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The Monopoly Man (Carmina)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

The Monopoly Man (Carmina) Empty Today at 3:01 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had taken another quest from Herman. This time it was to take out a competition of his, that he felt shouldn’t have been in Luluhawa island. He didn’t care for any of this, but Herman was paying him. Still, this was going to be fun as it would bring chaos to the beach he doubted that the man was going to just listen to him without things escalating. He wasn’t alone though as he had brought Hai with him and Carmina. The group had been working together for a while, and well Drakkon was trying to make sure that Carmina had the proper training she needed.

“If this is how I think it is going to go, then we’re in for a fight. The way Herman is doing things is how I would do things, but I would use my own people to get things done. If this guy is like Herman, when we step on his toes, things are going to go south real quick.” He said to Carmina as Hai already knew this.

The group would get close to their destination as they would see Melon outside barking orders at people.



The Monopoly Man (Carmina) Empty Today at 4:28 pm

Carmina had come out here today with her master to see what kind of task this man wanted of them not as she had just faced down a killer tree spirit she didn't think what ever was coming next was going to really be that life threatening to deal with as what could top a life threatening attempt by a monster like that. She then heard the man drone on about how new man with deeper pockets was trying to take over this place and over her workers and claims. Carmina guessed this man had made his business profitable so she guessed it wasn't farfetched that another bigger fish would come looking to take a piece of the pie that this man had made and if he buys better the more worth for the others. She wonders if this other man was going to try and buy them off and pay them more to double cross the man that hired them.

She looked to her master who seemed to think that this was going to end up in a fight and she was sure that he was right but she had not gotten the weapon that she was suppose to remember to pick up and she guessed it was another day of having to use her hands and feet and her magic to do what she can and she could also call on Rey to help as well if he was close enough when she called to him, but she knows that he is always close as he is her guardian companion so he wouldn't leave her side very far unless something happened to him but as he was a big guy she wasn't scared something could hurt him that badly but if it did she would do anything to save him.

She followed her master as he was the one that knew where they were to be going as he knew this island better but she knows that she is not one that could find a place too well without a map and she would probably get lost in the forest if she wandered off but she was going to stay close to the man so she will not have to worry about getting lost or taken some where else either against her will or at her will that she needed to make sure. She rolled through spells in her head that she could use and make sure that she can help her master teach the man a lesson that he wouldn't soon for get and that was her promise to her self as she needed to get better and she needed to be able to fight and defend herself against people that might come after her.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

The Monopoly Man (Carmina) Empty Today at 4:46 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at her and it seemed like she didn’t have a weapon at hand. He knew she wouldn’t run away with his katana, so he decided to let her use one.

“Take this.” He had pulled Senbonzakura out from his sash and he would give her the blade in its cover.

If she didn’t take it, then he would put it back on where it was previously. It wouldn’t take long for them to get to Melon’s place. He noticed that there were three people around him. When he looked at them, he could tell that they didn’t work for him.

“What do you three want?!” He shouted hoping they would leave.

“You need to close this place down. Take your business to another island.” He said to Melon.

The man laughed when he heard those words and pressed a button he carried around.

“You threatening me?! Not going to happen, I got something for you guys!” He shouted as eleven people showed up ready to fight them.

Drakkon noticed them, they looked familiar, but it seemed jewels spoke in volume and that was for sure.


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