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Bad Publicity [Solo Quest]

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#1Azure Fenic 

Bad Publicity [Solo Quest] Empty Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:55 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure woke up as normal and got ready for the day but when he went to leave his room he found a letter pinned to the door all be it the letter looked like it has seen better days but it was readable, the letter was from someone named Mitya Noran who wanted his help with a rather simple task and oh boy was it simple. Even though the task was simple it was something that gave him so many ideas Though he did question as to why he would have to meet him in person if the letter had everything that he needed to know. Before he would even think about helping this guy he was in need of some food and a ten-twenty minute break to just sit on his bed. The scholar stepped into the shower and let the hot water run over his body. Never again will I take showers for granted, he thought, slicking his hair to the side and then back. The shower took about an hour or two give or take but he was clean as a whistle and full of energy which is exactly what was needed for today’s line of work. Leaving the apartment that was not something that he really didn’t want to do but in order to get the money he needed to get the work sadly. Azure made his way out of the apartment complex and then headed to the meeting location so he could get this job started already, Should I go with plane A or just dive right into plan Q? While on the walk over he went through all the plans that he came up with to see which one would work the best for this job.

Without realizing it he had made it to the meeting location and looked for his contractor only to find them staring daggers into the sigh of the Bar just across from them Wow Azure you really know how to find the weirdest contractors, he thought holding back any laughter that he had at that moment. As his contractor went over the exact same thing that was in his note the scholar couldn’t help but think about the number of times that all this could have been solved if he just throws a Molotov after hours. Naturally, he did his best to pay attention to what was being said while also going over his plane once again. Once the appointed time had come Azure made his way over to the Lady Bar he would start off by shattering the glass on the door and windows via a few well-timed rock throws.

After chipping away at the windows the scholar made his way into the Bar and hopped over the bar to make himself something “Free Drinks for everyone!!!” he shouted tossing bottles from behind the bar. Azure then whispered to the bartenders that something was best not repeated aloud, he went on to watch the worker destroy the place with little direction from the scholar “Oh you missed a table.” he chipped in sitting on a record player. Once the place had been turned upside down the scholar went to his employer with the good news.


{Sheet / Magic}
Bad Publicity [Solo Quest] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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