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Teijo's Fall

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#1Xandra Queen † 

Teijo's Fall Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:19 pm

Xandra Queen †

Kinji Ichihara

Name: Kinji Ichara

Role: Kinji Ichira, also known as the Serpent's Glare, protects the guild through his schemes. He might seem scrawny, but his tactics are only second to Danno, the Serpent King, allowing him to serve as his advisor. Kinji lost his whole family in a fire but always understood that the causes were not natural. Danno didn't need to convince him to become a member of the Silent Serpents. Instead, while completing the same objective, Danno beat Kinji in a battle of wits. Thus, Kinji decided to follow Danno to ensure things would change for the future generation.


Teijo's Fall - Crimson Quarter (1500 Words): Kinji has been tasked with taking down Teijo and his prostitution circle. Teijo is known for targetting widows struggling for income and promises them great offers for reasonable jobs. In the end, Teijo turns it around and forces them to become a pawn for his circle. Kinji's mother suffered the same faith, thus Kinji cannot accept such behavior.

  • Someone from Daeva Eye must stand outside the warehouse and give a signal when fifteen of Teijo's men have departed.

  • Enter the warehouse with Kinji and take down the remaining thirty crooks serving Teijo while making your way towards Teijo's office.

  • Defeat Teijo together with Kinji.

  • Teijo is incredibly strong. Magic doesn't work on him because his mask can null it.

  • Meet up with Kinji outside the warehouse and confirm that the task has been completed. Kinji will leave after thanking you for your efforts.

Teijo's Fall Sig10
#2Xandra Queen † 

Teijo's Fall Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:27 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 300
Total WC: 300/1500

Hosenka is a city that always radiates beauty. With it's vibrant colors and aesthetically pleasing infrastructure, it can easily be a place that serves as every tourist's ideal vacation spot. However, the prettier the rose, the sharper it's thorns. At least that's what she had learned after a while of staying within the ideally beautiful place. It was swarming with tourists on the surface who walk along the pretty illuminated streets, wafting the scent of the beautiful cherry blossoms. But inside the deeper allies where the street lights don't reach, the insects and rodents swarm. Perhaps this city was really in need of a clean-up.

Xandra walked down the aesthetic street which was lined with large and bulky trees that let the cherry blossom petals fall out from it's branches. It was almost like it was creating a path for her. Tucking the strands of hair behind her ear, the enchantress couldn't help but smile at the sheer beauty before her. The gentle wind tugged at the pale white dress she adorned. It was a v-line which exposed her collarbone as well as her pale neck. The sleeves opened as they got further away from her shoulder, stopping right before her elbows.

Her feet were adorned with a pair of white sandals with a line of flowers on the hem, leaving her feet with plenty of air to caress them which also securing her footing. Perhaps staying in the city for a long amount of time had affected her. Her outfits were beginning to match her the scenery around her but it was okay because it didn't hurt to feel pretty sometimes. However, that was not the reason why she was there. Her guild had plans to take over this city but claiming a dirty land wasn't all that appealing to them.
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Teijo's Fall Sig10
#3Xandra Queen † 

Teijo's Fall Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:27 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 304
Total WC: 604/1500

It didn't them long to devise a plan, one that wasn't complicated at all. Contrarily, it was far too simple. It consisted of two steps only; invade and attack. Her eyebrows knitted into a frown at the words of the supposed brains of this yakuza group. What seemed worse was that he suggested that the two go, alone. She wasn't sure if he had undermined their enemies or simply overestimated their own abilities. At her unsure expression, he smirked, going as far as saying that handling them wouldn't be a big deal for them. "It better not be", she replied with a sigh escaping.

Before she had a chance to question further, he went off ahead, throwing an outfit at her. It was a pair of dark shirt and pants to allow them to blend into the darkness. She simply changed into it and so did he, indicating that they were now ready to go. Her job was rather simple. All she had to do was hide and attack; and indeed, that's what she did. Once they reached the outside of the building in which Teijo reportedly runs his prostitution circle. she got into position. It was a warehouse with several crates covering ground.

The Bellan hid behind one of the crates and spies on the entrance of the door. Kinji had told her that there would be approximately forty-five men in the warehouse right now, fifteen of whom would have to leave in order to go collect girls. The same women whom she had been a part of when she worked with the police force of Hosenka to gather intel on them. She watched as the darkness settled into the night and eventually, the fifteen men left. She was slightly impressed by the accuracy of the information that kinji and his group possessed.
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Teijo's Fall Sig10
#4Xandra Queen † 

Teijo's Fall Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:29 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 330
Total WC: 934/1500

The enchantress flicked her hand and a lace of purple gas escaped, flexibly passing through the crates and heading towards the direction where Kinji stood. It was just those two against everyone. She looked towards him and met his eyes. Nodding her head, she watched as he returned one of his own, signaling the start of this mission. She slipped past the crates and waited for his at the entrance. Pushing her back against the right side of the large wooden doors, she looked at him, who did the same at the opposite side. A smile laced her pink lips.

They stepped out, walking into the warehouse as they were noticed by the remaining thirty guards. She knew because she took a moment to count them all, "You take fifteen, I take fifteen?" He returned her question with a nod of his own, accompanied by a smirk. That was all that was needed as they launched towards their enemies. Two men came towards her, with one's fist outwards as he attempted to hit her. She ducked, grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm before kicking the back of his knee. Similarly, the other one pulled back his arm to launch for a punch.

Grabbing onto the wrist she caught, she pulled the first man in front of her, blocking the punch to her and made use of the confusion to slam the bottom of her palm into the others face. Both of them fell to the ground, one passing out while the other groaned in pain. Three more men launched towards her and she threw a few punches and kicks around. She had a surprising amount of strength and it was made use of well. But there were still too many of them remaining. She had to deal with them quick, before Teijo noticed that they were in. Moreover, if Kinji's information was right, just like it had been all alone, then magic wouldn't be very useful against the mastermind.
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Teijo's Fall Sig10
#5Xandra Queen † 

Teijo's Fall Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:36 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 318
Total WC: 1252/1500

She flicked her wrist and a ten-meters long purple whip extended from her hand. Swinging around her arm, she hit as many as she could and considering that they all came running towards her, she didn't have to move much. Her magic gave her the ability to induce fatigue aside from just cause injuries and damage. As they were hit by the whip, they began to fall down, groaning in pain as their bodies collapsed, either because the damage was too much for them or because of a drop in their endurance.

Regardless of what it was, they turned out to be far weaker than she had anticipated. Their only strength was in their numbers, which had significantly diminished with the fifteen of them who had left. She turned over, only to find Kinji also almost done with his batch. Contrary to his looks as well as the intel she had on him, he too was powerful enough to defeat them alone. Once he was done, he looked towards her. "According to the layout of the building, Teijo's office should be right ahead." Before them laid a wide corridor at the end of which stood a door. It was carved with wood and adorned with golden detailing.

They walked towards it and Kinji pushed open the door. The office was large and incredibly spacious but their culprit was nowhere to be found. They walked inside and felt the door close them. As soon as they turned, she felt something come towards her. Not having enough time to jump aside or block, her instincts caved in as she raised her arms and held them strongly in front of her face with her head ducked behind them. The force of the impact sent her flying back by at least five meters. The situation was the same with Kinji, expect he seemed to have taken a stronger hit than she did.
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Teijo's Fall Sig10
#6Xandra Queen † 

Teijo's Fall Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:37 pm

Xandra Queen †

So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 403
Total WC: 1655/1500

Look up, she pulled her throbbing arms into a fighting stance as she stared at the man before them; the man they had been looking for. He was large, almost twice as big as the tall Bellan herself. An ugly red mask, resembling the face of a devil, with large horns and an eye patch resting over his eye. He was clad in an expensive suit with his black hair slicked back. For a man doing such heinous acts, he sure was dressed like a gentleman. Minus the mask, of course. That was perhaps the only part that showcased the monstrosity inside him with accuracy.

"I don't appreciate intruders in my office." As soon as he had spoke, the enchantress pressed her foot against the ground and launched towards him, aiming for his abdomen. His arms reached out to grab her wrist, clasping it within his big hands. She took that moment to quickly raise his other hand and pull off the eye-patch that rested on his eye. He threw her towards her door and as she flew, colliding her back onto the wooden door, a painful groan escaped her lips. His eye-patch was clutched within her hand. He seemed furious that she would even attempt to touch his mask. The anger was clearly seen in his exposed eye as he marched towards her. A smile laced her lips as everything was going according to plan. "Mesmerize"

A magic circle adorned her eyes, making them glow pink and once she made eye contact with him, she had him within her grasp. He stopped in his steps as the shimmering rage in his eyes faded away. "Look Teijo, we're just hear to talk." She started rambling and he listened to her, without showing any intentions to harm her, just as she had expected. It was then that his eyes rolled back and he collapsed onto the ground, on his stomach, revealing a smirking Kinji standing behind him. Protruding from his back was a syringe was a large syringe that could cause lethal harm. She didn't know what was inside and she didn't question it. All that mattered was that their plan was successfully completed. Xandra, with the help of Kinji, stood up and walked out. He said his group would take care of the rest after thanking her for her help. With a groan, she turned around and headed back to Kurisa and Leika.
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