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V. The People United [SQ]

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V. The People United [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:06 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Dahlia City simmered with unease. The church had sunk its roots deep into the city of evil, brainwashing citizens, placing themselves as the sole ruling entity. They promised salvation and painted themselves as protectors, but Zariya saw the truth beneath their golden robes and holy promises. It was all a farce, a power grab cloaked in righteousness. The creatures of the night still feasted, tirelessly under the cover of darkness, reminding the city that the church’s so-called “protection” was as thin as paper.

For the past few days, Zariya's loyal underlings, draped in the guise of concerned citizens, had been stirring the pot, acting as protestors. They rallied the people, igniting small fires of rebellion against the church’s suffocating control. At noon today, as the sun sat high, they stood at the steps of the cathedral, fists in the air, their voices a crescendo of resentment.

One of The Vampires more outspoken lackeys, a scrappy woman named Nia, stepped forward, her voice sharp and cutting. “Look around! Has the church stopped the beasts that still roam our streets?! Have they saved our families?! No! All they’ve done is build their walls higher, making themselves richer while the rest of us suffer!”

The crowd stirred, nodding in agreement, the seeds of doubt taking root in their minds. Zariya had chosen her people well. Each one an actor in a grand play. The protests were staged, of course, but they didn’t feel that way. The people wanted something to believe in, and Zariya was giving them just enough to question everything.

Another one of her lackeys, a man named Torin, with wild eyes and a voice dripping with menace, bellowed, “The church says it’s here to protect us, but the creatures of the night still stalk our city! They hide in the darkness while the church watches from their towers. What good are they, huh?”

The crowd murmured louder, the spark of anger catching fire. Zariya watched from the shadows, unseen but always present. This was how she would destabilize the church, how she would sow dissent among the people. In a matter of days, the church would no longer seem like the beacon of hope it had made itself out to be. As the protestors grew bolder, the tension in the city’s heart tightened, like a rope slowly being pulled tight. Zariya was patient, knowing that time would erode the church's carefully built masquerade. The people would soon come to see them as she did, an obstacle to her empire, nothing more.

V. The People United [SQ] 86545

V. The People United [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:19 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
That night, the moon rose over Dahlia City, pale and indifferent, like a cold, distant eye watching the world’s misdeeds from afar. Zariya, however, felt more alive than ever. The aftermath of the Bishop’s defeat had given her momentum. Her base was still being rebuilt, damaged but not broken. And as she stood surveying the repairs, the weight of her growing empire settled over her like a heavy cloak.

“Things are moving slower than I’d like,” she muttered to herself, watching as her underlings scurried about, patching up walls and setting things back in order. She knew they were doing their best but her ambitions moved faster than their hands. Her thoughts drifted to the day's earlier activities. Recruitment was on her mind. The Akudama needed more numbers, more strength. Dahlia City was ripe for the taking and she intended to sweep through it like an unstoppable flood, drowning all opposition in her wake. The Bishop had been a setback, but a temporary one. She needed to replenish her forces and she had a method for doing so that was as ancient as it was effective.

Vampires were creatures of the night,  but also of hunger and power. And tonight, Zariya was ready to feed on both.

"Time to build the empire," Zariya whispered, her lips curling into a faint frown. This wasn’t about power for power’s sake...it was about survival. There were lines she swore she’d never cross, and forcing others into the cursed eternity she endured was one of them. But necessity didn’t care about morals. She needed numbers, now more than ever, and that meant doing whatever was required. She wasn’t proud of it. The weight of it gnawed at her conscience, a silent reminder that when her immortal life finally ended, there would be a place waiting for her in the Abyss--or worse, hell itself.

She turned to the six trusted members of her ranks, her eyes gleaming. “Let’s go.”

V. The People United [SQ] 86545

V. The People United [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:49 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
They moved through the city like shadows, quiet and unseen. Dahlia was a city of secrets, and tonight, Zariya would exploit every one of them. The streets were empty, save for a few stragglers, people too tired or too foolish to have already sought shelter from the night. The faint buzz of streetlamps barely reached the damp corners of the alleys, leaving large swathes of darkness for Zariya and her crew to move through, undetected.

The first house they approached was modest, tucked away in the quieter part of the city. It was one of many, but no less important. Every household, every unsuspecting soul was another brick in the foundation of her growing empire. Zariya nodded to her crew, and they scattered to take up positions around the building, ensuring no one would interrupt her work. She approached the front door, her footsteps not even making a sound. The only noise was a soft creak as the wind nudged loose shutters against the walls. The lock was easy to pick; a quick twist of her wrist and she was inside, slipping through the entrance like a wraith.

Inside the air was still. A faint scent of lavender clung to the walls, probably from a candle burning earlier in the evening. Upstairs, a family slept, completely unaware of the predator stalking them. Zariya moved through the house with fluid grace, her senses sharp, her fangs tingling with anticipation. She stopped at the base of the stairs, tilting her head to listen. The soft, rhythmic breaths of two people came from the bedroom at the end of the hall.

“This won’t take long,” she whispered to herself, a cold promise in her voice.

She ascended the stairs, her movements silent, predatory. When she reached the bedroom door, she paused. Her hand rested on the doorknob. There was always a brief moment, just before the kill, where she felt a flicker of...something. Not regret, but perhaps a brief acknowledgment of what she was about to take. She pushed the door open and saw the couple lying together in peaceful slumber, the trees outside of their windows dancing in the wind, their slumber graced by  gentle breezes.

V. The People United [SQ] 86545

V. The People United [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:11 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
A pang of something...nostalgia, perhaps...stirred in her chest. She quickly buried it. The world was built on power, and tonight, she was simply collecting her due. Without hesitation, she moved to the man’s side, clamping her hand over his mouth as her fangs pierced his neck. His eyes snapped open, wide with terror, but he barely had time to react before the life began to drain from him. He thrashed weakly, his movements growing sluggish as his strength ebbed away.

His wife tossed beside him, blinking in confusion as she awakened. Zariya, with blood still on her lips, turned her gaze on the woman. Panic flashed in the woman’s eyes as she realized what was happening, but Zariya was faster. Before the woman could scream, Zariya was at her side, one hand clamped over her mouth, the other gently brushing her hair from her face.

“Shh,” Zariya whispered softly, her voice almost soothing, “You’ll be part of something greater. When you wake up, you'll feel a surge of power, a restlessness. You'll also feel an almost painful craving from human blood. You won't turn into a mindless monster, but at some point you'll be desperate enough to give into the hunger. So when you finally wake up, you and your husband need to leave your home immediately...or you risk killing your children.”

The woman’s muffled whimpers faded as Zariya fed from her, but only enough to change her. They would both wake soon, not as humans, but as vampires, confused and scared, but drawn to their new sire. Drawn to her. For a brief moment, as Zariya stood over the woman's lifeless body, a shadow of hesitation flickered across her mind. This wasn’t what she had wanted, not truly. The faces of those she was transforming, the families they might have had, the lives she was irreversibly altering, pulled at something buried deep within her.

V. The People United [SQ] 86545

V. The People United [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:17 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya was no stranger to cruelty but there was a thin line between power and evil, and tonight, she felt it blurring beneath her feet. The Vampiress clenched her jaw, standing motionless as the woman’s blood still lingered on her lips, the weight of her actions pressing down harder than the night around her.

Was this what her brother would have wanted? Vali had been courageous. A warrior through and through, no doubt, but his heart had been kind in ways that Zariya's no longer seemed to be. He wouldn’t have condoned this. He would have found another way--any way that didn’t involve ripping families apart and dooming innocents to the same dark fate she had been thrust into. But, Zariya was not Vali. And the world was no longer a place for kindness.

Still, she faltered just for a heartbeat as she imagined the lives these people might have led. A part of her loathed what she had become, but it was a part she couldn’t afford to listen to. With a low sigh, she wiped the blood from her lips and steeled herself once again. "This is for him," she whispered, convincing herself that Vali’s failure, his inability to protect what mattered, was reason enough to carry on. Even if he wouldn’t have endorsed it, this was a war of survival. The world she was building would be one where no one would dare challenge their legacy again no matter the cost.

The Icebergan finally pushed the nagging thoughts down, deeper into the abyss of her own soul and carried on, moving through the city like the predator she had become.

V. The People United [SQ] 86545

V. The People United [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:11 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The night continued in much the same fashion. Zariya prowled the streets, her crew at her back, targeting homes and individuals with ruthless efficiency. Every house she entered, every person she turned, was another member in her growing army. She moved like a ghost, slipping in and out of homes, leaving behind only the faintest trace of her presence.

In the darker corners of the city, she found loners, those too down on their luck to be missed, but valuable enough for her purposes. In one alley, she crouched over a young man, his face pale as he lay against the damp cobblestones. The sound of his heartbeat thudded in her ears, quick and panicked as he struggled weakly beneath her grip. Zariya bit down on his neck, his blood rushing into her mouth, hot and pulsing with life. It was intoxicating, the sensation of power, but she kept herself in check. She wasn’t feeding for pleasure tonight. She was building an empire.

“You’ll thank me later,” she muttered, her voice barely more than a breath as she wiped her lips clean. She stood, stepping back from his lifeless body. He would wake soon enough, just like the others, and when he did, he would belong to her. Another piece on the board and another damn loyal soldier for her growing army.

As the night went on, Zariya’s numbers doubled. Dozens of new vampires, their fates bound to her by the blood she had given them, would come looking for her soon. The bond between sire and newborn was strong and she knew they would be drawn to her for guidance and purpose.

V. The People United [SQ] 86545

V. The People United [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:28 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The Desiertan vampire returned to the base just as the first light of the morning began to creep over the horizon. She and her Akudama had spent the whole night delivering the curse of vampirism. Upon returning, she was pleased to see that her people were still hard at work, rebuilding the damage done by the Bishop’s attack. Zariya watched them for a moment, feeling a sense of grim satisfaction in what she had accomplished. The Akudama were growing stronger, the church was losing its grip, and Dahlia City was slipping through the fingers of those who thought they could control it.

But even as she stood there, a feeling of unease crept into her mind, crawling up her back like a spider to the spout. Why did something feel off tonight? Zariya had been so focused on the church, on expanding her empire, that she hadn’t noticed something lurking in the background, something watching her from the darkness.

Unbeknownst to Zariya, a werewolf faction had been keeping close tabs on her every move. They had seen her growing power, her ruthless transformation of innocent people into vampires, and they were biding their time. They were not allies of the church, but they had no love for her either, and the Vampiress's rise had caught their attention.

The wolves watched her from the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. Soon enough, they would make their move, but for now, Zariya remained blissfully unaware, her focus solely on the kingdom she was building. She stood on the balcony of her base, surveying the city below as Nia stepped out behind her. "Nia. You did good today. Thank you." Nia nodded. She always did what needed to be done. "I need you to send word to the Crime Lords. It's time for a meeting."

Despite that odd feeling in the atmosphere around her, Zariya continued with her project. She was so close to solidifying her stance. However, what she didn't know was that in the distance, the wolves were howling, a warning that the Lycans were rising.  

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V. The People United [SQ] 86545

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