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The Seed [Vali]

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#1Vali Onfroy † 

The Seed [Vali] Empty Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:38 pm


'Vali Onfroy, the Viking King". It had a certain ring to it, the Jarl thought. He was still in awe that the gods had deemed him worthy of such a title. Alas, there was never a doubt in his mind that he was favored by the very gods he believed in. At moments like these, it felt as if every single one of them loved him. However, despite his gifted abilities, he still hadn't surpassed his own limits. He was getting stronger every day but he had totally ignored increasing the raw power of his magic. Later, he'd have to find time to take care of that but for now, the Seven-foot Titan would silently roam the streets of crocus in the dead of night.

Later this day the King would be hosting a ball in the Grand Cathedral so this was the only opportunity Vali had to really learn about the place. Of course, he stuck out like a sore thumb but with his attire, he definitely looked like a regular Fiorian. His armor was underneath his loose-fitting sweater and sweatpants while a cheap baseball cap sat on his head. Rune Knights were patrolling almost everywhere but most of them were hardly paying attention. Imagine how useless they must feel in the capital now.

#2Vali Onfroy † 

The Seed [Vali] Empty Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:39 pm


Vali didn't notice any Holy Knights out though and all of his senses were in tune. The Viking King scanned every corner of every street he walked on. He was right in the heart of his enemy. He was here... but could do nothing- at least not alone. Soon though he would see this city fall, just like the rest of this country. As the Desiertan Lord strolled casually, he continued to pick up on a scent from behind him. It had been the same scent following him for a while now and he could no longer ignore it. Stopping dead in his tracks, he stared into the distance ahead.

The castle was just blocks away but now he could not even get that far. Somebody was watching him. Are they onto me? he thought. With his hands tucked in his pockets, he sighed. "I know that you are there, no need to hide." Vali slowly turned around to face the side of the town he was walking from. A being suddenly began to emerge from what seemed like nothing and there stood a lean woman with a wrap over her face. The only thing revealed to Vali was her eyes. Sharp, strong, glorious. She was definitely not a murderer though.

#3Vali Onfroy † 

The Seed [Vali] Empty Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:09 pm


"Well? What are you stalking me for?" He asked coldly. His hands remained in his pockets. Not an ounce of fear was felt in his heart. As usual, the young lord was confident enough to know that she alone would not complete her goal if it involved beating him. The girl didn't respond. Instead, she simply dashed forward. She was actually quite fast, but even so, she wasn't faster than Vali. For he took pride in the speed he had worked so hard to build. When the mysterious girl approached in a second, she swung her right arm. She held a very strange dagger in her hand and if Val hadn't weaved in in time, her thin obsidian blade would have sliced his neck. The girl didn't stop there though. She continued to throw blow after blow, each one missing easily. As the two of them studied each other's movements, the Jarl couldn't help but notice that she was completely silent. Finally, Vali grabbed her wrist and tossed her towards the wall. The girl flew but instead of crashing she flipped and her feet landed directly onto the wall.

"There is no honor in killing a little girl, so Just tell me-" But she would hear nothing. Three needles flew from her hand before the Titan could finish. Either she was eager to die, or she took this task very serious. The needles were quick and so without thinking too much on it, Vali lifted his arms in an 'X' shape to block. The needles completely missed him, landing around him. She missed on purpose... he thought. When he looked up at the girl again she had crossed both her arms. At the same exact moment, each needle released a thing string that began to wrap around Vali's body. Then, each needle tightened, digging into his skin. The pain was bearable but when he tried to stretch out of the strings, they only tightened. Now the Jarl was becoming frustrated. It was his fault for underestimating her, and now her death would be her fault.

From a few blocks in front of him, Vali could hear the voices of knights coming his way. Quickly he turned away from the girl and began running. Once the girl saw, she used her invisibility technique and followed him. A fight couldn't take place right here- not in the middle of the town, and so the Viking Lord would make his way to the forest. The strings had been holding his upper body together but when he could unleash his power, he would kill her and bathe in her blood; that was how he was feeling.

- EXIT -

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