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Paradise Dawn

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Paradise Dawn Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 1:49 pm


Paradise Dawn

Paradise Dawn Img_0322

Live with honor, die with glory

Paradise Dawn Img_7915

In the cold harsh lands of Iceberg, a danger stirs. Hidden within Harrogath, the ancient Draugr still roam despite losing their King and master to the realm of the Abyss. Stigr Kjarr may have been pushed back by the Raven Queen and the collective army amassed, but there is no guarantee that he shall stay gone. It was for this purpose and the desire to combat any other threat that the new guild hall was formed.

The guild was born from the desire to not only watch over the Abyssal gate that the High Jarl made to win the war, but to manage all the gates to the other realms as well. The purpose of Paradise Dawn grew from just a mercenary and monster hunting guild into one that is also meant to combat all outer realm threats including Demons, Seraphim, volatile Gods, and creatures of the Void. No more would the residents of this realm feel at the whim of other beings enacting their wills and plans. As the Watchers snip every remaining thread that grants them power still.

Like a militant force for Iceberg, protecting the Lumikki’s motherland first and foremost, Paradise Dawn would branch out Iceberg’s typical limited influence into other matters spanning throughout all of Earthrealm. Maintaining an independent and neutral standing with all other locations.


Paradise Dawn Img_7915

  • All members are like kin, and as such, no infighting will be tolerated. You are expected to hold yourself with maturity and understanding, concluding the conflict before it becomes a problem.

  • The tasks available are vast and many. Of course warriors are desired and needed, but researchers and story archivers are but two more examples of the kind of work provided. Knowledge is just as valuable as fighting might and everything in between.

  • We pursue other realm beings. If you need assistance with Pact, Graces, and etc you may find guidance and protection here, or an offer help slay your patron. Those of this realm are exempt from our immediate attention and resources but can be subjected to action if they provide enough threat for such.

  • Ultimately we are still a mercenary guild at heart and will still conduct matters as such. Should one need our services, you are free to hire us for such. And we are free to choose our work.

  • We are neutral and plan to remain as such. This will be expressed in all that we do and how we handle ourselves. No worldly matters will immediately draw our attention unless it involved us, all other times would need to be assessed properly before a side may be choosen.

  • Ravens are always watching, we will know the moment you betray us. Consider yourself safer outside of Iceberg from then on. Of course leaving on normal terms is perfectly welcomed and there will be a place for you always should you choose to return.


Paradise Dawn Img_7915

Etched into a nearby mountain within the territory of Fjallgard, the home city of Paradise Dawn’s current Guild Master. The Dwarves of the Hrútr clan were requested to make it upon the conclusion of the Draugr conflict. A feat that they were able to accomplish in a short time as their skills and efficiency compare to no other; and with this being a request of not only the heir of Hrútr but the High Jarl, they took every moment to shine and emphasize their craftsmanship.

The new guild hall to the Paradise Dawn is more than just a cluster of towering structures, but its own city and home. With shops and residential areas for the Dwarves and people that choose to reside there and offer their work or wears, to the vast areas afforded for recreation and relaxing. Every measure was taken to make the hall a home. Taverns, inns, shops, and restaurants are but some of the many places hidden within the walls; but one of the shining gems among them is the growing library, filling with many vast and interesting tales from all over the world, but more importantly, archiving the stories of Iceberg. Travelers, heroes, Dwarves, and even ravens pay their way with miscellaneous tales that are whispered throughout the lands of Iceberg, all of which are gladly accepted within the Raven Queen’s library.

The bottom section of the hall is reserved for residents while the high areas are assigned to members. This is where they will spend their days and room within the guild. The further up you go, the more icy and frost-like the inner decor becomes, as the higher most section is where the Ice Queen is known to reside. As such, the decoration reflects her standing and elemental alignment; but the rest of the buildings and structures inversely are very warm and cozy. With many candle holders, fireplaces, furs, and comfortable furniture about. The Dwarves, excellent at their craft, were also sure to find underground hot springs to pump within the castle walls, warming up most rooms to a comfortable degree and providing hot water for cooking and baths. The last thing of note is their various training grounds to help fit the warriors for future battle and forge the new recruits for the work ahead. As well as perhaps the second biggest forge recorded in Iceberg to which the God Bear of Iceberg crafts his creations.

Guild Master

The current Guild Master of Paradise Dawn and High Jarl of Iceberg, Lumikki Hrútr, did so with the intent of creating a defense from other realm beings. As someone who’s suffered a Pact herself and witnessed others who had been troubled themselves. After extending the 9 realms to include the Abyss, she wanted to watch over all the gates and cut the remaining threads of influence the needless other-realm beings had. Which was a power that came into her reach as she imposed the powers of Nordic fate upon the chaotic Abyss through means of extending the roots of Yggdrasil’s and the tapestry of the Norns. It was through this act that she elevated to role and status of Valkyrie, becoming an agent of fate that enforces the Norns’ influence.

But that would only be one reason for her decision to create the new Paradise Dawn guild hall, Lumikki also had the strong desire to return to her motherland and archive stories of the world. Known to many as the Raven Queen, Ice Witch, or Frost Demon, she had a strong fascination for tales and myths. Often learning a lot about other cultures.

The ice mage owed her humble beginnings to the growth she acquired by being a member of Paradise Dawn and the guidance from her Uncle, Brone Heavyaxe. It was there that she cultivated her magic until it could match the rage of a storm and met many of the people that impacted her life. Including Yuurei Starlight, her predecessor who grew the Paradise Dawn guild’s name to what it is today and establishing its strength and foundations before entrusting it to Lumikki to take over and protect. It would be people like these that keep her from falling into the destructive tendencies a demon could have and instead striving to become so much more.

Guild Spells

  • Name: Fleeting Twilight
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Paradise Dawn
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Cooldown: Once Per Month
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The influence of the other realms are ever present, sparking throughout all points of Earthrealm. As our members depart for every occurrence we’ve been called to answer, it has become quite valuable to assure assistance if danger arises. The user touches their guild insignia and a magical circle representing their color will appear in two different locations. Stepping in the circle summons forth a flock of ravens that circle around you and spirit you elsewhere. This will grant the person using this spell two things: It will either allow them to be able to locate anybody that they consider an ally and teleport to them if they are in need of help, no matter where in the world they are, or it allows them to bring forth an ally into the topic if willing no matter where they are. This is not a means of traveling, and they will still be in the region they were in when using this spell, and the same for the person entering topics. When joining a combat topic, whatever durability on their items, mana they had and spells that were on cooldown in that topic will be transferred over to the combat topic as is. This cannot be used to flee a topic.

  • Name: Charging Comet
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Paradise Dawn
    Type: Defense
    Element: Arcane
    Cooldown: Once Per Month
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user touches their insignia, and it will glow. Multiple magic circles will appear around everybody that the user considers an ally. But it would be from a massive circle that imposes the strength of the spell as a gigantic spectral red ram runs through all on the field, but only those with a magic circle lingering upon them will feel its effect. This will engulf everyone and themselves in the armor of the god of war. Shaping and forming into intricacies that suit their wearer most, giving them an imposing and intimidating appearance. This will be magically created and not the real thing but will be stronger than any armor the user can create. This allows each player covered with this to block up to 4xS rank worth of damage before dispersing. This spell coming from the insignia cannot be dispelled by nullification magic.

  • Name: Storming Heavens
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Paradise Dawn
    Type: Offense
    Element: Arcane
    Cooldown: Once Per two weeks
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Some choose agility, some choose defenses, but some simply enjoy raw power. The user who chooses this spell will activate it by touching their insignia. An action which triggers a magical circle to flicker before a titanic spectral white bear manifests up above. Almost like they are leering the enemies down below in the battle. The spiritual beast will create a cone of energy that expands out to 25 meters wide hitting everyone across the field with crackling lightning surging from the heavens. This will damage everyone that is considered an enemy throughout the field instantly. This will do 2x S rank damage to those who are considered an enemy or intruder to the user. This will also do 1x S rank damage to the target’s items that were hit by this move as if breaking from the electrical charge.


Level 1:
  • Where the Demon and Angel collide: Members of this guild can do both good and bad quests should they fell the need to.

Level 2:
  • Efficient Hunter: With so many skilled among the ranks, it becomes a simple task to clear ones missions swiftly. As such, members have acquired 10% word count reduction.

Level 3:
  • Heimdall's All Sight: The user may purchase the Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye in the Modification section of the Mysterious Merchant which may be purchased at a 50% discount.

Level 4:
  • Hunter's Eye: The user unlocks the Eye of the Hunter passive from Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye.

Level 5:
  • Watcher's Eye: The user unlocks the Shared Sight passive from Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye.

Paradise Dawn Nerili11

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