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Sacred Land (Carmina)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Sacred Land (Carmina) Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 7:04 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had a job from Herman, but he decided to take care of something else first. It seemed like there was a spiritual leader who wanted someone’s help who was not from this village. He had done something like that for her before, but she could not remember, which was fine. It seemed like these men were violating Kahu Rock, and she wanted someone to take care of them for her. This was more his speed, and he couldn’t wait to kill some of these fools for coming back.

He looked over to Hai as he had accompanied them on this job. He was tired of waiting for him all the time. He looked over to Carmina and wondered if she was ready to get her hands dirty.

“Do you think you can do this? You don’t have to kill if you don’t want to, but know if you do I will never judge your actions.” He said to her as if he was going to be killing anybody who stood in his way.

The group would make their way to their destination though as they were inching close to it.



Sacred Land (Carmina) Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:31 am

She looked at the man that asked if she was ready to get her hands dirty and she thinks that she can handle it but that wasn't something that was going to be easy for her as she is still not a fully capable person and she needed to get to working on her self and getting far better that she is and she wondered what she could do even but she knows that, that is what this is all about her learning her worth and making the most of that. She wasn't sure that she could fully do that but she was going to do her best. Rey was flying around above and looking down toward where the men were attempting to make it to the island at and he wondered what they were going to do.

He was not sure that he really liked that she was getting mixed up with these kinds of people but he had chosen her so he was going to stay by her side and make sure that she was protected in the end if these guys were to leave her holding the bag and to face the music alone as she was not really made for that life and Rey knows that she is too kind to be getting caught up in doing evil.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Sacred Land (Carmina) Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:43 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon could see she was quiet, which made him wonder what he could do to help her out. Well, he wasn’t sure there was anything he could do. If she wasn’t for this life, she would crumble soon, and if she could, then things would be good for her.

When they got to their destination, it seemed like there were men who were camping on this small island. It wasn’t just that, but there were other men who had been coming to shore with boats and small ships. It seemed like they were really planning on doing something. He didn’t mind if they caused chaos here, but he was getting paid to do violence against these guys.

Drakkon looked over to Hai and he shook his head as he didn’t need him. He would run through the soil he was standing on, and once he got close to one of the guys, he pulled his Enma with both hands and cut through the man like butter.

The group of men didn’t see this coming, so they were caught off guard.

“Well, I forgot to tell you guys to leave this island or I’ll kill you.” He laughed as he waited to see what would happen.



Sacred Land (Carmina) Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:00 pm

Carmina was moving to the other side of the beach area and she was walking in the sand as she did so. She was looking like she was a bit disheveled and when the fleeing men looked at her they thought they were cursed as it looked like she was a dead woman pretty much and on the other side they were watching a sword wielding man so they were pretty boxed in on the island and she was not sure what they were even after but one of them pulled a knife from their sleeve and came at her and she seemed to wrap around his arm and then grab the man moving her body and gets him in a head lock and the man had dropped the knife in the sand so as he was passing out he was struggling trying to get her off of him but the man couldn't get a good grip on her and the knife was out of his reach so he couldn't stab her.

Once the man was out he let go of him and then got up seeing more of them looking at her and Rey flew down close and did a fly by to scare them more as they had been trying to go toward her but Rey wasn't going to allow them to do that and Carmina was glad Rey hadn't abandoned her when she needed him and she wasn't sure about the killing of that man that had happened but she needed to make sure that she didn't get fully caught of guard as she still lacked a weapon and that was something that she needed to look into getting or getting made for her but she was not sure who to even turn to for that kind of thing but she would need one as things started to go up in danger like it was going so far but she was not sure how much she could really do while being unarmed like she was and just using close combat skills like she was.
(347) ( 569)

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Sacred Land (Carmina) Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:11 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked over to Carmina to see how she was doing. He was her mentor, so he would make sure that nothing really bad would happen to her. He chuckled a bit when he saw what she had done to the man who had come after her. That was nice, even though he could tell she didn’t kill him, but it was a nice way to fight. He felt his danger sense kick in as one of the guys attempted to stab him in the back. Drakkon sidestepped, following with a pivot of the foot he landed on last to turn and cut the man in half.

“You thought I was joking? The first guy dying didn’t give you an idea on what was going on?” He asked them.

He looked over to Carmina and wondered if she was to use gauntlets or daggers.

“Are you a dagger person or a gauntlet person?” He asked her.

Hai watched a few men approach him, but he would claw them with his talons with ease. He was much stronger than Drakkon but didn’t have a weapon to use.

Still, when they saw the way they were being taken out they got a bit scared as some of them thought of fleeing.



Sacred Land (Carmina) Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:52 pm

Carmina heard the man ask he what kind of weapon she would be as a person. "I have no idea what kind of weapon would suit me I have never used a weapon before. For all I know I am meant to use a staff as a weapon." She had never had any weapons training rather they didn't think she could handle a weapon or not she was not one to really get caught up on it if she could as she had learned how to hand to hand fight as she watched other people fight and spar. She just never told the people she was staying with that she knew how to do it. She took the man she knocked out and threw him into one of the boats and Rey came around and grabbed her and flew her to the next group that were on the island and she makes things happen around them making them run for their boats and push off.

She was making sure anything they left behind was burning with fire magic and she even for good measures fired off a few water and wind mixed shots into the water to look like something was chasing them as they fled the protected island and she wondered if that was over the top but she didn't really think about it and she checked the knife the man had pulled on her and she found out it was just a letter opener and not really a knife but the man pulled it like it was one and she didn't have time to take it in if it was real or not as wasting time could of got her stabbed or worse killed. She would need to think on what kind of weapon she would want to learn to use of the two he listed she guessed a dagger would probably be easier as they were light weight and easy to hide if she had to do something undercover and keep a weapon on her to keep her safe.
(344) (913/900) (10% wc from being a mentorie) (exit)

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