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The Price of Freedom [Medium]

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The Price of Freedom [Medium] Empty Today at 3:39 pm

Name: The Price of Freedom

Difficulty: Medium

Participants: @Tomi, @Yijun (Partially)

Story: The events of Tomi’s Oiran career and escape attempt finally coming to a head, the girl is recaptured for the purpose of being sold to the highest bidder, and is subject to punishment for her desertion and disobedience. This prompting her to reflect on her life at the Okiya, she tries to resolve herself to accept her fate, but still finds that her recent experiences in the festival make the hope of a brighter future hard to shake off.

Meanwhile her pet Kuro seeming to seek aid in finding her after her disappearance, he seeks out Yijun who she had grown close to during the festival, and ultimately the two move to track her down.

Everything culminating at the day of her Mizuage auction, with a heavy heart the girl waits for the outcome of the day while her friends rush to rescue her, and perhaps deliver upon her a happier fate than spending the rest of her life as a courtesan…

Rewards: Full rewards would be equivalent to 5X A Rank Quest rewards, subject to standard bonuses.
Unique Custom for Tomi.

Objective: The objective will be for Tomi to confront the dreaded day of her supposed destiny, and perhaps discover that her good turns have earned her one of her own…

Required Progress:  10,000 words, equivalent to 5X A Rank Rewards, minus any standard reductions.

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