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The Monopoly Man [Q]

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The Monopoly Man [Q] Empty Yesterday at 10:34 pm

Zariya stood on the edge of Mahalo Beach, the breeze teasing strands of her violet hair, eyes narrowing as she surveyed the horizon. The moon hung heavily in the sky tonight, forming an ominous silver glow upon the water. Her black skin tight cropped top and her baggy black khaki's accentuated her curves, but were designed for combat and mobility, while her boots planted firm on the sand. She wasn’t here for the scenery though. This wasn’t a leisurely visit to Luluhawa Island. Once again, this was strictly business. Specifically, Herman’s business, a man Zariya had little care for beyond the fat stacks of cash he dangled in front of her. That, and that alone, was why she was here.

The island air carried the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the slight buzz of a bustling trade scene, though tonight, the only trade would be bloodshed. Ban, the vampires feline companion, stood beside her, his purple Exceed form poised but not overly eager. He wore his trademark smirk, sunglasses resting atop his nose as usual, as if the night’s upcoming events were of little consequence to him.

“Y’know, Herman should really learn how to take out his own trash,” Ban mused, glancing at Zariya with a sideways smirk.

Zariya responded with a low grunt. Herman was a nuisance. He was a man who acted like he owned the world, and perhaps in his corner of it, he did--albeit for now. He was a colonizer, and the day would come when the people of Luluhawa rooted him out. In fact, Zariya herself remained hopeful that they did. And yet, here she stood, ready to carry out a task for Herman who had successfully established his business here. His "little enterprise" on Luluhawa Island had recently been threatened by Melon Tusk, a rival entrepreneur of sorts. Tusk wasn’t just encroaching on Herman’s turf; he was trying to take it over, piece by piece. The idea of a “hostile takeover” had been passed around, and Zariya was more than happy to oblige.

The Monopoly Man [Q] 86545

The Monopoly Man [Q] Empty Yesterday at 10:36 pm

Hostility came naturally to her, especially when there was a generous payday attached.

Mahalo Beach was quiet tonight, save for the dull sounds of laughter from distant bonfires and the rhythmic splash of the ocean. Zariya wasn’t here for a quiet walk on the beach though, she was here to do what she did best.  Destroy shit.

"Mercs incoming." Ban’s voice broke her focus. His keen eyes had already picked up movement down the beach, figures emerging from the shadows like wraiths. Mercenaries, and judging by their movements, not the usual rabble. These were trained fighters, but that didn’t faze her. She’d killed better men with her bare hands before, and tonight would be no different.

Zariya’s eyes flicked to Ban. “You ready?”

“Do I look like I’m about to get my hands dirty?” Ban snorted, crossing his small arms. “This is all you, sweetheart.”

She smirked, cracking her knuckles as the first wave of mercenaries approached. They were covered in mismatched armor, wielding an assortment of swords, maces, and axes like typical sellswords. There were ten in total, their eyes gleaming with the cold promise of violence, though Zariya knew well that it wasn’t personal for them. It was just another job. Just like it was for her.

The first one lunged at her, his sword swinging in a wide arc aimed at her head. She dodged easily, stepping into his blind spot and grabbing his wrist before twisting it with a sickening crack. The man barely had time to scream before Zariya’s other hand came up and crushed his throat in a single, brutal motion. He collapsed to the sand, choking on his own blood as his comrades surged forward.

Zariya grinned, a flash of feral joy flickering across her face. This was where she thrived; in the heat of battle, her senses sharp, her body moving with lethal grace. She ducked under another sword swing, her hands snapping out like vipers, crushing bones and tearing flesh with merciless efficiency. Her hands, stained with crimson, moved faster than her enemies could react. One man, then two, three, four, all of them fell before her, reduced to broken corpses in the sand.

The Monopoly Man [Q] 86545

The Monopoly Man [Q] Empty Yesterday at 10:38 pm

She didn’t need weapons. Her hands were enough.

A particularly large mercenary--one of the elites--charged at her, his massive axe barely glinting in the moonlight. He swung with deadly force, but was not fast enough to compete with the Vampiress. She easily sidestepped, her foot lashing out in a kick that shattered his knee with a gruesome snap. The man roared in agonizing pain, collapsing to the ground, but Zariya wasn’t done. She knelt beside him, her hand wrapping around his throat as she squeezed, watching the life drain from his eyes as he struggled beneath her grip. His gurgles faded, and his body went limp. She almost felt the need to feed, but he had died so quickly that her hunger faded as soon as it came.

Ban watched from the sidelines, unimpressed but amused. “You always did have a thing for the dramatic.” he teased, knowing well how merciless his partner in crime could be.

Zariya wiped her hands on the man’s cloak, rising to her feet as the last of the mercenaries hesitated to step forward. The remaining two exchanged nervous glances. Their confidence had been shattered by the sight of their comrades’ broken bodies scattered around the beach like litter after a summer party. They didn’t stand a chance, and they knew it.

One of them was smarter, and he turned to run. Zariya could have let him go, but she as quite enjoy this little game. Wipe them all out. And so, the Queenpin was on him in an instant. She grabbed him by the back of the neck, slamming his face into the sand with enough force to shatter every bone in his nose. He whimpered beneath her, blood pouring from his shattered face, but Zariya simply ignored him, finally turning her attention to the last mercenary. This Merc had been frozen in place, his sword clutched tightly in his shaking hands.

“Go on,” Zariya said, her voice low and deadly. “Try it.”

The Monopoly Man [Q] 86545

The Monopoly Man [Q] Empty Yesterday at 10:41 pm

The man hesitated for a moment before he dropped his sword and bolted.

Zariya didn’t bother to chase him. She had more important things to deal with. His entire crew had been wiped out. Perhaps this would serve as a valuable lesson for the young man: This life wasn't meant for everyone. It took a certain level og guts, and power to survive if you wanted to take on jobs for the most corrupt clients. Ban coolly strolled over, planting himself right beside his partner as she wiped the blood from her hands. “Looks like Melon Tusk’s little operation is falling apart.” he chuckled.

“Not yet.” Zariya’s gaze shifted toward the far end of the beach where a figure was running, the faint outline of Melon Tusk himself, trying to make a hasty escape. What a puss-

“Pathetic,” Ban muttered, shaking his head.

Zariya smirked. "Let's go bully him."

The two took off after Tusk, Zariya's movements fluid and graceful, like a predator stalking its prey in the night. He didn’t get far. Within moments, she caught up to him, tackling him to the ground with ease. His fat, sweaty body hit the sand with a thud, and he let out a wheezing grunt as she pinned him down, her hand gripping the back of his neck.

“Going somewhere?” she asked, her voice dripping with mockery.

“Please!” Melon gasped, his voice high-pitched and panicked. “I-I can pay you more than Herman! Whatever he’s giving you, I’ll double it! Triple it!”

Zariya’s grip tightened, her nails digging into his flesh. “I’m not interested in your money, Tusk.”

That was a lie, of course money was always a factor. But in this case, Herman’s payout was enough. Besides, she had been instructed to make this personal, and personal it would be. Both Herman and Melon were trying to take advantage of a land they had no business on in the first place. Zariya was a lot of things, but she still liked to believe she had a heart--even if her vampirism did happen to destroy it.

The Monopoly Man [Q] 86545

The Monopoly Man [Q] Empty Yesterday at 10:43 pm

With a grunt of effort, she hauled Tusk to his feet, dragging him back down the beach toward the remnants of his failed operation. His feet barely touched the ground as she yanked him along like a disobedient dog, his pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. When they reached the site where the mercenaries had fallen, Zariya stopped, throwing Tusk down onto the ground in front of the bodies.

“Look at them,” she commanded, her voice cold. “This is what happens when you try bullshit on land that isn't yours.”

Tusk whimpered, curling in on himself as he stared at the carnage, his body trembling with fear. Zariya crouched beside him, her hand gripping his chin, forcing him to look at her.

“Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” she whispered, her voice like velvet over steel.

Tusk shook his head, his eyes wide with terror.

“I’m going to drag you back to Herman, and then I’m going to watch as he carves you up like a pig. Piece by piece.” Her smile was slow, predatory. “And I’m going to enjoy every second of it.”

With that, she yanked him to his feet once more, dragging him back toward the meeting point where Herman’s men would be waiting. Tusk’s cries echoed across the beach, but Zariya didn’t care. This was just another job, another payday.

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The Monopoly Man [Q] 86545

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