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VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ]

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VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:04 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The moon hung heavy and full over Dahlia City, the skyline was painted in a pale glow. Tonight, the underworld would converge under that same indifferent light, gathering not in secret but in a show of strength and power orchestrated by Zariya herself. The grand hall where the event took place was magnificent, almost regal, though its opulence belied both the horrors of the world outside of it, and the bloodstained hands of those who poured within it.

The hall itself was a former mansion that Zariya had appropriated for this exact purpose. Lavish drapes in deep crimson adorned the walls, while black marble floors reflected the flickering light of chandeliers above. It was a perfect blend of elegance and menace, a place fitting for the queen of the night to host her guests. She stood at the head of the room, her eyes sweeping over the crowd as they filtered in. Daemons, Vampires, Werewolves, even some fallen Nephilim, all leaders of their respective factions, each representing a different underworld dynasty that had carved its own bloody path to prominence.

Zariya’s expression remained cool, but inside, she was calculating every move. This wasn’t just a party, it was a political battlefield. The Crime Lords who entered this hall were not just here to share drinks and pleasantries. They were here to test her, to see if she was worthy of the alliances she sought, and if they could benefit from her rise to power. And in return, Zariya needed them. The coming war against the church and rival factions would not be won through sheer will alone. Power demanded numbers, strategy, and unity, however fragile that might be.

The room grew quieter as Zariya stepped forward to address the gathering. She stood in atop the grand balcony, her black attire nearly blending into the shadows cast by the lighting. Her presence demanded attention, and as the murmurs ceased, all eyes turned to her.

Last edited by Zariya on Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:19 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
“Welcome, my esteemed guests,” she began, her voice smooth, yet edged with authority. “Tonight, we stand on the precipice of a new era. Dahlia City has long been a place of secrets and shadows, but no longer. The time has come for us to seize control of our destinies, to claim what is rightfully ours.”

Her words sliced through the air like a dagger, sharp and intentional. She held their gazes, moving slowly across the balcony above the room as she continued.

“For too long, the church has sought to dominate this city, to control it through fear and false promises of salvation. We all know the truth...they seek only to line their coffers and strengthen their grip on the weak. They have no love for creatures like us, for the power we hold. But they are not invincible. United, we can break their stranglehold. Together, we can crush the church, eradicate our rivals, and claim the city as our own.”

Zariya’s words were met with murmurs of approval from the crowd, though she could sense the underlying tension. She knew that many of these Crime Lords had their own ambitions and their own reservations. But that was expected. No alliance was ever formed without a struggle.

“Tonight is not just about talk,” Zariya said, her voice rising slightly as she raised her hand. “Tonight, we solidify the bonds between us. We enjoy the fruits of our labor, and we prepare for the war to come. Let tonight be a celebration of the darkness that binds us all.”

With that, she lowered her hand, signaling the beginning of the festivities. The room buzzed back to life as the various leaders of the underworld dispersed, mingling with their factions and with one another. Wine and blood were served in equal measure, and the air grew thick with the scent of power and anticipation.

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:42 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya, however, was not content to simply watch. She moved through the crowd, her eyes sharp, her mind always working. There were alliances to be made, deals to be struck, and enemies to keep close.

The Vampiress approached a tall, imposing figure who happened to be a Daemon Crime Lord named Venox, whose horns curled menacingly from his brow. He represented a faction from the Northern Dahlia territories, a ruthless group called the Obsidian that controlled much of the illicit trade in the region. His eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and disdain as Zariya came closer.

“Zariya Onfroy,” Venox greeted, his voice a low rumble. “Quite the gathering you’ve put together. Nearly all the power players in the region standing in one room, I never thought it could be done. But tell me, what’s in it for us?”

Zariya met his gaze with an unwavering stare. “Power, Venox. The same thing we all want. Dahlia City is the heart of this region. If we control it, we control everything that flows through it--money, influence, fear, respect. Unlike many of you, who have found a struggle expanding outside of Dahlia city, I have successfully built an entire stronghold in Hosenka. I'm sure you know what that means. You and your people stand to profit greatly if you stand with me.”

Venox’s eyes narrowed, weighing her words. “And if we don’t?”

“Then you stand alone when the church comes for you,” Zariya replied smoothly. “Or our rivals. Or worse, when the Fiorian government finally decides to make a move. The choice is yours.”

The Daemon studied her for a moment longer before nodding slightly. “We’ll see.”

Zariya smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I look forward to it.”

As she moved away, she caught sight of a group of vampires clustered near the bar, an older faction with operations in the Northern mountains of Marchen, led by a figure she recognized: Viktor Dragos. His slicked-back hair and chiseled features gave him a regal air, though Zariya knew better than to be fooled by appearances. Viktor was as dangerous as they came, and his influence among the older vampires was significant.

Last edited by Zariya on Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 7:40 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
“Viktor,” The Desiertan greeted as she approached, her tone polite but distant.

“Zariya,” Viktor replied, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “It’s been too long.”

She didn’t bother with pleasantries. “I trust you’ve considered the proposal.”

Viktor raised an eyebrow, sipping from a glass of blood-red wine. “Oh, I’ve considered it. But what you’re asking isn’t cheap. My people have been in power for centuries. Aligning with you means risking all of that.”

The Vampiress paused, taking a brief moment to study Viktor as he sipped his wine. His regal demeanor, his carefully controlled expressions, it all played into the centuries-old image he cultivated, one of power that was never questioned. She knew better than to underestimate him, but there was no room for hesitation tonight.

“Viktor, this is not a matter of legacy,” Zariya said, her voice steady but tinged with urgency. “This is a matter of survival. Do you think the church, or the government that backs them cares about the centuries of power your people have amassed? Or about the noble Vampire bloodlines you so carefully preserve?” She tilted her head slightly, her piercing gaze striking through the room’s dim light like a bolt of lightning. “They will come for you like they come for everyone. With fire, stakes, and zealots, ready to purge anything that doesn’t fit their vision of purity.”

Viktor’s lips curled slightly as he met her gaze, but the smirk had faded soon after. “It's unwise to assume I’m unaware of the threat, Zariya. But I’ve lived through centuries of threats, centuries of wars, betrayals, hunters. This is not my first time facing extinction, and you are most certainly not the first attempting to unite monsters.”

“Then act like it,” she shot back, the words sharp but controlled. “We both know your can survive a war, but the world is different now. The church has gained influence we haven’t seen in ages, the Government is stronger than ever, and their powers are growing faster than we've ever seen before. Hosenka, Magnolia, even the mountains you call home. They will sweep across the land if we let them, and your name, your legacy, will be a fading memory.”

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:25 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Viktor’s eyes flickered with something she couldn’t quite place but assumed was defiance, perhaps, or maybe a trace of fear, quickly masked? He set his glass down on a nearby table, folding his hands together as if weighing her words.

“And what do you expect me to do?” Viktor asked, his voice low but dangerously calm. “Throw everything I’ve built away for your war?”

“Not just for me,” Zariya said, softening her tone slightly. “For yourself. Your people. For all of us. Aligning with me isn’t about losing power, it’s about securing it. With your influence and my forces, we can control Dahlia and beyond. Imagine what that means for your people. No more hiding in the shadows. No more waiting for the next crusade. Control.”

Viktor exhaled, leaning back in his chair, studying her with a calculated gaze. “We both know control is fleeting. What happens when your vision of unity fractures? When others come for your throne?”

Zariya’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “That’s what makes this different. I’m not offering fragile unity, Viktor. I’m offering something that endures.”

For a moment, the two vampires stared at each other, the weight of centuries of tradition, pride, and ambition hanging between them. Viktor’s dark eyes narrowed slightly, and Zariya could see the flicker of doubt beginning to wane. He was close to conceding, but she knew better than to push him further just yet.

Viktor stood, breaking the tense silence. “You certainly know how to make a compelling argument, Zariya.” His voice was low, almost begrudging. “I’ll consider what you’ve said--thoroughly.”

Zariya inclined her head in acknowledgment. “I trust you will.”

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:02 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
As Viktor turned and moved away, Zariya watched him for a moment longer, her mind already shifting to the next target. This was just one battle in a war of many, and she was prepared to win them all. There were still more factions to speak with, more deals to secure. Zariya moved gracefully through the gathering, exchanging brief words with werewolf leaders, Daemon warlords, and vampire lords alike. Each conversation was a game of strategy, a delicate balance of power and persuasion.

But as the night wore on, and the wine flowed freely, the Crime Lords began to gather in a private chamber for the true reason they were all here. Business. The room was dimly lit, with a long table in the center where the leaders took their seats. Zariya sat at the head, her eyes scanning the faces around her. Venox, Viktor, Jasper and a few others eyed each other warily. No one trusted anyone completely, but trust wasn’t necessary, only fear and respect.

“We all know why we’re here,” Zariya began, her tone calm, cold, but authoritative. “The church is growing bolder. They’ve already made their move, and it won’t be long before they come for all of us. We need to act now, before they gain too much ground. Soon, it'll be the forces of government on our asses too.”

Venox leaned forward, his horns forming shadows upon the grand table. “You want us to fight your war, Zariya. What do we get in return?”

“The city,” Zariya replied without hesitation. “Control of Dahlia. Wealth. Power. Territory. My reach expands to Hosenka, and will soon touch the borders of the region. Soon, it'll be the entire country. I’m not asking you to fight for free. This will benefit all of us.”

Viktor scoffed softly, swirling his wine. "And what if we prefer to fight for our own interests? Why should we align ourselves with you when we could simply take what we want ourselves?”

Zariya’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Because you won’t survive alone. The church has resources, weapons, and armies. They’re not playing games. If you try to stand against them on your own, you’ll fall. But together, we can destroy them. The unification of the underworld serves as a security measure for every single one of our operations.”

The room was silent for a moment as the Crime Lords exchanged glances, weighing their options. Finally, a werewolf leader named Kael spoke up, his voice gruff. “And the other cities? Hosenka, Magnolia--there are factions there that could be a threat. You expect us to do what? Be your foot soldiers and deal with them appropriately?”

Zariya sighed. “We’ll deal with them in time. Hosenka is already undergoing a process of stabilization with my stronghold stationed there, and Magnolia’s factions are too disorganized to pose a real threat. Our focus should be on the church here in Dahlia. Once they’re out of the way, the rest will fall into place.”

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:07 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The discussion dragged on, each leader voicing their concerns, their demands for payment or territory in exchange for their support. Zariya remained patient, though her mind raced with every request. Eventually, after what felt like hours of back-and-forth negotiations, they came to an agreement. The factions would align with Zariya, but each would receive a share of the spoils. Territory, influence, or wealth, depending on their role in the coming war, while Zariya would spearhead as their leader.

Thus, Crowning her the Queenpin.

It was a fragile alliance, but it was enough. For now.

As the meeting concluded, the Crime Lords stood, ready to return to the festivities. Zariya felt a momentary sense of relief, but that was short-lived. Just as the leaders returned to the grand hall, a sudden shift in the air caught Zariya’s attention. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the room. Something was off. It was too quiet, too tense. And then she saw it, a figure moving swiftly through the crowd, a glint of steel in their hand.

Zariya’s heart leaped into her throat as she recognized the target. One of the vampire lords from the northern territories--a rival faction, no doubt. The assassin moved quickly, but Zariya was faster.

In a blur of motion, she was across the room, her hand gripping the assassin’s wrist just as the blade was about to strike. With a swift twist, she disarmed him, the knife clattering to the floor. The assassin gasped, eyes wide with fear as the Queenpin's fangs gleamed in the dim light.

Without hesitation, she plunged her own knife into the assassin’s chest, the blade sinking deep. The crowd gasped as the figure crumpled to the ground, but Zariya wasn’t finished. She ripped off the assassin’s mask, revealing a human face, frozen with shock. Around his neck hung a necklace with the symbol of the goddamn church.

The assassin sputtered as blood dribbled from his lips. “Damn...damn you all...You… you’re all abominations,” he hissed. “The church will eradicate you.”

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:15 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The vampire's lips arched into a frown as she grabbed the man by the collar, dragging him through the hall and out onto the balcony. The crowd followed, silent and tense as Zariya addressed them once more.

“This,” she said, her voice cold and commanding, “is what the this country thinks of us. They fear us. They send weaklings like this to do their dirty work.” The failure of an assassin struggled weakly, but Zariya held him firm. “But we are not weak. We are not afraid. Tonight, we make our stand, and we show them what real power looks like.”

The man let out a choked groan, too wounded to speak. The Desiertan didn’t hesitate. With a single motion, she drew a clawed finger across his throat, slicing it open. Blood poured from the wound, staining the balcony’s stone floor. The crowd watched in silence, their faces unreadable. Zariya leaned over the railing, her voice raising, bulldozing through the space between her and the beings below. “This is only the beginning. The church will fall, and Dahlia will belong to us.”

With that, she released the man’s body, watching as it tumbled over the edge and into the shadows below.

The crowd erupted into applause, their bloodlust matching her own. Zariya turned, her eyes gleaming with victory. The night was far from over, but she had made her point.

The city, the empire...it was hers for the taking.

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VI. The Moonlit Gathering [SQ] 86545

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