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House Introductions

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#1Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:19 am

Achlys †


After some kind of discussion between Achlys and Master Getsu, Achlys decided to go through the test needed to be the official holder of the Sphere of Chordeva. From the explanation given by Master Getsu, Chordeva will only communicate to the holder of the sphere that was chosen by the previous holder, until the holder fails the test, Chordeva won’t communicate to someone else or even try to look for someone to be the new holder. So it seems like Achlys will have to do the test anyway despite her success or failure, or the sphere might stick with her forever without reaching its full potential. Master Getsu also mentioned that the test won’t be deadly and won't be capable of killing her or giving her permanent injuries, so even in the worst scenario, she might only lose her time and energy, maybe some patience during the training or maybe during the real test.




#2Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:21 am

Achlys †


When Achlys gets out of that meeting room, Mikihisa guides her back to the room from before to meet Yua. “How was the meeting?” Said Yua the instant she sees Achlys walk into the room. ”It was not that bad, Master Getsu didn’t believe me at first but I can prove it and explain it pretty well to gain his trust. Plus I’m his granddaughter, no way he didn’t feel any connection with me. But now I’ll have to stay here for sometime, I’ll have to do some training and tests to be able to use the sphere like my mom, and you’re free to stay here as a guest or you may leave if you want to. I can thank you enough for helping me get here.” Said Achlys to Yua. “It’s fine, I have got back home to my husband and kids. I’ll visit this place sometimes and see how you grow Achlys. Don’t be a stranger and talk to me, I still have some stories about your mom and she must be really proud of you.”




#3Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:22 am

Achlys †


”I really thank you for your help so far, and yes please keep visiting me here, I might go crazy because of all the training and hearing some stories about my mom might give me some relaxation somehow. Mikihisa will accompany you back home and will be helping you out if you ever need anything, now that I’m something like a princess here I can assure you that.” Yua giggles a little bit after she hears what Achlys said and looks at Mikihisa’s face. ”You make me feel used to this kind of royalty, so I guess it’s kinda your fault too Mikihisa, I feel comfortable with this now.” “Yes miss, I’ll do as you say of course.” Yua and Achlys are laughing because of Mikihisa’s response to what Achlys said and Mikihisa looks confused. ”Don’t be so serious Mikihisa, I might ask you for some help but you don’t have to keep that formality in front of me and Yua, you can relax a little bit Mikihisa I’m not that addicted to the royalty yet.” Said Achlys while she keeps laughing with Yua.




#4Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:23 am

Achlys †


“Hahahaha, okay since it’s already late, I guess I better get going now. You go take some rest Achlys, your training must be harder than what I can imagine but I believe you can go through all of that training and be like your mother, or even better. Do you mind accompanying me back home Mikihisa?” Ask Yua to Mikihisa. “Not at all, since Miss Achlys asked me to do so, and it’s late anyway, nothing good to let you go back home by yourself.” After Mikihisa agrees to accompany Yua all the way back to her home, they leave the room and say their goodbye before leaving the house of the Kyoyama Family. Achlys on the other side is guided by one of the servants to the room where she will stay during her stay at Kyoyama Family house from now on, it’s like she gets her own room here as a family member.




#5Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:24 am

Achlys †


When she arrives at the room, she sees something she didn’t expect. The room is big and even filled with a lot of royalty stuff she didn’t understand. It’s logical to think she gets treated this way since she is the granddaughter of the head of the Kyoyama Family, some kind of high position in the house. Because the night is getting late, she decided to clean herself before she’s going to sleep so she took a hot water bath to relax herself and help her get more effect from her rest because she will feel relaxed even before her sleep. After she’s done cleaning up, she heads up the bed and tries to sleep. Thanks to the relaxing warm bath she took earlier, it takes no time for her to fall asleep and get a good quality of rest that she really needed after the journey she took this whole day.




#6Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:25 am

Achlys †


She really got a good sleep until the morning came and a soft natural light from the sun went through her window and woke her up. Today, the schedule for her is to follow Mikihisa around the house and get some explanation about the rooms and their use. It’s basically a house tour, but since this house is really big, Achlys needs Mikihisa to guide her and tell her stuff. So she gets herself ready, takes a bath, cleans herself, gets dressed and when she’s ready, she opens the door of her room and gets shocked to see a servant is there waiting for her this whole time. That servant then walks away, she calls another servant and comes back with food on hand ready to serve for Achlys. Those servants tell Achlys that her breakfast is ready to serve and she can eat in her room, they then walk into the room and prepare Achlys a table to eat and they serve the food on that table.




#7Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:26 am

Achlys †


She then enjoys her breakfast, and the royalty situation she receives. ”It feels pretty good to have everything ready for you when you want it or you ask for it. I might get used to this kind of service.” Think Achlys during her time eating breakfast. But she also knows that she will have to face some hard training sooner or later and she needs to focus on that instead of this royal treatment she’s getting right now. Well, since the training has not started yet, she can enjoy this meal before she goes looking for Mikihisa and asks for the house tour. While she was enjoying her breakfast, a guy called her name and knocked on her door asking for permission to get in. That voice sounds familiar to her and she let him in. Turns out that was Mikihisa still with all of his polite and formal form of speech. ”I’ve told you that you don’t have to act that way to me, just act normal, no formality needed here, you’ve helped me alot.” Said Achlys to Mikihisa.




#8Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:26 am

Achlys †


“I understand, but I can’t do that infront of the other servants, I still have to give an example on how to act to a higher rank family member.” Said Mikihisa. ”But you’re also a Kyoyama Family member, we’re no different.” “It doesn’t work like that, you have the bloodline of the current Master puts you on a higher rank compared to me who doesn't have a direct bloodline to the current Master. Plus now you’re a candidate to be the holder of the Sphere of Chordeva which puts you in a more important position in the family. So I can just act casually with you in front of the others.” Mikihisa tries to explain the situation to Achlys but she is still not used to this so she doesn’t really care. “I’m here to check if you’re ready for the tour or not, but it seems like you’re still having your breakfast so I’ll just wait outside.” Said Mikihisa while he walks out Achlys’s room.




#9Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:27 am

Achlys †


After she is done with her breakfast, Achlys walks out her room and meets Mikihisa who was waiting for her the whole time. Now that she is ready for the tour, Mikihisa guides her around the house of the Kyoyama Family. Mikihisa guides her to take a look at all area he can cover, start from the front area, where they can welcome some guest, having some casual tea time with the guest, to the meeting room they went the day before, he also shows her a few training room available to use for some kind of training depends on the purpose the room keeper will cast a spell that can make the condition and situation seems real and also able to hold any magic in that room so the room won’t get any damage at all. Mikihisa tells Achlys that there’s 6 training he needs Achlys to try and the result will be used to decide which training is needed by Ahclys to push up the success possibilities for her to become the official holder of the Sphere of Chordeva.




#10Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:28 am

Achlys †


“There are 6 total trainings you will need to test today, meditation, spirit will, magic creativity, spell cast efficiency, mana cost efficiency, and lastly is casting stamina. All those six training test results from today will determine which training you need the most. If you can pass the test today, you don’t have to take further training on that course. But the one you fail will be part of your training in the future.” Explained Mikihisa to Achlys while he leads the way to the very first training room. In every training room, she gets the chance to take a look at other people who trained there and observe before going down and try the training herself. The first training room is where they trained about meditation, and Achlys immediately feels like the chance to observe is actually useless since no one in that training room moves a single part of their body so there’s nothing for Achlys to learn unless she goes and tries it herself.




#11Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:29 am

Achlys †


She decided to instantly get into the training area and sit down there, closing her eyes and trying to meditate. It wasn’t that hard for her because she does meditation sometimes plus the room is perfectly designed for this type of training, no sound can come through the wall and everyone in that training area is soundless and totally focused on their meditation. The only sound that can be heard here is the sound of nature, water flowing, drops from leaf, soft blows of air really suiting and calming perfect for meditation training. But, the problems that Achlys faces is the duration of her meditation. She can’t hold it that long even in a supporting environment, her focus on her breath or heartbeat just can’t be maintained any longer than this and that doesn’t meet the minimum duration for passing the test. So she failed on her first training test and that means this medication training will be parts of her future training.




#12Achlys † 

House Introductions  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:33 am

Achlys †


After the first training, they move to the next training room to try on the training test. And they keep doing one training test after another, moving from one training room to another for the whole day until Achlys gets her chance to take all six main training available at the house of the Kyoyama Family. “Let’s call it a day, it’s almost time for dinner and you’ve done your best during the training test so you should get some nice meal and some rest because your real test and real journey will actually start tomorrow. You can now go back to your room, and just like your breakfast, the meal for dinner will be served there in your room. I have to go and discuss the result of your test, by tomorrow morning I will inform you which training you need to take and which training you pass.” Mikihisa leaves Achlys after saying that and Achlys starts walking back to her room. Although with a few wrong turns Achlys finally able to get back to her room.




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