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Conman Coward [Quest | Nero]

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Conman Coward [Quest | Nero] Empty Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:29 am

Nero had recently been tasked with finding a conman by the name of Kyle, a person the bartender of his favorite inn was in dire need of finding. Batra the Bartender had filled Nero in on the specifics of what the man looked like and went to convince him to return the money he had cheated from quite a few of the patrons at the inn. It seemed like so many people being scammed was not only hurting business for the inn but hurting Batra's reputation as someone who was known to be on the up and up. Needless to say Nero wasn't a fan of the conman, to begin with, but damaging the reputation of a dear friend agitated him even more.

It wasn't long before Nero found Kyle, hanging out in the backstreets of Crocus, his pompous attitude giving him away in an instant. Nero gritted his teeth lightly as he approached him, faint bloodlust radiating from his body. Normally an approach like this would be a bit excessive, but with someone on the darker side of things, Nero knew he couldn't simply ask him nicely to return the money. Thankfully the intimidation went well and fairly quickly Nero was on his way back to the inn to report back to Batra. However, things didn't go as smoothly as planned.

"That fucking tapeworm..." Nero said while grinding his teeth, fists clenched as his bloodlust oozed from his body. He didn't expect to be conned by a conman, especially one he had just threatened. It seemed like this toadfish took him for a joke? That was all well and fine then with him. Nero proceeded to release his mana into the surrounding air, reaching out like tendrils to survey the area around him and increase his perception throughout Crocus.

Nero's Statistics:

Conman Coward [Quest | Nero] Empty Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:35 am

While Nero could no longer use magic, it didn't mean he had lost the feeling of mana entirely. Very easily could he manipulate it to his will to allow him to achieve beyond normal feats. But the concentration necessary didn't make its use combat viable at the very least. It wasn't long before Nero picked up on the man's presence, it seemed like he was stealthily trying to leave Crocus, knowing full well that he had kicked a sleeping wolf.

With a slight snort, Nero pushed off the ground leaping up onto the roof of the building in front of him, dashing across the streets of Crocus from above. Before Kyle could even hear the sound of footsteps Nero's breath was on the back of his neck as he uttered a low growl from his throat, sounding somewhat feral. Maybe it was due to a sixth sense, or purely by luck but Kyle immediately turned and noticed Nero so close to him and lashed out in fright while still attempting to run away.

His actions, however, were in vain, and even with a knife in hand, Kyle found him being thrown around on the Crocus streets as Nero relieved his pent up aggression without concern for those around him. He quickly pummeled the man into submission when he tried to resist and before he knew it Kyle was unconscious. Nero scoffed as he grabbed the man by the back of his neck like a dog, gripping it tightly so he wouldn't even consider trying to run away again.

Thankfully his unconscious state persisted all the way back to the inn where Nero gladly handed the scumbag, Kyle, over to Batra. Batra was a bit surprised to see how beat and bruised Kyle was but was understanding nonetheless and happy to give Nero his due reward. With a smile and some chit chat, Nero happily left the inn, off to pursue his next quest.

Nero's Statistics:

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