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A dream within a dream [Nui]

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#1Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:54 pm

Fei Yu
It had been several days since her return to Caelum. Although her journey had been quite eventful, she had at long last succeeded in that solemn vow she had made: To reunite with Nyancelot. The heroic Exceed had been slumbering on the soft carpet in front of her office, leaving the lass to contemplate the recent events. For some reason, the void was growing more active, and despite the effort of her colleagues to keep an eye on these mysterious rifts that had emerged all over Earthland, it was quite likely they were only the beginning of a greater problem. The events in the void-tainted village told her as much: there were other factors at play, beings who wanted to see the void's influence upon Earthland enlarge, and she genuinely doubted these individuals cared about the consequences that would bring with it.

Ever since her return she had found herself working without a break on compiling the collection of reports that came in, and yet she didn't exactly desire to rest either. One might had called her obsession with the void unhealthy, but she had plenty of reason to be wary of it. At the very least she had yet to be proved otherwise that the void was not a malicious force.

And yet... As exhaustion started to take its toll upon her Yu could have sworn she heard a voice beckon to her: "Yu.... Yu..." It called out, and as she opened her eyes once more she found herself no longer in the director's office. Nay, instead she found herself amidst a field of pure white flowers, and in the distance a magnificent castle arose. "Where am I?" Yu asked hesitatingly, her gaze drifting around as the same mysterious voice beckoned her once more. "Don't be afraid my, dear Champion."

Among the flowers a faint silhouette came into view, shimmering almost out of view like a spirit. "This feeling... it's as if nature is calling to me again." Yu muttered softly, words that earned a smile from the spirit who mused softly. "A fair comparison, but not entirely correct. Perhaps something for you to uncover in due time."

The spirit's words earned the fairy's curiosity as she inquired. "Then, why have you called me here?" Yu's curiosity and confusion made sense, and the spirit saw little reason to not answer her: "Because I have a gift for you. Despite the odds being stacked against you, your continuous efforts to stem the darkness from the void has not gone unnoticed. Although I call it a gift, it is one you earned yourself. So perhaps the term 'reward' is more appropriate?"

Watching the spirit hum curiously Yu couldn't help but tilt her head to the side in bewilderment. "A reward?" To which the spirit replied with a soft smile: "Indeed, I have brought you here, to the sanctuary so that you can call a wayward child back home."

A wayward child? What could she possibly mean with these words? "Although your memories might had been stolen from you, the power lingering in these bonds still remain. If you still are the one known as 'Yu', they will respond. Just give it a try~"

Yu couldn't help but blink in bewilderment at these words, but for once decided to entertain the notion. "HEEEEEEY! OVER HERE!" The fairy yelled out, yet not a single presence made itself known in the sanctuary. For a moment it was even embarrassing to her, but in that fleeing moment, a similar memory seemingly long gone stirred from deep within her body. An immense feeling of loneliness and regret overwhelmed her, to the point tears started to roll down her cheeks, a hand raising up in response to the memory as she whispered weakly. "Please don't go..."

That figure, the one she had given that ribbon to... why could she not properly remember who it was, or what her name was?


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:09 pm

Was it actually true for Yu, Just as much as who was going to show up. Nui felt for years it was a dream as the seemed the time that she could no longer track seemingly lasting forever, The void was equal parts a tome as much as it was seeming now her saviour. Some days in the void felt nearly like an endless dark hall that she could never seem to leave from, To nearly being eaten by things looking for food. Almost like it could seemingly echo in Yu's mind there was a sense that upon hearing over here was something going."It'ssss Yuuuuu!"Almost like it sound excited but unsure.

This place was different, Nui thought something had ate her in while she slept at one point and she was actually dead. But alas Eros was with her and moving so she knew she had not passed on yet. This was now a chase for Nui she needed to find out if this was actually a trick or not. Almost like as she was saying it to herself it was echoing."Yu! I am coming!"Almost like it was a horribly desperate over all at her end.

Nui never gave up her dream, she never lost hope no matter seemingly how close to failure she thought it was to achieve such as task. Eros looking at Nui trying to show her the way to where she was being called, There was a problem Nui was not paying attention to Eros. But that Desperate feeling was overworking Nui's mind. She thought she was no longer reaching that goal even if she was close. But now when she actually spoke it became louder. "Noo, I can't loser her, NOT AGAIN!"It sound equal parts as if the child that Nui was who walked into the void thinking her friend was in there, Was out there looking now. Even when she enter the void she could never explain how she got in there.

Nui was just as much that child as she was now in some manner she did still mature bit she was still some what chasing a childish dream that some how was coming true. It was close now, Nui could not let it get away from her. Even if Eros was actually trying to pull her towards Yu and she still didn't realize, they where a smart snake not a heavy one to sway weight."I didn't give up on Yu....Not yet...not ever."Nui gave up too much to fail she had nothing to fall back now.

While everything seemed calm for Yu, There was a strong sense of Void energy coming towards her now. Almost like calling for them was just leading them that way. The signal kept getting stronger and Yu could see something running her way. Almost like that response for call out that mystery person seemed to have work, they would not leave now.

Not looking Eros just booped Nui hard her enough for her to pay attention. Then after looking it seemed the amount of time Nui had to ruin was massive short. Suppose the question now, how well was Nui paying attention? That part would be important because Nui was not really that fear away at this point.

Just how close was Nui? Well at this point Yu could feel close enough that the void enegry was almost right next to her, But also right below her. Yu had Eros slide up her leg, all of the way up to her neck and wrap around it lightly.

And where the void energy seemed to steam from this albino snake with a red mark on it's head with horns. Then something tackled Yu, Staring upon Yu was Nui."Its it really Yu?..."Almost like she thought it was a trick, Her cold feeling flesh touch her face. It was almost like it was saying for her to be what she hoped and fulfill her dream.

Nui time in the void most likely made her see a lot of things, But while she was still a human and much older, That bow was there. While sure this woman just ambushed Yu and was holding her on the ground. There was a seeming desperate plead in her eyes that scream that she wanted this to be real, She wanted for some kind sign. Then Eros nudged the left side cheek of Yu's face to remind her, She was in fact still live and she needed to do something too are else this might go badly. Almost like Eros was trying to tell Yu that she might need to do something or this woman was going to think this was a trick from the void again.

Then even if Nui could feel like she was real she still had to ponder if it was a trick from the void while she was back in earth land. Hugging Yu."Pleassse....be real."That linger saddening desperation almost seemed to seep out of her voice, But while she looked into Yu's eyes. that dark red eye's of Nui's started having tears well up as well. Waiting for for an answer, For her pleads to be heard."I can't lossse you again..."Was this Adult or Young Nui seemed hard to tell currently but Yu had to do something.

#3Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:45 pm

Fei Yu
In a way it was terrifying, the fact that even with her memories fragmented like they were, something familiar was reaching out to her. Perhaps it was due to this place, a place so close to the heart of Earthland, that she could almost feel the presence of the border that separated reality from the void. It was a terrifying thought: How devastating would it be if a Void Rift breached this place?

A voice echoed out to her, and worriedly Yu looked around for the source. An excited voice, filled with uncertainty and concern as she tried to figure out where it came from or who it belonged to. Amidst the flowers she found no clue, so instead she darted into the direction of the majestic castle, getting closer and closer all in her desperate attempt to find the one responsible for stirring such feelings in her.

'Who are you?' Yu thought, trying her utmost to remember. She had to remember. she HAD TO! As she arrived at the steps leading into the castle as the voice called out to her once more, promising she was coming. Yu couldn't help but feel the earlier despair turn into frustration as she tried to follow the voice. How many things had she lost because of the void? Precious things she couldn't even remember, all because of that one time she tried to play the role of a hero.

Wait, perhaps she had a way of dealing with that which was lost? A hand raised lightly before her, idly grasping the air as she thought about what she was about to do next. It was risky, and she had no idea of knowing if it would even work, but perhaps if it did, then now was the time for her to find out! Tapping into the Saint's power she felt the power to unravel magic coursing through her hand and then... she rested it on her forehead.

Even now she was not certain what had driven her to do so. Perhaps she sought to banish the haze over her memories under the assumption the void had cast some sort of curse upon her? However, the moment she started to unravel these threads a sudden sharp pain course through her head.

A headache sharp enough to make the girl let out a soft cry as she staggered, tears running down her cheeks as a multitude of voices and visions flashed through her mind. Knowledge, so much of it threatened to overwhelm her mind, and amidst them she saw memories, some of her own, others of an echo of what might had been, what was never meant to be. In the end it was hopeless, and all she could do to stem back the tide of agonizing pain was to let go of her head as the magic faded and so the haze returned.

A sudden voice came again, alongside a building up of voidal energy that was rushing in a beeline toward her. While a part of her was worried about the possibility of a breach, the chaos of the moment made her timidly raise her hands, as if beckoning the presence closer and then...

Feeling the sudden sensation of the snake slide up along her neck Yu's first reaction was a soft nervous giggle, a ticklish sensation that made her feel oddly comfortable around the snake, despite the fact that almost any other snake would had been more than cause enough to alarm.

The sudden tackle made Yu fall onto her back, blinking in bewilderment as she looked up at the young woman on top of her. The way she sounded so desperate as she asked about her name made Yu hesitatingly mutter. "Mhmm, it's Yu, that is my name."

A moment of silence followed as she tried to collect her thoughts, just to feel the snake boop her cheek lightly. It made her look from the snake up to the woman on top of her, as if trying to think of what they were expecting. Yet even now she was so confused about it all! One moment she was chasing a voice and now a pretty lady was on top of her and it all made ZERO sense! What happened to logic? What happened to explanations that she could comprehend? As far as she understood right now Logic and Explanations were taking a holiday break and it was up to her to figure out what the hell was going on.

She lightly raised her hands, cupping the cheeks of the woman as she whispered softly. "I am real, quite real in fact." She allowed her hand to trail to the ribbon in the woman's hair and whispered with a gentle smile. "The ribbon suits you N-"

Yet as she tried to finish her sentence the same painful sensation from before triggered, as if any time she tried to remember these past memories her body was trying to warn her. Yet despite all the warnings her body was giving, her heart still cried out. Tears rolled down her cheeks, this time not from sorrow but joy as she wrapped her arms around the woman on top of her, sobbing softly against her as she allowed the unreasonable state of the events to remain ignored. She didn't care if it made no sense, or if she couldn't remember it. Something within her was filled with joy, an overflowing amount of joy at being reunited with this person.

Could it be that this was the reward the spirit had mentioned before? Then again, even with her memories in such a fractured state there was an undeniable sense of familiarity about this person, and something... something that told her she had been longing to see her again. It was a feeling that judged from their reaction was mutual. But for now she merely allowed herself to indulge in these feelings. She could reveal what had happened later...


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:46 am

While there was much to likely explain each part had some feeling to let out. along for the ride was Eros who seemingly pondered how else they could help with the problem. Then Eros figured seemingly stuck in their own minds they would then stretch out long enough to wrap around Nui's neck and pull each other closer. Then signalling then boop Yu then boops one of the cheeks of Nui's face. It did not seem like there was a pause enough in time that it was awkward. Nui would speak up first after this moment of quiet

"Finally....I wasss not wrong."She seemed to speak with accents like a snake,While it seems the chaotic energy void energy was now upon Yu. Nui simply hug Yu tightly with the sounds of sobbing."I wasss....I wass right your still alive."Nui also seemed to ignore the snake as well. in which Eros seemingly gave throwing it's head up in the air slightly like a person throwing it's hands up in the air before giving. Then Eros just merely unwrapped it's self from both, Then Nui rolled over, seemingly unsure if she was strong enough to crush Yu due to being larger and much older.

Then almost. Merely hugging Yu and the few kisses from Nui it seemed the answers where there."They told me you we're gone forever..."Yet really to be explain is what Nui did, why and how she figured this all out. Pure emotional attachment lead people to do things far beyond more beings logical thoughts, Nui's view she did something people told her was impossible so she would move on with her. But no longer a child and seeming had done many things there was a bond here.

There was a feeling like the cold feeling of her skin while it had void energy ."Its been a long time feeling the warmness of some one else."Then she kissed Yu a few times. Eventually maybe it would dawn on Yu, Nui was not letting go but it seemed because Nui felt really cold at this time.

Any time she might need to mention or try to have Nui let her go, Because there was not sign."I am not crazy anymore."It almost sounded like a whisper.Nui might have thought she was mad looking and trying this for years.

But while she felt cold, Eros did return just to lay on top of Yu because she was the one on top."Do you....Remember me now?"She had to be sure at this point, For she might look different at this point as she wanted to feel sane. After all she merely seemingly found herself here.

Nui was still some what weeping between coming to terms with her emotions."Yu...I missssed you so."Even if there was some humour into the context over all moment with the accent like a snake talking she continued her affection towards her. Yu was getting snuggled and kisses by some one who actually missed her after saying who she was. A she seemed to just curl into Yu. At least it was not tight but she was not wanting to let her go. For the moment Nui seemed to at some kind of mental peace and seemed to settle down for a moment.

Still nothing was explained, How was Nui here? What happen to Nui? how'd she get a snake? Was the snake going to eat them both? So many other questions yet Nui was just doing what she was.

#5Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:30 pm

Fei Yu
For a moment Yu was satisfied just letting Nui express herself, gently rubbing the back of the taller woman as she tried to comfort her. Even if the coldness of Nui's skin made her feel a bit chilly, she was fine lending her body-heat to the woman if it brought her a bit more peace, but it was clear Yu would need to explain some things. At first she contemplated how to explain things, but after a moment decided to settle to the idea of raising both to Nui's face, holding her cheeks as she stared into her face. "You are not crazy, but there is something important I need to tell you Nui."

She took a deep breath as she asked hesitatingly: "How long has it been, since you last saw me?" She asked the question with a hint of kindness in her voice, the concern clearly there as she began her explanation. "It has been almost half a year since I first awoke in the flower fields, and although I once was on a journey to discover my past, I'm afraid my memories from before I became a fairy have been taken from me Nui."

She paused for a moment, gently brushing her fingers along Nui's cheek. "Although my body recognizes you, and I instinctively feel so happy to be with you again, the memories of our past are shrouded in an impeccable mist. No matter how much I try to remember them, I always reach a dead end."

It must had been painful, to hear that the memories of their past had been taken from Yu. But it was a pain that the fairy shared, for she whispered softly. "But even if I don't remember, I know deep inside just how important you are to me. That is why I know I can ask this question earnestly and without reservation."

She paused for a bit, trying to lean upright a little to press her lips onto Nui's own, a tender gesture, one she hoped would bring warmth to both Nui's body and heart as she leaned back and continued: "I am Yu, Yu of the Fae, will you please be my friend Nui?"

She looked at Nui waiting for a reaction, and after hearing the response she turned her gaze toward the snake that accompanied Nui. "The same offer extends to your serpentine friend of course." She smiled briefly at the snake after which she turned her attention back toward Nui. "Although I have to admit that your presence is as huge of a mystery as this place we find ourselves in. Although I can sense the void's presence around you, it seems you have not succumbed to it and transformed into a Voidling... Instead it is almost as if your body is drawing in the energy for some reason. Hehe~ Guess that makes you a 'Void Battery' Nui~" Teasingly poking out her tongue at the jest she hoped she had at least helped calm down the young woman.


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:55 am

There was always things to talk about in as they went on, It would be expected. Nui was currently at the happiest point of her life at the moment that could explain so much joy in her life but there was always more to know of."Last I saw you, I was as tall as you and a child."Unknown to Yu yet, Nui did not know how long time frame wise she had been in the void, She barely explained how she got into it. But it might have put that into view of how long it might been here.

But that moment it slightly could upset her."So...that means, You know naught why our connection is seemingly so important..."Nui sounded some what unhappy. There was a merely simple moment that it was not all as bad as it was for the longest time. But everything was not entirely lost yet, Nui was not giving it up yet because she had nothing left as far as she knew."From the child walking into the void, To that boat of everyone panicking and screaming of a place falling into piece."Nui did not know yet but her timeline was going into the void, Getting out of it as she was now and getting on a boat from Talaz laagar to here.

It was a confusing timeline Nui could not explain because she was busy, trying to live in the void. But while Nui's life had been lost differently compared to Yu. It seemed no matter what Nui would not giving up."I will be you friend yessss. Erossss will too."Nui had not really explained about Eros much just that it was there and that was it.

But suppose as Yu ponder over it."I can not quite explain it myself, Entering to the void while seemingly timeless, Day was gone...I at some point figured I was going to be eaten by something or the energy."It seemed Nui was going to share things she remembered.

while seemingly apparent she was hugging Yu tighter while she talked about it more and more, almost like she was not thinking about it but holding on to things she cared about firmly, After all the two things she cared about where here, Yu and Eros."I hid for many daysss...Even thought Erosss would eat me when I found them close to me."Then a scary reality of what possible be Eros was spoken.

"Yet, while Eros kept warm with me. I woke up to the bodies of various void beings dead around me...Eros never tried to eat me once...I am ssstill very confused."The silly idea of a snake sizing you up to eat you was never true, It was trying to keep warm. It seemed Eros had used Nui for warmth and to hide, In return Nui had all of the dangers of the void seemingly kept off of her from Eros. It was a strange story.

#7Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:27 am

Fei Yu
Yu couldn't help but smile weakly as Nui explained that the last time they saw each other she was still a child. These words stung a little, but not for their expected reason. It simply reminded Yu that as a fairy she likely would never age past her current appearance. To forever remain looking like a young teenager, she did have some frustrations about that.

"Indeed, I have no recollection of my childhood or my memories as a human being." Her hands gently wrapped around Nui, as if afraid of letting her go, afraid that Nui might feel saddened and upset about this revelation.

"Although I knew that the passage of time is vastly different in the void compared to the flow of time in Earthland, it is amazing that you were able to remain yourself despite having been exposed to the void for so long." Although she couldn't help but wonder about something. "So you were able to escape from the void during the implosion that destroyed most of Talaz Lagaar? Although that leaves me wondering how you were able to traverse all the way from that ship to here... I thought you literally had hopped out of the void just now."

Yu smiled warmly at Nui's choice, the fact that even if her memories were lost, their bond could still endure, although she was quite curious about Eros as well. "There are indeed a lot of hostile entities in the void, and based on our records the void usually corrupts or alters those who enter it."

Yet when talking about Eros Yu had to admit her curiosity was peaking even further. "It is quite likely that Eros sought you not for food, but for the sake of warmth. It is a natural trait for snakes in Earthland to have, they frequently seek warmth. Although the long exposure to the void must had made you both feel quite cold." She sounded sorrowful for a moment, pondering as she mused softly. "But thank you for keeping Nui safe Eros~"

As she thanked the serpent the lass had an idea of her own to help Nui out a little more. "I been thinking: if the reason you're cold is because of the Voidal energy I could help a little."

Taking a deep breath she decided to give her little idea a try: Her hands gently pressed against Nui's back, her fingers brushing lightly against the exposed skin as she attempted to unravel the threads of void energy she could feel around Nui. Slowly, gently attempting to find the right way to dispel the energy and yet it wasn't enough. She could still feel just how cold Nui's skin felt to the touch. To think her beloved friend had been suffering for so long, without her even knowing about it! It was outrageous! It just reminded her of how cruel reality could be. But if this was the cruelty of it all then she would stand as a defiant force against it. She would warm up Nui!

But how? How could she possibly remove the void energy from the young woman she was hugging? Wait, was it even necessary to erase the energy in its entirety? As if the thought arose in her mind Yu gently raised her hands, attempting to lock her fingers behind Nui's neck as she lightly pulled herself closer. It was a tender motion, a loving embrace as she pressed herself against Nui, partly to warm her up and also out of necessity for what would follow.

Almost as if in a daze the girl gently opened her mouth and gently bit down onto Nui's neck, a soft nibble as she attempted to not erase, but drain the void energy instead. She didn't mind the consequences it would had onto her own body... if only she could warm up Nui for a moment then it would be a worthwhile price to pay!


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:22 am

With how everything seen to piece together Nui was not over all going to figure out or expect how it all would work. The woman who walked into and out of the void had limits of things she could most likely remember and or consider. While she was smart to have learned some things and figure out various other with in her limited wisdom. But there was at least a peaceful thought about this matter. Nui might have walked the void and lived.

But the fact she was sane, friendly, logical and harmless was a remarkable feat that most likely was not going to be forgotten about. Nui could most likely be used to help learn a lot more about the void for future use."Iss that where I was, Talaz Lagaarrrr?"Nui most likely did not retain knowing of other places other then her former home and the void.

While saddening it might have just been something bound to happen eventually. But Nui seemed to have no answer of how she got here as well."I do not have anssswer of how i got here."Nui seeme to be enjoying the over all casual affection and interlocking it just meant more heat across the body. A slight happy wiggle almost like keeping Nui warm was making her happy and rather then saying anything she just seemed to have that reaction. Eros would slowly make their way off of Yu's back as they shifted around. Eros was watching from the side.

But as it all led up with the wee nibble. There was almost no reaction from Nui as she didn't know what to expect. But there was almost an odd sense of nervousness upon the touch of teeth around the neck. Almost like Nui almost thought she was about to be food. Eventually if Yu looked in front of her. Yu would see Eros starting at her. it's pitch black eyes seemingly looking to try and figure out what they where trying to do. However there was a lingering feeling that Nui was resisting some kind of urge to do something. Almost like her slightly instincts from being the void where about to take over because she could consider it a threat while she knew it was not. It was a defensive reaction, There was something that was suppose to happen? Or was it just for the sake of doing it?

#9Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:35 am

Fei Yu
Indeed, it had made a lot of sense that based on her assumption, Nui had left the Void during the same time the explosion wiped most of Talaz Lagaar from the map. "Well, it would explain how you got out of the void, but it doesn't really answer how you made your way here- wherever here is." Yu explained for a moment as she tried to think back on the recent events. "I was sorting papers in the Clock Tower in Caelum when I found myself in this place."

Yet Yu couldn't help but feel somewhat confused. She had hoped to drain the void energy from Nui's body, having read of similar occurrences before yet instead as she snuggled and cuddled against Nui, the fairy could only succeed in transferring some of her body heat to the lass.

It was at that moment she saw Eros' gaze piercing into her own and the slight tension in Nui's body, the cheeks of the fairy turning a scarlet hue as she stammered backwards, both hands covering her face in a clear display of embarrassment. "Uwaah, I was trying to drain the void energy from your body... I swear I'm neither dangerous or a perverted deviant..." the fairy's embarrassment was genuine, that much was clear but it was only now she noticed something, that her usual emerald green colored eyes held a red hue to them and a pair of small fangs poked from among her lips.

"Uguu... why do I keep failing during times it truly matters..." Yu muttered weakly as she peered from amidst her fingers toward Nui. She truly hoped she didn't make Nui uncomfortable or scared, or worse: possibly even upset! She had genuinely hoped to help Nui, even if the attempt backfired in the least expected way possible!


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:15 am

But alas mattering not, both of them did not know or figure out how they both got there. But at this time it was not Nui's focus at this time, Nui was dealing with trying to resist the urge to bite Yu for doing that. Mostly because Nui actually did not entirely have it click yet, Even as confused Eros was. After Yu got off of her from embarrassment. Eros seemed to actually rush over to Nui and around around her neck quickly.

While Eros seemed unable to speak, Looking into Yu's eyes it was almost like Ero's was pondering. If there was any means of actually warning Nui before actually doing it rather then just holding Nui down and biting her. But it seemed, Eros returning to Nui started some what settling Nui from any odd reaction.

But Nui even eventually got up for a moment. Staring upon Yu, It would be odd at first. But she did something that was considered odd and random. But Nui did notice details, the slight red hue. But to check anyway. Nui put one of her fingers to the newly found fangs. stuck her finger into the fang enough so Yu would notice, They had fangs. While Nui did not have fangs. It was her to mention it.

Eros then even making sure to make the point even more travelled from Nui's neck, across her arm around Yu's neck slowly opened it's mouth, With the it's tail being used to point like a finger. To it's own location of fangs to also point out that something was there. Nui seemed okay and seemingly resisted the need to bite in return out of defence more then anything else, But if anything she did not seem to void altered.

#11Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:26 am

Fei Yu
The sudden motion of Nui as she slightly pressed her finger against the sharp fang of the fairy earned a soft gasp of surprise. "I'm sorry Nui, I was hoping to see if I could drain the voidal energy I felt inside you, but instead of helping you feel more comfortable it seems I startled you~"

The fairy smiled apologetically as she shifted her gaze away for a moment, pondering about something. "Even then I'm not sure what came over me. The moment I found myself inside this place I feel I might had been altered slightly? It is clearly not the void, but this place is also not Caelum as well."

A hand brought itself to her chin as she pondered for a bit. "Not to mention, I am uncertain what other changes might have been brought forth by this place. But the most important question to ask for now is: Are you feeling a bit better now? Or are you still cold?" A genuine inquiry of both curiosity and concern as she gently tried to grasp a hold of Nui's hand. "Don't worry, I won't try to bite her again." Yu stated to Eros in the hope of easing his worries a little.


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:23 am

Nui seemingly then got off of Yu, not out of rejection but worry. Nui was no longer trying to think she was trying to live in the void, she was trying to live a normal life. After all she now had many things she needed to piece together. so many years in the void seemed to do many things. But Nui seemed to be okay. But she would put some space between herself and Yu at this time. But it was merely just seemingly reaction of safety.

But at this point she had to ponder."Then are we going to fine a way out of here?"It was the most clear she had spoken since she was here. if it was seemingly that much of a ponder, Maybe it was a good thing to consider leaving at this time, if there was even a way out of here. But it might be Nui's main focus now.

But when it was asked."I am alwayssss cold."Nui mentioned, But this could be entirely how she felt. Because it showed she was vastly altered enough for her to most likely feel cold a fair amount for most of the time. How Eros felt seemed to be apparently, While it avoided wrapping around Yu, It seemed to be firmly around Nui's wrist and given a small amount of distance between Yu's hand while Nui did reach for it. Eros was now on guard. But they had yet to hiss or try to bite Yu, So far it seemed like nothing was to dangerous at the time.

#13Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:58 am

Fei Yu
Yu's gaze drifted around the area upon hearing Nui's question about if they would find a way to leave this place. "I'm not certain where we are, but if we were brought here by means of magic I should be able to unravel the nature of the magic that was used and find a means to get us back home... together this time~"

Yu said with a gentle smile, yet upon hearing that Nui was always cold she couldn't help but frown for a moment. "I guess it will take more than a campfire to warm you up then..." A soft hum followed as her gaze drifted around the area. "For now let us try to enter that castle over yonder shall we? It seems the only prominent structure amidst these fields of flowers and it might contain some clues about how we can get home again?" Yu asked as she wondered if Nui would agree to the idea. She gently placed her hand in Nui's own and guided her along the flowerbeds. "Judging from the density of the mana hear I believe we are underground, although I never heard of any underground caverns that went so deep into the planet. Certainly the dwarves dug deep into the mountains but even they likely didn't reach to the point you could say they reached the core of the planet."

A momentary pause followed as she approached the entrance to the castle. "And this architecture seems unlike the typical dwarven-make..."


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 6:28 pm

Nui seemed puzzled for a moment. Looking upon Eros in which the snake seemed equally as puzzled. Nui didn't even know which was which at times she could only knew how to go forward, back, left and right. Now they both did not know where they where. Better yet Nui did not know how she got here to first place.

But suppose she would merely be guided at this point and Eros would go from being on Nui's wrist and start going to their place on her neck, So far it was not the void so she did not have many worries to start with.

Unless this was some kind of trap in which she did not expect, Then she would be pondering if the void had her all over again. The problem with trying to study everything with Nui. While she was still smart enough to get by, She had no idea what was going on at this point she was just walking and cold. Yu was having a interesting time to figure out the castle, To Nui it was all just stone.

#15Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:49 pm

Fei Yu
Yu's gaze lingered around the architecture of the castle. "Hmm, I can sense the mana flowing from within the castle, I think once we are inside I can figure out a way to get us home Nui~"

Yu's statement was accompanied by a hopefully smile, her hand gently pulling Nui along as she entered the large gateway leading into the castle. As expected the castle's interior was just as large and grandiose as the outside, all made from some pure white material, marble? no, it looked somewhat different and allowing her free hand to trace along the surface of a nearby of pillar she had to admit she wasn't even certain if it was marble to begin with.

"See that clearing in the center of the room? It seems the magic is flowing from there, if I try to unravel it, it could lead us home but..." She hesitated for a moment, her cheeks flushing up lightly. "I... I don't want to become separated from you, so could you please hold onto me when I start to cast my magic?"


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 8:33 am

So far it seems it would over all lead into Nui thinking, what was home anyway? they walked so peacefull and Nui almost seemed to ponder."What issss home?"Nui seemed to ask it almost seemed saddening, Even Eros could detect some form of sadness about it. Eros seemingly look at Nui speak then seeming to hang it's head in sadness for a moment.

Nui might not know what home is for how long she had been away from it. But it was a depressing question, She was a void altered human. she had been away for many years. She was most likely going to have to adjust to a lot of stuff in the future. But she did stay fairly close to Yu

But this time the only different now while Nui seemed to stay close. But Eros could not hide their wonder and went from Nui to around yu's neck and seemed to relaxingly stay on her neck. But it was the void snake observing what yu would be doing.

#17Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:34 am

Fei Yu
Nui's question caught Yu by surprise for a moment. The fairy closed her eyes for a moment as she thought back on the past. She had once tried to uncover her own past before she became a fairy, but it was clear that whoever her family had been at that point, they wanted to have nothing to do with her. Meanwhile among the Fae she was considered a bit of an oddball, and as such it was hard to truly feel like she belonged with them. Not that she was treated with the same hostility as her old family. No, Titania and Oberon had been quite kind toward her, but... it didn't feel like home.

No, home to her felt like the Clock Tower, a place she could relax and feel at ease. Just that thought alone already gave her an indeed. "hehe~ that tickles~" Yu whispered softly as Eros coiled around Yu's neck, yet as the fairy decided to focus back on the previous topic she started to explain.

"Well, home is like a place you can always return to. A place filled with warmth and comfort. In your case?" She paused for a moment as she broke any remaining distance between herself and Nui and gently embraced the girl, looking up into her eyes. "Your home is at my side~ alongside Eros~"

And with that she decided to turn her attention toward the task at hand. She closed her eyes, trying to visualize the flow of mana and at one point could feel it all converge at one point in the castle. It was there she started her task of unraveling the threads of magic, little by little erasing, reversing the spell that got her here in the first place as the scenery seemed to fade away and like a bucket of water was splashed over their surroundings the landscape quickly took a different form: namely that of the director's office in the Clock Tower.

Opening her eyes Yu's glimpse of their surroundings earned a sigh of relief from the fairy. "It seems we are back at the Clock Tower~ This is my office Nui, it is where I do most of my studying and work~" She pointed at the large desk near them and the empty chair that was left there.

"It also connects to my own quarters, since I need to be nearby if something important demands my attention. But although it is a bit overdue, I can now proudly say:"

She turned her gaze at Nui and smiled warmly: "Welcome home Nui~"


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:58 am

For while Nui's mind was always in many places, Along with Void infusion making her rather spacey and confused a lot of times. But the most confusing and most likely now dreadful thought Nui could have."Do....they remember me?"Nui also seemed to ponder on some thing else. After all her parents as far as she knew, Are still alive and she needed to some what think about if they knew it was her.

Or how they would take her actually being a live and there. After all she had been gone for so long she had to take a lot of things into account. While this place for. This was a new home for them both but Nui was still removed from the world for many years and now she was in some manner a peaceful monster, a strange one but she was still. They where in a new place and Nui seemed to be looking around. But Eros seemed to have not moved at all and rather settled.

#19Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:24 pm

Fei Yu
Nui's question made the pointed ears of the fairy droop lightly. "I don't know Nui... Despite the fact I hold no memories of my past beyond my name, I did attempt to find out about it. Although in hindsight it is a choice I regret. A kind man tried to help me find my parents, and it is with his help that I learned the fact that I was neither cared about or missed by my mother."

She averted her gaze for a moment. "If they remember you, will you go back to them?"

She turned her gaze toward Eros and smiled weakly. "I guess you would... After all having a family to care for you would surely be better than having a fairy who barely even knows herself care for you."

Tears gathered in her eyes as she tried to lightly trail a finger along the long back of Eros. "I'll send some people to look for your parents tomorrow..."

Who was she fooling? Being able to enjoy a warmth like family? Did she even deserve such happiness when she could barely even remember the past she shared with Nui? It was painful to admit, that even if she wanted Nui to stay with her it likely would be better for her to return to her family. At least that was what friends should do right? To try to have the best interests of each other in mind and support them when possible. And if Nui wanted to be reunited with her family then... She was about to turn away toward the back of the office, muttering softly. "I'll make you something to eat... you must be hungry after all that."


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:47 am

When it seemed it have depressed Yu, Nui seemed to have an idea of sorts. Now with the various thoughts of Nui's mind she most likely went a lot of places and thoughts most of them illogical and all over the place from various void thoughts to what else she could witness and see in earth land.

Better question while this was going on. What was Nui thinking about?"No...You have a family...we will fine a way."Nui merely said. in passing as she thought about it.

But why it seemed she merely figured because it was worth cause, or Nui figured with how much the void altered her mind she was most likely not going to be known or remembered by her family at this point.

But Yu about to get a new lesson, a Lesson in what Nui ate and she would have to learn quick."What do you have to eat?"

#21Fei Yu 

A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:35 am

Fei Yu
Although the statement about her having a family allowed a brief sorrowful smile to linger on her lips, the question about what she had to offer in terms of meal made Yu blink for a moment. "Well I do have some bread and soup left from earlier this morning, and I think the tower's cook had planned to cook some of the fish and chicken that the fairies caught recently."

She brought a hand to her cheek as she pondered for a moment. "Although some chicken fillet could be nice, last time we got some potatoes from the nearby farms and they made for some delicious meal when mashed together, although a lot of my kin prefer things like vegetables, I'm not a huge fan of them." She smiled sheepishly as she admitted the fact she was a bit of a picky eater. "I think there is also some cheese in the kitchen, the cooks wanted to try to make some type of sauce with it in the near future, so we might be too late in case you wanted to eat some cheese~"


A dream within a dream [Nui] Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:37 am

Nui's entire focus was now on food since it was brought up, the depressing nature of what was being spoken about before hand was now, no longer on her mind was depressing thoughts of what is family and her past life. It was food. Her sole focus was now food.

She heard bread and soup and Nui looked disgusted. But Eros was looking around at the place, Even getting off of whom ever they where wrapped around on at the time."No bread."Nui said while she went of walking slowly to look around. Not worried about where Eros went off too at all.

But suppose Nui would say the only thing on her mind."No....only flesh, only meat." Then Eros seemed to eventually show up again on one of the higher up places, like it had been looking around but they merely poked out their head from one of the higher up places and their tongue flickering out as. But it seemed Eros was looking at Yuu to see what they would say to it already just kind of lurking out places.

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