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#1Shura Ranzu † 

L I G H T W A V E  Empty Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:19 pm

Shura Ranzu †
L I G H T W A V E  Fqzvzyn

[b]Name:[/b] Text
[b]Rank:[/b] X
[b]Mana Cost:[/b] 00
[b]Requirements:[/b] Text Magic
[b]Type:[/b] Text
[b]Element:[/b] Text
[b]Range:[/b] 00 Meters
[b]Cooldown:[/b] X Posts
[b]Duration:[/b] Instant or Sustain
[b]Effect:[/b] Text

Name: Kaioken x2
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: -
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Shura focuses his energy by snapping his fingers together. This causes a slight glow to cover his body. This glow increases his STR by C rank until this spell is turned off or Shura runs out of mana.

Name: Swiggity Swooty
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 10
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Sustained
Effect: Shura thrusts his hand forward to activate the spell. A Tipped hook that is the exact size of his own fires out in a straight line up to ten meters. The hand is attached to a light based chain. After hitting an object, surface or person. It will pierce a target doing C rank damage. He can also retract and fire it back at a target without if he yanks it out.

Name: Maxim Cutter
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Shura can make a chopping motion with his hand in any direction. (vertical, horizontal, linear) This creates a large blade at the tip of his fingers that extends out to 10 meters with the width of 2 meters.  It does C rank slashing damage.

Name: Beam Saber Ver. 2.0    
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 2 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Sustained
Effect: Shura clenches a fist causing a sword to manifest composed of pure light. The sword is different from most others however. The sword is 2 meter in length and 40 inches in width. It does C rank damage, and can be used to pierce or cut. He can wield this weapon with one hand.

Name: Finger Bang Ver. 2.0
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Shura points at a target or moves in index finger in a direction. This causes a laser with the circumference of a quarter to fire out suddenly. This laser has a piercing effect of a C rank. Attack moves in a straight line.

Last edited by Shura Ranzu on Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:09 pm; edited 2 times in total


L I G H T W A V E  Empty Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:35 am


Kaioken x2: Change to stating purely giving C rank str buff instead of a numerical value as it is subject to change.

Swiggity Swooty: Remove the latching and this comment: 'He can use this to do a variety of things.' as it is far too vague.

Maxim Cutter: Rewrite this as to state that it deals either slashing or piercing not and as it suggests that it does more damage. Cool-down for C ranks is 2 posts

Beam Saber Ver. 2.0: Cool-down for C ranks is 2 posts, Otherwise approved.

Finger Bang Ver. 2.0: Approved

#3Shura Ranzu † 

L I G H T W A V E  Empty Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:09 pm

Shura Ranzu †


L I G H T W A V E  Empty Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:41 pm


These spells has been approved for training.

#5Shura Ranzu † 

L I G H T W A V E  Empty Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:59 pm

Shura Ranzu †


L I G H T W A V E  Empty Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:55 pm


These spells has been approved for use.

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