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Reborn in his likeness [LS]

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Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:35 pm


Chapter I: The First Dream

The echoes of that fateful night still reverberate through the corridors of his consciousness, an indelible imprint etched into the very fabric of his being. The frenzied cascade of memories - his capture, his demise, and his extraordinary rebirth as a Supernova dragon slayer - though weeks old, remained as vivid as if they had transpired mere moments ago. The events unfurled like a phantasmagoric tapestry, each thread woven with the visceral intensity of lived experience.

Ploom Island, once a vibrant asylum teeming with mystical creatures and lush flora, now existed only in memory. Its verdant expanses and magical denizens had been obliterated, wiped clean from the face of the earth by the incomprehensible might of Malachar, the great deceiver. The island's tragic fate served as a grim reminder of the cosmic forces at play, forces that had irrevocably altered the course of Tōga's existence.

On that pivotal day, Tōga had not stood alone against the encroaching darkness. His brave comrades - Mizuki, Shunsui, and the fallen Hotaru - had fought alongside him, their bonds formed in the vessel of impending doom. Hotaru, the courageous nature sprite, had made the ultimate sacrifice, deflecting a cataclysmic blast from Malachar's draconic form. The sheer magnitude of the attack had proven too great, and Hotaru had vanished into the ether, his essence scattered to the winds.

In their darkest hour, salvation had arrived in the form of Zephyrium, the ancient Dragon of the Stars. This celestial being had lent its formidable power to the beleaguered heroes, but even its cosmic might had proven insufficient against the overwhelming force of Malachar. Yet, in its final moments, Zephyrium had bequeathed the last vestiges of its power to Tōga, transmuting his Inferno Dragon Slayer abilities into those of a Supernova - a metamorphosis that would forever alter the trajectory of his life.

"Argh!" Tōga's anguished cry pierced the stillness of the night as he bolted upright in his bed. A sheen of perspiration cloaked his body, the chill air raising goosebumps on his damp skin - winter's ghostly fingers caressing him through the moisture that saturated his form and bedding. "That dream again..." he muttered, his voice hoarse and thick with emotion. He raised a trembling hand to his face, fingers splayed across his features as he attempted to banish the lingering spectres of his nightmare.

Deep, ragged breaths punctuated the silence as Tōga struggled to center himself, to anchor his consciousness in the present moment. "I'm sorry, Hotaru-san..." he whispered, the weight of the sprite's sacrifice bearing down upon him with crushing force. The image of Hotaru's final stand, his form silhouetted against the blinding radiance of Malachar's attack, haunted Tōga's every waking moment and saturated his dreams with guilt and regret.

As the adrenaline began to ebb from his system, a newfound resolve crystallized within Tōga's heart. "I should return to Ploom," he mused, his voice gaining strength as he spoke the words aloud. "I need to see what remains, to honor Hotaru-san's memory with a fitting tribute." The decision, once made, suffused Tōga with a sense of purpose. He would journey back to the site of that catastrophic battle, confront the physical manifestation of his inner turmoil, and pay homage to the fallen. Perhaps in doing so, he could begin to reconcile the disparate facets of his new existence - the vestiges of his former self intertwined with the cosmic power now coursing through his veins.

As he rose from his sweat-soaked bed, Tōga's movements were imbued with a newfound determination. The path ahead would be fraught with challenges, both external and internal, but he would face them head-on. He owed it to Hotaru, to Zephyrium, and to himself to harness the power he had been given and forge a future worthy of their sacrifices.

The first tendrils of dawn were beginning to creep across the horizon as Tōga began his preparations. With each item he packed, each decision he made, he felt the burden of his past lightening ever so slightly. The journey back to Ploom would be more than a physical excursion - it would be a voyage of self-discovery, a chance to reconcile the turbulent emotions that had plagued him since that fateful night. As he stepped out into the cool morning air, Tōga cast one last glance at the sanctuary that had sheltered him in the aftermath of his transformation. The future stretched before him, a canvas of infinite possibilities waiting to be painted with the brushstrokes of his choices. With a deep breath and a steadfast heart, he took his first step towards Ploom.

wc: 825


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:37 pm


Chapter II: The Long Journey

The salty breeze caressed Tōga's face as he stood at the edge of the bustling dock, his gaze sweeping across the vast expanse of azure stretching to the horizon. The ocean's immensity captivated him, its rhythmic undulations a hypnotic dance that momentarily transported him away from the weight of his mission. For a fleeting instant, he allowed himself to be enveloped by the simple beauty of the day, drinking in the sensory tapestry of sea, sky, and shore.

Around him, the dock pulsed with frenetic energy. Fishing vessels, their decks laden with silvery bounties, jostled for position alongside empty boats eager to set out in search of the day's catch. The air thrummed with a cacophony of voices - gruff fishermen barking orders, merchants haggling over prices, and wide-eyed tourists exclaiming in wonderment at the vibrant spectacle before them.

Joya, with its majestic mountain vistas and rich cultural heritage, had become a magnet for travelers from across the globe. They flocked to this distant land, drawn by tales of its breathtaking landscapes and the promise of experiences that would linger in their memories long after they returned home. Tōga observed their excitement with a mixture of amusement and wistfulness. Though born and raised in Joya, his prolonged absence had left him feeling like an outsider in his own homeland, viewing its wonders through the lens of a newcomer.

As he contemplated his options for the journey ahead, Tōga's mind drifted to the myriad forms of transportation at his disposal. The mere thought of boarding a boat or any other vehicle sent a wave of queasiness through his system. His newly acquired Supernova dragon slayer powers may have transformed him into a formidable force, but they had done little to alleviate his lifelong struggle with motion sickness.

A rueful smile played across his lips as he recalled countless miserable journeys spent hunched over the railing of ships or pressed against the cool glass of carriage windows, his body rebelling against every lurch and sway. "Perhaps it's time to embrace a different path," he mused, his eyes lifting skyward.

With a decisive nod, Tōga unfurled his Birdman cape, the fabric rippling in the morning breeze like the wings of some exotic creature. A sense of anticipation coursed through him, mingling with the raw power that now resided within his very being. He took a deep breath, savoring the crisp, salt-tinged air one last time before launching himself skyward.

The rush of wind against his face was exhilarating, a far cry from the nauseating sensations of earthbound travel. As he soared higher, the dock below diminished to a patchwork of tiny figures and miniature vessels. The world opened up before him, a canvas of endless possibilities stretching in every direction.

From his lofty vantage point, Tōga marveled at the landscape unfolding beneath him. Joya's famed mountain ranges rose in the distance, their snow-capped peaks piercing the clouds like the towers of some celestial fortress. Verdant forests blanketed the lower slopes, giving way to patchwork fields and winding rivers that snaked their way across the countryside.

As he flew, Tōga's thoughts turned to the journey ahead. The freedom of flight was intoxicating, but it also provided him with precious time for reflection. His mission to honor Hotaru's memory and confront the aftermath of the battle on Ploom Island weighed heavily on his mind. Yet, with each wingbeat that carried him closer to his destination, he felt a growing sense of purpose and resolve. The Supernova powers coursing through his veins were still something of a mystery to Tōga. As he soared through the sky, he began to explore this new facet of his being, testing the limits of his abilities. Sparks of cosmic energy danced at his fingertips, and he marveled at the way the very air seemed to shimmer around him, as if reality itself was bending to his will.

Far below, those who had witnessed his departure stood transfixed, their faces a tableau of astonishment and wonder. To them, Tōga's ascent must have seemed like something out of legend - a mortal man defying the laws of nature to take flight like some mythical being. Their amazement was a stark reminder of the extraordinary path Tōga now walked, a path that set him apart from the world he had once known.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Tōga adjusted his course, guided by an innate sense of direction that seemed to have awakened within him. The journey to Ploom Island stretched out before him, a pilgrimage of both physical distance and emotional resonance. With each passing moment, he felt more attuned to his newfound powers, more prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The wind whispered secrets in his ears, carrying with it the promise of adventure and the weight of responsibility. Tōga embraced both, his heart swelling with a complex mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Whatever awaited him on Ploom Island, he would face it with the strength of a Supernova dragon slayer and the unwavering spirit that had seen him through countless trials.

As he soared onward, leaving the familiar shores of Joya far behind, Tōga allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection. The path that had led him to this point had been fraught with loss and transformation, but it had also opened up a world of possibilities he had never dreamed possible. With the vast expanse of sky as his road and the memory of fallen comrades as his guide, Tōga pressed on, ready to write the next chapter in his extraordinary journey.

wc: 973


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:44 pm


Chapter III: A Famailiar, Lonely Face

The journey to Ploom Island, or rather, the void where it once stood, was a relatively short flight from Joya's eastern shores. Toga's newfound powers as a Supernova dragon slayer granted him ample reserves of magical energy, enough to make this trip several times over without feeling the strain. Yet, as he soared through the azure expanse, his heart grew heavier with each wingbeat, weighed down by the uncertainty of what he might discover.

Hours slipped by like grains of sand through an hourglass, the monotony of endless ocean broken only by the occasional wisp of cloud or the fleeting shadow of a seabird far below. Toga's mind wandered, replaying memories of Ploom Island as it once was - a vibrant paradise teeming with life and magic. The stark contrast between those recollections and the reality he was about to face sent a shiver down his spine, despite the warmth of the sun on his back. Suddenly, Toga halted mid-flight, his Birdman cape fluttering wildly at the abrupt stop. "We're here," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the whisper of the wind. His eyes scanned the waters below, searching for any sign of the island that should have dominated the seascape. But where lush forests and sandy beaches once sprawled, there was nothing but an endless expanse of blue.

The truth of Malachor's destructive power hit Toga anew. He had witnessed the island's obliteration firsthand, yet some part of him had clung to the desperate hope that it had all been a terrible nightmare. Now, faced with the stark reality, that last shred of denial crumbled away like ash in the wind. With a heavy sigh, Toga descended from the cloud-strewn heights, drawing closer to the ocean's surface. As he neared the water, his keen eyes picked out scattered debris - chunks of earth, splintered timber, and unidentifiable fragments that had once been part of Ploom Island's vibrant ecosystem. These pitiful remnants were all that remained of a once-thriving paradise.

Lost in his somber observations, Toga was startled by an unexpected voice cutting through his reverie.

"Oh, so you came too?"

Whirling around, his eyes widened in surprise as they settled on a familiar face. "Shunsui-san!" Toga exclaimed, a smile breaking through his melancholy like a ray of sunshine piercing storm clouds. There, hovering just a few feet away, was his friend and comrade - one of the valiant few who had stood beside him in the battle against Malachor, and a loyal retainer to Toga's former dragon father. Shunsui, the brown-haired enigma, regarded Toga with a mixture of warmth and understanding. His presence was both unexpected and comforting, a reminder that Toga was not alone in bearing the weight of recent events.

"The island was calling you too, huh?" Shunsui's question hung in the air between them, laden with unspoken emotions.

Toga nodded, his gaze drifting back to the watery expanse below. "I couldn't stay away," he admitted. "It's like... like there's an invisible thread pulling me here, demanding that I bear witness to what's happened." Shunsui drifted closer, his own eyes scanning the debris-strewn waters. "I understand," he said softly.

"This place... it holds so many memories, so much significance. Even in its absence, it calls to us."

For a moment, the two friends hovered in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The gentle lapping of waves against the scattered remnants of Ploom Island provided a somber backdrop to their reunion.

"I came to make a grave for Hotaru-san," Toga finally said, his voice thick with emotion. "But now... I'm not sure how to honor him when there's nothing left." Shunsui placed a comforting hand on Toga's shoulder. Sometimes, the most powerful memorials are the ones we carry in our hearts," he mused. "But perhaps we can still find a way to create something tangible, something that will stand as a reminder of Hotaru's sacrifice and the island's legacy."

Inspired by Shunsui's words, Toga's mind began to race with possibilities. "What if... what if we gathered some of these remnants?" he suggested, gesturing to the debris floating around them. "We could create a small floating memorial, right here where the island once stood."

Shunsui's eyes lit up at the idea. "A fitting tribute," he agreed. "He was an earth spirit after all. It makes sense that we honor him with the remains of the Island he helped to protect, and to honor it's sacrifice to save us. That was it's choice, and we are here for it." As they began to discuss the details of their impromptu memorial, Toga felt a spark of hope ignite within him. Though Ploom Island was gone, its spirit lived on through those who remembered it. In creating this tribute to Hotaru and all that was lost, they were not just honoring the past but also laying the foundation for a future where such sacrifices would not be in vain.

wc: 901


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:46 pm


Chapter IV: The Day the Ocean Opened

The salty breeze whipped around Toga as he hovered above the scattered remnants of Ploom Island, his eyes scanning the debris-strewn waters. A question bubbled to the surface of his mind, one that had been nagging at him since he'd encountered Shunsui.

"By the way," Toga called out, his voice carrying over the gentle lapping of waves, "why didn't Mizuki-chan come?"

Shunsui, floating nearby, let out a soft chuckle that seemed to dance on the wind. "I have no idea," he replied, a hint of understanding in his tone. "She said this place gave her the creeps. After what we all experienced – who could blame her?" As Shunsui's words hung in the air, Toga's mind drifted back to the cataclysmic battle against Malachor. Mizuki, the water mage, had held her own, but the memory of her struggle was etched clearly in his mind. She had been outmatched, teetering on the precipice of death. If she chose to distance herself from such a stark reminder of her vulnerability, who were they to judge? They would simply have to carry her in their hearts as they paid their respects.

Suddenly, Toga's instincts flared to life. "Wait! Stop!" he shouted, his body tensing as he leapt backward. Without hesitation, Shunsui mirrored his actions, years of battle-honed reflexes kicking in.

In the next breath, the world around them erupted into chaos. The ocean's surface began to tremble and roil, as if some colossal beast stirred in its depths. Toga and Shunsui shot upward, their eyes wide with disbelief as they watched the sea fracture and split below them. A gaping maw yawned open in the water, defying all natural laws. Fierce winds whipped around them, threatening to throw them off balance as they stared in awe at the impossible sight. The ocean had parted, revealing what appeared to be a pathway plunging into the depths.

Reborn in his likeness [LS] MT3FGdi

"What the hell?" Shunsui's voice was barely audible over the rush of water and wind. He cautiously flew closer, peering down into the perfectly circular opening. Water cascaded down its edges like a perpetual waterfall, yet the hole remained unfilled, a blatant violation of everything they thought they knew about the natural world.

Toga's heart raced, a mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through his veins. Without a second thought, he shouted, "Let's go!" and dove towards the enigmatic portal.

"Kid... we don't even know what just happened!" Shunsui's exasperated cry followed Toga as he plunged into the unknown, the older mage grudgingly diving in after him.

As they descended, the roar of falling water enveloped them, creating a cocoon of sound that seemed to separate them from the world above. The walls of their watery tunnel glistened with an otherworldly iridescence, refracting what little light penetrated the depths into a kaleidoscope of colors. Toga's mind raced as fast as his descent. What force could possibly create such a phenomenon? Was this some residual magic from Ploom Island, awakened by their presence? Or perhaps something more sinister, a trap laid by unknown enemies?

The further they plunged, the more the surrounding water seemed to press in on them, a constant reminder of the impossible nature of their journey. Yet, despite the oppressive weight of the ocean around them, Toga felt a sense of lightness, as if he were being guided by an unseen hand.

Shunsui's voice cut through the aquatic din, a mix of concern and curiosity coloring his words. "Toga! We need to be cautious. This could be anything – ancient magic, a defense mechanism, or something we can't even begin to comprehend!"

Toga nodded, his face set in determination. "I know, but... I can feel something calling to us. It's like... like the island itself is reaching out." As they continued their descent, the water around them began to shimmer with increasing intensity. Flecks of light danced in the currents, reminiscent of the bioluminescent creatures that once inhabited Ploom Island's shores.

Suddenly, the tunnel opened up into a vast, underwater cavern. The sight that greeted them stole the breath from their lungs. Suspended in the water was a bubble of air, impossibly large and defying all logic. Within this aquatic sanctuary, they could make out the ghostly outlines of buildings, trees, and landscapes – a spectral echo of Ploom Island preserved beneath the waves.

As they breached the surface of the bubble, gasping in air that tasted of memory and magic, Toga and Shunsui exchanged looks of wonder. They had stumbled upon something extraordinary, a hidden remnant of the island they thought lost forever.

"It's... it's still here," Toga whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Ploom Island... it found a way to survive."

Shunsui nodded, his eyes scanning the ethereal landscape before them.

"This changes everything,"

wc: 888


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:47 pm


Chapter V: Ploom Island!?

Reborn in his likeness [LS] IMhdlTE

The scene that unfolded before Toga's eyes defied all logic and expectation. Nestled deep within the ocean's embrace, hidden behind an impossible veil of water, lay a perfect facsimile of Ploom Island. It was as if time had rewound, presenting them with a vivid snapshot of the paradise they thought forever lost. Toga's feet touched down on the island's surface with a gentle thud, his senses immediately overwhelmed by the familiar yet surreal surroundings. The ground beneath him felt solid, real, pulsing with life that by all rights should have been extinguished weeks ago. Sunlight, somehow finding its way through the oceanic barrier above, bathed the landscape in a soft, ethereal glow.

"How can this be possible?" Toga breathed, his voice barely above a whisper as if speaking too loudly might shatter this fragile illusion. His eyes darted from one marvel to the next, drinking in the sight of exotic flora and fauna that mirrored his memories of Ploom in exquisite detail.

Beside him, Shunsui landed with a skeptical frown etched across his features. "I have no idea," he muttered, his tone a mixture of awe and disbelief. "We definitely saw Malachor blast it from the face of the earth." The memory of that cataclysmic event was still fresh in his mind - the overwhelming surge of demonic energy, the certainty that nothing could withstand such an assault. Yet here they stood, on an island that was the spitting image of Ploom before its supposed annihilation.

As they grappled with the impossibility of their surroundings, a new voice cut through their bewilderment, emanating from the southern edge of the clearing.

"Well, that's simple. This is merely a Temporal Glitch."

Reborn in his likeness [LS] ZpAT6jE
-enter, ???! !

Toga and Shunsui whirled towards the source of the voice, their bodies instinctively tensing for potential danger. From the lush undergrowth emerged a cloaked figure, his stout frame belying the graceful, almost ethereal way he moved.

The stranger continued, his voice carrying a weight of knowledge that demanded attention. "When Malachor and Zephyrium battled here, it released an unimaginable amount of Mana. They're cosmic beings, and their powers interact differently with our world." He paused, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in.

"On that day, when they collided, their powers took a 'snapshot,' if you will, freezing the world in place for but a moment, creating a parallel world right here where you're standing."

As the cloaked man drew nearer, Toga felt a chill run down his spine despite the warm, humid air. There was something unsettling about this figure, a sense of barely contained power that set his nerves on edge. "What this is," the stranger continued, gesturing broadly at the island around them, "Is neither real nor imaginary. It's its own anomaly, a loop of events that happened that day, stuck between life and death." His voice took on a tone of reverence, tinged with an undercurrent of hunger. "And this unfamiliar magic has incredible power. A power I plan to claim for myself." The implications of the stranger's words hit Toga like a physical blow. This perfect recreation of Ploom Island wasn't just a miracle - it was a dangerous anomaly, a wellspring of cosmic energy that could reshape reality itself. And now, this unknown entity sought to harness that power for his own ends.

Toga's mind raced, trying to process the enormity of what they'd stumbled upon. This island, this temporal snapshot, was more than just a preserved memory of Ploom. It was a nexus of possibilities, a fragment of reality suspended between existence and oblivion. The potential for both wonder and catastrophe hung in the air like an unspoken threat.

Shunsui's voice cut through Toga's whirlwind of thoughts, low and tense. "Who are you? And what exactly do you intend to do with this power?"

The cloaked figure chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Toga's spine. "Who I am is of little consequence. As for my intentions..." He spread his arms wide, encompassing the island in his gesture. "Imagine the possibilities. With the power contained in this temporal anomaly, one could rewrite history, reshape the very fabric of reality." Toga felt a surge of protective instinct wash over him. This island, whether real or not, was a piece of Ploom - a last remnant of the paradise they had fought so hard to protect. The thought of it being exploited, of its essence being twisted for some unknown purpose, filled him with a fierce determination.

The stranger's hood tilted slightly, and Toga could feel the weight of his gaze. "And what do you propose to do about it, young dragon slayer? You stand before forces beyond your comprehension." As tension crackled in the air between them, Toga realized that their simple mission of remembrance had transformed into something far more complex and perilous. They now stood as unwitting guardians of a cosmic anomaly, caught between the temptation of its power and the duty to protect what it represented.

wc: 883


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:49 pm


Chapter VI: Temporal Glitch

The air crackled with tension as Toga's anger flared, his voice cutting through the serene atmosphere of the impossible island. "You can't just come and take whatever you want like you own the place!" As the last syllable left his lips, a palpable shift occurred in the surrounding environment.

Shunsui's eyes widened in astonishment as he turned to his companion. An aura of intense heat enveloped Toga, radiating outward like a miniature sun. The very air around him shimmered, distorted by the waves of thermal energy pouring from his body. The cloaked figure remained unperturbed, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to Toga's fiery display. With deliberate slowness, he reached up and pulled back his hood, revealing a face that defied conventional description. Pale skin stretched over sharp features, but what truly caught the eye were the thin, distinct green lines that ran from his eyes down to his cheeks and neck, resembling an otherworldly tattoo.

"You should probably get a handle on your newfound power before you try to test it against me, boy," the stranger advised, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. The casual mention of Toga's recent transformation sent a jolt through the young dragon slayer. How could this enigmatic figure possibly know about his new abilities?

A mocking smile played across the stranger's lips as he continued, "I'd hate for you to incinerate everything you're trying to protect because you can't control your temper — seems counterproductive." The taunt struck a chord deep within Toga, sending his energy spiraling further out of control. The ground beneath his feet began to melt, turning to slag under the intense heat of his rage. Yet, just as it seemed he might lose himself entirely to this inferno of emotion, a steadying hand gripped his wrist.

Shunsui's touch acted like a bucket of cold water on Toga's fiery temper. "He's right," Shunsui said, his voice a blend of command and comfort. "No need to protect anything if you burn it all away. Control yourself." The older mage's eyes, filled with a mixture of concern and determination, locked with Toga's for a moment before turning back to face their adversary.

"Regardless of what you need it for, we can't let that happen," Shunsui declared, his posture shifting subtly into a fighting stance. "So I guess we have to fight." Without further preamble, a magic circle materialized behind him, pulsing with arcane energy. In a heartbeat, crimson spikes erupted from the circle, their surfaces gleaming with a metallic sheen. They hurtled towards the spot where the stranger stood, colliding with explosive force and kicking up a dense cloud of dust and debris.

For a moment, silence reigned. Then, a voice drifted down from above, tinged with mild surprise and a hint of approval. "No warning, huh?" The dust settled to reveal the hooded figure hovering effortlessly in the air, having evaded Shunsui's attack with casual ease. The ease with which their opponent had avoided such a powerful strike sent a chill down Toga's spine. This was no ordinary adversary they faced, but someone — or something — of immense power and skill.

As the reality of their situation sank in, Toga felt a curious mix of fear and exhilaration course through him. The island around them, this impossible slice of preserved time, seemed to pulse with an energy all its own. It was as if the very air was alive with possibility, charged with the potential for both miracle and catastrophe.

Shunsui's voice cut through Toga's thoughts, low and urgent. "Stay focused. We don't know what this guy is capable of, but we can't let him harness the power of this place." Toga nodded, taking a deep breath to center himself. The fire within him still burned hot, but now it was a controlled blaze rather than a wild inferno. He could feel his new powers thrumming through his veins, begging to be unleashed. As they squared off against the enigmatic stranger, the lush landscape of the preserved Ploom Island stretched out around them, a silent witness to the impending clash. The air hummed with anticipation, as if the very fabric of this temporal anomaly recognized the significance of the moment.

wc: 755


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:51 pm


Chapter VII: The Battle for Ploom Begins!

The tension in the air snapped like a bowstring as Shunsui's battle cry rang out. "Let's go!" In a heartbeat, he was airborne, leaving nothing but a gust of wind in his wake as he hurtled towards their pale-skinned adversary. The two collided in a dazzling display of magical prowess, their hands weaving intricate patterns as they unleashed their respective powers. Beams of blood clashed against tendrils of ghostly green energy, creating a mesmerizing whirlwind of arcane fury. The very air seemed to crackle and hum with the intensity of their magical duel, each strike and counterstrike a testament to years of honing their craft.

From his vantage point on the ground, Toga watched in awe, his eyes struggling to keep up with the lightning-fast exchange. The sheer mastery on display was both inspiring and intimidating. As he observed the fierce battle unfolding above, a gnawing uncertainty took root in his mind. Would his own magic even work in this situation? The familiar warmth of his Inferno magic was a distant memory, replaced by the unfamiliar, cosmic energy of his newfound Supernova powers. The question loomed large in his thoughts: was this an evolution of his former abilities, or would he need to learn an entirely new magical art from scratch?

Meanwhile, Shunsui pressed his attack with calculated ferocity. His movements were a blend of grace and lethal intent as he carefully maneuvered to avoid the ghostly green tendrils of his opponent's magic. With pinpoint precision, he unleashed a barrage of blood bullets and crimson spikes, each attack aimed with deadly accuracy at his foe's vital points. Yet, for all his skill and effort, Shunsui found himself unable to land a single decisive blow. More concerningly, he noticed a creeping fatigue seeping into his limbs, a weariness that seemed disproportionate to his exertions.

"What's happening?" Shunsui muttered, his brow furrowing in confusion. "I could've sworn I was careful with my energy reserves."

The pale-skinned antagonist's lips curled into a smirk, his voice carrying a note of smug satisfaction. "My magic has a fascinating quality – those who engage with it, directly or indirectly, will find their vitality sapped. That energy is then used to fuel me. So even if you're as strong, or stronger — I'll win a battle of attrition."

The revelation sent a chill down Shunsui's spine. He cast a quick glance towards Toga, his voice hoarse but commanding. "Get in the game, or else this may end sooner than we expected." Toga's heart raced as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. With a determined nod, he pushed off from the ground, propelling himself into the fray. Rather than relying on his uncertain magical abilities, he opted for the familiar weight of his trusted weapons – Zangetsu and Rengoku gleaming in his hands as he joined the aerial battle.

As Toga entered the chaotic dance of combat, the landscape of the preserved Ploom Island seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. The very air shimmered with potential, as if the fabric of this temporal anomaly was reacting to the clash of powerful forces within it. The trio's movements painted streaks of light across the sky – Shunsui's crimson magic, the stranger's eerie green energy, and the glinting steel of Toga's blades. Each exchange was a orchestra of destruction and creation, the raw power unleashed threatening to tear apart the very reality of this pocket dimension.

Toga found himself caught in a delicate balancing act, his instincts honed from years of combat warring with the unfamiliar surge of cosmic energy within him. Every swing of Zangetsu and thrust of Rengoku felt both familiar and alien, as if his body was trying to reconcile his past with his newfound powers. As the battle raged on, the true nature of their predicament began to sink in. This was more than just a fight for control over a magical curiosity. It was a struggle for the very fabric of reality, with the power to reshape history hanging in the balance. The preserved slice of Ploom Island around them was both battleground and prize, its impossible existence a reminder of the cosmic forces at play.

With each passing moment, the stakes seemed to grow higher. Shunsui's strength was visibly waning under the insidious effects of their opponent's magic, while Toga grappled with the untapped potential of his Supernova abilities. The pale-skinned stranger, meanwhile, appeared to grow stronger with each exchange, his ghostly green magic becoming more vibrant and potent. As they clashed above the lush canopy of the impossible island, one thing became crystal clear: the outcome of this battle would ripple far beyond the confines of this temporal bubble. The fate of Ploom Island – both its memory and this preserved slice of its existence – hung in the balance, along with the potential to alter the very course of history itself.

wc: 851


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:52 pm


Chapter VIII: The Dragon or the Egg?

The battlefield pulsed with chaotic energy as Shunsui and Toga engaged their enigmatic foe in a fierce dance of survival. The air crackled with each clash of magic, the green-tinged sorcery of their opponent weaving a deadly web around them. With every exchange, Shunsui felt the insidious drain on his vitality, his movements growing increasingly labored as the battle wore on.

Despite the strain etched across his features, Shunsui managed a weak smile towards his young companion. "Kid, thanks for helping, but I don't know if those swords are gonna do much good here." The words came out strained, each syllable a testament to the effort it took just to remain standing. Toga glanced down at Zangetsu and Rengoku, the familiar weight of the blades suddenly feeling inadequate against the cosmic forces at play. True, Rengoku could unleash infernal flames, and Zangetsu had the power to manipulate light itself, but these abilities paled in comparison to the raw potential of his newfound Dragon Slayer magic – a power that seemed to combine and amplify both elements to an unprecedented degree.

"I know, Shunsui-san!" Toga called back, his body twisting and turning in a desperate dance to avoid the lethal green tendrils their opponent flung with casual ease. "I just don't know how to use it yet!"

As he weaved between the emerald blades of energy, careful to avoid even the slightest contact, Shunsui's voice cut through the chaos once more. "Well, how did you learn to use your original magic? Did you make spells first, or come to find understanding of that magic to make spells later?" The question hung in the air, a philosophical conundrum in the midst of mortal peril. It was the magical equivalent of asking which came first, the chicken or the egg. Did mastery of magic require the structure of defined spells, or could raw power be harnessed first, with specific commands – spells – emerging later as a refinement of that primordial force?

The query struck a chord within Toga, resonating with something deep in his magical core. "Hmm, you're right!" he exclaimed, a spark of realization igniting in his eyes. With a determined exhale, Toga closed his eyes, surrendering himself to instinct as he continued to dodge the relentless assault. In that moment of voluntary blindness, Toga's other senses sharpened to compensate. The whistle of green energy as it sliced through the air, the subtle shifts in the magical atmosphere around him – all became crystal clear. As he moved, guided by an almost preternatural awareness, Toga turned his focus inward, searching for the wellspring of power he knew resided within.

The world around him seemed to fade away as Toga delved deeper into his own essence. The cacophony of battle receded, replaced by a cosmic symphony that resonated with his very being. In the depths of his consciousness, he felt it – a pulsing, swirling vortex of energy that defied description. It was as if he held a miniature star within his soul, a concentration of heat and light that burned with the intensity of creation itself.

As Toga immersed himself in this newfound awareness, memories of his journey as a mage flashed through his mind. He recalled the early days of discovering his Inferno magic, the raw, untamed power that had coursed through him before he learned to shape it into coherent spells. It had been wild, dangerous even, but also exhilarating – a force of nature contained within human form. Now, as he stood on the precipice of unlocking his Supernova abilities, Toga realized that the fundamental approach remained the same. The power was there, vast and intimidating, but ultimately an extension of himself. He didn't need to confine it within the strictures of formal spells – not yet. What he needed was to embrace it, to let it flow through him as naturally as blood through his veins.

With this epiphany came a surge of confidence. Toga's eyes snapped open, blazing with an inner light that rivaled the sun itself. The cosmic energy within him responded to his newfound understanding, suffusing every fiber of his being with its radiant power.

"I think I've got it," Toga breathed, his voice carrying a note of wonder and determination. The air around him began to shimmer, distorted by waves of heat and light that emanated from his very skin. Shunsui, despite his weakened state, felt a smile tug at his lips. "Then show us what you've got, kid," he encouraged, his voice a mixture of pride and anticipation.

As Toga prepared to unleash his newfound power, the preserved slice of Ploom Island seemed to hold its breath. Their pale-skinned adversary paused in his assault, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features for the first time since the battle began. The green energy swirling around him pulsed erratically, responding to the shift in the magical atmosphere. In that suspended moment, poised on the cusp of revelation, Toga felt the full weight of possibility settle upon him. This was more than just a battle for control over a magical curiosity,With a deep breath, Toga prepared to release the cosmic inferno that burned within him. Whatever the outcome, he knew that this moment would forever change the course of his journey – and perhaps, the very nature of reality itself.

wc: 919


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:53 pm


Chapter IX: Hotaru's Return!?

The air crackled with anticipation as Toga stood on the precipice of unlocking his newfound power. However, their pale adversary was not about to let this transformation unfold unimpeded. "Not so fast, boy," he snarled, his voice cutting through the charged atmosphere like a knife. With a swift motion, the man extended his hand, summoning a maelstrom of verdant energy that coalesced around his palm. The very air seemed to warp and twist as he channeled his malevolent power, preparing to unleash a blast of such magnitude that it threatened to obliterate anything—or anyone—in its path.

Toga, still deep in his meditative state, was oblivious to the impending danger. The cosmic fires of his awakening power shimmered around him, tantalizingly close to full manifestation. "Almost t—" he began, his eyes fluttering open, only to be met with the terrifying sight of the oncoming attack. In that heart-stopping moment, Toga knew he wasn't ready. The newfound power within him remained just out of reach, leaving him defenseless against the onslaught of destructive energy hurtling towards him. Bracing himself for the inevitable, Toga closed his eyes, his mind flashing through a kaleidoscope of memories and regrets.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

In the blink of an eye, Toga vanished from the path of the blast. A shimmering, emerald barrier materialized around him, its surface reminiscent of intertwining branches and flora pulsing with ethereal light. The protective dome encased the young dragon slayer, standing firm against the tide of destruction that crashed against it. The collision was cataclysmic. A deafening roar split the air as the green blast collided with the unexpected shield. Tendrils of raw energy lashed out in all directions, carving furrows into the landscape and painting the sky with streaks of verdant light. Yet, at the epicenter of this maelstrom, Toga remained untouched, preserved within his mysterious sanctuary.

As the chaos subsided and the dust began to settle, a soft, familiar voice cut through Toga's bewilderment. "Hotaru help?" The words, gentle yet filled with an otherworldly resonance, sent a jolt of recognition through Toga's entire being. There, perched upon his shoulder with tiny green limbs kicking joyfully, sat a figure Toga had believed lost forever. Hotaru, the earth sprite, gazed up at him with eyes that sparkled with otherworldly wisdom and childlike glee.

Reborn in his likeness [LS] F1n0VhX
-enter, Hotaru ! !

"H-Hotaru-san... You're alive!?" Toga's voice cracked with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes despite his best efforts to contain them. The reality of the situation—that the temporal anomaly had preserved not just Ploom Island, but also their dear friend—was almost too much to bear. From his position nearby, Shunsui observed the reunion with a mixture of awe and relief. The pain wracking his body prevented him from fully expressing his joy, but the sentiment was clear in his eyes as he watched Toga and Hotaru reconnect.

"Hotaru help!" the sprite repeated, its tiny form radiating with a warm, comforting glow. Toga could only nod, overwhelmed by the rush of emotions coursing through him. "Yeah, you always do, buddy," he managed to reply, his voice steady despite the tears that threatened to spill over. As Toga wiped his face dry and stood tall once more, a newfound sense of confidence settled over him. The presence of Hotaru, this unexpected ally from beyond the veil of what they had thought possible, sparked something within him. It was as if the final piece of a cosmic puzzle had fallen into place, bridging the gap between his past and his potential.

The pale-skinned adversary, momentarily taken aback by this unforeseen turn of events, narrowed his eyes in calculation. The appearance of the sprite had clearly shifted the dynamics of the battle, introducing an element of unpredictability that threatened to unravel his carefully laid plans.

wc: 701


Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Today at 1:56 pm


Chapter X: Let it All Go

The air crackled with anticipation as Shunsui's words cut through the tension. "Kid, whatever you have lying dormant in you, let it go..." His voice, though weakened by the battle, carried a weight of wisdom and urgency. As he spoke, Hotaru, the ethereal earth sprite, fluttered over to him, alighting on his shoulder with a touch that belied its fiery appearance. The sprite's presence imparted a soothing warmth, a stark contrast to its otherworldly visage.

Toga's eyes widened with sudden understanding, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as the full import of Shunsui's words sank in. For weeks, he had been drowning in a sea of guilt and sorrow, the weight of recent events threatening to pull him under. The destruction wrought by Malachor, the countless lives lost on Ploom Island, and the sacrifices made by Zephyrium and Hotaru to save him – all of it had become an anchor, dragging him down and stifling the very power that slumbered within him. In that moment of clarity, Toga realized the truth: he needed to release it all. The guilt, the fear, the crushing responsibility – it was time to let it go.

Taking a deep breath, Toga closed his eyes, reaching deep within himself to the core of his being where his newfound power resided. As he exhaled, he felt the barriers he had unconsciously erected begin to crumble.

Reborn in his likeness [LS] Z9vuMFO

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The primal cry tore from Toga's throat as the floodgates finally burst open. Light and fire erupted from his body in a dazzling display of cosmic fury, reminiscent of a star going supernova. The radiance was blinding, forcing everyone – friend and foe alike – to shield their eyes from its intensity.

In the next heartbeat, Toga became a blur of motion. He shot forward, closing the distance between himself and their pale-skinned adversary in an instant. What followed was a breathtaking display of raw power and skill as Toga unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks. Each strike was imbued with the combined might of fire and starlight, overwhelming their opponent with a speed and ferocity that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

The climax of the battle was as swift as it was decisive. In a matter of moments, their foe lay sprawled on the ground, his body a canvas of bruises and burn marks, resembling a tree shedding its leaves in the dying days of autumn. The fight, which had seemed so desperate mere minutes ago, had ended with a resounding victory.

As the dust settled and the last echoes of combat faded away, Shunsui approached Toga, his steps slow but steady. "You did good, kid," he said, pride evident in his voice despite his exhaustion. Toga, still panting from the exertion, felt the surge of power within him begin to subside, like a tide receding after a storm. Turning his gaze to Hotaru, who hovered nearby with an air of serene satisfaction, Toga's expression softened into a grateful smile. The sprite's presence was a constant reminder of the miraculous nature of their current situation.

"I don't know how this place still exists," Toga mused, his voice tinged with wonder and determination, "but we have to make sure whatever it is, and for however long it lasts, it's safe from people like him." He gestured towards their fallen adversary, the implications of his words hanging heavy in the air.

The preserved slice of Ploom Island around them seemed to pulse with renewed vigor, as if responding to Toga's declaration. This pocket of frozen time, this impossible oasis of memory and potential, represented more than just a curiosity or a source of power. It was a second chance, a bridge between past and future that held untold possibilities. As they stood there, bathed in the ethereal light of this temporal anomaly, the full weight of their responsibility settled upon them. They were now the guardians of a fragment of reality itself, tasked with protecting not just a place, but the very concept of what might have been and what still could be.

Shunsui nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of their situation. "You're right, kid. This place... it's more than just an island. It's a nexus of possibilities." the brown-haired mage said with heavy inflection, finally able to catch his own breath. Hotaru chirped in agreement, its tiny form glowing with an inner light that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the preserved island. The sprite's presence was a living reminder of the miracles this place could harbor – and the dangers it might unleash if misused.
wc: 856

Reborn in His Likeness
Complete ! !
Reborn in his likeness [LS] Zh5OEWI

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