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The Killing of a Sacred Tree [Carmina]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

The Killing of a Sacred Tree [Carmina] Empty Yesterday at 10:44 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had decided to take care of another quest that Herman had wanted them to take care of. It seemed like the man wanted wood that came from a sacred tree. It seemed like it had powers that would do him good in the future. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he figured that he would get him what he wanted. He was getting paid for this, after all, so he didn’t really mind it at all.

He wasn’t alone though, Drakkon had brought Hai and Carmina with him this time. He and Carmina had been doing a lot of work together on this island, and Hai was just an extra measure that things would go successful as this was a harder job to do than the others. They had walked through the place as they made their way to Aina Forest. This time it was just them alone, which he was fine with.

“I’m not sure what to expect Carmina, but make sure you have your guard up. We should get the tree and bring it to Herman. I’m pretty sure he will be surprised when he sees us bringing the big tree to him.” He said as he entered the forest.



The Killing of a Sacred Tree [Carmina] Empty Today at 8:52 am

Carmina looked to Drakkon and she nodded her head and rested the axe on her shoulder. "It will be something to see when he gets the tree but I guess you would know that as the master of the guild and the man I serve." The last part was her teasing the man a little as she started to walk on the path toward where the trees were as they were told that the trees were hard to miss as they would be decorated in a respectful way to the spirits and she was sure that she would not be able to over look something that would stand out that much but she knew that she was also not really the best at this whole magic and working on things thing but she needed to be able to stand on her own or her master would probably never take her seriously.

She kept her eyes peeled for what these trees would be looking like and she could see some trees a ways up that looked as if they had things hanging on them and it makes her believe that she might have spotted them and she pointed her hand out to see if Drakkon also sees them or if it was just her that sees them at the moment.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

The Killing of a Sacred Tree [Carmina] Empty Today at 11:41 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had a smile on his face when he heard her words. They were both seeing this thing through. It was something he had failed to do when he was working with Alexandre. He hated that they didn’t finish these things together, but it was in the past. While they were moving, he would see the trees that they were looking for. It was like the information said, it wouldn’t be hard to find. That was good as he moved along the path along Carmina. It seemed like she had seen it too, which was a good thing.

“Yeah I guess I would, but you’re going to be there too, so don’t worry about that.” He said to her as he was thinking about this job right now.

“Do you want to try and cut the tree down? It would be good training and exercise for you.” He said to her wondering what she would say.

Hai stood quietly behind Drakkon as he was following them. The two of them were inching closer to the trees as they could see there were quite a few here.


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