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Glory to Hargeon City [Quest]

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Glory to Hargeon City [Quest] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:10 pm

The morning sun had barely risen over Hargeon’s docks, casting a golden hue across the waves that lazily lapped at the piers. The coastal city was already alive with activity, fishermen hauling in their early morning catches, merchants setting up their stalls, and townsfolk eagerly preparing for the day's grand celebration. Despite the early hour, excitement buzzed through the air like electricity, for today was no ordinary day. It was the birthday of Lord Reign Valystasia’s late father, and the young lord had chosen to honor his father’s memory in a way that would make the people proud; a warship to serve as the flagship of Hargeon’s fleet.

Rhea stood at the edge of the bustling docks, her long electric white locs, flowing in the salty sea wind. Her moon-kissed gray eyes, scanned the area as she waited for Reign. It wasn’t the first time she had been called for a task, but it was her first time constructing something so monumental. She glanced down at Lector, her feline companion, who stood on two legs beside her, his small pink face twisted into an expression of mild irritation. He complained every time they embarked on a quest he disliked.

"Can’t believe you agreed to this without even knowing the details," Lector grumbled, his voice tinged with arrogance. "We’re Rune Knights, not shipbuilders."

Rhea smirked slightly, her lips barely curling. "We are also capable of doing more than just fighting, my friend. Besides, it’s for Reign. The kid has been through enough."


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:25 pm

Lector scoffed, but his complaints were cut short as a commotion near the docks signaled the arrival of the young lord himself. Reign Valystasia was a striking figure, even at his age. Tall, with sharp features softened by a genuine smile, he wore the mantle of leadership with grace, despite its weight being thrust upon him too early. His short blonde hair was neatly done, and he moved with a confidence that belied his youth, though the strain of his responsibilities was evident in the subtle lines beneath his eyes.

“Rhea!” Reign called out, his voice bright as he approached her through the crowd. “I’m glad you made it.”

Rhea gave him a curt nod, her eyes softening slightly at the sight of him. Despite the coldness she had developed over time, she respected Reign’s tenacity and the way he had risen to his role as leader of Hargeon. He wasn’t like the other nobles; aloof and power-hungry. From what she could tell, he seemed to care about his people.

“I Wouldn’t miss it,” she replied, her voice steady but warm enough to let him know she was here for him, not just for the task.

Reign’s smile widened as his cheeks flushed a vibrant pink color. Quickly, he turned to gesture towards the docks behind him. "Come, I’ll show you what we’re working on. It’s a massive project, but I figured since the famous Rune Knight is in town, there'd be nobody better suited to get the job done."


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:30 pm

As they walked, Reign explained his vision. "This ship isn’t just for defense, though that’s part of it. I want it to stand as a symbol of my father’s legacy. A vessel that carries Hargeon’s strength and spirit on the seas. No magic, just pure craftsmanship. Something my father would have been proud of."

Rhea’s eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of no magic. She could already feel the familiar absence of her Light Dragon Slayer powers, a void that had been growing for a while now. But in a way, it was a relief. Even if she could still tap into her magic, Reign didn’t want it involved. This would be a task of pure skill and effort. They stopped near the edge of the docks, where plans for the ship were spread out on a wooden table. Rhea studied the blueprints closely, noting the intricate details that Reign had requested. The ship would be enormous, a three-mast warship designed to carry not only cannons but also a crew large enough to handle long voyages and intense naval battles.

"I’ve arranged for the materials to be gathered already," Reign said, watching her carefully. "Mr. Olden has them stored in one of the warehouses. You’ll need to pick them up and take them to the dry docks."


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:32 pm

Rhea nodded, her mind already working through the logistics of the task. "Understood. I will get it done, my lord."

"Thank you, Rhea," Reign said, his voice quieter now, almost reverent. "I know it’s a lot to ask, but it means everything to me, and to Hargeon."

With that, the young lord excused himself, heading back toward the center of the docks where the locals were gathering to begin the celebrations. Rhea watched him go for a moment before turning to Lector.

"Come on," she said, her tone firm. "We’ve got work to do."

Lector sighed dramatically but followed without protest.

The walk to Mywand Olden’s shop wasn’t long, but it gave Rhea time to think. The old man was a fixture in Hargeon, known for his cheerfulness and extensive collection of weapons and armor. His shop was always cluttered with items, from the common to the rare, and today would be no different. As they entered the shop, the familiar jingle of the bell above the door greeted them, followed by Mywand’s booming voice.

"Ah! Rhea Alvarez, the pride of the Rune Knights herself! I heard you were in town!" Mywand exclaimed, his wrinkled face lighting up in a grin as he emerged from behind the counter. "And Lector too, I see. What brings you two to my humble establishment?"


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:35 pm

Rhea returned his smile with a nod. "Here for the materials Reign requested. We’re building that warship."

Mywand’s eyes gleamed with excitement. "Ah, yes! Right this way, lass. I’ve got everything stored in the warehouse. Lumber, nails, iron bolts, you name it."

They followed him out the back and into the large warehouse where the materials were stacked in neat piles. Rhea inspected the goods carefully, noting the quality. Everything was as promised, sturdy and well-prepared for the task ahead.

"Let’s get these loaded up," she said to Lector, who was already directing the oxen-driven wagons into place.

It took some time, but soon enough, the materials were loaded onto the wagons. The journey to the dry docks was slow, the heavy wagons creaking under the weight of the supplies. But Rhea remained focused, her mind already turning over the steps she would take to ensure the ship was built exactly as Reign had envisioned.

When they finally arrived at the dry docks, Rhea took a deep breath, surveying the area. The ship’s skeleton had already been laid out, a framework of beams that would soon become the hull of the vessel. Without a word, she rolled up her sleeves and got to work.


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:38 pm

The next few hours were grueling. With no magic to aid her Rhea relied solely on her strength and skill. She directed the workers, ensuring that every plank of wood was placed precisely, every nail driven in with care. The sun beat down on them as they worked, but Rhea never wavered. Her body ached, and sweat drenched her skin, but she pushed through, determined to complete the task.

Lector, for his part, kept up a steady stream of complaints, though he occasionally lent a paw to the workers when they needed help. Despite his grumbling, he stayed by Rhea’s side, watching her work with a mixture of awe and concern.

On the fifth hour, the ship was finally taking shape. The massive hull loomed over the dry dock, its dark wood gleaming in the moonlight. Rhea stood back, wiping her brow as she surveyed their progress. It wasn’t finished yet, but they were getting close.

Reign visited the docks often, checking in on the progress. He never stayed long, but each time he came, Rhea could see the pride in his eyes.

Finally, after nearly eight hours of labor, the ship was complete. The grand vessel stood tall at the dock, its three masts reaching toward the sky, sails furled and ready for their maiden voyage. Rhea took a step back, admiring the craftsmanship. It wasn’t just a warship, it was a masterpiece, a symbol of Hargeon’s strength and resilience.


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:46 pm

Reign arrived just as the last rope was tied off. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of the ship, his breath catching in his throat.

"Well...I think it's perfect," he whispered.

Rhea gave a small nod. "It is ready for testing. We should take her out onto the water."

The ship was carefully tethered to another vessel as they guided it out into the open sea. The waves rocked gently beneath them as the crew manned the ship, testing its capabilities. Rhea watched closely, her heart pounding as the ship cut through the water with ease.

Reign stood beside her, his eyes shining with pride. "You’ve done it, Rhea. Thanks, Lector. You two have truly honored my father’s memory."

Rhea nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment settle over her. "It’s what he deserved." She had never built a damn boat before.

When they returned to the docks, Reign turned to her, pulling out a small pouch filled with gold.

"This is for you," he said, pressing it into her hand. "You’ve earned it."

Rhea accepted the payment, all too proud of what she had just done with her own two hands. She gave him a final nod before turning to leave, Lector at her side.



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