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IV. Akudama Rising [SQ]

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IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 2:47 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya checked her watch, its polished surface gleaming against the fading light of the day. Sundown was creeping closer, and with it, a moment of tension that lingered in the air around her. If Bishop Loughlin planned to make good on his threat, this was his window. The sun was still up, casting a last orange hue across Dahlia City. Vampires like her, and the daemons she commanded, were supposed to be at their weakest, right? Yet, as she moved through her base, she didn’t feel weak. She felt poised, ready to strike. Ready for whatever game the Bishop intended to play.

Her operations inside the base were running as usual. Men moved about, overseeing the production of her empire’s lifeblood. Most importantly, the Red Crystal, a potent drug she’d smuggled back from Hosenka City. It was an addictive, lucrative gem that had drawn the eyes of many crime lords in the underground, some seeking to strike deals and others eyeing her territory with envy. But Zariya held the upper hand. She was the only one in Dahlia City with the Crystal, and she wielded it like a queen wielding her scepter, her enemies bowing in both fear and respect.

The meeting room was quiet except for her conversation with Jasper, a fellow vampire and leader of the Yuan Cartel. He sat across from her, a tall, lean figure with handsome features, his long coat draping around his frame like a shroud. He was on the younger side for a cartel leader, like herself, but his father's death had placed him at the helm. Jasper’s eyes held a spark of admiration for Zariya, mixed with a calculated interest. He’d seen how quickly she’d rebuilt the Akudama Syndicate and clearly liked the idea of being allied with her.

“Your operation is impressive,” Jasper said, his voice smooth, carrying the undertone of someone used to getting what they wanted. “Few can rebuild such an empire in so little time.”

"Akudama is a powerful force, and people don't forget power." Zariya smirked, leaning back in her chair. “You do what’s necessary, and people get desperate when you have something they need.”

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 2:55 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
He nodded, eyes flicking to the small vial of the crimson substance that sat between them. “Let’s say we move forward with this partnership. What’s your vision, Zariya? What do you plan to do with Dahlia once you’ve brought everyone under your thumb?”

Zariya’s eyes glittered with amusement. “Unification. Dahlia’s not enough. I want more than that, and we, deserve more than this. These are crumbs. They allow us this place because they don't want to be bothered with us. But for now, consolidating power here is the first step. After that, who knows? Fiore is a big place.” The conversation shifted toward logistics, the finer details of their agreement. Jasper was on board, his interest in her business and her potential as a partner clear. The two of them sealed the deal, a blood pact of sorts between predators, when the explosion rocked the building.

Suddenly, the floor shook beneath their feet, and Zariya was on her feet in an instant, her sharp gaze darting toward the window. Smoke billowed outside, and her nostrils flared as she caught the acrid scent of burning rubble.

“What the hell-” Jasper began, but Zariya didn’t wait for him to finish. She rushed out of the room, moving with vampiric speed toward the balcony that overlooked the front of the base. Her heart skipped a beat as she peered over the edge. The entire front section of the building was obliterated, reduced to a pile of crumbled stone and burning debris. Several of her underlings, the ones unlucky enough to have been stationed there, were scattered across the rubble, limbs torn apart, bodies writhing in agony as they clung to life.

And there, amidst the chaos, stood Bishop Loughlin.

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:03 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
His pale robes fluttered in the wind, his face twisted into a self-satisfied smirk as he marched toward the base, backed by an army of zealots and crusaders. They moved with eerie precision, their white-and-gold armor gleaming in hat little sunlight was left. The Bishop’s eyes found Zariya on the balcony, and even from a distance, The vampire could see the cold hatred in them.

“He actually fucking came…” she muttered, her fingers tightening around the railing. She hadn’t expected him to follow through on his threat, certainly not so boldly, but here he was blowing a hole in her base and strutting toward her like a king who'd come to claim his throne. Her throne. A second explosion rocked the base, this one blasting through the left wall. More zealots streamed in through the gap, their weapons drawn as they stretched out to surround her headquarters like a tightening noose. Zariya’s mind raced, her blood pounding in her ears.

Jasper, who had followed her onto the balcony, stared at the carnage below. His expression was a mix of confusion and calculation. Zariya could see the wheels turning in his head. Stay and fight with her, or cut his losses and run?

“This isn’t your fight,” she said coldly, her gaze fixed on the oncoming zealots. “If you leave now, I won’t hold it against you.”

Jasper didn’t need a second invitation. He hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “Good luck, Zariya.” With that, he and his few men slipped out the back disappearing into the alleyways of Dahlia. The Desiertan sucked her teeth in frustration, watching him go. Coward. She didn’t need him anyway. She had her own army.

“Get the Crystal out of here!” she barked at her underlings. “Take it to the lair, and don’t stop until you’re there!” Thirty of her men immediately scrambled to obey, grabbing the crates of Crimson and hauling them out through the back exits. The remaining Akudama stayed behind, armed to the teeth and ready for bloodshed.

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:10 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya took a deep breath, calming her frantic thoughts. The Bishop had forced her hand. This was it, the moment of reckoning. She leapt down from the balcony, landing gracefully in the courtyard where her men were preparing to defend the base. The zealots had stopped their advance standing some odd feet away. The Bishop stepped forward, his expression calm, almost serene. “I gave you one day,” he said, his voice echoing across the battlefield. “I told you I’d come.”

Zariya crossed her arms, her expression icy. “And here you are. Still spouting the same nonsense.”

“You could have left, vampire,” Loughlin continued, his voice dripping with disdain. “You could have spared your people this fate. But now… now they’ll burn for your sins.”

Zariya’s lips twisted into a smirk. “You talk a big game for someone who's about to die.”

His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t flinch. “I gave you a chance to leave peacefully. Now, I will purge this city of your filth. All the vampires, all the daemons...you’ll be nothing but ash in the-”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Zariya’s voice was cold as she squared her shoulders, her body poised for the fight. “I'm gonna tear your heart out of your chest, and send you to your god.”

With that, she surged forward, her body moving like lightning. Her men followed suit, a roar rising up from the Akudama as they charged into battle. The courtyard erupted into total chaos, the clash of steel and the screams of the dying echoing throughout. Zariya’s focus was solely on Loughlin. He met her head-on and his speed surprising her as he sidestepped her initial attack and countered with a powerful strike that sent her reeling. The Queen Akudama recovered quickly, but he was already on top of her, landing a brutal punch to her midsection that knocked the wind from out of her lungs.

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:28 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The force of his blow sent her skidding backward, her feet digging into the dirt as she regained her balance. She growled, baring her fangs as she lunged at him again, but Loughlin was truly relentless. He moved with a speed and strength that matched her own, and for every hit she landed, he returned with equal force. Blood splattered across the ground as the two of them clashed. Their bodies a blur of motion. Zariya could feel the strain in her muscles, the exhaustion creeping in as the fight dragged on. Loughlin was stronger than she’d anticipated, his fists hitting like sledgehammers.

Just what the hell is he?

He grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground with ease, and slammed her into the nearest wall. The impact rattled her bones, but she gritted her teeth, refusing to give in. With a snarl, Zariya drove her knee into his gut, causing him to release his grip just long enough for her to break free. She darted around the battlefield and used her speed to stay one step ahead of him. But no matter how fast she moved, Loughlin was always right fucking behind her, matching her blow for blow.

His zealots were fighting her men, and the sounds of battle rang through the air. Screams, gunfire, the clash of blades...yet all Zariya could focus on was the Bishop and the overwhelming strength he seemed to possess.

The fight led them deeper into the base, through hallways and rooms that were quickly being reduced to rubble by the ongoing battle. The Vampiress's mind raced as she searched for an opening. She needed a way to turn the tide in her favor. Eventually, they ended up in an office, the door slamming shut behind them. Loughlin had her cornered, his tall frame shadowing over her as she struggled to catch her breath. Blood dripped from her nose, her vision blurry as she stared up at him.

“You should have listened,” he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. “Now, I’m going to purge this entire city, starting with you.”

The Bishop lunged at her, his hands wrapping around her throat. Zariya gasped, her fingers clawing at his wrists as he tightened his grip, cutting off her air. Her vision darkened like a heavy curtain being drawn over her eyes, and her chest began burning as if molten iron were pouring through her veins, each breath a desperate, searing effort.

Loughlin laughed, the sound maniacal, echoing in the small room. “This is the end, vampire. Dahlia will be free of your kind, and then… all of Fiore.”

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:43 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya’s vision swam with her strength fading as she teetered on the edge of unconsciousness. But then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw it something--a pen lying on the floor, just within reach. With the last of her strength, she stretched out her hand, her fingers brushing the cool metal of the pen. She grasped it tightly and with a final desperate yell, drove it into Loughlin’s eye. His scream was deafening as he staggered back, clutching his face. Blood poured from the wound, and Zariya stumbled to her knees, gasping for air.

She looked at him, her chest heaving as she regained her composure. “You should have stayed in the church, Loughlin.”

With one final savage motion, Zariya lunged forward, her hand plunging into his chest. She tore out his heart, the warm blood splattering across her face as she held the still-beating organ in her hand. Loughlin’s body crumpled to the floor, lifeless. Hopefully his god would accept him. Zariya stared down at the Bishop’s heart in her hand, the warm ruby liquid dripping from its pulpy mass. The moment felt surreal, her chest heaving from the effort it took to tear it from his body. She had won, but at what cost?

The sounds of battle echoed outside the office. The clash of weapons and the cries of pain blending into a distant buzz. The Icebergan's body ached, every muscle screaming in protest. She had nothing left to give. The fight with Loughlin had drained her, and her usual fiery determination was slowly being replaced by a weary emptiness. There was no time for rest, however.

With the heart still in her hand, Zariya ran out of the office, her boots echoing against the broken stone floor. She navigated through the damaged halls of her base, ignoring the rubble and debris that had once been her fortress. When she reached the balcony, she stopped and her sharp eyes taking in the scene below.

The Akudama and zealots were still locked in combat, blood soaking the earth as both sides fought with desperation. Her people were holding their ground but they were clearly exhausted. And the zealots, fueled by blind fanaticism were relentless. If this fight continued, both sides would suffer more losses than she could afford. Zariya wiped the blood from her face, gritting her teeth as she stepped forward to the edge of the balcony. With the Bishop’s heart held high above her head, like a bloody trophy stolen from death itself, she shouted, her voice slicing through the chaos.

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:47 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.

The sound of her command was heavy, demanding, and filled with an authority that left no room for disobedience. Slowly, the sounds of battle died down and finally, all eyes turned toward her. The zealots, bloodied and bruised, hesitated for a moment. Their weapons still risen in the air, unsure whether to continue the fight or stand down. The Akudama, though equally exhausted, shifted their focus to Zariya, waiting for her next move.

The Vampiress gazed down at them all, her body swaying slightly from the exhaustion, but her expression as cool as ever. Her voice, however, carried the weight of victory as she raised the heart higher for all to see. “Your Bishop is dead,” she announced, her voice echoing across the courtyard. “I’ve killed him. There’s no reason for you to keep fighting.”

She let the words sink in for a moment, watching the reactions of the zealots. Some of them faltered, their eyes widening in shock as they saw the heart in her hand. The reality of their leader’s death was sinking in. Zariya could see the doubt begin to creep across their faces. “If you don’t leave now,” she continued, her voice growing colder, “you’ll meet the same fate. Every last one of you will die. This is your only chance to leave with your lives.”

For a brief, tense moment, no one moved. The zealots stood frozen, their faces conflicted, torn between their loyalty to the Bishop and the undeniable reality of the heart in her hand. Then, one by one, they began to lower their weapons. It didn’t take long before they retreated, dragging their wounded and dead with them. Zariya watched them go, her eyes narrow, still prepared for a final trick or attack. But none came. They disappeared into the shadows of Dahlia, leaving the battlefield behind.

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:14 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The moment the last zealot was gone, the Akudama erupted in triumphant cheers. Their shouts of pride and victory filled the air, their voices hoarse but filled with celebration. They had done it. They had won against the power of the church. Zariya forced a smile, feigning satisfaction as she gazed out at her men. They were battered, bloodied, and bruised, but still alive. Still standing. She knew how much this victory meant to them, how much it meant to their pride and their belief in her. But inside, Zariya felt none of it.

There wasn’t a damn thing to be happy about.

Her eyes shifted to the crumbling ruins of her base. The formerly solid structure now lay in shambles, its walls blown apart, the front entrance nothing but a pile of rubble. The explosion had decimated the foundation, and here and there, chunks of stone and metal continued to fall. The cost of fixing it would be astronomical. Zariya cursed under her breath, "Dammit." her teeth gritting in frustration.  Her smile faded as she gazed at the destruction. Time. Money. Manpower. It would take all of that and more to rebuild. If Erebus was here they would have figured this out in no time. Alas, she still had her allies, more Akudama than ever before, and a base that was solidified in Hosenka.

With a final glance at the ruined base, she tossed the Bishop’s heart into the dirt, turned on her heel, and walked back inside, her mind already calculating her next move.

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IV. Akudama Rising [SQ] 86545

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