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Frozen Relics [Kenzo | FT Halloween - FWD]

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Frozen Relics [Kenzo | FT Halloween - FWD] Empty Today at 1:52 pm


The biting cold of Iceberg was a familiar embrace for the vampiress. But this place was something else entirely. Zariya stood at the threshold of the grand Viking structure, her breath escaping in a misty steam as she surveyed the towering ice-covered walls. Whispers of the dead threaded through the air, as if the spirits themselves resented her presence. She smirked, unfazed, and only further intrigued by the mystery of this hall.

The structure was a relic from a time long forgotten, its wooden beams now crusted with frost. Her boots crunched silently against the frozen floor as she walked deeper inside, and her gaze assessed the building. This wasn't just some long abandoned hall; it felt alive. The icy chill within the hall was nothing like the chill of Icbergs natural climate. It was a presence, a warning. And then there were the whispers, echoing around her like the murmur of a crowd, always just out of reach.

The Queenpin's fingers brushed along the frozen walls, admiring the craftsmanship. The ice was beautiful, but it was the darkness beneath it that intrigued her. The Draugr, they said. Restless undead, angered by those who disturbed the peace of their slumber. Zariya was phased, however. She had never been one to shy away from a fight. If there was something to be feared, she hadn’t met it yet.

The Dark Saber on her back waited to be summoned as she moved through the halls. She could feel the subtle pulse of its power in tune with her heartbeat. Her mission was to find some sort of ancient relic and offer it to the Draugr before it rose from the grave. Simple enough. Except, of course, nothing in Iceberg was ever that simple.

"Impending doom, hm?" Zariya muttered to herself, her voice low and amused.

The hall seemed to stretch endlessly. The icy corridors winded like a maze designed to keep her trapped. Frost coated everything she touched, chilling her skin even through her gloves. The whispers grew louder, the dead brushing against her senses like cold fingers on the back of her neck. Still, she pressed on, her mind focused on the task. Somewhere in this frozen tomb lay the relic that would appease the Draugr, or so the legends claimed.

A flicker of movement caught her eye, a shadow dashing at the edge of her vision. Zariya paused, her hand instinctively twitching toward the hilt of the Dark Saber. But she didn’t ignite it just yet. No need to make her move too soon. Let the Draugr come if it wanted.


Frozen Relics [Kenzo | FT Halloween - FWD] 86545

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