furrowing her brows she’d look back to the barkeep and thumb over to what Yuuki was having. She wasn’t picky clearly and was glad that she sat down next to someone that was enjoying something already.

Three of those actually.


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