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Stepping Back (Hiatus)

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Stepping Back (Hiatus) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 9:23 am

Hey all, so as of right now, things are crazy busy at my house. We have a lot of house and yard work we have to do in order to prepare for winter or whenever the snow decides to start here and that means that I just don't have the time or energy to pump out posts.

This doesn't mean I'm leaving, just taking a break until things settle down and I have more time. I will probably be gone a month or two. To those I currently am in topics with, I really do apologize for leaving y'all hanging like this and I wish I didn't have to but we will hopefully RP again aome other time.

Until then ill be around somewhat on discord so don't hesitate to dm me. Take care all.

- Akane/Elyse/Luna out!

Stepping Back (Hiatus) Akane_12

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