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Jinsei Greenleaf (WIP)

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Jinsei Greenleaf (WIP) Empty Yesterday at 6:38 am



Name: Jinsei Greenleaf

Age: February 21st, X772

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Hunter

Race: Wood Elf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Rune Knights

Tattoo: A dark green, located on Jinsei’s upper torso

Face: Genis Sage - Tales of Symphonia


Height: 5’4

Weight: 136lbs.

Hair: White (Dirty Snow)

Eyes: Blue-Green

Overall: Jinsei’s hair is a long, unkempt mess with a mind of its own. Obscuring parts of his face, and hiding some of the small ugly scars that decorate it. Despite spending most of his life outside, Jinsei, retains a pale almost undead like complexion. He dresses in a way that hides his ectomorph body type, and relays his lackadaisical attitude. Mostly seen wearing his favorite overcoat with the tails cut off, and the sleeves that hang over his hands. Displaying Jinsei’s abysmal lack of fashion sense, his outfits often will not be coordinated or fit correctly.

Extra: Additional things for your appearance, such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.


Personality:  (200 Words)

  • Miso Soup: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Animals: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Werewolves: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Lying: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Finding a cure to Lycanthropy: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • The Ocean: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Claustrophobia: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 0

Speed: 0

Constitution: 0

Endurance: 0

Intelligence: 0


Magic Name: First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic: Wind

Magic Element: Wind

Magic Enhancement: If you start with a custom magic, select one Enhancement from the Enhancement list.

Magic Description: What is the description of your magic? Please do note that your magic may not be similar to that of a magic on the List of Banned Magics or to one in the shop. In case you wish to get a magic with a gimmick, you may purchase on later on in the shop with an element that matches yours. For now, you will have a basic elemental magic.


History: Jinsei was born in the heart of White Oak Forest near the port town of _____. His parents were renowned rangers who didn’t belong to a guild, but protected the forest and guarded magics of nature from bygone years past. Their untimely demise at the hands of a cunning werewolf left Jinsei alone for a period of his life.  (300 Words)

Discord: preripped

Reference: Who referred you here? Please state their username on the site.

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