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Inner Battlefield [DaeSeong]

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Inner Battlefield [DaeSeong] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 5:42 pm


A shooting star, lit in colors of more than a rainbow, beautiful like those in a kaleidoscope was falling into the Earth's lands. Eyes closed they could not see the way down as to her it was dark, but for everyone else it was light. Wrapped into a cacoon her enshadowed child protected her for their fall as there was much to do. "We're almost there, mother...", spoke the enshadowed entity in their abnormal tone.  

'There... where is there?' finally Karisa's mind woke up.

"Home... not the place where we are from, but one that is waiting...", spoke the entity as the shooting star finally crashed into the island with no name, leaving an imprint on the surface. The entity unraveled slowly so the light of the sun wouldn't hurt Karisa's eyes from exposure after being in the void too long. "Hold on, mother..." it whispered as it created sunglasses and put them on her. Karisa opened her eyes to see an island that was now a meteor crash site. The entity helped her slowly get up as she saw many Islanders gather to see what the chaos was.

The entity didn't want to scare the islanders so they hid within her sleeves. Karisa was listening to them speak a different language she did not understand, her eyes wandering anxiously. 'What are they saying?', she wondered as the entity then translated. She slowly walks up, her white long hair flowing behind her, her unique eyes gazing finally at who looked to be the leader. "I come here with peace in mind.", Karisa spoke as she lifted her hand, creating a rainbow in the sky, astonishing the people. They then bowed, believing her to be some god - which she was, but not in this manner. "No, no, please... stand.", she spoke as they understood her and stood. They then escorted her to the village near the shore of the sea.

Karisa swiftly changed her appearance to her human appearance of brown chocolate gem eyes and her brown hair. The islanders believed to think it was normal for one from the sky to have an appearance that will seem normal to Earthlanders.

Little did she and the inhabitants know, there would be more visitors from not only the sky, but also the sea of other landers...


Intro: Mishiko's personal Ship with Daeseong and the sailors of Joya were on their way to the unknown island where Ohta foretold where Karisa would be.

Inner Battlefield [DaeSeong] Sigme10

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