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The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia]

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#1Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:37 am

Daiko Flayme
The breeze was still winter-cold early in the morning. It meant that he would have to wait until noon or later for the sun to bake up the air and make his skin slightly more comfortable with the outdoor activities of today. Until then, the hunter and wizard of Lamia Scale rested his back upon a log whilst letting a branch support his weight several meters from the ground. He was surrounded by a few other branches that stretched out from other trees and shrubbery along with green vegetation such as leaves and vines. Orchidia’s forests were thick and dense in areas like this one - perfect habitats for average-sized boars and other animals that Daiko preyed upon.

His bow had underwent another rebuild. It looked obviously handmade to an amateur degree; the arc of the bow was carved from a long, crooked branch which still had remaining pieces of bark on it, and the string was what Daiko called ‘activated web’. Apparently, heating up spider silk and kneading it turned out to create this efficient string that was much more solid than what it originated from, yet keeping a very high density. It wasn’t exactly an elegant design, but Daiko cared little about looks during a hunt…

He was a hunter at heart. His very outfit screamed that with its bones and skulls strung around his right shoulder down to his left hip like a worn dakka. Not to mention the upper boar skull that protected his left shoulder. He was proud of his achievements, but he wasn’t thinking about that right now… he was snoring. He wanted 5 minutes more from when he woke himself up earlier.

Of course, Coda wouldn’t want any of that. She rapidly pecked his temples with her beak to wake the Fire Mage up at times, and as Daiko worryingly looked in all directions with a shocked face, he saw no prey and thus just a very playful bird in front of him. Maybe he should save those 5 minutes for later…

*crack* He heard it. The sound of weight crushing a branch that was too recognizable. His head bowed down to the surface, and as he moved a hand across his left eye, he detected a heat signature… and it disappeared.

… Oh well, he had all day to hunt, so those 5 minutes were his again. Zzz…


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:32 pm


WORDS: 783 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

Alisa AND Cherry busy on the same day… What are the chances~? Wiggling her lips from side to side a little ways as she made her way through the woods that surrounded the town that she had opted to call her home for the being, Sofia Serena had found herself being given something that had become something of a rarity of recent times in the form of a day to herself. First meeting the pink angel in the town of Orchidia and then the dark vision only a matter of days after, between the two of these demanding mistresses the Valerican vixen had found that the time she had to command her own destiny greatly reduced, but with those two, she didn’t really mind.

The two girls certainly having the most sublime sense of sweetness in each of their own way, though Miss Serena tended to prefer to think of herself as the master of her own destiny, she hadn’t really been too bothered with the directions she had been pulled in by those two. Treasures for sure, while the manner in which they appealed to the mischievous mermaid were almost diametrically opposite, for one reason or another she struggled to get enough of either option. That sweet sisterly satisfaction from Cherry and the sublimely sinful sensuality she shared with Alisa, either was lovely and together they were even more intoxicating, so it was nice really that all three tended to get along.
At least they’re getting along though, I was worried Cherry might get jealous of me and Alisa, but she didn’t seem too broken up about it really. I mean it isn’t as if my being with her stops either of us from enjoying a taste of other delights, anyway… The comfort that had been developed between this trinity of temptation something that both relieved and amused Sofia ever so, though she had acted a little rashly in her pursuit of the White Empress and risked hurting the feelings of her sweeter, younger friend, luckily she had managed to patch things up without too much trouble. The crush that Cherry had on her naturally making the situation a little tense initially, thankfully that strain had dissipated quickly once all three young women had become friendly. Miss Vollan had done a good job of disarming the girl, a really good one.

Wait, you don’t suppose… The friendliness that had been found between the women in Miss Serena’s life suddenly inspiring a mental image that she couldn’t help but smirk at, as her cheeks showed a little more pinkness from the picture of two lovely ladies getting to know one another more intimately, the foreign fox couldn’t help but run her tongue across her lips slowly, looking somewhat feline as she did so.
Oh I hope so~ Definitely intrigued by the notion of her naughty little ‘family’ getting up to no good without her there, the blue beauty giggled to herself as she let the fantasies play out in her head, her pulse quickening as she did so and any chill that lingered in the air unable to touch the warmth that the wicked wench gave off as she basked in that blissful imagery.

Damn, now I wish I could check that out… Fanning herself gently with her hand as she saw the treeline clearing out around her and glad that she had opted to dress lightly as the sun of an early spring day beat down upon her with a balmy blessing, in a simple mint coloured T shirt, white short shorts and a simple pair of heeled boots the girl broke through the thicket to find herself confronted by a sight that was almost as sweet as what she had been imagining. At least, for a girl with her tastes, that was.

Ooohhhhh, well this is nice, isn’t it~? A gleaming stretch of wetness extending from the sprouting stalks of green that she had been passing through to reveal the shape of a lake that the girl was not aware of, as the warmth of the fiery ball in the sky beat down upon her Sofia could not express how much the sight of a nice cool stretch of water brought her a sense of excitement.

“Looks like they might not be the only girls getting wet today…” Instantly reminded of all those streams she used to dive in back on Valerica and not to mention the cool feeling of the ocean that surrounded the island, the sapphire siren couldn’t help but rush forward and peel her shirt off as she did so, beaming happily as she let loose a naughty little line to the company she did not have nearby…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#3Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:01 pm

Daiko Flayme

Oh, he heard the sound again. Okay, okay, he would initiate the hunt this time, for sure. However, in order to be successful, he needed to be unexpected by the prey, so no sudden movements were needed for the moment. He needed only a slight bow with his head to eye the potential prey; a badger with clear, white-black stripes across its face. Those never bothered hiding themselves in plain sight with fur like that, but they were wild and often fought back against even bigger predators. And they tasted good, too. Daiko would surely enjoy a good, steaked badger leg today.

His fingers slowly embraced the string and pulled it back. He had an arrow ready on his shoulder that he let slide down, so that it was grabbed by his right hand. It was then adjusted to the string and ready to fly off when he let go of the string. He just needed to adjust the angle a little… it was a little too off to the right and down…

… Darn it! The badger’s heat signature suddenly darted away. Once when spotted, any predator would immediately go into chase mode in order to ensure their prey, since otherwise all the effort would be lost. Therefore, Daiko didn’t wait a moment to dash down from the branch and follow its trail, which was easy to track since the shrubbery was clearly pushed to both sides in its track. It also left footprints on the ground, but Daiko was finding his heat vision much more useful. He casually dashed forth, not using Fire Magic since… trees and branches were everywhere, and he could start a forest fire.

The badger sought refuge in its underground cave. Daiko found it by following its tracks, and now he stood in front of the entrance to a fox-like hole. He would have continued to stick his hand in and scare out the badger if not for the piece of paper that covered the hole. Picking it up, Daiko took a curious look at it while Coda came flying down and landed her talons on his shoulder.

“… Strange. It’s blank,” he hummed annoyingly. He decided to put the paper into his pocket and lift his head up a little, narrowly spotting the badger stick its head out from another entrance or exit to its cave. Quickly, he aimed and fired a wooden arrow towards its face, but it swiftly dove down into the cave again. The arrow just hit a tree, and a few moments after the Fire Mage’s dissatisfied grunt, water began escaping from the hole where the badger stuck its head out earlier.

That freaked him out a little. That was far from normal; was there a lake underneath that badger cave?

It turned out to come from a water body nearby. It was Coda’s time to lead the previous hunt now turned into some kind of investigation. “Go, girl. Find me a lake,” he commanded her. Happily, she flapped her vermillion wings and flew off, circling around a certain area after a given time which indicated the discovery of a lake. Daiko moved in haste towards the space that Coda flew above.


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:03 pm


WORDS: 674 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

That’s the stuff~! Shoes and shorts soon going the way of her shirt and being abandoned to the trees and grass that surrounded the stretch of blueness and the sapphire siren soon plunging into the deep with a reckless disregard for anything that might be waiting for her within, as she felt that refreshing rush of water pass over her skin, she couldn’t help but gasp and grin gleefully.
Feels great so great, all over~! The water of the lake crisp and clear like the rivers and seas she remembered from her childhood, Sofia felt saturated by the sublime sensation of the liquid around her, finding the warmth enough to make her body tingle just a little but certainly well within a temperature that the temptress could tolerate.
How long has it been since I took a nice dip in some lovely open water? Shaking her head out and feeling the way that her long, azure locks danced behind her, as she settled beneath the surface and let the odd bubble rise up from her mouth every not and then, Miss Serena pulled her hands behind her head and plucked at the tie that contained her mane into a neat tail for that extra feeling of freedom that the water could provide.
Pools are nice but they never feel the same to me… Tresses spreading out once they were no longer bound like the arms of an octopus, though the bold beauty lung capacity meant that she was hardly struggling for air at that moment, as her locks spread out she kicked her body upwards and burst free of the surface with a gasp to look around the scene that surrounded her.
Growing up with that perfect, natural blue everywhere, there’s just something off about man-made that just feels that bit off… The idle kicks she had made to move through the water once she had penetrated it taking her a fair way from the shoreline already, after turning around and spotting the trees from which she had come from, Sofia decided to see what lay a little deeper into the none too inconsiderable spread of the lake. The shoreline curving around her in a crooked arc though looking more like a bitten pie from what she could tell than a true crescent moon, the foreign fox had thrown herself into the deep not too far from one of its horizontal peaks, as she flapped her legs gently to keep her head above the liquid that stretched out beneath her body the beauty in the blue decided she would not even consider leaving this locale until she’d enjoyed the length of this liquid space and after gulping down a fresh supply of air plunged back below.
Not to mention, you never get to enjoy the beauty that lies beneath… The blue eyes of the enchantress wide as she doubled over beneath the surface and then began to make her way through the surprisingly clear depths of the lake, she smiled to herself as she spied fishes passing her by and creatures comprised of shells and legs scuttled across the rocks she passed, feeling if she had stepped into a new world just by breaking through a ‘window’ that few others ever seemed to choose to look into. This habit of exploring the depths nothing new to her, after uncle Nik had taught her to swim and hold her breath for a minute or so Miss Serena had set about exploring the depths as much as she had the treetops, more so even.

Well, at least none that was born beneath the surface, at least~ Loving the feeling of having her body surrounded by moisture, maybe the reason for this was the fact she came from an island or the magic she had chosen to use, but ultimately the Valerican Vixen rarely felt at home as she did when she was in the water. Only the comfort offered by a beautiful body seeming to trump such a sensation for her, when one combined these two superb experiences then the result was something truly amazing. Heavenly, really…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#5Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:37 am

Daiko Flayme
Coda aimed her beak downwards to the lake. She was a little hungry and considered diving down for a fishy snack, but Daiko had to arrive at the area before that could go by. She would continue circling around, while Daiko sprinted across the vegetation. It was a blur whether if he was running on the ground or on the branches that spread out like steps of a staircase. He wanted to figure out why the badger’s hole ended up like that… with water splashing out and the lacking signs of any badger. Badgers usually lived with a family down in those holes, so all of that was new to the Fire Mage.

He didn’t see the emergence of blood afterwards. There was something deep beneath the ground that he was oblivious to.

And at last, the lake was found. It was easy to spot the open land further ahead, since light always shone brighter from there and travelled through the shrubbery to reach his eyes. Joyous, the Fire Mage dashed out from the bushes in an unusual manner. He was in a hurry, and during his sprint, wings had grown out from his shoulder-blades, and fire was engulfing him. It looked like a firebird had arrived, and that was kind of the truth in a sense. He did assume that there was a huge phoenix inside of him.

Standing there all brilliantly, it was by surprise that Coda came flying down in an arc, tackling Daiko and causing him to fall flat on his back. “H-Hey hey…!” he complained jokingly, “I know, alright, good bird… I think that the water came from here.” He rose up on his feet in one leap and let Coda relax on his shoulder. He then investigated the area, searching for any signs of badgers…

The only sign that he got - a pretty irrelevant sign in the pursuit of badgers - was a white shirt that was left on the ground. He saw other pieces of clothing spread out in that small space, and the worst thought grabbed him… had somebody been attacked here?!

“Oh no… hello? Hello?!” he called out for whoever could hear him, “Hello, are you alright?! Is somebody hurt or pursued?! Don’t worry, I’ll come and help you…!!!” He was flailing his arms in fright of what could have happened to this person.


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Thu Apr 04, 2019 6:13 pm


WORDS: 816 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

Nothing like a dip in the deep to make a girl feel like a billion jewels~ Drawing a fresh and well needed draft of air as she left her head poke out from the surface once more, with the sights and sensations of the lake having put her into an even better mood than she been in before, Miss Serena gently let herself fall backward and look up at the sun as she felt herself relax despite the crispness that surrounded her. Sighing softly as she spread her arms and gently flicked her feet to give her just a hint of momentum, the mermaid let the brightness and warmth of the sun suffuse her body for a few seconds before turning over with the aim of enjoying a little more submarine fun, but as she did so her blue irises caught sight of something.
Oho~? Subtle in her movements when she was in the water and unlikely to draw attention in a pool like this one of any but the keenest observer unless she wanted to, as she girl spied a shape on the shoreline her mouth curled around as she felt her playful side kicking into overdrive at the sight. Hanging there for a second or two with only her mouth and above poking out of the wetness while flipping her legs in turn to keep herself afloat, Sofia let her gaze linger on the shape of what looked to be a mocha skinned youngster, probably a few years younger than she was who seemed to be searching for something, none too far from where she had left her clothes really.
A peeper, is it~? The mischievous mind of the mermaid quickly drawing a connection between these facts, Miss Serena bit into her lip at the idea of having this one man audience, finding that her wicked side was quite thrilled by the prospect.
Might as well make it a sight worth remembering~ A naughty little show off and the boost to her ego that she felt by being in her ‘natural’ environment in the beautiful little blue number she had worn beneath her shirt and shorts only making this tendency worse, as the Valerican vixen felt a rush toward being more impish than ever, she pushed herself under the water and employed a little of her magic as she kicked off to make herself shoot toward the shoreline near her guest with the speed of a marlin, kicking up quite the wake as she did so. But that was just start of her show.
“Mwaaaah~!” Gasping as her body breached the surface of the water, with her hair loose and heavy and hanging over her eyes, for that added sense of allure Sofia whipped her head backward in order to throw her locks away from her face and smiled at her surroundings. The motion of her mane causing an arc of aqua to snap out from her body, as she let her feet rest on the shallow bed beneath her and stood up slowly, the wetness that she had been plunged into peeled away from the cobalt and gold bikini that she wore as well as the flesh that it struggled to cover, her chest in particular heaving against the struggling cloth as her body dripped and drooled as she took one step then another in her path back to solid ground.

“Oh, hello there~” Making no secret of the fact that she knew that this stranger was there nor putting up a pretence of shame or surprise, as her alabaster skin rose from the water with each motion that she took closer to the lad, Miss Serena couldn’t help but smirk at the youngster and shoot him a stare just packed with all the smoulder that she could muster.
“You thinking of taking a dip yourself, or…” The tip of the temptress’ tongue running over her lips as she spoke in a soft and delightfully feminine fashion, the sapphire siren paused as she found the water through which she walked recede enough so that it was only deep enough to cover her knees, cocking her body to one side as she did so and running her hands through those watery locks to drain them of the wetness that saturated them.

“Are you just here to enjoy the view~?” Body glistening in the beams that the bright ball above sent down as she waited on her answer, the minx couldn’t help but loved the idea of having a leering pair of eyes washing over her perfect form, and her words reflected this naughty little longing she felt. However, what Sofia failed to realize was that the lad on the shore was not the only being in the vicinity who was enjoying her form, and all too soon she would find herself facing a whole new level of aggression in the interest showed to her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#7Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:15 am

Daiko Flayme
He wondered if said victim was still around… it was a terrifying thought. Maybe this person was attacked, and it was too late? Daiko didn’t want that, which only stressed him more. Please, just please, be alive still. The forests weren’t entirely empty for dangers, and even though Orchidia’s woods were relatively close to civilization, they still horded wolf packs and other predators. He swore to skin every single of them if said victim found their end in these woods…

From the corner of his eye, Daiko noticed an entity break through the glass-like surface of the clear lake. He turned his head a little to gaze upon what appeared to be… a blue-haired mermaid? He couldn’t think of anything else that described her at first glance, honestly. It took him by a surprise, and Coda leaned forward in an intoxicated shock. Daiko rolled his eyes towards Coda, thinking that she usually reacted like this to beautiful women. And… oh god, it was true. She was very beautiful.

… Was she victimized underwater? She seemed to be okay. Maybe Daiko panicked for naught… but he still felt to be in a panicking state. She suddenly addressed him in such a shockingly casual voice that he felt forced to greet back: “H-H… Hey, hi there.” Coda began flapping her wings, while Daiko was unphased by the feathers hitting his face. He… he assumed her to live in the forest too. Not only did she just leave her shirt like the shrubbery was her shelf, but she seemed so naturally at home in the water. Definitely not only due to her sky-blue hair.

Okay. She was starting to push him with her suggestive question. He could feel a sudden heartbeat skip; he wasn’t the type to just… just… lure at people like that. Hunters lured at prey to take down, not at… no, that was just indecent… no, wait, no… argh! At this point, Daiko furiously shook his head in fluster, quickly replying:

“W-What, no, I wasn’t- I mean, I found y-your shirt and thought… I thought that you were attacked… or-or something.” He could speak all he wanted, but his gaze almost burnt a hole through her. His hair wasn’t completely flaring, but it changed into a deep, dark-rose nuance with small outbursts of wine-colored fire. She was… very alluring. If he didn’t know better… she emitted a familiar atmosphere. A very heating, busty, familiar one.

In all manners’ sake, he darted his eyes towards the woods to the left. She would definitely find him strange and indecent, since he was still… you know, a complete stranger who just happened to stumble upon her clothes. Coda, however, held nothing back and was considering just tackling into her ample bosom barely restrained by the fashionable, blue-gold top of her bikini. “Are… are you a native mermaid? S-Sorry if I interrupt, but… I was actually investigating something. I’m searching for…” By some invisible energy, he went silent for a moment. His eyes were back. No, bad eyes! Look away!


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:02 pm


WORDS: 870 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

That’s a lively little bird~ Lifting her hand and giggling as she saw the way that the crimson kite seemed to ruffle its wings so rampantly on the shoulder of the boy she presumed was its owner, the nose of Miss Serena wrinkled as she watched the ‘show’ it put on before looking at the lad who she had drawn close to.
Unusual look for these parts, but a total cutie isn’t he~? An appraising gaze cast over the bushy black hair that the boy possessed and that rich, chocolate coloured skin that really made him stand out from the Fiorian crowd, the Valerican Vixen liked the exotic vibe that this stranger carried but his innocence all the more.
He looks like he could be a very sweet treat, even if he is young… Gauging the peeper at his mid-teens and that stammer that he spoke with something that gave a sense of awkwardness that made the youngster remind the blue beauty of Cherry when she got flustered, like what was the case with her pink friend, the girl found the guilelessness of this guy something compelling and amusing. Such a naughty nymphet she was, this feeling of purity was something that Sofia wanted to corrupt, to show such a soul the delights of the world and love the way that the debauchery would make him blush. It was a truly delicious idea.
“Oh, you were worried about me, hm~?” Striding closer to the lad and leaving the water as she did so, as the liquid that had seized her body only moments before seeped away and left only a shine on her skin, Miss Serena lowered both her tone and her position as she moved forward, enjoying the way that the lad’s line of sight seemed to drift to her charm points despite the way he tried to denied it.
“And bravely coming to my rescue as well~?” Body hunched over just a little way and her back arched so as to thrust her chest that bit more forward, the mischievous spirit of the minx also compelled her to sway her hips from side to side as she strolled up the shoreline, making her rear and other places swing with every step that took like a pendulum of perfection.

“I had mistaken you for something of a naughty peeper, but it seems you might be something else entirely~”
The smooth motion that the young enchantress employed something that she had emulated a little from the raven haired partner she had made more recently, as Sofia moved closer to this unknown youngster she couldn’t help but bite her lip as her tone became even softer, feeling a bit like a wolf or lioness moving in on a lost little lamb and loving that sensation. Not one who was well known for her ability to resist temptation, especially when things became impish or illicit, with this combination of the two presented before her the sapphire siren felt like she had found a little taste of heaven and was not about to finish savouring it any time soon.

“A mermaid~? Oh goodness, you are wrong, but how you flatter me~” Giggling all the more as she found herself next being mistaken for the most beautiful creature in the sea and the fondness that she felt for this sweet young thing only seeming to skyrocket because of that, as she neared the lad on the shore Miss Serena flicked her hair out gently and licked her lips at the compliment, shifting her weight to one side as she took in the fullness of the reaction of this umber unknown and purring softly as she did so.
“I hadn’t expected such a cute looking fellow to be such a smooth talker~” The closeness helping the foreign fox to note the fact that in a few years the good looks of this bronzed boy would likely turn him something of a lady killer, it was awfully inviting for the water witch to snatch a bite of the fruit fresh from the tree, hoping that if she did so she might just be the first to experience the raw flavour he provided.

“So tell me, what the name of my would-be rescuer be~?” Giddy with glee at the turn her day had taken and her excitement mixing with the natural desire that Sofia possessed for mischief, as she leaned in close to that cute little face to make sure that she had full attention of the luscious looking lad that she had found, the young temptress also couldn’t help but wrap an arm around herself at the same time.

“I’m Sofia, and I have to say, it’s very nice to meet a handsome boy like you~” Pushing her breasts up that little bit because of how much joy it brought her to see the nervous eyes of her ‘prey’ darting down toward the deadliest weapons of a damsel and then lifting her other hand up, as the found herself overwhelmed by the urge to tease this tasty treat the nymph aimed to really drive the innocence right out of the boy with the delicate touch of her fingertip, letting it run down the cheek of the youngster slowly and softly in hopes of seeing just how brightly she could make those cheeks burn…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#9Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:51 am

Daiko Flayme
Well, luckily, the strange woman appeared to be in no harm. There was a playful tone to her voice that poked Daiko’s nerves, though… and for good reason, he didn’t know if she had any pants on, so he quickly turned his entire face away as she approached him by leaving the concealing surface of the water. She did have a full-set bikini on, so he felt safe enough to look back at her - only to see her oddly alluring stance that laid out a buffet of erotica for Daiko’s eyes to feast on if he could gather just a handful of indecency. It was so pleasant to look, though…

Her skin reflected lots of the sunlight after having been covered in a thin layer of fresh water. “I… I don’t think you needed help, in the end…” he admitted almost in defeat. He was just worried - forest guy stuff.

“W-What? No, I’m not a peeper! Not at all…!” he strongly stated. Peepers were usually shunned at, and why would Daiko want that to befall him? Although, gladly she assumed better of him, so he didn’t accidently create an enemy. That was great… but it was also now that he noticed not only her smooth, long legs, but also the very apparent Blue Pegasus Guild Crest on her thigh… that explained everything. She must’ve known or met Alisa!

“Aha, sorry,” he apologized in a more jokingly manner, “It’s just, I rarely see anyone else out here other than me…” Was she, by any chance, a hunter like himself? He couldn’t spot any devices or tools near the lake, so it was a faint and vague assumption. Even without a weapon, though, he did see a hunter in her. The very way she eyed him down like prey was… intimidating. He felt targeted.

Literally every single movement from her body that darted towards him caused his hair to flare and his cheeks to reveal reddish tunes. Why was he so bad at hanging around women? Was he a closet pervert, by any chance? Maybe he was just in denial, but Daiko loved being in denial, because it was so goddamn frustrating! “S-Smooth… I’m not that smooth,” he tried to correct her, but his insecure voice had taken over and likely prevented any strong statements to escape his mouth for now. Also, he tried his best to confront her gaze, because looking away from a person that you were speaking to was bad manners - but every time he looked at her face, a little bosom met his view too. It surprised him, caused his body’s temperature to skyrocket, and he had to hold back a flustered huff. Every. Single. Time.

She greeted and said her name, Sofia. Daiko would quickly exchange name, but the first physical contact had taken place. Her finger was gently caressing his cheek, and she could definitely feel what was to Daiko an unbearable heat that exceeded that of average people, but for most others and even Coda was a heating carpet perfect to forget a cold winter. “U-U-Uh… U-Uhm… m-my name is… Daiko,” he pushed out, “And, uh… y-you’re… I d-don’t feel like myself right now…” He knew little about this beauty in front of him, but she was just as alluringly pretty as Alisa. He couldn’t help but panic a little over the possibility of two teasing bombs in Blue Pegasus, since hanging out with Alisa produced the same overburdening heatstroke that he suffered under right now.

Although, to a much lesser degree than now… which was the weirdest thing about all of this. A mixture of worry spread out on his face as he spoke: “M-Maybe I’m just interrupting you, s-sorry for that… B-Blue Pegasus, right? I'm from Lamia Scale... a-and what is your finger doing to me? It... It feels s-so strange...”


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:48 pm


WORDS: 659 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT 

“Ooooh? You feel ever so smooth to me~” The nervousness of the lad only making the nymph cackle inwardly with glee, as if to make the mischievous point of her teasing Miss Serena let her fingers roll down the cheek of the lad even more delicately, hoping to see a hint of a shudder or even a stifled gasp in response to what she did. The innocent and inexperienced ones always the most fun to tease, the way they tried to deny their own response whilst politely letting another indulge their wickedness was truly sublime and something that a wicked witch like this one could not get enough of, with each metaphorical mouth full only making the teen crave the taste all the more.
“Oh Daiko, that sounds like a lovely name…” The response that she managed to draw from the chocolate treat even more delicious than she might have anticipated, as she moved closer still and turned her hand over, Sofia felt that warmth that she wanted as plain as day in the cheeks of the boy. The boy kicking up such a sense of temperature that the Valerican vixen considered it almost concerning, it was certainly flattering to feel such a fever kicking up in the face of Daiko that she might be able to cook an egg on his forehead or something, biting her lip and speaking in a soft and slightly simpering tone as he expressed his discomfort.
“Aw, why don’t you feel like yourself, honey~?” By no means experiencing no shortage of satisfaction in the assumption that the effect of her enticement was so powerful a cute boy like this was on the verge of fainting or something, if he began to topple the tease would be happy to catch him and really make that blood boil by cradling his head in her bust.
“Mmmmmm… You feel so hot, Daiko… Practically burning up~” The admission of his distress really something that invited the mermaid to be even more mischievous, the soft touch of her hand rolled up to the forehead of her target and cupped it softly, before she allowed herself to be even wickeder in her temptation by replacing it with her own face. Leaning forwards and pressing her forehead to that of the lads gently as her wickedness continued, Miss Serena struggled to stifle a smirk as she did so, wondering just how the gaze and other parts of her prey would respond now that she was close enough that the ample bust he seemed so concerned with averting his gaze from was now hanging right under his face.
“Goooodness, you really don’t feel good at all… So hot, I should do something~” The words of the foreign fox like a purr as she held herself on the forehead of this naïve youngster, she whispered softly to the lad and let her desire to tease the cute youngster go a little wild, wondering just what she might have to do in order to really make him blow his top.
“Maybe we should get that shirt off, or get you in the water, hm~? Help cool you off~” Really letting herself get carried away as she continued to harass the lad with a reckless disregard for any response she might endure, after pulling her face away from Daiko the devilish damsel really went in for the kill as she let her fingers lunge for the edge of his shirt somewhat shamelessly. 

"Here, let Sofia look after you~" Perhaps feeling like she wanted to even the ‘score’ between them given her own current level of exposure or maybe just drunk on the sense of desire and domination she felt in moments such as this, Sofia couldn’t help but snicker as she tried to strip her new friend only moments after meeting him, already quite smitten with him and even a little bit tempted to make good on her desire to ‘take care’ of him, in her own way of course…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#11Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:31 am

Daiko Flayme
This lady was clearly too much for the hunter. She was way more preying onto him than any other girl that he had met in his entire life… why was she pushing him like this? They had just met, and Daiko was struggling to not faint. His body temperature kept rising with every single second that this woman used on him. Goddamn it, he wished that he could just keep his cool like an ordinary male, but all this teasing was triggering him.

She even held her hand over his forehead as if he had a cold. “H-Huh? N-N-No, no no, it’s n-not cold or anything…” he explained with maximum effort. She was getting closer… he felt attacked, sort of. Attacked by some invisible force of nature… no, something deeper and more sinister. His mind went numb for a brief second as Sofia figured it necessary to push her own forehead onto his. Not only was her face atoms away from his, but due to the angle, he was forced to eye from her mouth down to her inviting cleavage.

S-Shit, they’re huge… why am I so fixated on them? he thought upon eyeing Sofia’s bra that seemed to hold back a lot of force and mass. They were huge, even bigger than Alisa’s and Kai’s… it was intoxicating. He feared where all of this was going.

“W-What? No, I-I’m fine…” he poorly attempted to protest. She didn’t have to push him even more if she wanted to help; although, this heat felt damaging and at the same time unbelievably joyful. It was a sort of joy that Daiko was afraid to show. She suggested that he should take off his shirt and go in the water, and at that point, Daiko was still trailing the path of ‘she might possibly be a mermaid, after all’. It felt like a death trap, really.

“T-That’s… that’s unnecessary, I’ll-“ he quickly tried to assure her, but a high-pitched hick escaped his steaming mouth. Her fingers! They were touching his belly and grabbing his shirt! While she attempted to remove his shirt herself, which was mischievous to the highest degree by him, she kept trying to assure him that she just wanted to look after him… it woke very confusing feelings in the young man.

At that point, his body couldn’t take it anymore. His hair flared up instantly, a bright, wine-red bonfire substituting his previously jet-black hair that reached high up in the air. It was usually magical in nature, harmless, but minutes of restraint and endurance broke down in a huge blaze. "N-Nooo, that t-tickles...!"


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:21 am


WORDS: 781 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

“Heeheehee, come onnnn~ No need to be shy, sweetie~” Unable to restrain her giggling any longer as she tugged at the lad’s shirt and he squirmed so delightfully to try and stop her, while her deed was decidedly on the naughty side, Miss Serena did not feel particularly ashamed for performing it. The resemblance between this boy and the equally adorable Cherry somewhat uncanny, at least in terms of character, she couldn’t help but feel all the more compelled by it as she threw caution to the wind in the hopes of seeing some act of cuteness as her reward.
“Maybe, if you show yours, then I’ll show you mine~?” Fingers furiously working to dislodge his robe and grazing the stomach of the boy as well more by accident than design, subconsciously the wicked woman noted the firmness beneath his clothing and felt only more possessed to see him with his shirt off. Cackling all the while as she tempted fate and a wrathful outcome as her hands worked with little regard for modesty and politeness, she would even give another teasing offer to the boy in the hopes of stunning him into submission, but instead found herself being the one who was surprised.

“W-Wah?!” All of a sudden a rush of heat far in excess of what Daiko’s skin had been giving off making the feisty femme flinch reflexively, as a blast of blazing hotness seemed to explode from the head of the teen the temptress was tormenting, she found herself stumbling backward in a mix of fright and force. Flailing a little as she crossed the uneven ground that separated her from the edge of the water and perhaps getting a little of what she deserved as she tumbled backward, the water behind her lurched upward as the sapphire siren sprawled out into it rather unceremoniously.
“Buwaaa!” All of a sudden the view of the Valerican vixen obscured by wetness as her body was submerged by liquid that was deeper above her face than over her toes, after a second or two of surprise Sofia sprang out of the wetness with a loud gasp and shook her head, sharing a sober stare of disbelief with the youngster on the shore before being overwhelmed by her amusement once more.
“Heeeshishishishishishishishiii!” Breaking into a slightly breathy cackle as she found her experience left her chasing her lungs just a little bit for air and clutching at her waist and ribs as she did so, the guffaw of the girl was somewhat uncontrollable and rocked her whole body as she sat in the water that she had earlier been swimming in. Hair something of a mess because of her fall and body slick with liquid but neither of these facts really deterring the enjoyment that the enchantress felt, she lifted a hand up as she continued to chuckle at what had occurred and stroked some of her mane back, finding both the response of the youngster and her own reaction quite hilarious as her shouldered quivered with delight.

“W-Wow, now that’s…” The mix of suddenly being underwater and then being afflicted by a severe and uncontrollable high of hilarity leaving Miss Serena rather starved for oxygen once her giggling finally ebbed away, after wiping a tear from her eye the foxy foreigner pushed herself up from the ground and was forced to take some deep breaths as she spoke to steady herself.
“I’ve definite never… Seen a guy… Blow like that…” Breathless and a little bemused by what had occurred but taking it in her stride, with some of her signature humour the gasping girl shook her head before lifting her hands to her hair and using just a teasing piece of her magic to extract the liquid from it, drying her locks in a moment before getting an idea for a little more naughtiness and grinning at Daiko because of it.

“You really do need to quench that fire, huh?!” Licking her lips as she looked at the lad who had bowled her over and then ducked down into the liquid that she had been sitting in and pushed her paw into it, with a sweeping swing of her arm like she was tossing a ball the water witch kicked up a little blast of blueness to send the way of her new friend playfully. The ‘attack’ that the aquatic aggressor launched certainly not enough to do much more harm than that of a burst pipe, after sending a showering spray toward Daiko in order to even the score between them a little, Sofia giggled girlishly and threw herself deeper into the liquid that surrounded her like the ‘mermaid’ she had been mistaken for in the minutes before…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#13Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Mon Apr 08, 2019 11:49 am

Daiko Flayme
She… she was playing with him. He realized that, but it was pretty too late. Daiko felt that his primal urges sprung to life for a brief moment, but a miracle came to show. As he gasped by Sofia’s relatively cold and silk soft hand feeling up on his post-Lamia Scale Special Training packs, the signature fire crown of his blew in response to the arousal that overcame his very being. Aaaaaaaaand the teasing game kind of breaked there, since the fires obviously scared Sofia and made her leap back in shock. Daiko was about to grab her hand, but she hit her butt on the wet surface too soon. Now, he kinda found himself holding an arm towards her in… an easy mixture of awkwardness and anxiety.

He… he didn’t know how to feel when she suddenly laughed out loud. After burning out from her mischievous, selfish, melting actions towards him, he suddenly felt ridiculed… to a degree. He didn’t want to assume her for a bad person… he saw delight in her. But… she was strange. C’mon! He had just met her today! She was like… then again, she must’ve known Alisa. He should ask, any time.

To think that Daiko had never met a person through such an encounter before…

He adjusted his arm and looked at her a little more gently than before. This Sofia… she’s dangerous… but I’ve never felt so excited before. What is wrong with me? He was having his heart rate increasing again. No, stay cool. It was just a possibly new ally or friend from Blue Pegasus… yes, now would be the perfect-

Water on his face. Great. It toppled him over gently, and given that Daiko was far too overburdened with emotions, not only did the water literally vapor off his face, but he also landed flat on his back on the ground. He was underwhelmed by the playful throw, since sticks and stones rarely surprised him, yet words and games had him like a puppet. “… Hmpf,” he let out loudly, crossing his arms as if he was genuinely angry, “I-I’m… just not used to things…”

Coda was looking straight down at his face from behind his head. Her curious, wide eyes made things easier for Daiko to fathom. Sofia… she was very playful. Maybe he was just overreacting? “S-Sorry with my hair, but y-you t-t-t-tickled me and all t-that…” His cheeks and throat couldn’t be distinguished as his natural skin color anymore, since it felt like he was hanging upside down in a long span of time. “Y-You remind me of Alisa… y-you know her? She’s also from Blue Pegasus… and I saw your thigh. You definitely must’ve heard of her, at least. Your… actions would suit her personality.” He pointed over to her leg, which proudly showed the winged, blue horse that symbolized the large ally and light guild, Blue Pegasus. Therefore, he simply assumed her to have a connection with the femme sculptress, since… they shared a lot of similarities.

She was also playful in her tongue and quick in action. Rising his back to rest on his elbows, Daiko clarified the stunning maiden. And she looked magical… she was a luring demon for male eyes. And as she laid on the screen of water, all the waves alerted a certain predator deep under the lake… but it was taking its time. Predators, they were all like that out in the wild. They rarely rushed when potential prey proved its wit. And to slay a water wizard was no small feat in this ecosystem. It had to wait until they both got underwater… or until the positions changed.

Then it would strike… and its intention was bloodier than what Sofia did.


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:44 pm


WORDS: 420  | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

Whoops, did I put too much behind that~? Peeking back out of the liquid with a giggle like a child that was peering over the back of a couch mischievously toward a parent or sibling, Miss Serena was surprised to find that the little surge she had sent the way of the youngster had knocked him off his feet, feeling a little guilty as she saw him sprawled across the floor but also somewhat amused. Almost wanting to rush back toward the shoreline from her watery spot and pounce on Daiko to embark on a second round of teasing him, the girl bit into her lip as she smiled and for a moment began to gather a little mana to give her the pace to lunge in a lovely fashion, but stopped once the lad began to speak to her.
“Ohhhh, you know Alisa~?” Suddenly finding herself stunned when the name of her beloved black beauty was mentioned by the boy on his back, while she was shocked for a moment the surprise of Sofia quickly gave way to joy when the sapphire siren realized that the boy she had found was not only cute, but also familiar with her partner in crime.
“Just what might have brought you and the White Empress together, I wonder~?”Perhaps this fact not much of a shock when he too seemed to be a guild member and recognised her own fresh mark so readily, it was still a pleasant and unexpected revelation for Sofia to discover as she fooled around in the water, sweeping her arm from one side to the other and creating a tiny tide in front of her as she did so.
“But yes, I know her very well in fact, she’s the woman who brought me into Blue Pegasus, and…” Humming gently as she kneaded the azure surface with her handiwork, Miss Serena confirmed the fact that she was familiar with the goddess that Daiko mentioned quite freely, and sensed a chance for another little bit of misbehaviour that she could use to keep that fiery lad nice and hot.
“Teeheeheheee, she’s also my lover~” Licking her lips as she paused and then confirming the level of intimacy she shared with the vibrant Miss Vollan, the vixen giggled and shook her hair out gently, waiting for his reaction without a care in the world as she was entirely focused on seeing some sweet and red faced response from the youngster when he processed what she offered to him. After all, men did seem to find the idea of two women together such a tantalizing prospect…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#15Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:46 am

Daiko Flayme
So she did know Alisa! That explained a lot; her silky tone and alluring choice of words sure were similar… did that mean that she took teasing lessons from the sculptress? Did Alisa teach such things? Daiko was obviously thinking formally, but he was oblivious to Sofia’s specific relations to the beautiful shard mage. “Yeah, I know her! We’ve met many times and even punched down a good amount of demons together,” he informed Sofia a little more cheerfully, “I hope that she’s doing alright. Please greet her for me when you meet her again…!”

So Alisa invited Sofia to her guild… and… the next part honestly surprised him. The poor boy knew what a lover was, so another blushing face appeared. But weren’t they both women? Was that a thing here? He only knew of two beings of same genders becoming lovers from snails… he was such a lost kid compared to the society surrounding him, really.

“L-Lover…?” he let out curiously and slightly shocked, “U-Uhm… t-that’s very lucky of you…” He rose up and sat on his butt with his legs crossed together, stretching his arms down to rest on his hands as he looked down in frustration. He didn’t have any lover… he never had. He was so confused about this topic that he dearly wanted to change the subject.

Chirp! Squeak!

“W-What, is something there, Coda?” the Fire Mage asked his feathery companion who suddenly flapped her wings in absolute panic. A shadow had risen over Sofia from behind, and Daiko’s eyes quickly noticed the tall, blue-scaled snake that rose over her height.

His face changed drastically. He was overcome by fear, and yet his hand clenched and performed a spell. His fist got coated in a magic circle that left the skin as bright, sharp feathers with bursting fire surrounding them. He lunged the fist forward, almost looking as if he was aiming at Sofia when he was really aiming at the lake serpent. The fires launched out as missiles and passed Sofia safely, landing a good blow on the serpent’s eye - that was just the technique that he used on a similar serpent at Hargeon Beach.

“G-Get out of the water! It’s too fast there…!” His hair bristled in fire once more, a little redder and full of fury.


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:28 pm


WORDS: 1024 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

“Hunted demons together~?” Tilting her head to one side as her new friend gave an insight into the lovely lady with whom she had been spending most of her days and almost all of her evenings with in recent weeks, immediately Miss Serena’s mind was filled with the image of this innocent looking fellow blazing with the heat he had before and standing back to back with her beloved, facing down armies of malign spirits together like a pair of epic heroes.

“Alisa does that kind of thing, does she~?” An amusing picture to be sure, for a second the voice of the Valerican vixen grew a little softer and dreamier as she digested the detail that she had discovered, her mind drifting a little closer to her lover as she felt a pang of longing to have that woman by her side. Often finding that she got a much better insight into the mysterious Miss Vollan from the people who knew her than the woman herself, the blue beauty made a mental note to see if the young stranger she had met had any interesting stories of her absent partner, eager to hear any and all as she longed to deepen the connection with her coquettish comrade with every chance she got. However, for all of her intrigue, the foreign fox knew that the dark diva was not the only soul that she was interested in gaining further intimacy with after this meeting.

“Oh yes, but I like to think I’m not the only lucky one between us~” Smiling and running her tongue across her lips as Daiko commented on her current ‘catch’, though Sofia was rather smitten with the woman known as the White Empress by some, in the company of such a cute boy she couldn’t help but feel the urge to misbehave a little bit more. Lifting her hand up and running her fingers back through her drenched hair as she bobbed in the water, the nymph was feeling naughtier and naughtier with every moment that passed, wanting to push the boundaries of the boy nearby and see just how much fun she could have with him.

“Besides, I don’t see the harm in helping a few other people feel a bit luckier now and then, how about you… Is there a special someone in your life, Daiko~?” Giggling gently at the slumped posture that he took either out of dejection or perhaps the desire to hide something that the image of two women together had brought about, while the wicked wench had approached the lad with a mind more for playful teasing, as she questioned his own status in regard to romance she couldn’t help but feel a temptation to do a bit more than that.
“Because, if you’re struggling in that area, perhaps a pretty onee-san might help you out there~?” The fiery youngster certainly quite the cutie pie, though he looked a little younger than her usual stock Miss Serena quite enjoyed the idea of ‘breaking him in’, and given the way he had erupted when she had done so small a deed as stroke his cheek she was also rather curious to see just how hot she could make him with more sinful gestures. Unfortunately, she would not be given the chance.

Is the bird getting jealous~? Maybe it fancies itself Daiko’s ‘partner’~? Snickering to herself as she saw the red friend of the lakeside lad begin to ruffle its feathers and assuming it was in response to the saucy line of enquiry that the enchantress had begun, because of this she barely noticed the approach of the monster from the deep, glancing down only when she felt something brush past her ankle and finding her response delayed all too much to really do anything about it.
“W-Wha?” Daiko’s warning only serving to confuse Sofia as she looked down to see what had tickled her skin and then toward him to see that all of a sudden the boy had burst into flames once more, as she went to question the youngster about why all of a sudden he had begun to burn up, the sapphire siren felt something suddenly wrap around her legs and waist and tug at that fine frame, trying to drag her into the water.

“Unnnnnggghhh!” Groaning as strength beyond anything the water beneath her could muster squeezed her body and towed her deeper into the drink, Miss Serena gasped for air but instead found her mouth and nose flood with the liquid which only moments before she had been larking about in, causing her to cough and choke because of this. Pulled into the depths by something that she didn’t quite understand and trying to claw at the water in order to steady herself, even with the magic she possessed the mermaid could not quite overpower the force that was towing her body downwards, fighting against it but only managing to slow her descent as something bright caught the eye of the enchantress above her and suddenly quelled the grasp.

“Ooofaaahhhh!” Whatever had gone off above the water seeming to have started the creature that had seized Sofia just enough to loosen the grip it had on her, with her mana reaching out to the water so desperately as she tried to deny it, all of a sudden that reversal of her momentum sent the siren shooting toward the surface like a rocket. Bursting free from the blueness with far less grace and beauty this time as she gasped for air and hacked up a lungful of liquid that she had been forced to swallow by her attack as something serpentine snarled above her, the young mage panted heavily for a moment or two before seeing a flash of fangs flung her way and new what she had to do. Winded but not out of the fight just yet, as her body screamed for more air in it the girl thrust her hands in the direction of the beast as it sought to bite her, sending her skipping across the water roughly, but out of the way of its nasty teeth…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#17Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:27 pm

Daiko Flayme
”SOFIA!” Daiko roared painfully. The serpent was mere inches away from digging its jaws into her. Where did it come from? Such large serpents didn’t usually live around here… but the lake did fit as a nice habitat. Oh man, oh man, this was bad. Very bad. Daiko usually didn’t panic so easily during what was essentially a hunt, but he was with another person who most likely didn’t spend every day chasing deer and rodents. Therefore, a protective spirit rose in him out of worry, and the thrill of the hunt was substituted by a drive to survive.

Sofia showed her magic for the Fire Mage when she torpedoed herself away from the bite. He charged right in, only leaping up in the air at a proper distance from the serpent when his feet were still soaked in freshwater. In the air, his entire body appeared to heat up like metal until a shell was left… and the shell broke in a sparkly manner, revealing a full-bodied transformation. Feathery appendages on his limbs in beautiful fashion, Daiko had drawn power from the Phoenix and raised his stamina marginally. He followed up with a sledgehammer with his two knuckles that was sent down onto the serpent’s skull, furiously shoving it down underwater again.

He was still falling down to the much deeper surface. His wings basked, but he wasn’t fully fletched yet. He still had issues with flight due to the changes in his body, and the serpent underneath wasted no time in charging up with another bite. In time, he grabbed both jaws with each hand, but the serpent kept charging through and rose up far high above the surface with Daiko between its fangs. It attempted to charge right down to the solid surface to crush him, pushing sand aside in its impact.

A brief second passed before bulges grew intensely from inside the serpent’s gums by Daiko’s punches. Each punch lifted it up, until a last uppercut lunged it back up in the air. The serpent was tougher than the one back at Hargeon Beach - the one that took several wizards to kill - but the Lamia had dealt with far worse obstacles and creatures. As the monster hissed at him, he simply grinned with steam escaping his teeth and his wings basking in pride.

“I know that you’re anything but a damsel in distress, Sofia!” he called to her with a way different and much more courageous tone, “Mind dealing a few blows to the snake?”


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:15 pm


WORDS: 690 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

A firebird? Gasping for air as her body came to a halt close to the shoreline, Sofia turned her head to see what had attacked her from a perspective that was a little more informative than the view she had looking into its mouth but instead found her eye being snared by a second ‘beast’ in their environment. A body that snapped wings that looked like they were ablaze in-between the girl and the monster that had attacked her, for a moment or two of slightly dizzy observation the drenched damsel thought that some noble creature of the mythic variety had come to her aid, being fooled by the odd shape and fiery nature of her new friend up until the point that Daiko spoke to her.

“R-Right!” Finding that she was a little bit stunned when this strange entity seemed to not only mention her name but also spoke in a voice that sounded familiar, as the mind of Miss Serena caught up with her, she drew the connection between that blazing body and the boy she had set off earlier but knew that now was not the moment to be amazed, not with a nasty beast like this nearby. Nodding at her comrade as she took a deep breath to steady herself and then spread her arms wide, though the sapphire siren knew she probably couldn’t lay out physical blows that could level a serpent of this size she was also aware of the fact that she, like the monster, was very much in her element and began to gather her mana.
“Fins and fangs as blades and a hunger unyielding…” Murmuring a quick mantra to focus her mind as she took a step or two closer to the water and spread her hands wide,  the water that surrounded her body began to ripple in response to her powers, Sofia knowing all to well that with such an abundance of liquid around her the results of her magic would likely improve several times over as she prepared her attack.
“Kirisame! Yelling the name of her technique as she saw that Daiko had been drawn out of the line of her fire, as a blue circle of words appeared around the hand of the mermaid, she swept it across the surface of the water in a sharp act that seemed to create even more unrest in the deep and then all of a sudden something rushed forth.
You’re not the only hunter in these waters, snake! A slight smirk appearing on the face of the foreign fox as she unleashed her magic and from it sprang the epitome of ocean danger, from the stillness of a lake all of a sudden something sharp and streamlined lurched forward and lunged with a voracious desire. Shaping the water into a shark that was keen on showing that slippery serpent who the real predators of the deep were, with a grown the blue beast the beauty had brought forth slashed at the body of their foe with its fin like a blade, provoking a howl from the creature and no shortage of scarlet from the wound she had given it. However, the monster did not go down, not yet at least.

Looks like those scales are tough, that attack can cut through an oak tree! Tutting in annoyance as the serpent thrashed and flailed in response to what she had done to it but did not topple over in submission or preferably defeat as she had hoped, with her foe snarling at her and seeming to sense a threat that the girl could present against it, Miss Serena gritted her teeth and prepared a second round of her Selachii slicer as the beast lurched toward her again.
Better put my back into the next one, then! Hoping that a closer strike might yield an even greater result as she faced those fangs rushing to claim her sweet, soft flesh, the Valerican vixen was neither daunted nor dismayed by the rushing creature as she sent a second shark its way, and was instead resolute on having a little revenge for the pain and panic she been inflicted with in the moments before…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#19Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Thu Apr 18, 2019 12:06 pm

Daiko Flayme
Daiko was a little surprised to see Sofia’s magic resolving around water. She had manifested a magic circle around her hand and summoned watery objects formed like sharks that torpedoed the serpent like piercing darts. Her magic was actually an antithesis to his magic, in a way… wait, wouldn’t that be ice magic and not water magic?

That was an unnecessary thought. Moving on.

The serpent had some tough scales, actually. Daiko would want to skin that and see if he could make some nice medals and plates off its scales. It was a rather savage thought, but it was also to be expected due to his hunter name and all. You hunted for a reason, so you better make all of the hunt a reason. Make your prey useful in many more ways than one in order to please the nature. And don’t waste.

As the second shark charged it, Daiko saw the serpent leaning against the shore. It was the perfect moment to land a finishing blow, so he pulled his hand back and charged mana around it. A magic circle appeared on the hand and glowed brighter by every second that passed, and embers escaped its contours in a rather cinematic fashion. At last, he flicked his hand forth and sent a circlet of fire towards its head, and the velocity of that spell caused it to slice through its neck. And with that, the serpent died instantly, dropping its dead body onto the shore and letting its insides out while its head dropped next to it.

Brutal but necessary.

“Man… *huff* Look at that price *huff* b-better make a lot of armor and… *huff* sculptures of it,” he remarked proudly but with an annoyed voice. He was sweating a lot, since all the fire magic heated his body up to inhuman temperatures. The bird-like wings dissolved into flares along with all the other feathery features on his body, leaving him simply humanoid once more. “Shit, it’s hot… C-Coda, please,” he begged his birdy companion, in which Coda landed next to him and waved her wings at him to provide a cold breeze. “… N-Not enough.”

“… W-Where’d that serpent even come from? It must have a cave underneath the surface; I think I saw it before, it ate a whole badger’s nest…”


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:53 am


WORDS: 673 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

Water probably isn’t the best weapon against something that lives in it… The attack of her second shark seeming to at least inflict enough hurt on the monster in order to leave it wounded and wheezy, despite the success that her magic saw, Miss Serena couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed by the results. Not exactly the bloodthirsty sort per se but in a fight for survival every attack counting, it was disappointing for the young mage to see that her techniques failed to fell a beast like this, and thought she might need to step up her game a little in order to overcome the shortcoming she saw in her technique.
I haven’t perfected it yet, but it might be enough to drive the snake away from us for the time being… Clapping her hands together as she drew upon an even greater reserve of her mana than she had done for the snake and took a long, deep breath, in an effort to beast the beast before her Sofia prepared her strongest spell; Seething Scylla. A rather potent release of her magic that would likely be all the more powerful given her setting, the Valerican Vixen had held back on the technique because she was still taming it, having a little trouble summoning the wild force it needed on occasion but hoping in this pinch moment she might just have a little bit of luck on her side. However, she did not need it.

Rearing her head back and then gasping as something bright struck her target and seemed to rend the creature in two, the eyes of the enchantress widened as she saw that her attack was not needed as the snake was cut apart like a sapling facing the axe of an experienced woodman. Head of their enemy falling to the ground as blood and other sorts of things spurted from the stump where it had just been, though Miss Serena had been fighting for her life only a moment before against this serpent, the image of it being killed in such a brutal fashion sent a chill from her body, and then she received a second one when she realized just who the blow had come from.
“That was… That was you?” Blinking in disbelief as she realized that the fatal blow had been sent from the lad who only minutes before she had been teasing, though she was not usually the fearful sort the show of strength that was demonstrated by Daiko gave just a hint of fear to the feisty young femme, wiping away that playfulness as she found herself intimidated by both his prowess and the ruthlessness with which he had attacked.

“Did you really need to? Surely we could have driven it away?”
A pang of anxiety striking out from her heart as she realized just what this lad could do with his magic and also finding she was trembling just a little because suddenly it felt like she couldn’t trust him as much as she had before, for all the worldliness that she showed, Sofia was still somewhat naïve in her way. Raised in a palace, away from the harsh realities of life, her upbringing and idealistic attitude meant that the foreign fox carried a concealed innocence because of this subtle inexperience.

“Did we really have to kill that thing?” Shaking her head as she looked from the lifeless body that they had bested and then to the boy who had delivered the fatal strike, all of a sudden Miss Serena felt far more affected by the shock of the serpent’s death than she had been by the brush with fatality that she had suffered herself.
“It... Seems a shame, a waste of life...” Oddly empathizing with the creature that had been felled and hugging her arms around herself as she stood on the bank, all that the mermaid could do was shiver and wish that things had ended differently, showing a softness in her heart that many might not have expected given how she usually carried herself…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] SofiaSerana

#21Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed May 01, 2019 10:22 am

Daiko Flayme
Daiko had approached the dead serpent and inspected its fresh, dead corpse. Those scales could be cut off nicely without having any marks or cracked pieces off of it, but a good chunk of the beast was likely only usable as food. Only now had he looked over at Sofia, noticing her shocked expression and realizing… that he might have overdone it.

This felt bad. What if she wasn’t used to killing animals? Maybe he scared her, but he didn’t want to frighten her with such a display! As she asked almost disbelievingly if it was him who dealt the head-cutter, the Fire Mage stuttered: “Y-Y… Yes…” He had given it quite a chunk of effort and magic into that spell, so its head falling off was an expected outcome, but… she did ask him if there was no other way. And maybe there was.

“You were almost eaten alive by it, Sofia…” With that, he did point out his familiarity for such bloody events, but he had crawled out of many life-threatening situations by not sparing the enemy’s life. And all of his enemies up until now weren’t regretting, lost friends of his past or anything if they weren’t just wild predators of the forests, deserts, oceans and mountains. Adding his magic’s very nature on top of that, the outcome was obvious.

She… she wasn’t used to this at all, was she? Daiko could clearly see her contour shake, she was anxious. Upon kneeling down in front of the serpent’s body, he spoke: “I will not let the serpent be any waste at all. It doesn’t deserve to lay here and rot when its life guaranteed it very few things… such as preying on other creatures and getting preyed on by the likes of me.” A blowtorch-like effect emitted from his fingertips as he grabbed the fire dagger that he conjured, using it to cut off the large scales, “I know how you feel… you’re not the only one who questioned my hunter’s life. But there are many serpents like this one - I met one in Hargeon, too… b-but I guess that doesn’t help… I-I mean, it’s not even supposed to live in a lake, it’s a saltwater creature-” With that realization of ‘nah, there are many like this one, it’s not important or anything’ mid speaking, his voice lowered a little in a slight shame. “… H-Huh?”

At the corner of his eyes, whole five mini serpents had their eyes poking up on the water’s surface. Two, four, six, eight… ten eyes looking at him in curiosity. “Y-You see those too?” he asked Sofia, given that their eyes were the only things sticking up the water’s surface plus their deep-blue scales camouflaging them nicely in the mirror, “S-Shit… it- I mean… s-she had children? I just… I… *shaking head* no, no, no, this is bad, this is really bad.” He was starting to panic for a couple reasons:

1. His past related through those small children’s event at the very moment.
2. They had no mother to take care of them (assuming that serpentine lizards got help from their parents at all ala the sad case for sharks)

The ‘pups’ or whatever they were called did approach Sofia too, although in a much more tamed and oddly ‘adorable’ fashion. They weren’t even phased by the look of their own mother torn apart by Daiko’s magical blade, but paid much more attention to the blue-haired maiden.


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed May 01, 2019 1:23 pm


WORDS: 899 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

He… I…? Looking into the eyes of the boy she was with and quickly being reminded of the fact that she was standing with a person who looked so young an innocent, almost immediately after spitting at him because of her shock Miss Serena felt a great sense of shame for what she had said, realizing she had just snapped at someone who had for all intents and purposes saved her life. Not only that there sense of surprise and shame that was apparently in his gaze telling the girl that despite the momentary feeling of fear that she had felt toward Daiko that he was nothing like the monster they had just battled, as the lad seemed to panic and try to explain why he had done what he had done the sapphire siren knew that she didn’t really need convincing of any of those facts. He was right, she had just been startled and scared and lashed out at him because of that.
“Sorry, sorry… I know you were fighting to save me, I should thank you…” Letting out a long sigh and shaking her head as her cheeks flooded with colour as she felt far more shame at the response she had given her saviour than she ever would even if she was standing her without a stitch to cover herself, as the lad rambled away Sofia shrugged and ran her hand back through her hair, missing the sight of the serpents swimming through the lake entirely as she found herself wholly concerned by issues of humanity.
“I probably was a bit in over my head there really, I mean maybe I could have taken it but…” There not even a hint of naughtiness in her tone either as she tried to be as sincere as possible, while in ordinary circumstances the nymph might have tried to make a naughty little joke this time even she saw how inappropriate that would be and instead found herself feeling awkward. At least until Daiko brought up a tasty little distraction for them both.
“Those...?” Blinking in surprise and confusion as the lad seemed to try and draw her attention toward something that she did not really know to look for, while the sharp eyes of a hunter might have picked up the shapes of little baby snake’s poking out of the surface immediately, it took several seconds of confused gaping for Miss Serena to really realize what she was looking for. Though the moment she did, she practically jumped in the air in her shock.

“L-Little ones?!” The blue gaze of the beauty finally settling on the innocent little faces that poked out from the deep, for a second or two the vixen found herself confused before she jolted in recognition from what she could see. The scales of these tiny little serpents perhaps a little cleaner and crisper than those of the ones that the one who had attacked them had worn and their eyes definitely a lot larger, all the same it did not take even this amateur snake spotter long to realize the common factors between the two specimens despite their difference in size and all too soon she was feeling a whole lot more guilt for what she had done than ever before.
Oh no no no, don’t make me kill the babies too! All of a sudden the those tiny little things that looked like threads or shoelaces next to the body of the presumably fully grown example of whatever this snaky species was named lurching toward her, Sofia braced at the realization that they were looking to swamp her and Daiko in what she initially assumed was some act of wrath or hunting instinct, but despite her fright made no effort to defend herself. Instead simply freezing as she found herself a little overwhelmed at the realization that she might have just played a part in killing a parent, the mermaid could only think of how she would feel if her mother had been killed and found herself unable to move because of that, though the image did not exactly make her feel suicidal or something of the sort it subdued her all the same and allowed her ‘attackers’ to have their way with her. It was lucky then that they were actually just as adorable in the actions as they looked.

“W-Wait, heeheehee, that tickles!” The little blighters seeming to lurch for her and wrap their long, smooth bodies around her legs as she was paralysed by panic and guilt, all too quickly they had spun their way up the long legs of Miss Serena around wrapped their bodies around her torso, a pair of them seeming to stuff their heads into each of her armpits while another far more ambitious individual buried its head in the snug little spot between her breasts.

“Heeeheehee, cheeky devil aren’t ya?” This behaviour so cute and endearing that the girl couldn’t stay mad at the creatures for the liberties they took with her one bit, as the bodies writhed across her the sapphire siren found her charm crossing even the barriers of species as they snuggled up with her for the warmth she provided, not exactly understanding why critters who were born of a creature they had killed would be so friendly but at the same time not minding that fact one little bit…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#23Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed May 08, 2019 7:36 am

Daiko Flayme
Ah, she really was just startled. That meant that she didn’t mean to softly rebuke his actions earlier… or well… anything could’ve happened. He was just glad that she was safe and not lacking any limbs. But mere moments after that stressful, tragic death-battle, something much unexpected came at hand. It seemed that the large serpent had younglings with her in the small lake - relatively small for one her size, that was - and the small, blue snakes were aiming right for Sofia… oh god no, were they really out for revenge?! Maybe they were… Daiko wasn’t that big of an animal expert, so maybe there were serpent species that acted a lot like mammals and mourned over the losses of their parents.

… They didn’t appear to try to kill her. In fact, they showed a sentient childishness in their behaviors as they surrounded Sofia and aimed for all her warm spots. Reptiles did like warm areas, because they couldn’t produce heat enough on their own - cold-blooded, they were called - so it kind of did make sense that they stuffed themselves on her skin so closely. They looked to have a lot of fun…

Daiko wouldn’t kill young creatures if they had chances to live long, prosperous lives. Maybe he would have to hunt them down someday if it was to happen, or maybe he would never need to threaten them again. It all did depend on the actions and encounters between man and dragon-snake- which, by the way, reminded him that they weren’t even supposed to live out here! They needed bigger areas; the lake albeit large in a human’s eyes was far too small for an active apex predator of the sea. Imagine a shark living here, and you would understand.

He walked closer to the bunch and inspected them closely. They were… quite scary to look at. He didn’t feel as comfortable around them as Sofia did, but their eyes were large and cute. It was a mixture of innocence and a scent of bestiality in serpents that always got on Daiko’s nerves. But at the very least, they weren’t dragon-sized… yet.

“They must like how warm you are…” he commented on the scene, “It’d be a problem for all of them to grow up in this small lake. They’d need a bigger one… if they are to grow as big as their dear mother.” He compassioned the use of ‘dear’ to refer to their mother, for the episode made him remember his own. She would want the small serpents to live and grow up and control the ecosystem too.


The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Wed May 08, 2019 2:44 pm


WORDS: 637 | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

They’re soft, and pretty cute too~ Humming as she lifted a finger or two up and began to gently pet the head of the enterprising individual who had found its way to the position of power between the twin peaks of pleasure that she possessed, though for one reason or another Sofia had expected these baby serpents to be slimy or unpleasant to the touch she was surprised to discover they actually felt smooth and silky. Not exactly the type who was particularly creeped out either by the looks or position of the animals as they swarmed and squirmed around her body, though this was the first experience that the foreign fox had with snakes in such a compromising position, she was no stranger to them.
“Heeheeheeheehee, they’re really sweet, aren’t they?” Far more of a tomboy than she seemed to be, especially in younger years, she found not even an ounce of disgust as she played with the infants and giggled, finding herself smitten with the boldest of her trio especially. Largely oblivious to the concerns that were running through the mind of the young man nearby as she doted on her new friends, though Miss Serena still felt no shortage of shame for having killed the mother of these poor little creatures she couldn’t help but be charmed by them, the babies ironically providing the perfect distraction for the mermaid from the ill feeling she had as she hummed and began to pet all three in turn.
“Well, it isn’t the first time that my hotness has transfixed other people, I’m used to it~” Smirking at the explanation that was offered by Daiko for the sense of attraction that the widdle snakes felt toward her and unable to resist making a joke about it, with a flick of her hair and lash flutter set to maximum the vixen sent a stare full of smoulder straight at her human friend for a second or two in order to play up her joke before beginning to giggle as once again the serpents tickled her. It rather hard to maintain a seriously sensual attitude when one was swamped with wrigglers like these, though it wasted her humour a little to not have a chance to see the way her deed might make the lad blush, she couldn’t help but snicker all the same as she cuddled her adoptive offspring and purred gently.
“Heheheheh, you know, I doubt even critters as cute as these will survive long without someone looking after them either?” Nodding at the direction in which Daiko seemed to take their conversation and realizing all too quickly the fate of these fantastic creatures should they be peeled off her form and left to their own devices, with a gentle sigh Sofia lifted the heads of each of these new friends and looked into their big innocent eyes, feeling a well of sympathy for them that seemed to bring her into a state of greater sobriety as a result.

“Looks like we can’t just leave them here, can we?” The tone of the girl growing softer and yet more serious as well as she looked at her little friends and took a few steps to lead herself away from the water, even though a littler of babies was not something that the girl had expected to find on her day out today, she knew she couldn’t simply turn her back on them. A grim end awaiting these youngsters should they abandon them and the burden of responsibility falling on the pair’s shoulders after what they had been forced to do to their mama, though the nymph did not know how well she would be able to look after a clutch of snakelets given the drifting lifestyle she led she did know that she couldn’t abandon them either…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] TDL1IUK

#25Daiko Flayme 

The Shape of Fire Is A Thing Too [Sofia] Empty Sun May 19, 2019 11:49 am

Daiko Flayme
They really were sweet, though… to think that some lizards looked so cute as cubs. Although, Daiko knew that they would grow up into huge predators. He was likely up for a surprise with this lot. He could only relate to Coda’s years as a small, chipping chicken who spent most of her days on top of Daiko’s head while he fed her all the worms that he could find. To think that the helpless creature would grow up to this strong, majestic raptor was probably how it was gonna feel when these guys were to grow up too.

Oh no. Another red wave crossed Daiko’s face as he witnessed just how fond they were of Sofia. They never seemed to want to let go of her - especially the bold one - and as adorable and *cough* provocative that was, it would probably turn out to be a problem later on. They should hurry up and bring them to the lake further down south, but Sofia did mention that these miniature dragon cubs perhaps needed someone to watch over them. After the death of their mother, they… they… but couldn’t they take care of themselves? Daiko had to seriously consider what Sofia meant, because he had an idea of what she wanted…

“… I see,” he spoke to her as she was moving away from the water, his voice not rebuking of her idea, but softening, “… C-Change of plans, then. There’s a pool at my guild in Orchidia - you know, at Lamia Scale. I can take care of them until they grow too big to stay… and if you want to, I can teach you how to take care of one. It’s a huge responsibility, and I have lots of experience in the field.” He tried his best to sound rather professional, but his face was still flaming up. Something about this situation just frustrated him, but he couldn't put his finger on it...

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