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Journey to the Castle [Carmina]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Journey to the Castle [Carmina] Empty Yesterday at 9:03 am

Go D. Drakkon
After the events that had unfolded within the village, the three of them had been given a new task at hand. The elders of the village, plus the parents of the children they had helped wanted the group to find the source of this problem. The thing is they didn’t know where to start, but the Elder did, however. He told them that he would take them to the castle where he believed this all started happening.

It seemed like this place was not something that was always in Joya and things started happening when it appeared. Drakkon didn’t want the man to come with them, but he insisted on it. The Devourer figured he was strong enough to protect everyone here, so he eventually allowed it.

The group had been led to a mountain trail.

“Is this the only path to the place you want to take us? And do you need to come with us now that you showed us the trail?” He asked him wondering what he would say.

Takumi looked at them and he would chuckle at his questions but understood why it was brought up.

“Yes, I took a while to travel through here and was lucky to come out alive. It took a while to navigate through the trail to the castle, so with me, it will be easier and quicker. I just need to be protected is all.” He said to Drakkon hoping he understood.

Drakkon shook his head as he knew this was going to be a headache, but he was built for this.

“Alright, make sure everybody is ready, and let’s make our way up the mountain and to the castle. I assume that there are dangers through the path ahead?” He asked the Elder.

He nodded agreeing with Drakkon without saying anything else. It was then he started moving ahead. Drakkon followed by his side as he didn’t want the man to get ambushed. Hai was behind Drakkon as always wondering what monsters lurked in the shadow.

“Father, why are we doing this?” He asked him.

“If it weren’t children, I wouldn’t have cared. It is also Joya, so I have to make sure the people are grateful to me. It is how they protect my name and allow me to do what I want as well.” He said this as he pushed forward to the adventure ahead.

“Do you need me to provide you with my Katana, Carmina?” He asked her as they were walking.



Journey to the Castle [Carmina] Empty Yesterday at 5:48 pm

Carmina was unsure if this was safe but she was given a basic staff by one of the towns people as they noted she was not armed and she seemed more of a caster than a close range fighter. She was not even sure how to use a staff but she was going to do her best to do so, so she was not wasting her or her masters time or the woman’s time that handed it to her. She was not expecting to survive but she had come to terms with that a while ago. She looked over the staff before putting it across her back and breathing as she was going to need to compose her self before she went to deep on this path as they followed the man that seemed to act like he had been here and was thankful to them for their hard work.

She was keeping her guard up as she didn’t want to get double crossed by this man, the staff was clearly normal and nothing wrong with it so if there was a trap it was the man they were following toward the castle and she listened to Drakkon talk to the dragon and she wondered where this talk was going for them as it seemed they were worried about the man that was leading them so she now wondered if maybe her worry was misguided thinking that they may be double crossed instead of for the man’s safety. She then heard her master say to be ready for the road ahead is dangerous and she draw the staff and then she heard her master speak to her and ask her about if she was going to need his sword and she shook her head and held the staff out as it was what she was going to use.

"No sir I have this staff I will do my best to back you up and keep this man safe if he is to follow us into the castle." she thought she sounded a bit cool there but she is sure that she was not very cool but she had to do her best and not back down. She needed to make the most of this staff as if she doesn’t then what ever that lives in this castle might have her ass on it’s wall or worse so she needed to make sure that she didn’t let her guard down and kept spells fresh in her mind so she could react to what ever might come after them or need to be dealt with, with a spell.

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