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Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:39 pm


In a place far too easy to overlook, Lumikki caught wind of some interesting news. A raven sent from her clan, the Omena, brought word of another oddity brewing back home in her motherland. With the experience she had within the North, she knew it could get dangerous if unchecked. But all her bird could tell her that those who enter a cave seldom leave.

”Uncle…” the Demoness managed to find him in the training dome running drills with his men.”A lil birdie just told me another disaster is brewing, this time within Oddr. Will ye be find to set out within two days time?”

Meanwhile, another raven of the Demoness had found their way to Ittindi on the clue that he’d return to central. The message would be received by the the Rune Knight within two days time, and so by then the pair from Paradise Dawn was already making their way over.

Hello friend,

Seems we have another anomaly out in Iceberg, the location is within the Oddr Mountains. You could find me and Brone in the nearest village so that we can meet and set out. I know finding more oddities to bring back could only boaster your reputation within the ranks, and what more, this should prove one of the more dangerous missions in your bulk for the moment. On that note, I highly recommend you dress very warm. For though Brone and I have an affinity for it, it could prove devastating to you.

From the Lady in the North

When the pair enter the snow topped village closest to the mountains, Lumikki seeks the cousin who remained there to inform the Demoness on the odd cavern they planned to enter. Waiting until Ittindi arrives to finally get the explanation.

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:46 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe was directing his day patrolmen as they ran laps around the training dome, all the while he ran laps with them. "Keep yer pace, or else I'll catch up to ye, and trust me, ye won't want me catching me!" he joked as he kept to the back of the line. Though he was the only one who was enjoying the run, they were all proving great stamina; the dwarf nodded in approval.

Lumikki arriving to inform the dwarf of a new magical disaster, gave the Day Patrol a chance to end the session early because Brone needed to begin preparing for the trip right away given the distance they would need to travel.


The cold chill of Iceberg was inviting to the dwarf. He took in a deep inhale as he took in the sights, though the village wasn't a grand as the cities, he still admired the work the villagers put into their homes and structure. This would be the first time the dwarf would actually get to meet another Omena other than Lumikki and her mother. Though the disaster was their main reason to their visitation, Brone had little worry, which was why his excitement ended up taking over.



Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:39 pm

Two days ago

Ittindi had been sitting with his recent failure of a recruitment effort, the worse part for him is he had a strong feeling he’d see him again. Would it be Paradise Dawn with Lady Lumikki or perhaps with the new leader he had met recently Lady Ryuko the Monarch. Either way, Ittindi the youth would be a little shy about it, but the true fault lay with him. He didn’t even know if it was because he came on too strong or weak, how did one ever improve at recruiting others? Something he’d have to ask Lady Lumikki or Sir Brone when he saw them. That’s when his wish would materialize, most of his luck seemed to work that way how could one not have faith when life worked in such ways? Reading the letter he saw that he was needed, and it would probably help him cinch the promotion he was up for. There was no time to waste, he’d run downstairs and hop into his mana car. His tuxedo on and his get out bag still in the trunk he’d head to the nearest train station. He had a special pass to get his car boarded, it had cost a pretty penny, but t hey had a council discount.  He’d read and relax on the way to Iceberg, it’d be his first time in the country. Ittindi would hear Naki stirring and speak to him on the way there.

”It’s blue, the feeling I’ve got…”

Ittindi would make a ooh then whoa as he shivered the train had some temperature control, but it only went so far in the freezing cold on a moving train. No doubt the majority of the fuel was going towards the engine, he’d hear Naki speak into his mind.

”I haven’t been this cold in a while…once there was a champion in Iceberg. You have progressed faster than any of my avatars before…surely you’ve noticed your body changing?”

Naki had gone on about his changes lately, Ittindi knew that it had been happening before Naki. Now that change had morphed into something unrecognizable, part of it had been his encounter with he merchant. Yet, there was still something else itching to get to the surface, he had a feeling that was what Naki was talking about. Ittindi would look out the window musing to both, ashamedly happy for the company.

”It’s a cruel summer”

Present Day

He couldn’t imagine living in a country like this, but he’d have to find a way. This is the most probable location of where Lady Lumikki and the Young Master would raise their family. Ittindi had to admit part of accepting the investigation was all expense paid trip from the Rune Knights.  When he arrived, he’d take his car to an outpost the Rune Knights had set aside for storage then it was guided trips al the way to the small village Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone were going to meet him. Between his magical suit, his furcoat and his newest unlocked ability, the cold didn’t seem to faze Ittindi as it did before. The guide would take Ittindi to Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone, he’d shake out his fur cloak he had purchased before waving and speaking.

”I know Lady Averie and you told me about the ice lands but it’s breathtaking but more deadly than I imagined. I see why you’re an ice mage now Lady Lumikki.”


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:20 am


The chill in the air was still thick, even with the shifting of the seasons, Iceberg met spring in varying ways. Often only changing the climate by the time it was summer, as the lack of cold to maintain the ice sheets often caused it to melt into slush and marshes. Of in cases like in Fjallgard, melt the ice among it so that it may pour like waterfalls. It, like many other places in this land, was a beautiful sight. The gorgeous environment locked away by the harsh tundra that boarders it and the hardy people who rarely take well to foreigners. So much overlooked by the view of an outsider, fueled Lumikki’s love for the lush lands and culture even more.

The small town by the Oddr Mountains was full of life and bustling activity. There were far more people around than they were used to, this area wasn’t a popular place to reside but the locals got by. It would be the recent disturbance that bolstered the numbers, bring more activity then Roweno was used to but the village people took the change in strides. After all, the wanted the problem resolved before it affected their home.

Lumikki and Brone at the time would be found in a tavern. They had arrived a half hour before Lumikki’s cousin, Selby had planed to show. And all around the village, Lumikki’s ravens perched among the walls and roofs to watch out for their visitor, Ittindi. To help assist him on arrival.

The pair already made their orders, Lumikki with steaming cup of tea and a hardy breakfast of eggs, steak, and potatoes. She was still half asleep as it was still a way to noon, but work was calling and she could not afford to sleep in.

But with the grace of the Gods, Ittindi would show before he cousin did, five minutes before the designated time. She’d wave for his attention, to which he’d greet her. ”Aye, the frost runs in tradition with me family for a reason, but it also helps to temper the constant chill overtime. Glad to see ye dressed so warm, form the little I’ve heard, yer gonna need it.”

Needing it is right, cousin. The chill right now is nothing compared to the frozen prison tucked in the cave, least from what I’ve heard. There aren’t many survivors to tell us the tale, and that’s why I need ye prepared and ready. Can’t go about loosing an Omena or a Heavyaxe for that matter. Yet, it’s sad to say but something must be done.” Selby had arrived and took up the final seat in the both beside Lumikki. She was a petite woman just about Lumikki’s size with raven black hair and protruding black feather among various feathers. Short feathers lined her arm but most of her skin was wrapped in furs. Lumikki came from a family of Raven Demi-humans, a notion that wasn’t very well known outside of Iceberg, but the clan was very well known among those within the lands. Tracking and providing information is but one of the reasons they are garnered well.

After a moment to get their orders taken, Selby would finally continue the conversation. “It’s been a while cousin, I’ve heard you’ve been busy. Glad to see not too busy to help here though, we worry the threat within the cave will expand if left untouched. Eventually taking this village with it.

”Hush Sel, ye know I never ignore family. But as for this “threat” were there any words of odd creatures perhaps? Just need to see if it lines up with a problem I’ve had back home.”

Creatures ya say? I did hear there were these weird ice golems in there, giant apparently. They gang up on you if ye ain’t careful. A man that wondered barely managed to run back out. Seems they like dragging you further if they could.”


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#5Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:01 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Upon hearing the suggestion to grab breakfast at a local tavern, Brone happily agreed. Though Lumikki shown hints of tiredness, the dwarf was energetic, at least compared to his niece. He would happily order the same plate as his niece and requested for a cup of dark roast coffee. Though people tend to assume dwarves normally drink alcohol, which is generally true, it was a misconception it was the only thing they drank; for Brone, he favored caffeine to give him the needed energy for the day to come.

Huginn and Muninn flew overhead, scouting the region as the flock of Lumikki's personal ravens did the same, though the former remained in the sky until they confirmed the butler had arrived, to which they them flew to the window where Brone and Lumikki were close by to report; afterwards they would then take their personal time to converse with each of the Lumikki's ravens, for they had a social life of their own.

"Worry not, for the cold strengthens the heart and can even wake the dead" Brone laughed as he nudged Ittindi, grateful that the butler was able to travel such a distance to meet them and join them on their expedition.

Soon enough, another young woman would arrive, it wasn't until Lumikki interacted with her on such comfortable standing that the dwarf understood her to be the Omena they were waiting for. He then noticed the resemblance to his niece; such as the black hair, the height and especially the raven feathers. For a while he had forgotten Lumikki had mentioned her family weren't normal humans, but were more raven-like; despite the fact that her mother had raven traits, such as black feathers that resembled a cloak. It made sense to the dwarf how she was so close to ravens including Huginn and Muninn; surprising it took him so long to notice.

"Brone Heavyaxe, nice te meet ye, lass" He gave him introduction quickly to Selby so he didn't interrupt her from giving the information she came for. The dwarf nodded as he tried to picture the the situation they were about to walk into. The cold was something he wasn't worried about, though Ittindi was the exception, given he didn't seem to have any magical means of protection against the cold, so they would need to be wary of his well-being. As for the ice golems, this would prove to be more of an obstacle, though not an issue, given that Lumikki and Brone both had faced off against golems in the past, though they were stone. With their prowess of ice, this would most likely prove to be an easier situation to handle.

432 | 637

Last edited by Brone Heavyaxe on Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:15 pm

As Ittindi made it inside a warm tavern, he understood all to well the bears need to hibernate. If only he had the ability to take a break for months at a time just drinking and eating. To tired to even clean, something Ittindi couldn’t wrap his head around maybe with some kind of perspective magic? The tavern itself felt part hunter lodge part bed and breakfast, a rustic feel that Ittindi knew to well from his travels to more rural parts of nations. As he sat down next to Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone she would congratulate him on his smart choice of clothes, Sir Brone going far enough to mention it would help his strength. Truth be told Ittindi’s physical capabilities kept growing at astonishing rates, but he also knew that part of that was through the aid of Naki. He had the most disturbing nightmare the other night on that front, Naki had been squabbling with what looked like a god from another country’s religion. They were arguing over who would take Ittindi’s soul both arguing over the damage his deaths have had? This confused Ittindi while he had been “revived” so to speak by Naki’s power he hadn’t truly died had he?

”Thanks for the invitation, I needed to get away from Central. You think it’ll be more void creatures out here? This would mark the second location it’s starting to become a precedent or pattern.”

It had caused him problems as of late, and not to mention the stress had turned some of his hairs white he had to get it magically darkened to retain his youthful black. That paired with his failed recruitment, and it was easy to see why Ittindi would want to get far away from his current predicament. As Lady Lumikki’s family member briefed them, she must have had been just behind Ittindi he didn’t even see her enter. She appeared to be a mixed race, he wondered if this was what Lady Lumikki originally looked like before becoming a demon? He had saw her change from human to a more fitting form for a demon, so it was possible that she didn’t look like either form originally. It made Ittindi wonder if Naki was originally a race from this land, or from another realm entirely. Their silence indicated that it was a sour subject so Ittindi would note it for later.

As Sir Brone introduced himself to Lady Lumikiki’s cousin Ittindi was surprised, with how he heard they were family he just assumed they all knew each other. It was possible that Sir Brone was royalty and Lady Lumikki a distant cousin not noticed until she made trouble? He’d have to get more from the local villagers and his Young Master in the future. From the conversations he’d had with Lady Lumikki he could tell she wasn’t one to look back with rose tinted glasses.  The next time there was a pause in the conversation Ittindi would introduce himself to Omena.

” Ittindi Amali a pleasure to meet Lady Lumikki’s family even under unfortunate circumstances.”

He’d offer a small bow unsure of the customs in Iceberg, Ittindi planned on learning more before any major ceremonies. There just hadn’t been time for him in the last couple of months, with his training taking on new heights, cleaning jobs and his Rune Knight duties he had been left with little free time.

WC: 570/1,040


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:34 am


”Could very well be Ittindi. None of the usual creatures amount to be a problem, golems included. But if the cave acts as a territory, kinda like the forest in the last occurance. I would not be surprised if this was another void den.” The conversation was cycling fast and there was a lot to mull over. Lumikki, a bit nervous to the unknown trouble below, was somewhat fidgeting with her fork as she hoped the golems wouldn’t drain her mana like the avians of before. But with deep breaths, she’d be able to calm it.

”Hmm, Oy, I forget ya don’t know what I know half the time. Sorry to come short. This is me cousin Selby Omena. Family on me mother’s side.” Of course Brone would know that details, but this explanation was for Ittindi who did not yet know much about her or the family dynamic. Meanwhile, Selby would also skittishly try make up for her fault as well. ”Aye, sorry. I just heard Lumi talkin and I fell into chiming in…over ambitions but I wanted to get the details out the way first.”

”It’s what it is. But for point of reference since ye’d be seeing more of me family down the line Ittindi. I was born into the Omena clan, a nomadic tribe that somewhat became indispensable to the formation of a lot of Icebergian territories. I won’t bore ye with the details, but simply put me family has a knack for gather information and spreading it about. Brone is of the Heavyaxe clan, a different family all together, but when me mum married pa, we were absorbed into the Hrùtr clan, ergo the name ye’d know me by. Heavyaxes being one of seven families within. Heh, at this point, ye met more of me fam than Knuckles did.” She’d tease to lighten the mood but also because she found humor in it.

Either way, there was nothing left to do than wait for the food and plan their actions. ”What’s the plan of attack. Like before, I can’t very well send me ravens in there so we’d be going blind into the unknown once more. Sadly in a cave no less, so there’s no room to spread wings and take flight. At this point, any input is helpful.” Lumikki groaned from this notion as she didn’t enjoy closed spaces or the underground. A complete inverse to her Uncle’s desdain for flight but reverence for all things under.

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:30 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"More void creatures? Void or not, I'm sure our weapons and magicks can deal with them, and make sure ye bundle up tight" Brone was truly speaking to mainly Ittindi; though he seem to be repeating himself, he didn't want to take the sheer frigid cold, especially within the caves. Sometimes, it may not be the creatures that pose a threat, but the natural terrain itself may be one's doom.

Taking a moment away from the quest in question, the table remembered pleasantries and introductions, "Aye, we may not be kin by blood, but kin nonetheless" Brone reached over to nudge his niece happily right before the waitress arrived with Lumikki's tea and Brone's coffee. She would then turn to Ittindi and Selby and asked them if they would like to order before returning to the kitchen.

"With the cave expanding, time ticks, so we have te make sure te get our bellies filled, our strengths fueled, so we stand our best chance to empty the cave of whatever's in there" Brone announced before he took a sip of his coffee, feeling the warmth and the taste. He knew of his own arsenal and Lumikki's; despite that she wielded ice magic, her ice wasn't of the norm, but was black with magical darkness, so may combat the ice within the cave, but this was simply the dwarf's assumption, he never really took the time to study her magic to make sure what made it different. As for Ittindi, Brone was still unsure of what set him apart; he noticed the Rune Knight wielded a sword and something called a 'firearm', like a crossbow, but loud like a small explosion. Whatever his arsenal was, if he was selected as a Rune Knight, then the dwarf had faith in him.

301 | 938


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:52 pm

He was warned more about the perilous cold outside. While Ittindi had his fur coat, his real warmth was coming from his recent awakening, he knew that there was more to explore when he had the time. Death had stopped concerning him as of late, even if he died that just meant serving his contract with Naki in another form. The cycle was eternal, that was his great revelation about his demon, he had no doubt there were God souls and others that served Naki’s purpose. Just another part of the cycle intertwined in a universe to large to take notice of Ittindi. Luckily for him there was his God one that truly accepted him for who he was.

Ittindi would listen to Lady Lumikki introduce her cousin then speak about her clan history. So even here the pseudo caste system that ruled Fioran society was everywhere, even in a place like this order was needed. Ittindi would cough at the part where Lady Lumikki mentioned he had met more of her family than his Young Master had.  He knew that his Young Master was planning on making a trip out of Iceberg, so that made some sense. Ittindi would have to be on his best behavior to not get snoopy into his Young Master’s relationship. Brone and Lady Lumikki the family behind Paradise Dawn’s popularity, not to downplay any of their other members.

” I’m afraid I don’t have any spells to help us on our scouting endeavor. I think we’ll have to go in blind and empty the cave like Sir Brone suggests. As for tactics I personally favor shock tactics, we could have someone hold the entrance of the cave, and another create another entrance to surprise them on two fronts while they’re focused.”

Ittindi would offer a suggestion knowing that the two were more than capable of just brawling in any cave. Tactics were for those who were scared to lose on the battlefield like Ittindi, and ever since Naki all his tactics ended in attacks. It still was the only stark reminder of his change, everything else felt the same, but Ittindi had loss his sense of preparation and paranoia. Instead of running into danger face first possibly with a plan.

WC: 376/1,416


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:49 pm


Lumikki slumped onto her arm propped onto the table, giving Ittindi’s contribution some thought. ”Sorry lad, don’t think that method would work out well for ya. The ones that managed to dash out made note the tunnels kept shifting. Sides, the danger I’m guessing, will run deep inside.—-Oh I’ll take a coffee like him, thanks!” Selby promptly took note of the server and shot out her order like a stream of bullets. Her anxious energy jittering in her mannerisms and words. Selby wasn’t very used to foreigners, or particularly keen on introductions; but this mission was too important for her to mess it up or disregard her task before it was completed. She was hoping some food in her stomach could at least soothe some of her nerves, but that is when she realized that she forgot to order her meal ”—And-Um! Ima be eatin’ what they’re having. Thank ya kindly!….” Selby slouched in her seat mumbling old Dwarvish words not commonly said, but Lumikki would managed to overhear a few and burst out into a laugh. ”Oy, Selby! Yer acting like ye’ll be expected to go down under. Relax lass, we’d make it out just fine. None of us three, far as I know, could be taken out easily.”

Lumikki would be right to varying degrees, even if she could not yet put it into words yet. Despite such particular details, none there were gone die because she will simply will it so. Brone the fine warrior could take the might of Thor head on, but he was not one to think much through. Ittindi a meticulous man, with an intrusive guest who grants favor upon his risky condition. These two were their fair share of handfuls, and so she would take the supporting role to see it through that they’d walk out when the mission was all said and done.

”Brone, ye’d simply have to go first. Yer the frontline as ye know. Ittindi, yer keen, I’d trust ya in the back to watch out from there, but if something were to happen, I’d be there to bolster ya. I lack the close combat practice to be of use close to the fray, but I could strengthen ya while we face them on. Well……with that all done, it’s like me Uncle said. Let’s eat first and deal with the work after. Unlike me, ye two can’t make do munching frost or the dark. Oh and Ittindi, how have ye been since we last met? Feels like things are always changing so fast. If I didn’t have Brone to stay the same, I’d probably feel like the world was leaving me behind.”

The trio would share their meal and catch up properly, before being lead to the mouth of the cave by Selby. She could not get too close for risk of being dragged into it too, but they would do just fine from that point on. And just as Lumikki arranged, they got into the planned formation and begin to traverse the tunnels. Scanning for whatever disturbance warranted their employment.

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Img_0321

The rock face outside was jagged and rough, layered plentifully with snow long harden. It was now slick, like most of the ground, which would demand careful steps as not to warrant tumbling down. The ice posed not hinderance to the Demoness, and the Dwarve knew his way in a blizzard as his climbed the mountain tops; but to spare her party and guest, Lumikki willed her frigid aura to layer the ground with fresh frost with enough texture and friction to override the icy ground.

The cavern walls were smooth and took on an eerie blue hue. They looked as if they were made of pure ice and whatever light shone upon them brought them blazing to life. But just in a few more steps, they would enter the dark. Something she did not assume Ittindi could fare as easily. ”Do ye have a torch love? Or should I fish out one of mine?” Torches were a rare item for her to use, but after traveling with a fellow member though some caves once, she saw it as a worthy investment to entertain should she need them again.

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#11Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:08 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Shifting tunnels!?" Brone groaned, "More magical nonsense affecting the natural order of things" He crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair, irritable. For a dwarf, the earth and her tunnels were constant and stable; with his experience growing up within tunnels, Brone had been able to trek through them well, even if he visited unfamiliar tunnels, the make of them and the earth itself can reveal to him any secrets that could give him an advantage when it came to traversing underground, but magical tunnels that constantly shift were unnatural and couldn't be trusted; the earth is known to be steady and stable, not shifting like water; this philosophy is what Brone lived by, so he felt peeved fort he moment. He took a sip of his coffee to calm his nerves ironically.

Lumikki announced the positioning and Brone nodded in agreement. Soon enough they all were provided their meals so they could have their fill. Afterwards they made their way out and traveled through the thick of the snow to the entrance of the cave. Huginn and Muninn, the two ravens had left the dwarf's shoulders to keep to the sky again. Brone would give his thanks to Selby before he prepared himself before taking the first steps into the cave. His gray horned helm sat upon his head and his new black plate armor upon his chest; he would turn to Lumikki to show it off for a moment. "This cave is more ice than stone, so this be more yer domain, lass" he told her as he made sure to fasten his golden axe upon his back along with his golden shield.

They moved through the initial tunnel with Lumikki coating the floor with black snow to provide them grip as they walked on. She mentioned a light source and Brone flinched, realizing he didn't consider Intindi. The dwarf and the demoness were so use to traversing the dark because of their eyes, they forgotten that most races didn't share the same eyes.

342 | 1,280


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:43 pm

Ittindi could tell that Lady Selby was nervous, even as she dashed his plans to the ground. Better to know now then to have a bad plan, Ittindi would nod as she mentioned the moving tunnels. It sounded like it was another gift from the void. When he thought about it, Ittindi was technically somewhere in that category now, his conversation with his Young Master about how the void seemed to bring things from other worlds. It was the best explanation of why his demon soul was so different from the other encounters he had read about. Meanwhile, Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone would make quick adjustments to the plan, he’d be holding the rear which he was more than comfortable with, especially with his gun and magic.  Sir Brone seemed to hate the ideas of shifting caves as much as Ittindi. He wondered what kind of creature could control ice in such disturbing ways, of course his first thought was a clone of Lady Lumikki from the void. He’d glance away from her eyes, sometimes he swore she could tell what he was thinking. It was his paranoia or his uncomfortableness around demons he’d tell himself.

”Yes, rest assured Lady Selby, it will take multiple deaths for me to truly die. I’m sure between the three of us that won’t happen. However, to reassure you if somehow by some freak accident Lady Lumikki is hurt and I’m not that I’ll gladly put my life down for her.  But to be clear I believe she is too competent for that to happen more likely she’ll be saving me. “

Ittindi would finish his attempt at comforting Lady Selby while, Lady Lumikki would do the same. Sir Brone’s very aura was one of reassurance, it did make Ittindi wonder if Lady Selby underestimated them or if the cave was truly that dangerous. He did find his heart beat a little faster at the thought, as the food arrived. Ittindi would sip the brown tea water, and find out to only Lady Lumikki’s perceptive eyes that he was not expecting bean juice. He’d look down at his plate of food, a dish no doubt native to Iceberg and start eating. The coffee was actually more useful than Ittindi first imagined it would cleanse the palate in between the tastes of Iceberg cuisine. Lady Lumikki would ask how he’s been doing, knowing now that Sir Brone was his family Ittindi didn’t feel discouraged to be honest. Though the idea of confiding in a demon still rubbed him in a wrong way but his shame still made Lady Lumikki the only one he felt comfortable discussing his condition with.

”Honestly Lady Lumikki, not the best, you see I’ve been having nightmares. I’m not sure if it’s Naki messing with me or as we work together we can both see into each other’s minds. Either way, it mentioned how my rash adventures and “deaths” have made me unsuitable for the afterlife. They have talked to multiple gods now, though I have not seen my God the true one yet. So I hold on to hope that I may have an Illumin afterlife, but I’d be a liar to say I’m not a little frightened.”

After he spoke Ittindi would listen to any other response before they departed, the trek was cold and harsh. The silence of an eternal winter perpetuating around them only broken by the occasional dialogue of Lady Lumikki or her family. They would arrive at the cave, well there more ice than rock, Ittindi wondered if that was still called a cave.

”I brought a torch just in case Lady Lumikki, can you both see comfortably in the dark? This won’t affect your eyes correct?”

Ittindi would wait for affirmation before he’d bust out his Carbide lamp, it could work in most situations relying on a chemical reaction with water and whatever material was inside. Ittindi wasn’t the most rehearsed in chemical reactions, particularly when the quartermaster at the Rune Knights preferred to not talk to him. Thankfully Lady Lumikki had been creating their path forward, Ittindi had for a second thought he could travel through the mountains with just moderate difficulty. He couldn’t imagine how much worse it’d be without their frost mage.

WC: 712/2,138


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:44 pm


Lumikki nodded along to all Ittindi had to say, giving him simple answers until their meal was done and they made it to the cave. ”Aye, we both see comfortable in the dark, and quite the boon it is. So use yer lamp as needed, it won’t be that much of a bother.” The formation began to walk forward as the party now trekked the shifting cavern. Lumikki allowed the silence to permeate for a few more steps before she turned back to Ittindi for a proper conversation.

”I didn’t want to promote more conversation when I knew these subjects were a discomfort to ye. Me cousin isn’t needed in the audience, but I could attest me Uncle isn’t one for drawn out, long and boring conversations. So we could speak freely in peace here as we worked.” Lumikki fell back so that she was not more than two meters before him. ”What did ye mean when ya noted ye can’t die lad. I knew ye as a human, and those I could somewhat see something weird in ya,” a notion confirmed with her World’s eye, but far too vague for her to understand. She see’s now that he’s timeless, but the details of the matter don’t strike her as sensible. Like somehow he was a fractured man, but what would that really mean? Fractured by the power of the void? The Oni more formidable than she thought? Whatever may be the truth, it would never be known to the public, and therefore never made clear to her gaze. All she could tell, was that he was quite the odd one.

Lumikki bit into her lip as many things drifted into her thoughts. ”Forgive me friend, I don’t find solace in yer god. By preference, I’d rather strike him down. But the desire to know the answer to those fears is one I’ve tasted plenty of times. Ye know well me nature, but me body and soul were originally of this realm. Me Gods, the ember to me soul, the path I stumbled, and this earth and tundra make of me just as much as the Abyss does now….If ye find peace is this lord of yers, I won’t bother sharing me opinions, only the solemn wish he warrants such praise. But if it be true, yer as timeless as I, then know ye always have a friend. Madness seeks us in all corners of our life, it strikes the world as we know. Ya spend enough time alone and it’d convince of needless things, pointless thoughts, and painful dribble. I’ll see to it Knuckles becomes timeless as well….I won’t suffer an eternity without him….but the addition of yer company brings me peace. May ye seek me help always, for I see ya as me own.” Lumikki turned to face him, his lamp illuminating her features in its soft glow, unveiling a sweet and playful smile on her lips. Lumikki held out her hand, pinching her two feathers from which a long black feather formed and she’d hand it to the man behind her. ”Consider this me gift, I share a feather with all the ones I’ve deemed close. A sign yer always under me wing, least should ye need me.” She let him take it before returning to her normal pace. Even during that exchange, her eyes were always alert, but now they face forward away to note all the things her Uncle could not.

”Uncle, how goes it up there?” She would inquire this just before a branching path. Three tunnels were open to them, three choices. ”Which do ye wanna enter, there’s no practicality to splitting the party, as there won’t be the notion of making ground. We stick together and hope for the best, and I’d cast me vote with the one on the left.”

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#14Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:31 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Concerning Ittindi mentioning his 'deathlessness', Brone didn't may it mind, assuming it was simply an exaggerated way to mention his endurance to dangerous situations, but the conversation as a whole, he would trail away, especially when they had gotten too in depth, making it complicated for the dwarf to remember or understand, so he left the conversation to the others while he nodded every so often to add an air of understanding on his part.

As they trekked through the cold, dark tunnels, a light drew Brone's attention behind him to see Ittindi had his own light source; he nodded, now feeling they were at their best now. Though the dwarf was still in sight and close enough to hear the other two communicating, he was too far ahead to make out what they were saying, which was fine by him since he was never the one to be in anyone's business, he would simple continue leading the way.

The light from lamp would flicker upon the walls of the tunnel, causing a shine and glimmer upon the ice-covered, making it more beautiful than it already was; there was even a bit of shine upon the black snow that continued to sprout along the way. The sound of snow crunching beneath footsteps brought Brone back to the days when he and his uncle would go hiking in the mountain tops where the snow was thickest; such a sound was always comforting to him. Eventually he would come to a stop as he noticed the tunnel would break into three separate directions. Observing the tunnels, he realized none of them were branching tunnels, which made no sense, but the dwarf remembered there was some kind of magic going on that would change the cave within. He would suck his teeth, not knowing where they would need to go, not even a sound came from either tunnel, "Might as well go with a random choice, nothing about these tunnels show any hint of being a main route" he would answer his niece back.

As Lumikki entered the left most tunnel, the dwarf would step down from a protruding rock that gave him elevation and follow his niece before taking the front again, "Keep yer guard up" he would mention to the group. Without any map, or stable cave structure, they were practically going in blind and it put the dwarf on his toes.

403 | 1,682


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:46 pm

Another surprise, it seemed that both Sir Brone and Lady Lumikki could see in the dark. A mental note was made in Ittindi’s head, that he probably needed a spell to help light the way for him. They traversed through the caves while Lady Lumikki wished to know more about Ittindi’s earlier statement. To a real demon Ittindi assumed that such a power was common, he had after all seen her transform and cast spells way outside his ability. It was possible that she thought he was exaggerating, however it wasn’t a skill that he liked using. Mainly because he had to die in order for it to activate. The first time it happened, well Ittindi was surprised to say the least. Even worse Naki mentioned that he was developing the ability to do it more than once.

”What do you mean Lady Lumikki? Do not all demons have the ability to resurrect? The first time it happened I thought it was the end then I was just back in my body. With most of my injuries healed, or regenerated I’m still confused about that part of the process. It’s also hard to test, as I still feel the pain leading to up to my death. Is it different for you?”

Ittindi wondered if this was some kind of test or prank, he didn’t really know any uncivilized cultures customs. Hopefully he had answered correctly, either way he’d continue walking squinting at their reflections thinking it movement. As Lady Lumikki reassured him that being immortal wasn’t the worse thing and that she planned for his Young Master to follow a similar path. Immortality, would such a thing even matter to someone like his Young Master. He’d likely end up dead on the battlefield, would Ittindi be there in his last moments? Would either of them acknowledge such a failure?

”Yes, well maybe it will all work out. In the meantime I at least can work on my spearplay today. I don’t plan on showing it to many people the element of surprise and all that. I’ve been working on my speed for when I need to escape.”

Ittindi had a couple sparring matches with his guns, he had a lot of work to do there as well. With his recent promotion he had more time to devote to himself, in fact he still hadn’t taken any work since being promoted. He still hadn’t shared his magic chance with the council either, planning on hiding his disgrace for as long as possible.  

He was surprised when Lady Lumikki handed him a feather and imparted the meaning. He’d grin for a split second while putting the feather under his top hap’s cloth stripe. Then he’d thank her before she continued up ahead to talk to her uncle, Sir Brone. Ittindi would keep his head on a swivel ready to brandish his spear and slide the latern at a moments notice.

WC: 488/2,626


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:32 pm


”Demons….are as diverse as the Gods….we all have our domains of power, should we be fortunate enough to have the strength to claim it. As for Demons returning upon death? I don’t mean to test out the notion meself, but to the ones I’ve claimed, well I absorbed them so there’s nothing to return to….Naki is one who dances in death, suppose I’d be a fool to think his domain wouldn’t fall upon ye. But it’s the point that ye claim yer human and not Daemon, that I find to be so odd. For a man, ye’ve stepped onto a Demon’s path….well, doesn’t matter. Ye have me, should ya want me. At this point, yer practically kin now.” He’d heed her words as she did his. While she was trying to make senses of his new reality like he was dependent on support and guidance.

”Aye, tis the spear that freed me last time? I would love to actually see ye use it. Glad you won’t hold back for the moment…”

As the trio now stepped into the tunnel of Lumikki’s suggestion a thought struck her. These tunnels of ice were much in the image of those with stone, perhaps she needed guidance herself. ”Uncle, it never occurred to me ta ask, as a matter, not sure it ever occurred to me to try; but could ye teach me the ways of sensing through the stone? I figure the process can’t be to different if I have affinity to the frost, what say ye?” She’d halt in place and wait for his answer, but it would first take him by surprise. No one had ever asked him before and it showed, and now he was taking careful time selecting his words. Only to surmise in the end that it was entirely spiritual, and not something one could simply “pass” on like a spell or how to strike metal. It was something one feels intuitively should they be inclined to meld with it spiritually. And this would all take her a moment to sink right in.

Lumikki herself was indeed spiritual, following in the family faith of adhering to Aurilandür, mother to the primordial frost. She’d also learned about Nótt, mother to the primordial dark. Both beings, sisters that swirled together what is commonly referred to as Ginnungagap among the Norse faith. Her grandmother even raised her well in experiencing the snow and ice in her youth, passing on the ways for frost and how to connect with such elements, but it didn’t dawn on the Demon how severed those practices became. Nor how long it’s been since she’s entertained them. Especially so now that she embodied a Demon form.

Almost remorseful, Lumikki pressed her hands to the walls, leaning forward so that her forehead may touch upon it as well. And for the moment, she’d release her human facade so that she may better focus on the task.

At first, spawning what was a few minutes of time, there was nothing. Yet Lumikki pressed on in thought and spirit. And rather than strike at it in the repetitious pace of swinging down a hammer, Lumikki fostered a sense of ebb and flow. Simply slowly touching upon it and pulling back until it felt mesmerizing and melodic. Eventually, visions as fracture as the unique shape of snowflakes would come to mind, swirling and rotating about. Their colors quite iridescent as it they were refracting light from a source she did not know, but eventually it would delve into more, like falling into a fridge realm. A kingdom of ice now over taking her as if to see the Demon flinch. But the ice mage would not, nor would she be bothered. Though one could surmise that it was from her very nature or the practice of her magic, they would be wrong. No, it was because she entered this realm once, long ago when she was but a little girl. Traversing a blizzard on the way to seeking her father.

It was in this storm that the cold had claimed her, sinking into at first her skin before eventually drenching itself deep within her bones. Her small heart barely fluttering as the winter saturated her soul, testing the child long ago on her mettle to wander the fridge path. The tundra embraced her from some time, one could even say it took her and replaced her with something else. But it was all speculation, there was no way to tell. Even her Nan would have trouble understanding the wonder of Lumikki’s survival, buried beneath the snow for at least two hours.

And now here she was once again, this time, of her choosing. Not a spirited away guest, but someone who made their arrival. Lumikki took a moment to appreciate the wonder, she took the time to kneel down and let the frost connect to her once more. Surging into her like frost wrapping around a small bubble. And in her surrender and acceptance, much like the child she was that day long ago, this time she would be awarded a voice.

It was one of a mother, laden with a stern tone but oddly tempered with love. Like a timeless wisened being, amused at small act of their child. It rippled though Lumikki with an assurance she hasn’t quite felt since the day her Nan had died. ”Welcome back little one, seems I have found you again. May you not stray so far from mother’s path for you know, it is the frost from where you came, and where all things living will return.”

Shaken with elation, Lumikki tried to speak back, but her voice was gone and she could only maintain silence. Before she could make a fuss, she could feel herself slowly being whisked away back to the tunnels where she was truly standing. ”Do not fret dear, like I said, all will come back. I shall see you again soon enough…..” And with her parting words, all faded to black before Lumikki would now traverse the all the tunnels in an instance. Like the crack of lightning dancing upon metal. In her movement, she’d peer throughout enough to spot the creatures in question, and just enough to know where they needed to go next.

Lumikki opened her eyes, not realizing just how much her body froze over. The ice of the wall now clung to her arms and hands as if she was sinking in, and much frost encased her clothes and body. She’d need a moment to shake it off, freeing herself so that she could meet the gaze of the others.

”I know now where we’d need to be, but I’d need to be careful doing it. Ye two could see that I’m safe as I make us a path?” To which she’d quickly begin working. Her form shifting once more to the one just before her true face. As a harpy, Lumikki extended both her arms, focusing only on the frost and snow so that she may lock the tunnels in place and open a few of her own.

But almost like they sense her presence and influence, there was a rumble within the walls. Screeching could be heard echoing from the depths. ”It seems they’ve come….From behind on the left!”

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#17Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 10:53 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone continued to lead the way as they traverse the tunnel. He would observe the walls thoroughly, but it didn't matter, there weren't any markers that made the distinct from the previous one, it was as if the tunnels were the same and they were moving in a complete circle, but the dwarf didn't want to entertain that idea.

Because he was closer to Lumikki and Ittindi, he could overhear their conversation, but didn't understand it. Something about resurrection and demon power; just wondering what the topic was had made the dwarf confused, so he ignored it, keeping out of their business. His attention was only brought back to them when Lumikki called to him. He looked back with a raised eyebrow, surprised at first that she would ask him how he sensed through the stone. Brone had never thought he would ever be aske to explain this, especially how he was never able to speak like Gnicholas does, so he took a moment to stop and think. He would walk over to the wall of ice and place his hand on it, "It's not really sensing as ye would think, like magic, it's more... spiritual, ye have te feel it; I connect with the Stone and I hear her" he would feel the cold of the wall, knowing it wasn't earth he was touching but ice, which wasn't his affinity, but more of Lumikki's, "I remember where me kind came from- well, don't we all have te remember where we came from?" he was terrible at this; he was more adapt at teaching combat, but he tried his best to try and put his own experience into words. He would then remove his hand from the wall and placed it over his heart, "Don't feel with touch, or magic, feel with yer very being, ye don't control ice, lass, ye are ice, as I am stone" it was a bit poetic, he hoped she understood what he meant.

When she began try to connect to the ice by embracing the wall, Brone took a seat on a nearby elevated shard of ice and watched, figuring the team had traversed far enough to take a small break so Lumikki could get in touch with her element. There was a moment of quiet, he didn't know what his niece was experiencing, if she was experience anything at all, but the moment the ice from the wall extended and meld with the black ice that bloomed from her, he began to assume she was beginning to get a good grasp much faster than he had, for it had taken him a decade to start hearing from the stone.

Then she pulled away, her eyes open and her formed changed to her true visage, and as she spoke, her voice changed too. Brone smiled and stood up and nodded. He watched his niece worked and perform some form of spell. Nothing seem to happen, but the dwarf figured it was something that wouldn't be easily perceived, since they have yet to actually see the tunnels shifting since they've entered the cave.

But suddenly he was beginning to feel a rumble, at first he was assuming it was Lumikki's doing, but the sound echoing the tunnels and the ice witch confirmation, Brone now understood that trouble was on the way and Lumikki was still working on finding their way through the maze. He drew forth his golden axe and golden shield, "Prepare yerself, Sir Ittindi" he said as he walked past Lumikki to take a defensive position while facing down tunnel, intending to meet whatever enemy came their way.

610 | 2,292


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:03 pm

Ittindi was surprised to hear that demons were unique in the powers they bestowed upon themselves and their followers. Though he wasn’t sure if that word encompassed Ittindi’s feelings towards Naki. That seemed to be ok for now and he wasn’t one to judge a gift horse. It did mean that what he was experiencing was rather unique. As Lady Lumikki mentioned how typically when entering contracts with Demons they “gifted” you the change of your race. He had never received a clear answer from Naki on why his race wasn’t changed. Part of him wondered if it had to do with his awakening as a human. Or was he just becoming something else entirely? He had heard this was often how people felt before finding out they had the potential of godhood.

That was something that Ittindi feared, he saw little difference between demigod and demon they just were given powers by different sets of people. His god would never stoop to such base displays for followers, though many might claim that was the case. It was hard to separate the actions of a deity from their fanatics, but Ittindi tried like all believers.

Watching Sir Brone advise Lady Lumikki on how to become one with own’s elements served to remind him of their distinction. Arcane didn’t exist the same way the other elements did, the closest they had was untapped mana. Ittindi had been drawn to more theory of magic since his element change, wondering how much knowledge was tied to arcane as a domain. As Lady Lumikki created a connection through the ice cavern, soon Ittindi could even feel the rumblings of the cavern in response.

That was until Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone told him in their own ways that they weren’t responsible for the changes happening. He’d materialize his spear, ready to work with his recent increase in speed, the naginata’s size was still larger than Ittindi’s preference for spears. He had seen in different visions the difference in eastern spear style versus western, Ittindi opted for Eastern, Joyan  more specifically, having zero  practice in either style.

”Thank’s for the heads up I’m ready.”

Ittindi was curious what kind of pack creature they were dealing with this time; it did seem to be a favorite of the void to send them odd pack animals. He’d slide his lantern behind him, seeing Lady Lumikki covered in frost before focusing. Ittindi wondered if it would be something dangerous like an ice rhinoceros with metal plate for skin. Ittindi also wondered what the Council was planning regarding the void, he had heard there were some even worshipping it as a proper religion now.

WC: 445/3,071


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:13 am


True to her words they would make their entrance, but it wouldn’t be as swift as they’d like. As Lumikki was now also exerting her will upon the ice of the caverns, holding into place for as long as she could spare the focus and energy.

”Eeerrrrrr, they’re gonna be coming from all over now cause I’m holding off their routes. They’ll aim to overwhelm me with numbers and therefore ya. Brace yerself lads, I’ll hold what I can but I’ll focus on the route to the core like last time….” Lumikki growled as they were testing her limits and the Demoness was beginning to feel the strain.

When cracks began to form on the tunnel walls, spreading like fresh tears in thin pages. Lumikki would ice them over and over, refreshing the structure of the walls; but eventually even that would cease as she could no longer spare the capacity.

Lumikki’s upper most wings unfolded and extended, the talons on the radiale would begin to scape and then press into the wall and Lumikki would extend one of her free hands to swipe at the air. Pulling out a staff from what seems like nothing. With her Abyssal Spine in hand, Lumikki went to work again. Using the power of the stave in her extend her magic, will, and control. Though it would not make the cracks or disruption subside as her focus was now honing in once again at the core.

”Send ‘em off!” As the Demoness bellowed, so did they. The walls broke apart in more places than one could count and everything was beginning to move very fast. Lumikki, in order to not be bothered with her work by the agitated hoard, would encase herself in black ice. A thick orb of black frost smothering her to the extend of space, so that her casing still touched the walls.

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Img_0311

Sleek and angular glacial creatures were now poking through the opening. Their ice a deep blue while shining in varying hues of cool tones even in the warm light of the lantern. Their movements were jittery, constantly jerking every which way but their swipes and attacks were smooth enough. One could still hear more cries in the distance.

Two frost golems make an opening and lunge for the left side of Brone. Two more with just thirty seconds away, four were now aiming for his back. This was only the first of the wave, just the first to slip through. Meanwhile toward Ittindi, five would find themselves coming from his right. Two lunging forward to swipe their jagged claws and the other three standing still to charge dense, spiked balls of ice at their target.

Lumikki for the moment went unnoticed, but with more golems approaching, this wouldn’t last for long.

After those attacked, Brone would have another ten tearing their way toward him, Ittindi another six. Three of the ten lunge for Brone, while four create a frost defense for themselves in their wave, the last five of Brone throw out a mix of charged spells and spiked balls. For Ittindi, one lunges, while the remaining three send out ranged attacks.

The next group is around twenty in total. They were running toward Lumikki in the orb, some of which she consumes in passing as they break her ice, but their consumption agitates her mana and magic as they are of the void and impure. A bulk of seventeen break off to attack Brone and Ittindi.

The next wave is around twenty-three to twenty-five. Half will break off to attack and swarm Lumikki and the others aim to hold Brone and Ittindi off.

Lumikki is getting overwhelmed as her focus isn’t on battle and she can no longer hold the tunnels in place. This allows a flood of golems to practically slide in and out of the walls, lunging, swiping, and a variety of attacks.

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#20Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 8:29 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The walls cracked as the tunnels shook, ice and snow fell from the ceiling, all the while Lumikki continued to hold onto the wall, trying to gain control of the shifting ice within the cave; that much, Brone could understand, though he wasn't sure how his niece's magic was working, he knew what it meant to connect to an element one call's "Home".

"Keep ye eyes peeled, they may-" Brone was interrupted as something burst from the wall to his left. His magical insight allowed him to sense the ice golem, giving him time to bring up his shield and block the attack, "They're coming from the cracks!" he shouted as the enemies poured out of several cracks, surrounding him entirely. With how bulky their limbs were, the dwarf would assume they would be slow, but he was proven wrong. He wouldn't be able to deflect all of them as they intended on throwing themselves at him all togther.

He spun on foot, slicing his golden axe through the first ice golem, but didn't stop his momentum, allowing it to continuing as he activated an innate spell within his weapon. A tornado erupted from where Brone spun like a top; pushing back a dozen golems who sought to slay him, slicing them up as they flew across the tunnel, hitting the walls and ceiling, then as the tornado expanded, it swept up another handful and tossed them as well. "Ha!" Brone burst out a victorious laugh before he was silenced by one of the golems' slamming it's thick forearm down onto his helmet and another slashing it's claws against the back of his black armor. The dwarf swung his axe in a wide arc, cutting the two golems in half. The creatures weren't like any golems he had faced, though this was the first time he's ever went up against ice golems; these things were more like nightmarish creatures, running with great speed, whether on two legs or on all fours, more and more crawling out of the cracks and crevices. They were numerous, but after cutting down more than two dozen already, Brone got an idea of their durability, though still made of dense ice, the dwarf was able to cut them down easily so long as he didn't hold back on his swing.

"Lumi!" Brone spotted the black ice egg that his niece hid in was being swarmed by another wave of the ice golems; half broke away from the egg and rush towards him and Ittindi. The dwarf gritted his teeth, needing to act fast, so he quickly rushed up to grabbed and pulled Ittindi behind him as the cylinder piece of Brone's armor moved, shifting so it sat upon his right shoulder, aiming it's opening towards the incoming wave, he had yet to use this 'cannon', never a fan of using range weaponry, but he didn't have time to take down the incoming wave and go to stop the other wave that clustered around Lumikki's egg as they continued to scrape their claws against it.

The opening of the cannon split and opened further before a blast of purple arcane energy erupted from the cannon, engulfing that part of the tunnel, destroying the golems that tried to overtake him along with the golems that tried to pry the egg open. As the purple light vanished, the egg remained. Brone sighed with relief; the sparring matches he had with Lumikki and those nights he helped trained with her so she could perfect her spells had given him the assurance that her defensive spells wouldn't crack so easily under even a cannon attack.

As more golems crawled out of the nearby crevice, a bead of sweat dropped from Brone's brow. A blast of cyan energy erupted from one of the golems. Brone raised his shield and blocked the attack, but as it collided, it caused ice to spread throughout the shield and reach down to the floor, partially encasing Brone and his shield in a shard of ice. Then several spiked balls were launched. One shattered the ice shard, but the shield deflected it, but the other two spiked balls slammed into Brone's chest and helm. A spike managed to prick his cheek, causing blood to run down. "Cover Lumikki!" The dwarf called as he rushed over to the egg and put his back to it, waiting for the next wave.

738 | 3,030


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:43 pm

It all happened so fast one second Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone were talking the next they were being swarmed from all directions. Ittindi would put his left arm across his chest as his small shield appeared on his left arm. He’d swipe at the two golems coming directly at him with his Naginata’s range, then would follow up with a thrust to the golem in front of him, it’s core breaking. The other’s assault came and with his speed Ittindi managed to raise his shield up in time. It would shake his whole body as it broke through the shield and some residual force hit his suit. Ittindi would swipe after taking a partial amount of the attack for the second golem to fall just in time to see the three finishing their ice assault. He’d barely find the time to lunge out of the path of fire. As the ice bullets barely missed Ittindi some one grazing his outfit.

With his awakened speed all Ittindi’s focus went to avoiding or parrying hits as golems started to appear from every direction, not to mention another 10 coming behind the 3 ranged golems. That’s when he’d be yanked up by Sir Brone. An odd sigh considering height, but strength was a different matter entirely. Sir Brone would fire off a magical blast of an impressive magnitude, Ittindi needed a similar cannon to avoid this situation in the future. As the smoke cleared Lady Lumikki’s black egg defense held just fine, the golems weren’t so lucky.  Ittindi would lunge back to where the egg was at Sir Brone’s suggestion. His Naginata at the ready, Ittindi would thrust and swipe anytime he saw a golem visible through the cracks. While one swipe might not kill. The lingering damage would make sure the next hit did.

”Got it”

He could feel the steam building up in the room, the exertion had Ittindi sweating even in the ice. He’d had wicking layers on, but the return trip home would be more depressing from the future moldy smell he would have once his clothes dried. Ittindi’s focus was mainly on the golems even giving Sir Brone short responses, one of the few times he’ll relax his rules on formalities. It wasn’t that the golems were particularly strong there were just so many. Ittindi would thrust again getting one golem while another appeared from a crack on his left getting a jab against his jaw. Ittindi knew that his awakening was impressive, but even physical attacks seemed weaker than before.  He’d shrug the attack off taking his left hand off the spear to clench his hand. A second later a grey spell seal would appear on other side of the wall with his Kusarigama gaining revenge against the sucker punch golem.

Ittindi wondered how protected the core was, it was impossible to know how close Lady Lumikki was to finishing with her impenetrable egg. With the damage he and his armor had taken, Ittindi still had a decent amount of fight left in him. Not to mention that he still had one more chance after that. His spear would continue to move with his head as he looked for golems popping out of the hundreds of cracks in the ice tunnel. Meanwhile more were likely to come reinforce their sporadic guerilla tactics.

WC: 556 | 3,627


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 3:02 am


As if connected to a life stream like roots of a tree dug deep within the earth or being a river that branched into many brooks, Lumikki was filled with the flowing sensation of the ice around her. A concept one could assume to be absurd as ice is considered to be “stillness” yet there was more to it than that. There was something primal and alive about it, a sensation she never noticed, focused on, and took for granted. And in her rustiness and naivety, she had to quickly learn and become well verse in the frost as she got reacquainted. To be more receptive to the rawness of her element once more as all her resistances and acclimation often let her forget just how harsh the cold could be. How much it could very well take from you.

It was this that she was processing in the final moments as her mind was mapping the shifting tunnels all around them. Seizing them as her own and spreading her will throughout the domain as she pondered the best route to create for the core which was quite a few meters away. She could even begin to feel the golems as they were also of primordial ice despite how much the void had warped and corrupted them, and she could see the battle just outside her shell so vividly. Enough so that could knew just when to embrace her shell for the incoming attack from Brone, or to notice Ittindi’s approach on her Uncle’s request.

The last bit of her epiphany was clicking as the Demoness was now starting to stir back to life again from within her “egg”. “The deed is done….” Lumikki spoke as the casing was now cracking. A black mist pored out and hugged the ground as it spread. It’s touch more frigid than tundra winds or the golems’ attacks.

Which ever of the golems were unfortunate enough to be around Lumikki as she began to reemerge, were pulled towards her at once. Practically being crushed into the cracks of her shell before being consumed whole. When the last of them were done, the egg fell away leaving nothing but a human looking Lumikki.

”Not so bad lads, despite it looking a tad dicey. Uncle? When’d ye get that new toy? And what is it?” This had Lumikki quite bewildered entirely as she couldn’t focus on moving forward until she got a better understand; but once she got her answers, she would provide one of her own. ”I know where the core is, and I have the power to seize and bring us there but on that note, there are far more golems down below. I’d advise that ye brace yerself for the coming battle but it shouldn’t be as hard as it was before. I will be among ye this time and the cavern that holds the core is fairly large. I should be able to hold off all tunnels connecting to ours and keep the hoards as bay, but there’s a ways to walk and I can’t change that. So this way.” Lumikki tapped at a wall to their right, opening the way and shifting a path before them like seen the petals rotating on a twirling flower. It would keep going for a bit, but it would be best to start walking. To which Lumikki was now taking the lead and letting the pair follow her. ”Is it odd to bring up that void has a weird taste to it….and somewhat particularly sour…..”

4,000 WC has been exceeded

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#23Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:39 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The boys held the line as best as they could to defend the egg. They would alternate and compliment one another's attacks all the while Ittindi verbally gave directions and warning queues which helped the dwarf move accordingly to deflect an incoming attack or counter a golem who tried to rush them. Because Ittindi was so tall, Brone allowed the butler to strike higher while he took advantage and struck at the lower targets.

Eventually the wave would slow long enough for the dwarf to start catching his breath. Soon enough the egg cracked and a stream of black mist escaped, pouring onto the cold ground and spreading. The remaining golems were then pulled forward and flew over towards the egg. With how fast they were flying, the dwarf ducked down to avoid a few from hitting him. He looked back and realized his niece was simply hungry, devouring the beings made of ice, he would then shrug and laugh, forgetting she was able to do such a thing.

Brone stood up and rested the handle of his axe on his shoulder as he exhaled a deep sigh of relief. Lumikki reverted to her human visage; for a moment, he wondered if whatever she was doing had exhausted her to the point she had to show her human form... but once again he questioned which was her true visage now, given she was no longer human. "Ah, this thing?" Brone put his shield away before he patted the tiny cannon that was extended from his shoulder, "It's a..." he thought for a moment what to call the device, unable to remember what it was called and unsure what to call it, "A blaster" he finally decided, then followed with a shrug, "Got it ordered from that future island... works well" this would be a surprise, given how often Brone expressed his dislike for the island of the future. The tiny cannon retracted back into the armor with the dwarf looking surprised, unsure if it did that on purpose or if he did it.

The moment Lumikki mentioned she knew where the core was, Brone burst out a laughter, "Good work, lass! Ye did it!" he would follow after her as they made their way into a newly created tunnel. Seeing the demoness cause the ice wall to sink in, creating a brand new tunnel had impressed the dwarf.

As they walked, Brone noticed the tunnel was more linear and straight, figuring his niece was making a direct route tot he core, which was indeed good on their part, but it was expected that more golems would be appearing in their way in order to protect the device they sought. One of the said golems would burst from ground, hidden until this moment to try and slay the smallest of them, being Brone. It would latch onto him, but before it could slash the smaller being, Brone strongarmed the ice being and slammed it into the wall of the tunnel before driving a heavy boot into it, destroying it and cracking the wall, "Sorry, lass" Now understanding how durable the golems were, the dwarf could deliver a proper blow, albeit a powerful one which could collapse a tunnel, which is why he had to be very careful with his movements, similar to how Ittindi moves with his weaponry.

563 | 3,593


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 7:24 am

Ittindi would dive to the side as a golem beelined straight past him, moving unnaturally. He swore that they seemed to be resisting, looking over at Lady Lumikki he could see that she was absorbing the beings. The explanation being obvious, Ittindi would almost chuckle as his demise at creatures that Lady Lumikki found to be a snack. Without them she wouldn’t have had the time to focus, as she now knew exactly where to take them.

It wouldn’t surprise Ittindi that Sir Brone received his destructive cannon from Talaz Lagaar the same place where his custom car came from. It was indeed an island of mechanical mystery, not that Ittindi preferred one state’s work to another.  He had a feeling Sir Brone felt the same from the way he described his weapon. Ittindi doubted any light armor he could wear would protect him from that. Luckily he was a sorcerer he just needed a few more spells to truly feel confident.

”I never knew you actually tasted them Lady Lumikki.”

He wondered if there were slayer type mages who sought out the strongest users of the element for the taste. The thought sounded ridiculous and, Ittindi wouldn’t voice it instead imagining a god slayer in a magical chef’s outfit.

Seeing the way Lady Lumikki commanded her element as she created their path stirred a curiosity in Ittindi. He still didn’t fully understand what it meant to be of the element of arcane, he had learned that the typical wielders sounded more of his type than when he was working with nature magic. There wouldn’t be a need for a master here his very magic could guide him, as he heard Naki’s voice hum in approval.

As Lady Lumikki lead them forward creating a passage with barely a thought, they’d walk forward cautiously. Ittindi’s still had a steam cloud coming from him, while he had been practicing endurance drills with his spear. The practical application was something else, you couldn’t imitate the rush of adrenaline, he could barely feel his own spear, relying on his practice for his simple slashes. He had vastly overestimated having memories of other users before him using the Naginata, he’d need years of practice. Even worse they were constrained in the tunnel if they were to be ambushed by the golems.

As if they were omniscient, one would appear to grab Sir Brone, however they made a mistake thinking he was the weakest. He’d crush it against the wall the reverberations shaking the tunnel around them. Not enough to cause any damage, Sir Brone’s judgement of his strength was more impressive than his power. Ittindi sought that kind of control, he wondered if this was what had inspired his Young Master into seeking more battles. Ittindi was ready, ready for his next possible death the idea didn’t thrill him. These golems bullets were quite dangerous, that’d have to be his focus more than taking down all the masses they’d likely chase him either way.

WC: 499/ Over 4,000 WC Complete


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:50 pm


”Hmmm,” she’d looked over to Ittindi confused at first, not quite quite catching what he said as she wiped the corners of her mouth. But soon enough it would hit her and she’d promptly blurt out her answer. “Oh, ye’d be surprised to know that just about all things have a taste. Depending where the dark or ice comes from, it kinda alters the flavors. Though I’ve seldom had sour ice before, so it took me by surprise.” Lumi flashed a smile as if what she said normal and pressed on toward where her focus lied. To the core.

Hardly long after beginning their walk, Lumikki’s curiosity got the hold of her, to which she’d ask her Uncle about his curious armor. But upon hearing its origins, her face would scrunch in absolute disgust. “From Talaaaaz Uncle?! Why the bloody Hels do ye have such infernal scrap on ya. Ye don’t even like elevators but ye bought into this‽ Is it simply cause it’s armor? Were ye not satisfied with the Dwarven kind?” Her pace would slow as she took a moment to catch her breath. Sighing quite deeply as she went about pinching the bridge of her nose. There was no reason for her to erupt in such anger, or discourage his new toy. She knew her emotions and bias were taking hold of her, exasperated by the demonic nature but, she always feared the weakness brought with Talaz things. How they all seem fantastical until it was all you had. How she believed it would be for these reason that the people suffered in strife and sickness with no warriors of their own to uphold them. No, they were simply left rotting in the filth from their impressive future magic. What slop it was, as far as Lumikki was concerned. And she would not witness it amid her people. No, the ill omens brought upon those of Talaz Lagaar should stay sealed forever with them, never to leave the island until the end of time. At least that is what she fought for when she stood beside the Loyalist.

”I’m sorry….it’s just…ye know I despise it, but it don’t mean I hate ya. I just worry is all…I’m glad it protected ya nicely in that battle Uncle.” Her pace would quicken again, as if she was in a rush because she no longer wanted to be here. But it was in that quickened paced that a golem would strike one among them. Making the foolish mistake of thinking her Uncle would be the best one.

Brone struck the Ice golem true, at least, he tried to while working with what he had. The Dwarf did not want to chance the potential of this ice, or if it could keep strong against his lashes. But just as soon as the critter came, it was done in. Crushed beneath the might of the dwarf with incomparable strength.”Gòrach pìos de cac…” Lumikki mumbled under her breath. With the flare in her temper, her poise and patience were fading away. The Golem striking in a moment of her anger, only pissed her off even more, because knowing that she was leaving openings was the last thing she wanted to consider right now.

”We aren’t far…” With a voice so breathless, her human facade was breaking away with each eruption of feathers and plumage. Lumikki glanced at her company before turning back to her opening tunnel. With the swish of her arm, Lumi opened the rest in quick succession. As her ire for destruction and corruption grew. “As I scoured the frost labyrinth for the core and once again as I ate the hoard, something occurred to me….If this is ice corrupted by the void, then I want to make it mine….Talaz…and the void..I am tired of their influence here….if it touches upon the frost or Iceberg, then it should be mine.” Lumikki’s voice unraveled, now more akin to the union of whistling winds meeting upon words. And the sound of the gales lashing upon fresh fallen snow with harrowing gales that almost felt haunting.

“See ye at the core…” Lumikki managed to utter as her body leaned forward. Like a sprinter getting ready to take off, the Demoness readied herself to spirit through. Even with wings half opened, they were powerful enough to dart her forward, rocketing the Harpy down her clear cut path as she blew smoke in peace.

In mere moments, Lumikki entered the cavern that housed the mountain’s source of the void. Much like the last one destroyed by Brone, it appeared like a gem but this time it was a cluster of cubic crystals with various blue and deep purple hues. It hovered right at the center, almost like a beating heart.

Where Brone and Ittindi battled waves before, it was nothing compared to the hoard nesting below. Skirting atop the icy surfaces like moving ants. They were no importance to Lumikki, at least not yet. But the did not take kindly to the Demoness’ intrusion. Still, they could not stop her fast enough as she rose into the sky. Their attempts to stack and segment together didn’t exceed her swift wings. And so she darted to the crystal and collided with their gem.

There was no crash oddly enough, there was only a merge. And the moment she sunk within the voidling ice, the golems abruptly halt their ascent. Confused and dazed not that she was gone. Meanwhile that was when Lumikki finally went wild. Bleeding her Obscura deep within the gem and poisoning their stone. “Ye’ll be following me soon enough loves….the void will not have its place here anymore….” And so her process began, Lumikki was trying to rewrite the gem. Forcing it to bend to her will as she expelled her hike in frustrations.

But the stunned golems were not entirely restless, the moment Brone and Ittindi finally made it to the end, they would see how they now faced an army. ”Hold out for as long as ye can,” they could not discern the source of her voice, it was like it hummed through the frigid walls. “As I claim this gem…”

─── ─── ─── ─── ───∘°❉°∘ ─── ─── ─── ─── ───

The Demoness emerged at last from the darkened gem now riddled with the poison of the Abyss. First it was four large wings of a massive bird the poked through before pulling back in until finally Lumikki slipped out from the top with the appearance of a human once more. The moment the jewel was fully saturated with her dark ichor the golems stood still, standing in place like ice sculptures in various poses. ”Pull back and stand tall.” Was all she said, and they would heed her word at once. Pooling at the center of the cavern and waiting for the next command. ”Good….so it could work.” was all Lumikki would say after, before sliding back in and consuming the gem whole. It crackled and buckled while being pulled to its center, only for it to sink into her flesh and leave a giant Raven Demon behind.

”Would be pleasing to finally make use of the void wouldn’t it?” The rumble of her howling voice overtook the cavern. But she would soon glide toward the pair below while shedding her form again. ”I was annoyed…but I think they kinda make me feel better. I’ll leave them here for now until I could plot a way to bring them over to the guild hall….though would using me portal help I wonder….”

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] Nerili11

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