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Helping Out Tantibus [SL/Good]

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#26Brone Heavyaxe 

Helping Out Tantibus [SL/Good] - Page 2 Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:48 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone was surprised by the sudden hug from Kailani. He gently patted the elf, "Don't worry, I'm fine, lass, just might have to deal with a bit of a runny nose is all" he said in a soft voice, recalling a time when his mother had spoken softly to him during his emotional moments; he had always saw his mother as such a comforting person and thanked her for such. He realized at that moment that both Yuurei and Kailani seem closer to him like kin.

The warmth coming from the healing breeze was rejuvenating, "Ye have improved, I'm impressed" he said to Kailani, though during the tongue-lashing she gave Yuurei, Brone couldn't help but rub the back of his head embarrassingly, he wasn't use to finding himself in awkward situations and he wasn't sure what to say to Yuurei as Kailani had already began making her way back to town.

Brone was going to offer to chop the yeti's head off to bring back, but Yuurei, in a clearly upset mood, pulled out a yeti tooth and just accepted it, so the dwarf decided not to say another word. "This' going to be a quiet walk back" he sighed as he followed behind Yuurei who had followed behind Kailani. Either way, the side quest was done and now they can find out the truth.

Total Word Count: 2,570


#27Kailani Fleurn † 

Helping Out Tantibus [SL/Good] - Page 2 Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:58 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
Kailani had at least calmed down during their journey back to Tantibus, for the most part. The panic and adrenaline from the combat combined with the avalanche had finally worn off. Still, she found it completely unforgivable that the light mage would choose her over Brone, completely foolish. The wood elf was well aware of his feelings for her, but that didn't mean he should make stupid decisions because of them.

Honestly, it was all getting to be a little much. Perhaps once they were done here, she would take a small holiday. She recalled Amir mentioned Minstrel being a nice place for a visit. Or maybe she'd go explore more of Fiore. Either way, anything to just get away from everything for a while. She had been stressing out and overworking herself lately.

Upon entering the town to hand over the evidence and receive the critical information, the wind mage was still annoyed, but definitely not as moody as she had been. With several deep breaths to calm herself down, she was ready for the next stage of their investigation.

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