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A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank)

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A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:57 am

Vex had gotten a request from the local Rune Knights that they are setting up a trap to try and catch some evil group that was starting to grow in the west and get them arrested and stomp them out before they are really able to grow into anything in the power vacuum that was being left behind from other groups in the area that were starting to fall apart from their actions or that they needed to make sure that they could not spread and locked down on them but they had been fruitless in catching this group as they seemed to just slide between their fingers like sand. So they set up a fake tournament and they wanted Vex and some of her followers to take them on and beat them in combat and her right hands having been benched for awhile from a fight awhile back were fully ready for some action.


A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:58 am

Vex was unsure about this but her right hands said they didn't care about the odds or how badly they were out numbered they would take them on all in kind and make this go as smooth as they can as they were a bit rusty but they knew once they returned to the front lines and fighting again they will not be beaten out by anyone or anything in the name of their leader Vex. The woman smiled at her mistress and they went and signed up and made sure to give the code so they were put into the right places and that was perfect for them as they needed to do this and make sure the others didn't know about it but that was something Vex was not sure about as if they seemed to always get away that meant they probably have someone on the inside.


A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:58 am

Vex would be making sure to keep her eye on the knights that get closer to her or her team of fighters as she was not going to allow them to be foul played and she knew her right hands wouldn't be easy to sway from her side so she was going to make sure that she didn't back down and kept showing why she was where she was as a fighter and as a leader of her own little group as well her followers of her goddess. Vex looked at Carla who had taken her extra Dagger as Carla was the woman's team mate in her fights and her right hands where together for theirs. Vex was strict about this as she knows how well they work as a team and she knows that she can make up for any short comings that Carla might have in the fight and could heal, shield and help her at a strong rate.


A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:58 am

The announcer walked out onto the fighting stage and started going over the rules of the fight and what was going to happen and if the bad guys win they are free to leave but if they lose to Vex and her team they were to be arrested and shipped off, the bad side was more full of people but there where only three fights for this and it was a best of the three fights so if a team wins two it is over and Vex knows that this shouldn't be hard but she also knows that they will probably be playing dirty within the fights and that was going to be something that she would need to keep watching for. Vex and Carla were going to be the second fight as it is a leader vs leader fight. Vex needed to make sure that she was mentally ready for it but she knew that she was not alone and that would make her stronger.


A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:58 am

Her right hands stayed on the stage and looked fully ready for the fight the female right hand had her large sword and glowing armor ready and the male his staff ready and his light armor flowing in the wind as two giant men walked onto the stage and now Vex sees how the others were disappearing from the area they were being killed and probably fed to this giant monsters. The right hands didn't look bothered in the least bit and as soon as the match started they ran at the other team without holding back the male right hand sent chains through the ground and tripped up on of the giants and his female counter part leap up and swung her sword releasing a wind attack that hit on target and as she hit the other mans body she kicked her self off and flipped landing on her feet and was almost greeted with the attack of the other giant.


A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:58 am

The male right hand had known that would probably happen and had made a spiked chained ball and he met the attack of the man with the spiked ball that tore into the man's hand as he had hit it and the woman jumped back taking her place back in front of her as the first giant had fallen and hit the stage face first and was starting to be counted out and the other giant had lost the use of it's hand and looked enraged as it came toward them and the man without missing a beat put up a spiked chain wall to guard them and the giant broke through it and the woman using the momentary bit of time that the giant had lost sight of her got to his side and took him out at the knees with her sword. The ref called the two giants out as they clearly couldn't keep going.


A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:59 am

Vex and Carla made their way to the stage and a very beautiful but big woman walked up with her own companion that was also armed and the other woman had a spiked club. Vex has a bad feeling about this but she couldn't back down even if her right hands could handle this fight if she lost she needed to make her stand her and as the fight started Vex pulled back her bow and fired spells that would then home in on the other woman as that was who Vex was after and she was not going to back down and the other woman struck the ground with her club breaking up the ground and causing Vex to have to doge hard to the side. Carla clashed with the other woman's companion that seemed to copy her moves and match them move for move so she was going to need help when Vex found a moment.


A tournament set up for justice. (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:59 am

Vex kept firing at the woman who seems to slowly move and then Vex knew what she had to do as the other woman thought that Vex was only a ranged fighter and she ran in on the big woman who swung her club at Vex and the dagger vex used sent the club back into the other woman's face and knocked her backwards out of the fighting area ringing her out. Vex then turned and saw the other companion fighting and mimicking the others moves. Vex took aim as the other creature had not seemed to have seen that her leader was beaten and in the moment she fired and the arrow hit the creature and Carla was able to move in and take the other companion out winning it for them. The group was being arrested and then Carla fell to her knees as she was not use to fighting and being in the spot light like that it was a bit taxing on her and she needed to take a break but they had won and got a group arrested through a deal to if they lost.
(190) (1299) (Exit) (50% WC) (30% guild + 20% Relic)

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