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The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ)

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The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:49 pm

Emil got a request that he was to go and clear a stadium of rats that had over taken the building while it was not in use thanks to events that been taking place in the north over the last while and Emil figured that he would go and handle that as he was starting to feel rusty from the lack of the fighting and doing harder quests that he would normally be doing but that was just something that he was going to have to get over as there were a lot of things that they would probably be able to do going forward but he didn't expect it to go there way. Indiana was following behind Emil as he lead the way in case if there were more issues that were still going on in the north but that didn't seem to be the case as there was a lot that had been happening.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:49 pm

He didn't find any signs of the monsters that had been attacking the north again, Emil lead the exceed to the stadium that was pretty beaten up looking from the riots and the monsters that were attacking so Emil was sure that he was going to have to be careful not to do too much collateral damage as he didn't want the place to come down on his and Indiana's heads if he could help it as there was more than a few things that could go wrong. Emil put his gauntlets on and he ran into the building as he was going to get started and the creatures weren't going to keep him waiting as the came out and right into him and he smashed them with his fists as he wanted to make this a good work out so he was only using a few spells at the moment.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:50 pm

The spells he did use he wasn't making the spell bounce around too much as he wanted this to help to keep him in shape. There were somethings that needed to be handled with him flexing his muscles and his might as he had a lot that he needed to work out as he was not keeping up and not doing well with Elise disappearing on him like she had out of no where and he needed to make sure that there was something that was to prove that he was doing all this fighting and he called on Indiana who was starting to get some of the traps set up that would catch the ones that were trying to get out and Indiana was glad that Emil wasn't going over the top but she was still worried about Emil as he knows that he was a bit sweet on Elise.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:50 pm

Indiana also knew she was someone that didn't give him an actual answer to him if she liked him or not like he liked her. Indiana hoped that she would come back or a new woman might find an interest in him and maybe help him to recover a bit. Emil was keeping his gauntlets charged with lightning and he was starting to buff himself as he fought as he wanted to make sure that the rats stayed down and this place was loaded with them and he could see a rat king in the center of the stadium he knows that is going to be a hell of a fight to deal with as he was not sure what was going to happen with it as the creature is rats that are tangled together so they will be pretty unpredictable when he got to them to fight if they creature was still alive when he gets to it.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:50 pm

Emil has to deal with these rats first before he can move forward to it as this was only one part of the fight that has to happen and he was getting swiftly out numbered he would start firing off spells and letting them bounce as he wanted to lower the number of rats that were in his way but that also comes with the dangers of making more rats come at him all at once. Indiana was working hard while Emil was fighting and destroying the rats that were in the way of them he was not sure what he could do about it to help Emil besides what he was doing as he was weak and Emil was counting on him to make sure the place was armed to keep the rats in so he could get them and they don't spread. Emil kept looking toward Indiana to make sure he was safe.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:50 pm

Emil knows that Indiana feels bad that he can't help more but Emil knows that he needed to make sure that they kept going forward and him making room for the exceed to work and do what he can to help Emil with the traps and deterrents. Emil needed to make sure that after this that he treated the exceed and his children to a nice dinner somewhere of their choosing. Emil shook his head and got it back in the game as he was still fighting and he shouldn't be allowing himself to be getting distracted from the task at hand though he wished he had a teammate that he could work with to help him fight the rats that were coming at him. Though Emil had made a team with the Fae man he was not sure if they would really mesh well with the other but he wasn't going to say it.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:50 pm

Emil needed to make some kind of bonds as he wondered if maybe that was why Elise left without a word to him and he was not sure but he had to keep going else he would slow down and he would just get sad about it as he was struggling though he was not sure who all could tell or see that he was as there was a lot of that he needed to do and see but that was something for him to worry about later as for now he was fighting and trying to clear this place and he got closer and close to the the rat king in the center of the stadium as the man was making the rat number dwindle swiftly till there were only a few left and the rat king and it's heads screaming as they spin and rolled at him making Emil have to dodge the attacks.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:51 pm

Emil was almost to slow and a claw just barely missed him as they attacked him and this group of rats was the size of a bear each and that was them with a full set of sharp teeth that could probably bite through his arm like it was nothing so he wanted to keep it on him as he didn't want to risk that it would turn it's attention to the exceed that was going around the stadium setting things up to keep rats out of this place in the future but Emil knows that these machines get tampered with by people so they don't last as long. All he is able to do is inform the people of the need to keep them upkept after that it is out of his hands if they are upkept or not. Emil upper cutted one of heads and the rat king spun and hit him sending him sliding backwards.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:51 pm

Emil kept his footing and he fired attacks back at the creature and he hoped that he was going to be able to beat it as this thing seemed to have a very thick hide that was keeping him back from getting into it even if he wanted to do so. Emil pushed himself and the limits of his body as he kept fighting with the monster that was in front of him. There was not much he could do but keep pushing himself and he was going to get through this hide and kill this monster Emil then started firing off his spells in rapid fire as he needed to do something and he could feel himself getting into them as he hit into them and making his move to finish it. Emil was not going to let himself be killed here. He released more thunderous punches feeling the breaking bones.


The Rat King of Shock and Awe. (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 3:51 pm

The rat king had lost a few of it's heads and Emil was pushing himself harder and harder as he needed to get through them and that was something that was not a thing that was with a grantee to happen but Emil was going to put his all into it as this was the home stretch and the last bit of the fight and then he jumped and slammed his fist down onto the rat king killing it off. He then went and helped Indiana with the traps and other things that he needed to set up so they would be able to make the most of what he could do right now and that was helping his exceed to finish up and then he took Indiana and he went out of the place as he wanted to just go get the rewards and then get a shower and then take out his family to a place to eat and relax.
(162) (1,555/1,500) (Exit) (40% wc =20% companion, 10% gauntlet, 10% guild)

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