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Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball]

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#1Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:53 pm

Salem E.

The blazing rays of the sun above rained down on the ground beneath it. It was a great day to be outside. The sun was shining but it was not overly hot. It could have been the location but the wind had a breeze to it that made the entire place feel good. It was a matter of fortune that the breeze was not overbearing or freezing. It was simply pleasant.

“Are they almost here? Frosch is getting tired of waiting.” The exceed spoke with excitement and impatience. Salem had invited Emil over to this pool on a personal invitation. Sure it was a job as well. So they would be getting paid. It was also more of him trying to extend an olive branch. If the man ended up as his future job partner. It would not hurt for them to be able to get closer. This was simply another opportunity for that to happen. Salem had to chalk it up to the guild master having more foresight then he thought.

Salem double checked the gear he had with them. He had a boogie board, some beach balls that could be blown up, and other fun toys. Like an extra power water gun that he managed to get from Talaz Lagar. That one was mostly for Fang. “They should be here pretty soon. I do not think we will have that much of a wait.” Salem reassured his buddy. He was happy to be seeing the family. The Fairy Godfather was fond of children but understood that having some of his own would be an unlikely thing to happen.

The screams of people having fun could be heard. It made Salem gleeful. Fun environments were homey to him. He could even see some of the gazes of the people swimming around looking at him. Frosch was not wearing his full frog outfit. The exceed could swim in it but decided to match Salem a bit. They were both wearing swim trunks and a sleeveless beach shirt that had a hood attached to it. Salem accentuated his look with sunglasses. His outfit was a dark blue that matched his hair. His sleeveless beach shirt was white with light blue stripes. Frosch’s outfit was actually the same color and style of his frog costume. The hood was even the same frog hood that he had up and over his head. It was just slightly more revealing than his usual outfit.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 5:10 am

Emil was not sure on if swimming with how it had been outside was a smart idea but the children were excited to go and have some fun at the pool as they missed out on the boat ride, so they didn't want to miss more and Fang loved to swim and cause trouble so he was fully on board with going to the pool Luna was just excited in general as she liked to have fun and swim but she was less of the trouble making type. Emil had gotten the children dressed and ready and Indiana was also in some tan colored trunks but he kept his hat on for now cause it was something he was not looking to lose or misplace or someone to steal it when they were out of the room. Emil has on shorts that have a storm like pattern on them, Fang has fire like print on his and Luna's has some strange looking book character on it.

Emil arrives at the pool and gets in to the area with the children and he looked around from where his friend that invited him was, there was a decent amount of people around so Emil admittedly had a bit of trouble finding Salem and the exceed right off the bat but as he walked in and kept looking he saw the two of them that were around. He headed that way with Fang seeming to get a bit ahead of him as they went and Luna pulled on his hand and smiled up at Emil like don't worry I am staying with you. Emil was not sure how he got so lucky with his children, well he did it was their mother that had made them perfectly and had the temperament that allowed for them to be so perfect.

"Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long." Emil spoke out to Salem from where he was so the man knew they were coming toward them though he figured that the other man had already seen and taken note of them being here before he had spoken up.

#3Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 2:09 pm

Salem E.

At this point Salem was glad that Emil was not into him. Losing all pretenses the dude was hot. He had a chiseled body that looked like it was handcrafted. Salem was glad he did not open his mouth initially. Frosch went to give his greeting to all of them. It was then that Salem could see that Fang was giving him a peculiar look. Salem got slightly worried that the kid may have noticed that he was attracted to their daddy.

“I am just glad you all can make it. It is a great day to go swimming. I hope everyone can swim.” Not that it would matter. Salem could take the water out of their lungs and do some resuscitation with his magic if it was needed. Keeping a group of people alive was a small matter for him. The only time that people drowned in his waters before was because he wanted them to.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:12 pm

Emil looked at the water, the children ran over to the water and jumped in to the water. Emil put down the towels and other things he was carrying and he went after them and he laughed as they were happy to be swimming and he sat on the edge of the pool and watched them as they swam and splashed a bit and Emil watched some of the bigger kids doing cannonballs at the other end of the pool and splashing the people down that way and Emil doesn't have an issue with them as long as they keep it that way and away from his children. Emil thought it felt nice not to be wearing a shirt for once and getting to just dip his feet in the water and look at the water and not worry that every thing was going to go to hell and make them have nightmares or worry about other things that could go wrong. He was glad that Salem had invited him as this was a newer thing for him to feel like he belongs.
(183) (539)

#5Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:17 pm

Salem E.

Salem gathered up the towels and stuff Emil put down. He had a smile on his face as Frosch went out to play. Long as Emil was watching he was not as worried. Taking all the items he took them to the private gazebo he had rented. It was a small luxury expense but Salem was adept at using his funds to get nicer things at times. This was one of those times he was not gonna be cheap about things. He even took off his top to go shirtless. Frosch was fine in his. His top was waterproof.

Running back to the group, the fae made it in record time. “Here this is a spare key to the gazebo we have. It helps you get past the wards. You or I will need it to go there if we want to. Our stuff is there.” Salem gave the man his key then jumped into the pool. Since he was more on the shallow end he used magic to decelerate when he touched the water. Stopping himself from getting bruised while still making a decent splash.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 7:05 am

Emil was laughing as he watched the children play with the exceed in the water, Indiana helped Salem move stuff to the rented place they were going to pretty much have to themselves and he wondered why this man was like he was cause this seemed like it costed some serious money unless maybe he knew a guy but he was not sure if he was just trying to impress Emil or if this was just how the man lived his life. Once he had finished helping he got to the water as well and wondered if all children are going to be doing the cannonball into the pool or if it was just a bad batch of children that do that. Indiana had never been to a swimming pool before he learned to swim in rivers of forest and jungles that he had explored ruins in while being chased by people trying to stop him on his adventures.
(159) (698)

#7Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:17 am

Salem E.

Being underneath the water felt like home. It was the type of sensation that Salem could never get used to. He felt some odd differences while underneath the water but decided to ignore it. Salem wanted to spend a few days just inside the pool. He just surfaced since humans had a tendency of panicking when others of their kind were under for too long. Apparently, drowning was a fear a lot of them had.

Coming back up Salem tossed his head back. In an attempt to look like a graceful mermaid. He was having too much fun in the water. He swam up to Emil and just chilled. Looking like he was gonna speak to him. It was then that he noticed Indiana not inside the water. “Are you coming in Indi? The water is fine.” Salem extended his palm out to the exceed. He would have no qualms about helping the buddy swim in the pool.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:35 am

The exceed looked at the man as he was offered a hand and he tilted his head. "Yeah I am going to get in and swim with you all, I was just taking a moment to look at the water and the people." He took the hand in and he started to swim around with the children. Emil looked at the other people that were getting closer to him and the children while they cannonballed and he started to stand up and look around the place for their parents and he guessed that maybe in the south it was different than in other places that had parents watch their children even though they were probably clearly teens or young adults from the looks of them but he was not a Karen he was going to cannonball himself if he sees the coast is clear to do so he is not scared to sink to their levels.
(158) (856)

#9Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:41 pm

Salem E.

The exceed took his hand and made it in. Salem was happy that the little guy was getting along with him decently enough. Salem was bemused to see Emil getting out of the water. His body glistened with water that dripped from his body. It was clear as day that the man was use to physical activity. Salem would have chilled the water a bit if he had frost magic. The Fae was curious as to what the man was going to do.

“Cannonball contest!” A scream ripped through the air as another ran fast and jumped in. Salem was not paying attention earlier. When he went first to make a big splash he caused a chain reaction. Not that he was paying attention it would make sense as to why so many people were gathering around. His eyes grew as wide as saucer plates as he looked at Emil. It looked like the thunder mage was going to participate as well.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:06 pm

Emil following the call for the contest of cannonballs leaped up flipping and cannonballs into the water and makes a huge splash and Luna started clapping as she saw what her father had done. Fang yelled that wasn't far as he wasn't allowed to do those things, it was more that Fang was not a super strong swimmer yet and Emil had barred him from doing dives till he was more use to swimming and not have him experience what it is like to be drowning and watch him panic and never want to go back in a swimming area again even if Emil was a dog eat dog kind of man some times he was not down to let his child suffer through that feeling if he could help it though he knows that he can't always keep his eyes on the children and they might one day get in trouble while he was away but he hopes someone else will be able to help them or they will learn what sink or swim really means when the chips are down.
(182) (1,038)

#11Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:47 pm

Salem E.

The fairy started to make a round of applause to Emil’s cannonball. Being the trend starter Salem was the first to give the man a full ten points. The dude was his teammate so he was allowed to be as biased as he wanted to be. He got out of the pool to start directing some of the other people. He asked Emil if he could watch Frosch for a bit as he got to work. Using his penchant for making a fun game. He managed to get the rest of the people into a line. The pool started to get louder as people were having more fun. Salem was giving out scores to all the other people. The highest being a nine and a half that he gave to a little girl. She made a big splash in the water that caused a big wave. Of course it was because of the fact that Salem helped her with the splash.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 5:05 pm

Emil watched over the small exceed and he watched as the other people of the pool lined up to take their shots at doing cannonballs and Emil then saw that Luna and Fang had both gone to get in the line and he hoped that Fang didn't start drowning but he guessed a pool was the best place to do it can their will be people watching like lifeguards to jump in and go to help the child if it were to happen but he needed to make sure that if they didn't that he did as he was worried and then he sees Indiana is in the like behind Fang so he figured the exceed was going to jump in after her to make sure that the body didn't find himself trapped under the water and scared as he sucked in water and struggles with all that he is worth till he stops but that was just Emil being a over worrier.
(163) (1,396)

#13Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:07 pm

Salem E.

The line was moving along well. Thanks to the arbitrary judgment of their great judge. The line moved very quickly. Salem noticed two of his new companions in the line. Salem gave them a little wave. He wanted to support the duo to make sure they had good splashes. It was more about having fun. When they came up Salem made sure to give them some assistance of the magical variety. From his perspective they had gotten great scores. He increased their splashes by a lot before making sure they were fine as well. Salem had seen a lot of cannonballs and made sure no one drowned. He was having a fun day with all the people around. The eye candy was good and the games were going. Going on from this group. Salem was not sure how many more people were gonna jump. Salem had to wonder how long they were going to do this. He wanted to get back to having fun with his own group.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:35 pm

Emil relaxed as he saw that the other man had made sure that the children had fun but stayed safe and unharmed. "Who is winning so far?" He asked it playfully as he was trying to get the man's goat with it as it was just for fun and wasn't anything that was serious as this was just for fun. He looked down at the exceed that Salem had left with him to make sure the wee one was doing okay and they seemed to be fine to him just happy and enjoying the event was coming on and for some reason he half expected that the exceed would make a frog noise with the outfit it had usually worn and he wondered if that was something that he was to worry about if it did.

His children came over to him and swam around and were happy and he smiled at them and he wondered if they were starting to get tire yet or if they were still full of energy.
(174) (1,570)

#15Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:47 am

Salem E.

Salem glanced back at Emil when the man spoke to him. “So far you are in the lead by a bit. Some are very close but you managed to get some bonus points.” He gave a wink that most likely went unnoticed. The line started to end as everyone who wanted to cannonball and jump managed to do it at least once. Salem was almost too eager to start to finish. He was having fun. It was just that he wanted to have fun playing with his newfound family.

It was not long till the last person jumped. Salem decided to give out some prizes from his own pocket. He gave out some jewels to the kids that participated declaring them the real winners. Salem did not give out much but planned to write it off as a business expense. Since he was doing as the guild leader said. He was bonding with his teammate and expanding guild influence. “Finally some time to splash with you all. Mind if I join in?” Salem asked Emil as he was now free. Wanting to splash and play with them.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:11 am

Emil saw the man make a wink at him after what he said and Emil laughed at it. Emil didn't think anything of it or take offense from the man doing that as he was just being himself and Emil was glad the man felt safe and comfortable enough to let himself just be himself. Emil looked to the man as he had asked if they would let him join in and splash and stuff and Emil nodded his head as he was not sure why the man felt he had to ask as this was for them all to relax and just enjoy the time that they had before they were all swept back into backing their backs and doing more requests and dealing with people that sometimes they don't want to deal with or even have to struggle to be working for. "Of course you can, this is a fun get away after all."

He went under the water and got his went then came up and shook his head and let his now a bit longer hair go to the side as he needed make sure that he did his best to stay wet and enjoy the day.
(201) (1,771)

Last edited by Emil on Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

#17Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 12:59 pm

Salem E.

The Fairy Godfather was feeling like a goofball. He was smiling so much recently that his facial muscles actually felt like they were getting stiff. It was such a fulfilling thing for him to fulfill his purpose. Fun and games inside of an aquatic setting. Salem decided to get in with one last cannonball. This time he made a big splash. He used his magic to cause a mini explosion of water to go off. He made sure to avoid Emil and the rest of the group. All the other pool goers got a huge splash. It made some people scream while some were filled with laughter. Maybe some even realized that Salem would have been the true champion if he got serious.

“What did you guys think?” Salem would ask the group with a bemused expression. A bit happy with the chaos he had created. No one was hurt but the water that was everywhere made even the dry people relaxing on chairs soaked.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:22 pm

As soon as the man surfaced the twins were clapping for their uncle Salem as they saw the wave and the huge amount of splashing that he was able to make when the man did it. Emil faked like he was mad at the man and turned his head away as the man asked. "Wow you just had to show me up didn't you." He waited for the man's reaction to him saying that to him and then Emil would crack and start laughing as he was just giving the other man a rough time for no reason besides that he could and that he saw the man as a good friend to him. Emil now wondered how well this on again off again man treated the man, as if that man broke Salems heart he was going to have some words with the other man as he was not going to take kindly to someone hurting this other wonderful man.
(163) (1,934)

#19Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:00 am

Salem E.

“Of course. I had to make a splash.” Salem cracked back at the remark. Laughing along with the rest of the group and generally having some good vibes. It was nice to have a bit of a family. Salem had an attendant run and grab some of the extra toys he had packed away. The boogie board and water gun to name a few.

Salem grabbed a gun and made sure the others in the group had an opportunity to play with one. He told them to square up before he started blasting away. To make it fair this time he did not use his magic. He wants to have a fun day with the group and using magic was more for when outsiders were present. Salem was not the type to hold grudges but he wanted to see if he could blast Fang the most. The kid had messed with his buddy too many times. Since he was a child. He was going to get him in a childlike way.



Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:52 am

Emil looked at the man that handed out water guns to the children and he wondered if they were alright but he knows that Salem wouldn't have them doing it if they were not safe. Fang was excited as he took his and he wondered how good it was and then he got sprayed as he tired to keep fighting back with his gun against those that would playing in this little event they were doing and Emil smiled as they were going and looked like they were having fun out there and he wondered if there was anything that he needed to do or get too and Emil laughed.

Emil got sprayed by Luna who he playfully fired back at missing on purpose as she moved around and giggled as she was having fun and living her best life as she was happy to be able to have her father have fun with her and not be busy with his work and doing dangerous things.
(166) (2,090) (Exit)

#21Salem E. 

Is this the pool episode? (With Emil) [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 3:05 pm

Salem E.

Far as Salem was aware. They had an excellent time at the pool. After the water fight and other things that they got around to doing. Salem was happy to be feeling the type of exhaustion he did. Having a day full of fun and games was the second best way of being tired in his book. The other way was through a different game that led to loads of fun. A day like this was more steady and had a unique charm to it.

The sun started to ride across the sky and after some time they called it quits. It was a great day to head back and enjoy some time out of the sun. Salem could only hope the party did not end as they changed locations. If not he would be happy to get the group out to another pool at some point. Maybe one in the north that would not be too bad.


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