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Tempestuous Testing [Solo]

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Tempestuous Testing [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 10:35 pm


"Ah, good, good. You’re here!
Excellent, I think I have a moment, so…
This way, this way please…"

A figure with a bushy silver beard seeming to show an urgent sense of enthusiasm for the arrival of the amaranth amazon, in all honesty Samantha Salucci was surprised to find herself recognised by the owner of the local magic shop, but ultimately came to dismiss it as part of the co-operative spirit which had seemed to bring her here.
“Yeah uh, the guys at Berends said you wanted help with something?” Spending some of her time helping out the guys who ran the forge and them putting her onto this little lead, while she tended to prefer conditioning and martial skill over that of spell craft their encouragement had been enough to push her to branch out, and so she shrugged and followed after the direction of this odd shopkeeper.

"My, yes, yes! We both do, really. This is a bit of a collaboration, you see…”

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


Tempestuous Testing [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 10:35 pm


"They helped me forge this shield, and I enchanted it… So now we need to test the fruits of our labour?
If you would just… And stand over here? And then block my magic?"

Walking after the man as they left his counter and seemed to twist and turn through a room or two and find themselves out in the yard which lay behind the store which the old man ran, the brow of the burgundy beauty seemed to lift a little as her host gestured to a large and heavy item upon a table, and for a moment did she wistfully seem to run her finger across the script which marked it before using that honed frame to heft the item onto her shoulder.
“Uh, yeah, I guess? You just need me to… Wait, magic?!” Hauling the shield up in front of herself as she was told to and then marching over to the spot which he had directed to find an odd set of black marks where she was now standing, these seemed to attract the attention and interest of Miss Salucci for a moment, and when she looked back up she would only too quickly see just why the ground was charred around her…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


Tempestuous Testing [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 10:36 pm


Those baby blues seeming to widen as the feisty femme lifted her gaze to look to the man who had invited her here and in front of him seeing something seeming to erupt through the space between them full of fierce and fiery wrath, instinct seemed to guide Samantha to lift the object she had in hand between her and the blazing ball of energy which swept through the air between herself and her employer, though the resulting impact seemed to make her stumble backward a little way she seemed largely unaffected, at least physically.
“What the hell man?! Just throwing fireballs around?! The hell’re you smoking in this shop?!” The mentality of the magenta marvel a whole other thing however and perhaps understandingly the temper of the teen seeming to grow as heated as the projectile she had blocked, as the flames which had been repelled dissipated and died out their fury seemed to be replaced by that of the fox, who spat out with angry words at the man who had very nearly cooked her extra crispy. Though one could hardly blame her, right~?

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


Tempestuous Testing [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 10:36 pm


WORDS: 180 | TOTAL: 720 | Delivery Deliciousness

"Oh pish, posh. I had every faith that the incantations would hold?
And even better than I expected. Not a burned hair in sight!
Now, let’s just try a few more spells, eh~?"

Sufficed to say that the scarlet siren was a little bit nonplussed by the blindsiding blast of blaze which had been sent her way but the man who had launched it seeming more blasé in his reaction, the merchant merely waved his hand at the concern which had been showed to dismiss it, then focused himself on repeating his experiment only too swiftly.
“What?! Keep this up, and I’ll wrap this thing around your head, old man!” Once more seeming to weave his hands into certain positions and this time managing to harness the power of lightning as he did so, thankfully the reflexes of the redhead proved able enough to once again ward off the bolt he unleashed upon her, though she was none too happy to do so. In fact, if he wasn’t careful, he was about to find his shield shoved where the sun did not shine…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.

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