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Chasing myths[Open]

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Chasing myths[Open] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:52 am


How long had it been? It still felt like yesterday when she had first gathered the three that would become the first Dragonborn. And yet the chaos of the realm had chosen to pull her plans into turmoil. Coventina and Karstaag had gone missing, and she couldn't blame Skald for the fact this event had left an immense impact on his mind. Even if he tried to conceal it, he had grown close to Coventina and her absence would surely weigh heavily on him. Although she didn't want to assume the worst, for she believed that in due time they would return to the table, it still left her in a state of contemplation on how she should move along.

She heaved a light sigh, rising from her seat and her gaze lingering on the door that would lead outside the throne chamber of the keep. Too long had she been waiting passively for events to change and improve. It was time to take action, but for that to be possible she needed to obtain something. There was a certain power the Dragonkin had been interested in, but one that due to its nature had eluded her for quite a while.

Yet for some it might had seemed like just another quest for power, yet in truth it was a stepping stone, a catalyst that would allow her to set in motion the plans she had been preparing for Pergrande. Although she had initially planned to approach things from an alternative route, the absence of two of her precious Dragonborn made that a difficult choice to attempt to pursue. No, she would need to figure out a different method, an approach that would be able to borrow upon the strength of the different assets the order still had at its disposal.

"Although, rumors seem to suggest that things are getting lively again in Joya. I hope Mishi-nee won't take too much offense to the fact I left her organization while she was conducting her winter sleep."

Indeed, it seemed there was something big unfolding in Joya, perhaps just the distraction she needed to turn the eyes away from Pergrande so she could prepare for what was about to unfold before others could react properly. Perhaps she could even reach out to 'him', it could be a way to see if the words he spoke that day were genuine.

"But it won't be easy, war never is." Indeed, no matter the civilization, a war always came with consequences, and these consequences could affect both sides. Even if she tried to show a cold and tough facade, she knew deep inside that the Dragon Tyrant still had a heart, there were things she cared immensely about and should someone try to exploit these? It might had led to drastic results. But for now she was simply wandering through the corridors of the dragon order's castle, wondering about the new steps of her plan to unite Pergrande under one banner.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:41 am

It has been a while, Maple had been roaming because she just kind of was left to her own devices and as she normally tends to be. Maple could not be content from her own wonders to explore even if not alone, She over all had a feeling in some manner while she did often just go exploring the woods by herself some one was watching her even if she did not see them.

But in this stand still of time Maple had if anything was that free lingering spirit what else would make her happy side from what all was going on in her life, Maple could have been worried about the state of things going on, But Maple's life never really attached that much for the world outside of her own.

Suppose only watching passively even if you support some one can only do so much for when they seemingly let time pass as it has. But at least Ryuko could expect not matter what exploring Maple did, even if she assumed she was along to left to be explore, Maple always seemingly came back. She just needed time in the woods a free spirit was a happy one after all.

But Maple seeming just kind of walked in not really trying hide she had came back form a long walk, But just merely stated nothing as she shiftly tackled Ryuko with a hug.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 1:15 pm


The sudden tackle and hug from the half-elf earned a brief chuckle from Ryuko, her tail swishing lightly behind her while wrapping her arms around Maple to return her embrace. "Had a nice walk my dear?" Despite the concerns lingering in her mind there was a clear softness in her voice, a gentle kindness that was seemingly the natural way she acted around Maple.

Slightly raising her hand she brushed her lover's hair, her fingers tracing along the locks. "I was taking some time to consider the future. Although things have been quiet and peaceful lately, I'm afraid the peace we enjoy currently is only temporary, at least till I succeed in uniting Pergrande."

She pondered for a moment. "Although I am happy you returned from your walk right around the time I was about to seek you out~" A hearty chuckle followed as she continued. "I was wondering~ I know you don't really care about the spotlight and flashy ceremonies and such. But how would you imagine an ideal wedding to look like for you? After all, I want our wedding to be one that you'll never forget~"

She gently lowered her hand to Maple's side, holding her close while giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I do look forward to seeing you in a wedding dress~"


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:32 am

It was a good question, Maple's thought seemed to be about how she felt about the nation around her."While older then what I was use to in Stella and Fiore, I could just need to remember to wear a coat."Maple started with. While she was on thought about it. Since Ryuko wanted to know about her walk she would merely mentioned the few people she met."It was a nice walk...confused a few people by walking through the trees."Maple mentioned as they where talking casually about a few things.

Sure Maple's world was just Ryuko and casual exploring of things around her. Maple on the other was not dumb, as much as nature was something she understood. Human Nature was another thing she understood as well."It is the nature of human to eventually have problems upon themselves, Much like it is to eat...much like animals hunt, much like rain falls from the sky. Things eventually will happen."Maple did enjoy seemingly being clueless but she was really just observing things around her knowing it is a risky a change and war could eventually come.

She asked about wedding arrangements, When Maple did not actually think about it at all, It was not a thought in her mind the slightest."There could be many ways, We could go to stella and see if my parents want to be part of it."Maple hoping that would be something they would be scare of, since a small family already unsure about Maple due to things beyond her control, she still loved them, So being in their life was still somewhat important. But might be nerve shaking to bring Ryuko in.

But Maple seemed to be entirely simple life minded."I doubt its the wedding dress you actually care about, It is what is under it."Maple poking fun slightly at the stern yet slightly desire driven nature of Ryuko that she had.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:27 am


Ryuko couldn't help but smile at these words. "Indeed, some parts of the country can get quite cold, especially during the winter season." A light nod of agreement was given, yet upon hearing the results of Maple's walk Ryuko snickered briefly. She still remembered how confused she had been when Maple used her powers for the first time around her. Although she had grown to admire Maple and her connection to nature, it was still quite a peculiar power to say the least.

"Stella, hmm?" A hand raised to her chin as she pondered about the suggestion. Although she wanted to invite her own father as well, she knew with the Joyan Pantheon looking unfavorable upon her due to recent events it would be hard to reach out to him. "I guess we could plan a trip to Stella~" Yet she couldn't help but wonder how Maple's family would react to the idea of having a dragon as their daughter's partner. Still, it was a concern they would need to bridge at some point in their lives either way. Yet hearing the teasing remark of her lover earned a brief hint of a sheepish smile upon Ryuko's lips and a slight blush upon her cheeks. "True~ But that is because the love of my life is underneath it, I might be a bit perverted at times~ but I still know when to be romantic as well~"

She stated with a grin as she gently raised a finger to poke at Maple's cheek. "So Stella hmm? It certainly will be a different climate from what I grown used to, I should dress a bit lighter for the trip then."


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:16 am

While Ryuko seemed to be interested in going to Stella, Maple on the other hand seemed to view things slightly different."Oh? and what of the nation while your gone?"Maple asked while they seemed to talk about it."Who will watch and keep things in order?"Maple did have to think about that, most likely because they just considered a random visit isn't a smart idea when some one is suppose to be some random high ranking person in another nation.

"Better yet."In a general ponder she would mention to Ryuko and even would add in."Would it even be entirely worth the trip...After all I am not exactly my parents favourite and they haven't heard from me in years."Maple left that in the mix, Showing maybe other possible problems she never really worked out with her family and might not be sure could be solved.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:14 pm


Ryuko went silent for a moment pondering about what Maple suggested. There was truth in her statement. What would happen to Pergrande while she was gone? Certainly, Drakkon was powerful but she doubted she could leave things in his care to run smoothly. Nay, if she was absent there would be a collection of issues and problems and if something happened it could be far more problematic than if she was to nip the problem in the bud.

"True, even in Dragon flight it would likely take us a day or two to reach Stella and back, too risky to leave the country unattended." She heaved a soft sigh, and although she knew that in the grand scheme of things it might had not been a vital reason for a trip, it was still a reason. "Well, send them a letter then." She added with a soft hum as she raised a hand to gently pet Maple's head. "Although you will always remain my favorite~"

A teasing hum followed at the remark as she lowered her hand back to her side and pondered for a bit. "I guess we'll see what happens~ I do have some matters to attend to as well, from forging alliances to preparing strategic maneuvers, lots of work... But you know I always will make time for you~ Which reminds me, did you have the time to ponder yet about that proposal I made previously?"


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:04 pm

Before Maple really made any other remarks she just figured she would be a loving pain by merely just kissing Ryuko on the cheek a few times. "Your the leader of the nation, not me."Maple laughed because she knew she was some what trying to be a pain. Because she knew a leader had to think of many things.

"After all you don't have any stand in's for me or yourself.
"And to think Ryuko wanted all of these responsibilities, Maple just wanted to find a random post in the woods, Make a house and stay there she did not have a lot of large plans.

But since it was not entirely Maple's full focus she seemingly forgot."What proposal exactly?"Maple most likely had a lot of other things to remember between the various things they talked about so a refresher was a good idea.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:28 am


Ryuko grinned sheepishly at Maple's remark. There was indeed a certain delicateness in the matter, especially considering the current state of affairs in Pergrande. If she went absent then there was no doubt that things would literally go to hell. Certainly, Drakkon was powerful but she doubted that he liked politics and Skald was still... somewhere lamenting the recent events. If she went missing then the country might truly go to hell. Yet after the kiss and the question that followed Ryuko's eyes widened in disbelief. "Y-you forgot?" Exaggerating her disbelief the dragon lady puffed up her cheeks in faux offense as she turned slightly sideways. "And to think the matter of the babymaking was of such importance that it has kept me awake at night..."

After a moment she finally pulled out her tongue slightly and grinned teasingly. "Just kidding~" As her tail swished to playfully give Maple a tap on her rear she leaned back in to attempt to gently embrace her lover as she explained in earnest. "I meant about my idea of granting you the same longevity as my people. It might be difficult to make you become an actual dragon, but if I were to bestow the magic of my kin onto you, you would be able to age at the same pace as I do. Of course I will need to warn Drakkon not to go nomming in case you do show signs of a Dragon Slayer magic, but I'm sure he is aware of just how important you are to me~"

She smiled gently as she voiced the last part of her thoughts: "Although if you still need time to consider it, I'd understand."


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:52 am

Maple seemed puzzled when it was brought up that Maple forgot. Merely remarking."Ryuko my dear, Your are busy planing many things for this nation."Maple brought up while they continued their talks. While it seemed affection seemed to be on hold for a moment while she was going to point out a few things to Ryuko."Even I myself have been out meeting people and exploring the lands to get an understanding of what it is like here."Maple was use to Stella so she had some adjusting to do.

Hence why she was most likely not remembering everything when she was learning other things."I suppose, I am leaning towards yes, But you do understand sometimes the balance of nature doesn't always have things work out in everyone's favour."Maple thought about nature too much, While the balance was important maybe she needed to actually enjoy life and not just look at it in the balance of nature."But If it helps, I am leaning towards yes."


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 10:18 am


Ryuko's lips curved up into a gentle smile upon hearing Maple's response. "Indeed, and judging from the way things are proceeding it appears that war will become inevitable." Yet when she heard Maple had been meeting people and exploring the lands the dragon girl chuckled softly. "Indeed, I know you have been venturing around a lot lately. I'm glad that you are able to find some common ground with some of the Order's members. Although..."

She paused for a moment as she turned to face Maple and pouted softly. "I hope you also realize just how alarming it was for me when I heard you waltzed right into the enemy's territory during one of your trips. Fortunately Drakkon was with you and Tia reported there wasn't anyone who tried to hurt you but... I wouldn't be able to even start imagining how horrified I would be if something happened to you."

She took a step closer, attempting to gently embrace her lover as she continued. "You're the most precious being in existence to me. No amount of treasure or people could replace that. It is why I also have been so protective of you, to want to ensure you won't need to deal with the hardship of the conflict that awaits this country."

She paused for a moment, a light nod of understanding following. "Although the balance of nature is important, I do hope you understand that even if I were to share my essence with you, it would only make your longevity similar to mine, sure you could become more inclined to master the powers of a dragon's magic as a result, but such choices will be your own to make."

A gentle nod followed as she closed her eyes for a moment. "Although I hope the war won't last long, the people of this country need peace, and I want us to become a family in a peaceful place..."

If that meant she had to torch Druringrad and everyone foolish enough to oppose her dream, then so be it... The title Tyrant Dragon was not just for show.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 2:23 pm

Maple seemed to chuckle about her behaviour. "Oh?...did you think they would kidnap me?"Maple asked because she enjoyed over all. Maple was teasing over all about it. But it seemed over all Maple just assumed everyone was just friendly and harmless to her since she was friendly and harmless."They where mostly lovely, I am sure i had some eyes from some people that made me uncomfortable, but I am sure it helped I didn't have any weapons."Maple would eventually just move on from the worries of random exploring.

Because there are other things they Ryuko was talking about that Maple was thinking on."I barely know and have an understanding of my nature magic, What makes you think becoming something akin to you is something I am going to manage?"Maple asked because she knew over all she was not one who ever tried to train her magic.

Maple had not fully thought about the future, But maybe that was her flaw, she did not think of the future as much comapred to other people. She barely felt like she was royalty worthy at all she was just Maple she was just there and happy with Ryuko.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:44 am


Ryuko brought a hand to her cheek, a light tap of her finger following as she seemed to ponder on Maple's question. "Well, to be fair Dragon Magic is usually taught to mortals by imparting a fragment of a dragon's essence into them. Afterwards it becomes a matter of learning through instinct and experience. After a while it becomes as simple as breathing, or in your case: walking through trees or these fancy clothes tricks."

Teasingly poking out her tongue at the last part she lowered a hand to her side and thought a bit more on the topic. "Although nature is not frequently found as an element among dragons. The dragons of the Fae tend to possess some ties to nature and Earth elements but that is something I need to consider."

Yet seemingly having an idea of her own she gently scooped an arm around Maple's back and another to her legs and attempted to scoop her up in a bridal carry. "Well my love~ I'm about to royally spoil you first~ we can think more about how to help you gain a mastery over your powers later~"


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:20 am

Maple did some what laugh about it after all it would not entirely be Maple unless she added in."So imparting essence is all of the normal couples things we do right?"Maple had to make that joke after all it seemed only fitting at the time.

"Oh what would you prefer i was something outside of a nature mage? like what darkness? fire? Powers of total ruin?"
Maple asked in her over all matters of teasing Ryuko and more about these things they talked about.

Even if it was over all hinting about changing Maple in some way. It might make things better for her in the future. But she at least did not resist, But Ryuko may have to be careful of whatever wood related structures where around."This isn't spoiling me? getting me a home, making me a wife? i am just some half elf in the woods after all."


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:59 am


Ryuko snickered at these words. "Making a home with you, and having you as my wife is more like 'I' getting spoiled~" Yet she couldn't help but ponder for a moment about what type of powers Maple would likely gain from their time together. "Heh~ Not really, I imagine you will likely use it in a more gentle manner, like supporting your allies or tending to their wounds. Not all dragons and their powers are destructive in nature."

She couldn't help but hum the next part in excitement. "Among the Fairy dragons there is one elder dragon who is famous for her healing powers. She could make forests grow even in baren lands and her breath could invigorate these who inhaled it. Some even went as far as describing her as a 'lifebringer." It was an interesting little story she revealed as she carried Maple along the corridors toward their sanctuary.

"Well~ Imparting essence is quite a intimate act~ something I would only do with you~" Ryuko mused softly as if to answer Maple's teasing remark.


Chasing myths[Open] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:33 am

It seemed no matter what the humour never died really, There was always things in that seemed. But maybe that was just how it all worked."Oh? Like we're going to need a long time alone and the next morning sleeping in kind of intimate?"Maple laughed about it, because it was just how she knew it worked for the two.

Leaving behind the random thoughts of warring nations and learning many things, was it entirely it a horrible thing that these all didn't matter? but changing for your lover was some what a risky thing, Maple could change so much in the future, while it was something she was fine with. Most people would find it a bit odd, But suppose. It just means good things as long Ryuko stayed around, Last thing Maple really needed was some one leaving after putting so much effort in, After all it was almost soul breaking to think of that.

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