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Chocolate goodness [Baron]

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Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Thu 01 Feb 2018, 14:08


WORDS: 280 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

Things had turned quite messy since the last time she'd been there... That said, Crocus was still Crocus, the capital city. To many, it's beauty was second to none... To the mages of Blue Pegasus, second only Hargeon. Indeed such a timeless beauty that not even a threat of war could possibly hope to detract from it, and more than enough for the most weary of mages to put aside their troubles for a night in town. The night felt surprisingly warm considering, with naught but a pleasant chill and a full moon the likes of which she hadn't seen in years.

Yet for the time being, she settled for staying cooped up indoors. Inside a rather classy looking restaurant sat a woman of Blue Pegasus, a mage undoubtedly in dire need of something to get her head off thoughts of war. Clad in a warm, cozy maroon dress, the sculptress looked positively homey compared to her usual stylish 'if looks could kill' approach to fashion. She even wore a warm cap more for style than an actual need to ward of the wintery chill... Not only did tonight feel comparatively warmer, but Alisa could usually handle the worst Fiore's winter could throw at her. Mind you, the season definitely made warm, classy but casual restaurants such as this feel all the more welcoming, even for her. And after a plentiful meal, what better than a sweet dessert to please her palate?

Thus, she ordered a small, but still hefty chocolate cake, well, for one person at least. Sure, she probably wouldn't mind sharing, but after such an exhausting afternoon, Alisa clearly wouldn't be shy about eating the whole thing herself...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Thu 01 Feb 2018, 14:11


Fenrir scratched the back of his head as he tried to recollect all that had happened to him that faithful night with the demoness, he didn't understand the intentions of her wanting him to get that legendary magic but he would accept her offer of power in retort to the kindness she showed him. He did not have the desire to be the strongest, but if he could use that power protect himself and everyone that was apparently counting on him he was more than willing to take the risks of binding himself to a greater power. No matter the risks he would do his best to not dissapoint his good friend and comrade.

There was one thing that he had apparently kept from his old state of mind that was noted by few of his fellow "paiges" he did enjoy to eat and he had found himself stuffing his face in a resturaunt most of the day. He had gone through small portions first, and worked his way up to bigger ones. Before he knew it his table was stacked with dishes! But not all that many, just five had been ordered and now he was using his strength to finish one last bite of steak before he caught the sight of something wonderful in the distance... Cake! For a moment he eyed the cake abscent mindedly, though his gaze would have to be focused on the woman eating it. "I want you...' he gently smacked his jaws.

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Thu 01 Feb 2018, 14:50


WORDS: 270 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

Alisa seemed well and truly absorbed in the meal before her, and yet, such couldn't be further from the truth. While it had her sense of taste genuiely taken, Alisa knew an attack on Crocus could come at any moment, when she least expected it. Though she had that faint smile on her face, that laid back stance and that stylish demeanor, her cool eyes of ruby took in all of her surroundings in intricate detail... Thus, she eventually caught sight of the tough looking, spiky haired guy with enough food on his table to feed a legion. She only knew two people who could eat like that, Arisa and Baron, and this guy looked like neither of them.

Both of them, however, loved changed their appearance like Alisa changed clothes, and Arisa wasn't the gender bending type (that she knew of). That said, she couldn't instantly assume this guy was the same one she fought a few days back who also shared a meal with her in Hargeon. Yet the odds of them being the same person were significantly higher than those of a random new acquaintance actually being someone Alisa already met before...

She spared it little though for now, letting out a soft chuckle as she caught him gawking and struggled to grasp whether he was staring at her, or her food... Perhaps both, yet the thought amused her nonetheless. She'd meet his gaze curiously for a few moments, before turning back to her cake, cutting off a peace and guiding it into her mouth. Clearly, Alisa had no intention of standing up anytime soon...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Thu 01 Feb 2018, 18:29

He had felt himself drool a bit as he saw the cake be cut by her knife. It seemed she gave it a meek slice. So delicious... "I don't need it... I just ate a ton of food already..." he cleared his throat. "I don't need it. I don't need it... I don't... Need it..." he began to sweat as he looked at the cake. He wanted it so badly that he felt himself salivating. Why not just order his own? Well that one was RIGHT THERE and he wanted t slice. He blinked as he watched her eat and finally decided that he didn't need the cake.

Out of the corner of his eye he'd watch her continue to eat, he tried his best to keep his mind on what was already infront of him but he couldn't help but get hungry again. Even with a table of empty dishes his stomach felt so empty. "I need it!" he thought to himself as he stood and sauntered his way over to the cake and its owner. "Hey uh, was that on the menu? It looks really tasty." he laughed to himself as he tried to stir innocent conversation.

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Thu 01 Feb 2018, 18:49


WORDS: 260 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

Alisa didn't really stare at the man... She looked on about as much as her socially acceptable elegance would allow, perhaps a little more before looking back at her cake. Indeed, she ate at a slow, leisurely pace, clearly this was a woman who didn't believe in stuffing her face, but rather savoring her food slowly for as much pleasure as she could get from it. She smiled and hummed every now and then, as if to pick out what manner of ingredients this master baker might have used in baking this exquisite dessert. She couldn't for the most part, Alisa couldn't really call herself a gourmet even if she definitely enjoyed fine dining...

Every now and then though, she'd glance back at the drooling man, and got the feeling he really hadn't looked away from her at all... Well, not her, definitely the cake. She even flashed him an almost compassionate smile, and soon after that, the guy stood up and walked up to her:

"Good evening, and it most definitely is.", she nodded and then glanced towards the counter where a few dessert items were still up for display, a cake such as this one merely a single option in a rather wide election, "You're welcome to a slice if you're that hungry though, I can just order another."

With these words, she gestured towards the seat in front of her. Even though she was eating alone, the waiter hadn't really bothered to remove the second set of cutlery, so the man still had his own dish if he wanted a piece of the woman's cake.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Fri 02 Feb 2018, 03:42

Fenrir immediately took the seat when offered. He looked down at the cake with 'hungry eyes' and smiled down at it as if he was looking at a new lover. It was love at first sight really, he didn't know how to express himself in the first introduction so he just sort of looked at the cake as if he was going to asks it out on a date instead of taking a slice for himself. Most would have been more infatuated with the beautiful woman but if Fenrir had learned anything from the demon lrd it was that he needed to be considerate regardless of gender. A lesson that his former self would have failed to ever consider. He looked down at the cake and waited for her to present him a slice if she was willing.

Soon however he would see the woman behind the cake and blush madly, crimson tinting his entire face nearly as much when he saw the his friends in their... lesser garb. He stood up and bowed a few times, if she already wasn't scolding him, but if that was the case he'd bow even harder. "I'm so sorry, it's your cake, I shouldn't try to take it, i'm sorry."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Fri 02 Feb 2018, 09:18


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

Unlike before or with Arisa, he gave no clues as to his former identity, and for once the sculptress couldn't see them either. For all intents and purposes, this was a completely different man than the one she'd grown to somewhat know, that moody guy who wavered between impossible cheer and near suicidal gloom. Right now, it appeared for whatever interest he may or may not have in her, the object of his affections was the chocolate cake and nothing but the chocolate cake. Thus, she simply smiled and cut him a slice, placing it on the empty dish in front of him:

"Oh, it's quite alright.", she'd answer, waving a hand dismissively as she picked up that slice and placed it on the empty dish in front of him, "There you go~"

Of course, the moment she did this her partner hopped right onto the table as well, equally eager for a slice of her own. As she hadn't yet turned into human form, Lumen's smaller shape allowed her to pull this off with relative ease considering the large size of the table:

"Besides, it appears somebody else shares your interest~", chuckled Alisa who simply pet her partner, raising a finger to call over the waiter as he passed by their table...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Mon 05 Feb 2018, 16:20

Fenrir slid the plate to him and began munching down. he was hogging that cake like a big hog, big boar of an ape. He was chowing down with VERY ugly appeal. By the time he was done his mouth was frosted with icing and he sighed contently as he looked at her. "Thank you so much for your kindness." he shifted into his seat sliding down a bit. He picked up his napkin and tried to wipe the cake from his face, but what lingered when he was done was a look of satisfaction. If he knew what it was he'd call the look on his face after that of what a person had after sexual relations. He sighed to himself.

He owed this woman a lot he was so into this. For a moment he would remain silent as he rubbed his stomach and looked back at her. "Thank you so much, that was so good, I've had some good stuff and that was so yummy." he patted his stomach and burped a bit. He burped into his hand and nodded. He smiled at her, with his presence becoming even more relaxed. "Oh! I'm sorry!" he looked at her, he needed to introduce himself like those guys in the noodle shop told him to greet any woman, "You look good tonight, can I slurp your noodles?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Mon 05 Feb 2018, 19:21


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

"You're very welcome~", she'd answer calm and welcomingly, not really minding a single person's company, especially when said person was an interesting stranger.
The mysterious man started munching down with gusto, quickly reminding Alisa of the only two others she knew could eat that much, and only one of whom nearly that fast. She'd only seen Baron a few days back, and wondered if she'd ever see him fight seriously. Perhaps the next time he challenged her he'd actually show what he could do? Only time would tell. Meanwhile, her eyes shifted to the amusing sight of the stranger and towards her own partner:

"But, where are your table manners, Lumen?", inquired Alisa, narrowing her eyes softly, a stern hint she'd never have showed the adorable Litwick before.

Lumen pouted, but relented: Unlike before, she had the ability to turn into a human form who could actually sit at a table properly, and thus had every reason to do so, at least when they were in public. The restaurant wasn't even that classy, but for an elegant woman like Alisa, everything revolved around appearances. Soon, Lumen turned into her human form and ate almost as gracefully as Alisa:


Since she'd taught her friend how to create clothes, she'd also taught her how wearing a push up bra could make the most of her modest, youthful bosom, whereas a pair of glasses could heighten her cuteness even further. She all but nodded approvingly at the result before turning her focus back to Baron

"Well, we can always order some more?", she'd comment, tilting her head, before resting her chin on the back of her hand, and giggling in visible amusement, "Ufufu, aren't you a forward one? But I'll have you know, that line is older than my dad~ Anyhow, I'm Alisa."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Mon 05 Feb 2018, 20:07

Before his eyes he couldn't believe what he saw. The companion turned into a person! Or well the person who was a companion reverted back to normal? Either way Fenrir couldn't help but gasp at the transformation. "That little person was a big person the entire time?" his mouth hung open in shock as he began gesturing from small to big with his hands in parallel fashion separating them and drawing them close together. What on Earth was this magic?If it could even be called that. Truthfully the world never ceased to amaze him. First Espy and Asmo, but tiny becoming big. What a wonderful place to live.

With a cocked brow he didn't know what she was talking about, "Lines? You wanna go fishing?" he was confused, "I'm sorry if that meant something else, a buncha guys told me that's how to greet uh "girls"" with his hands he made air quotes. That was certainly something that he needed to figure out later on as the once clear line between male and female had become blurred for him. He had thought her female since she had the long wavy hair and soft features so he figured he'd try out the himan greeting.

"Oh it's great to meet you both! I'm Fenrir!"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Mon 05 Feb 2018, 20:22


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

At the man's surprised statement, Lumen merely shook her head with a negative hum. Though as amusing as Alisa started getting used to, his reactions were completely understandable for someone who'd never seen the effects of Paggani leaves before. But the sculptress didn't mind explaining, while thinking to herself how this guy's casual flashyness really reminded her of the other big eater she knew:

"The other way around actually.", she corrected, to which Lumen nodded affirmatively, "She's a Litwick who ate Paggani leaves, plants that let creatures take a human form."

She could at least explain that much, now if the guy were to ask her what a Litwick was, then Alisa would simply shrug. He had seen Lumen's (adorable) candle form, and that's about the best explanation he'd ever get, without needed any words from the sculptress:

"You know, if you keep that up I might actually thing you're serious.", Alisa raised an eyebrow, especially surprised at the man's surprised, and most of all how it seemed completely genuine, "You... You really have no idea what you just asked me do you?"

With this, the inquisitive dark haired woman leaned in, completely losing interest in her food for the time being. This guy looked about as old as her, no way he could have stayed clueless for so long... Right?

"Did you grow up in a convent or something?", she inquired once more, but let the matter drop for the time being to flash him her best smile, even extending a hand, "Well, pleasure meeting you~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Tue 06 Feb 2018, 22:06

"Not the slighest clue." he laughed, "I thought it was a way to asks for food from what those men told me but I don't have any idea." he laughed, he did really think it was a way to asks for food which was why he said it. The men at the shop told him it was a good way to meet women and talk to them, then again he didn't even know how to tell between the two that well. he had said the same one other time and the woman seemed flustered by the question. He thought she was just sick though and couldn't share.

"I uh, I grew up in... I don't remember..." he thought, there was nothing he could say about it all too much he didn't really know where he came from. maybe he came from Asmos' home? But the demon lord told him nothing of his past other than his name. "I'm sorry if what I said was bad, I don't want you or your friend to dislike me." he bowed his head, "My name is Fenrir and it's nice to meet you!" he nodded his head, "Thank you for the cake."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Wed 07 Feb 2018, 15:01


WORDS: 240 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

Yup, he really had no idea what he'd just asked, laughing almost innocently when Alisa inquired about it. He completely missed the innuendo, like a child who repeated a dirty joke without really understanding its meaning. Except this guy was no child, looking about her age.

"Honestly, that's the kind of thing you ask when you want to...", Alisa wriggled her finger, as if looking for the words to explain this to the sexually clueless... But fell short every time... Ultimately the really effective ways to do so would ruin this elegance she so clearly strove for, to which she simply raised an eyebrow in one final, last ditch attempt after glancing down at her dessert, "You know, cut a girl's cake with your knife?", she gave up afterwards as he most likely missed it regardless, shaking her head almost awkwardy as Lumen giggled, "But nevermind..."

With this subject out of the way for the time being, she instead took another slice of cake and curiously listened to the man's story, listening as he introduced himself as Fernir... Except there really wasn't much to tell, which only intrigued her further. Alisa leaned into the table ever so slightly, betraying her curiosity:

"You're very welcome~", she smiled softly, pushing the larger dish his way, "You're welcome to some more if you like."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Wed 07 Feb 2018, 20:43

"When I want to..." he followed her words anticipating what she'll say next. There must have been something that she meant. Could it have meant people eating? That was confusing, was it inappropriate to eat someone else's food? He was sure he could get some consent, though he wasn't sure what would happen if she said yes. He'd probably get a whole bowl of noodles as well as her cake. He chuckled to himself as he thought about the possibilities of what it could have meant. If only she could have made some sort of understanding for him so he could better eat her noodles.

He looked at the Pokemon turned human and tilted his head, "Put my knife in your cake!" he nodded to them before turning back to Alisa, "Like that? You tell them you want to put your knife in their cake when you want to meet them yeah? Plus that was really interesting how they changed.

"He picked up a butter knife and put it in the chocolate cake before turning to Lumen and pointing, "Like that right? Right?" he looked at Alisa, he must have been breaking some ground here, he wanted to understand badly!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Wed 07 Feb 2018, 21:03


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

Yup, it felt like Alisa's metaphor only made the poor sexually clueless Fernir more confused. Plus, she had the nudging feeling he couldn't really think of anything beyond food the moment she mentioned cake. Considering how he seemed to look at the food more than he looked at her, she recognized a distinct possibility that he cared about food more than women. Actually, Alisa didn't really dislike that in a man, or woman for that matter... Knowing they had other things in mind beyond sex generally made people more interesting...

"No, no, no! Don't tell them that.", she shook her head and corrected him hurriedly before the worst possible idea could sink into his head, waving her hands in front of her, "If you ask a girl that question she'll give you the same reaction I did...", then she glanced off, scratching her forehead, then adding in a lower tone, "Or worse..."

Indeed Alisa was one of the more sexually confident girls, she could dealt with advances daily (most of them unwanted) and dealt with them without ever breaking her cool. Regardless of her mood, she did enforce two rules: 'Hands off' and 'No crowding'. Whoever respected those two rules needn't worry about getting kicked in the jaw. Some girls, on the other hand, were far more sensitive to lewd remarks, and would respond violently to those. Of course, this also left a guy asking for an simple line to get into a female stranger's good graces:

"If you have to say something related to food, just offer to join them for whatever meal they're having."

Satisfied with this answer, Alisa's smiled as her confident look returned, certain she wasn't teaching the guy anything lewd that might get him slapped in a couple of days. The worst he'd hear is a no, and he probably wouldn't care much about that. Even Lumen would agree with this with a nod, but with her mouth full of cake, she didn't even bother humming like she used to.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Thu 08 Feb 2018, 23:22

Or worse? Wouldn't that be a nice thing if someone wanted to share a meal. Now he was just playing with the cake, he looked at both women still confused by what they meant and nodded as if he understood when she gave him a new, simpler line. "Ah, so they may give me food that way? That's way easier." he chuckled, that wasn't too bad. It'd be way easier for him to get food that way if they were going to fight him. He took a slice of the cake and took a quick bite with a spoon.

So they were telling him other ways to approach women? That was pretty good, he could use this to get a lot more fun with all of that. He needed to understand them better, women and men. How did they work? Before he had thought they were the same but apparently they were different in how you approached them? No wonder Mare was so flustered and Aura was so calm when he made a similar mistake. That was easy, he could do this with ease even! Just talking to people in general should have come easy for him! Everything else more or less did.

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Fri 09 Feb 2018, 16:12


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

"A kind woman very well might~", her smile widened as she answered, giggling as she rose a hand over her lips; fully aware that she herself didn't fall into that category. While she was perfectly capable of helping a stranger, feeding him even, whether or not she did so depended exclusively on her whims and her perceived interest towards that person.

At least she convinced the man with a boyish mind to avoid any lewd proposition towards complete strangers, knowing that would greatly benefit his well being in the long run, as well as his chances of growing a little less sexually clueless. True, he could probably find one or two willing women with sleazy hit ons, but Alisa much preferred avoiding creating another unsightly, wannabe playboy; especially if he turned into her most hated pushy type.

"Though keep in mind, most girls appreciate the man buying them food, instead of simply mooching off them all the time... Even when they say they wouldn't.", her eyes narrowed this as wriggled her finger once; though Alisa doubted she could get all the subtle details across, she could at least give Fernir a better idea of the dos and dont's.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Fri 09 Feb 2018, 16:40

What was she talking about... a kind woman might... Help him? No wait give him food, food was good! He liked food, he could taste all of the foods he'd be given already. Pancakes, burgers, cakes, fine cheeses, oh what they'll give him he'll be so full. He was already rubbing his stomach as if he was full as he thought of all they'd give him. He soaked in most of the information she provided but he couldn't quite wrap his mind around what she was talking about. "Buy them food? But if I want food couldn't i just use my money to buy my own? Or well, I guess I might wanna eat what they have so I could pay for it I guess?" he was so confused, not a clue what to say or do.

"Ah, so like, buy them food and buy myself food when I can. Got ya... This is kinda confusing." he crossed his arms and looked at the ceiling in thought, he was quite clueless when it came to these things and her words surely didn't help. He nodded to her and leaned in, "Anything else you can tell me?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Fri 09 Feb 2018, 19:31


WORDS: 240 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

She appreciated him playing close attention to her words; though Alisa wasn't exactly teaching him how to seduce women, she was hopefully slowly teaching him how to treat a lady better than simply walking up to her and asking to slurp her noodles. She didn't really see it as a favor to him, or sculpting her own preferences into a clueless guy like she sculpted crystals... No, for Alisa this was simply community service; surely every decent women in the city would thank her in the long run. Of course they would...

His next comment earned a soft laughter from the sculptress, who admired the purity of the man's desire for food. She wouldn't doubt his decency for a second, she'd help him get that missing piece. To his credit, he could reach most of these conclusions without her help, and she went from shaking her head to nodding approvingly in split second, humming as she swallowed another bite of cake:

"Hohoho~ You're hardly the first man to think that~", Alisa laughed in earnest at his next comment, winking playfully, cutting off a next slice of cake before offering a single piece of advice he'd pull off better than most men, "Though you can always recommend them a good place to eat~ I've no doubt you'd be pretty good at that."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Fri 09 Feb 2018, 22:34

"Take her places to eat huh? I mean okay I guess..." what did she mean? She was making no sense, she was telling him to asks women to go to dinner with him but she was being strange about it. Like how was he going to take them to dinner if he just wanted food. "But why would i take them out if I just want some food?" he scratched the back of his head, "What could a lady do for me? Train with me?" he smiled at her, that'd be amazing. Training tons with ladies, and what not could help him get stronger! He could include men as well. He nodded to himself, this woman must have been some sort of guru. A master! A master roshi!

Who was that again? He had no idea, he was looking her up and down and smiled at her with a sincere grin. She was so awesome, so neat, and so cool. This was great. She could teach him all sorts of things, "Please tell me you know more ways to get talk to women!" he smiled at her with child like enthusiasm as he chuckled to himself with a wide grin. This was gonna be a great day.

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Sat 10 Feb 2018, 09:49


WORDS: 240 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

The more she talked, the more Alisa felt she neared the limit of what she could explain in a way an inexperienced man could understand. He looked at her in confusion, no doubt still struggling to think beyond his own desire for food:

"Well, why would they go eat with you if they're not interested?", the answer was, they wouldn't... But by quizzical raising her eyebrow and asking this question she hoped to give him a better clue as to where she was going with all this.

At this point, she was just about done with the cake, greatly assisted by Lumen who had munched on most of it while Alisa and Fernir were busy talking. But Alisa didn't even bother commenting on it at this point, instead sighing and thinking on better ways to explain it to him.

"Quite frankly, It's more a matter of experience than lessons...", added the sculptress, crooking her brow as she struggled to explain how no two people were alike, and women were obviously no exception to this. No way Alisa could teach him what every girl in the world would like to hear, nobody could know that unless they were mind readers, "You should join me for some drinks.", resting her elbow on the table, Alisa proceeded to lay her cheek on her palm, as she observed the man's reaction

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Sat 10 Feb 2018, 13:04

He was lost, her words meant well but this seemed like too much for one lesson. She spoke on experience, but that wasn't a good way to train early. Or well, maybe it was but if he was going to train with them he wanted to be 100% ready. That was something, he could do it. There was nothing wrong with wanting to train with many women and what this woman proposed was kinda silly. He wanted to get to know her a bit, or well get to know her training methods. She might have had tons of experience fighting other women! Though fighting in a bar wouldn't be any fun... Too crowded.

"Drinks? Sure! I would love to get drinks!" he nodded to her and smiled that goody smile he always shined to strangers. She had no idea how much he wanted to do this, all of the strong mages he could fight or people he could meet! Even the abilities he could learn! What a day this was going to be. He stood up, ready to go. "Sure let's go to a bar! It'll be fun!" he nodded to her and then nodded to Lumen this was gonna be great.

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Sat 10 Feb 2018, 15:50


WORDS: 220 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

In her mind, the man struggled to think about anything but food... Yet little did she know he spent half of his brain capacity thinking about fighting just as much; but then how could she, being completely unaware of his power? He seemed somewhat receptive to her lessons though, despite how he struggled to understand them. Well, if he stopped with those lewd propositions, Alisa counted it as a victory; anything beyond that she saw it as simple help to benefit him first, and women around him second.

"Sounds like a plan then~", with these words she dropped hefty sum of jewels on the table - for all of her food plus tips - and pushed back against the chair, standing back. Seeing her, Lumen hurriedly finished what remained of his cake and followed Alisa, who turned back and looked at Fernir, waiting for him to come along, "Shall we get going?"

At this hour, the nightlife slowly arose from its diurnal slumber, and by choosing the right streets they could find a fair amount of bars and pubs. Not many people crowded the streets and doorsteps on each of them, all the better for Alisa who much preferred discreet, less populated streets over crowded ones...

"Hmmm, what kind of drinks do you prefer...?", she wondered, rubbing her chin as she glanced curiously his way.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Mon 12 Feb 2018, 00:31

His eyes followed the jewels as they plopped down on the table. He almost gasped at the large sum, she must have been loaded. He was surprised by how much moolah she had packed away, then again she did look like a fairly fancy person and fancy people always carried lots of money! At least those he knew! Sebastian's pockets were off limits but he bet he had lots of money in there, Mare and Aura had bits of jewels in their pockets too! Oh Mare especially, though since he wore no pants it was kinda hard to check his pockets. It was kinda cool really, with the sort of clothes he wore he could battle with ease without strain.

'Maybe I can pick up that style of combat.' he thought to himself, fighting in non pants. He'd have to train with Mare and Aura even more to prepare for his new style. They were besides the point right now though, she asked him a question as they set out to the bar. "Well... I like water. Oh! Milk is really good! Sometimes I try this stuff called soda and it's really really yummy but I always feel kinda sluggy after drinking it. Ooo, a lady gave me something called 'beer' one time but it was kinda gross. Burned good though. What about you?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chocolate goodness [Baron] Empty Mon 12 Feb 2018, 08:54


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @baron | CLOTHES

As they left the restaurant, she kept looking curiously at Fernir, wondering what he in turn was looking at, then what he might be thinking about. Little did she know his thoughts had now completely shifted from food to battle, which begged the question as to what kind of girls he actually expected to meet. Perhaps once Alisa learned this, she'd take him to a gym. No better place for a clueless fighting nut to learn how to talk to women... Or perhaps he simply needed some alcohol to help him along?

Alisa did understand that while alcohol might help with nerves, it probably wouldn't do much to teach one to say the right thing. And though she acknowledge this, she still wholeheartedly believed a little bit might prove beneficial. Hopefully they could keep it at a little bit.

"Hmmm, a good beer defenitely hits the spot~", she commented, after letting out a giggle at his choices of milk and water; further attesting to the man's childlike nature. Her eyes trailed skywards, glancing at the moon she rubbed her cheeks and picked one among the many drinks her whimsical mind called 'favorites' at one point or another, "Though I'll usually go for something stronger, sweeter. I guess wine and fruity drinks are my favorites~"

Cocktails such as Mai-tai's, and maybe she can also call wine a fruity drink? With this in mind, she looked at the man and nodded towards a nearby bar, that looked almost deserted compared to some other places; Alisa would much rather avoid the bigger crowds for now...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Chocolate goodness [Baron] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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